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Oxymoron is a figure of speech pairing two words together that are opposing and/or
contradictory. This combination of contrary words is also known as a contradiction.

 My sister and I had a friendly fight over the lipstick.

 It is considered a false truth that a broken mirror means bad luck.
 Good night, good night! Parting is such a sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow. (William Shakespeare)

The usage of words in a way to create musical effect. It can be internal rhyme or end
 Internal rhyme : a rhyme that typically occurs within the same line of poetry.
Eg : Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.

“The guests are met, the feast is set

(Here the rhyming words are met and set)

 End rhyme: occurs when two words at the end of lines rhyme.
 Eg: A word is dead
When it is said

Enjambment / Run on lines

When a sentence continues into two or more lines in a poem

Eg: “They tell them a curious story

I don’t believe ‘tis true;
And yet you may learn a lesson
If I tell the tale to you.”
(The sentence continues in the last two lines) 

Tone is a literary device that reflects the writer’s attitude toward the subject matter of a
literary work.

Eg: “…I was delighted to know that you were safe, even after the flood that occurred
two weeks ago..” (Tone of happiness)

 Tone of sadness/ melancholiness, Tone of frustration/ disappointment…etc.

Types of Narration

The way a story is written. This is known as point of view. There are three popular

1. First person narration- In this point of view, a character (typically

the protagonist) is telling the story. You'll notice a lot of "I" and "me" or "we" in first
person narrations.

Eg: “…I woke up early in the morning to get ready to go to school but then I
remembered that the school was closed…”

2. Second person narration- In this point of view, the author uses a narrator to
speak to the reader. You'll notice a lot of "you," "your," and "yours" in second person

Eg: “…You were not able to make a good decision. You were confused in that

3. Third person narration - In this point of view, an external narrator is telling

the story. You'll notice a lot of "he," "she," "it," or "they" in this form of narration.

Eg: … “He often walked to school on foot. Sometimes he came with his father. But
his mother never came to school. His interests were also different than other

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