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CENTRAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN HOMOEOPATHY Your Roll Ne SET: C Time Allowed: 02 hours. Instructions for candidates: BR a This question Booklet contains 150 questions and has 30 pages excluding cover page. Kindly check the booklet whether it is complete in all respects. If there is a deficiency, please bring it to the notice of invigilator immediately and get the Question Booklet replaced with the Booklet of appropriate Set. . The answer sheets (OMR) will be checked electronically. Therefore, follow the instructions properly as printed on the back of OMR sheet. Please darken the best response out of the given responses. Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each question. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer, even if one of the given answers happens to be correct, and there will be same penalty as for wrong answer of a question. . There will be negative marking for wrong answers and for every wrong answer, one-fourth (%4) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted. If a question is left blank, that is, no answer is marked, there will be no negative mark for that question. . Rough work, if any, may be done on the Question Booklet. 1. Set-C CASE STUDY -1 In a multi-centric observational study,.231 patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) having prostate volume > 20 mL and prostate specific antigen (PSA) <4 ng/mL were enrolled at five Institutes. Symptoms were analyzed using the American ‘Urological Association Symptom Index (AUASD). Parameters like PSA, Prostate volume, Post void residual urine, Qmax, Qavg were also analyzed. Results: The data of 187 patients out of 231 enrolled was analyzed. The non-parametric Friedman test was applied to test for significant difference in AUASI score reported over 12 months (baseline, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months). There was a statistically significant reduction in AUASI score (median change of 13 points, p= 0.0001) on completion of one year of treatment. There was a mean reduction of 2.3 ml in prostate volume. The following tables depict the changes in objective and subjective parameters. Table - 1 Difference 6% Clef the {asetine-12 mont) Diterence Parameter Moan 6) Tower | Uoper | t ovale ‘iavoneorapty | + Pvimi(ne 86) 2312) o7 30_| 20 | 15 | 0006 _~ + PRUIML(N= 184) 51088) 26 | 96 | 18 | 163] 008 Tratomaty, mileee + ama 22) 231126) sx0 | 03 | 2 | 00 avg (9222) 7849) a1 a8 [15 | ar] on SA, git (r= T08) BHO a4 _| 008 | 26 | 103 | 004 [aunmgidin=05) 1.41103) 28, 35_| 13 | [021 Serum creavine nigaLIN=O)_ 0.104) ocx | arr | 24 | 03 [oat 54 Presa spec orien, BUN. ood Uae Nope, Pv Prose vlan, PRU. Pot ve esi wine Table - 2 ‘Wan{Or te 03) Gs | Parametor | Baseline FFwonth | mont | 1A month | square | of | p-value "AUASI score aro) ze | sty | 29 [3] 04 + Mid (0-7) mee) + Mofan faatozse pEaeNT) FEES | TERED | He 3 | ao00 ~ geen | mates [Hei] fivem wwe wie) | 2366 |S | Oooo Mild 7261 18) Tae mH Bawom | eeeay | 2563 | 3 | oo00T Moderate 0.19) ‘AuaSitotalscore | 21(ioto25) | ew | wet) | wSwis | 226 [3 | aovor Please choose the most appropriate answer for each of the following questions. ‘The above research study is Multicentric Unicentric Population study Cohort study Set-C Which quantitative analytical method is used for comparison of three or more matched groups? a) Wilcoxon's rank sum test b) Wilcoxon's signed rank test ©) Friedman's test d) Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient test From the above exhibits which parameter showed statistically significance? a) PRU b). BUN c) PSA ) Qmax Prostatic carcinoma usually arises from which part of the prostate? a) Subcapsular part b) Periurethral part ©) Glandular part d) None of the above Which intensity in AUASI showed no statistical significance? a) Mild-moderate b) Moderate ©) Severe dy Mild Which m prostate”? a) Pulsatilla b) Cyclamen ©) Berberis 4) Thuja Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination is found in a) Hydrangea 6) Eryngium ©) Medorrhinum licine is given in Kent’s repertory under the rubric “festering sensation in d) Thuja For testing the statistical significance of the association between two discrete variables which test is applied? — a) test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA test d) ztest How many percent of the values will lie below first quartile (QU)? a) 0% b) 40% 25% 1) 20% 10. Set-C Ina survey of household expenditure on health, if every 4th household in each census block ‘was studied, the sampling plan is called: a) Simple random sampling Cluster sampling ©) Stratified sampling 4d) Systematic sampling CASE STUDY: 2 Based on the study: symptom prevalence in a cohort of 147 patients improved with the Homoeopathic medicine Ocimum canum: A multicenter, open, observational, clinical verification study: — — A clinical verification study was conducted to clinically verify the symptomatology of Ocimum canum by ascertaining the prevalence of symptoms. The study was conducted at 7 research institutes. As per the inclusion criteria, thé patients from all age groups, both sexes, “Eaving symptomatic similarity with Ocimum canum, and persons willing to participate were included in the study. If patient was taking any acute medicine, he/she was included in study after a washout period of 1 week] Exclusion criteria were patients unwilling to participate, patients having clinical presentation not corresponding with study medicing, patients on regular medication for ystemic illness and patients under chronic medication. The medicine was prescribed in 6C potency thrice a day till the improvement or aggravation occurred or for 5-7 days. In follow-up visits if there was any sign of improvement, then placebo was prescribed. If there was status quo, next higher potencies were prescribed in ascending order. The timeline for follow-up was defined as 2 weeks or oftener a priori in the protocol. If no change was observed even after the change of potencies also, then the case was closed and considered as a clinical failure or status quo. Clinical success was defined a priori as eases showing clinical improvement. Clinical failures were such cases showing statis quo and/or ‘worsening and deterioration of the condition, cases requiring change of medicines, Data were presented as mean, standard deviations, absolute values, percentages, and 95% confidence intervals. Results: a total of 214 patients were enrolled having symptomatology of Ocimum canum. Of these, 41 dropped out and 173 results per protocol were analyzed at the end of study. The mean age of the patients was 31.09 years (SD=16.98); 97 were females, There were clinical successes in 147 cases and failures in 26 eases. Among the 147 patients responding Well to Ocimum canum, a total of 18 different types of clinical diagnosis were obtained: respiratory tract infection was the most frequent Table |: Sociodemographic Features of the Patients, | Features tn 95% CL Gender (n=173) | male 76 365-517 | | B¥iale ” 48.3 - 63.5 ‘Age (years) 31.09 | 2264.4 _| Age (groups) £18 [ar 1177-309 19:30 59 272-417 | 31-50) 50 224-364 uM. Set-C 51-70 6.5~ 16.2 271 11=7.0 Religion (n=135) | Hindu 128 89.2-97.7 Islam 5 14-89 Christian 2 03-58 Marital status (n=124) Married 2 48.9 - 66.8, Unmarried [so 33.3-S1.1 (o=173) Table 2: List of verified symptoms of homoeopathic medicine Ocimum canum ‘Symptom prevalence Symptoms (CCRH proving) in responding 95% CI population (n=147) Headache, throbbing, right sided, age 4 Morning _ 08-73 Headache with heaviness in forehead; | " agg. Morning | 10.9-23.5 Heaviness in head; agg, Standing; ame. 5 | Rest 13-82 Sneezing with watery discharge; agg. 50 Cold; amel. Warm drinks - 26,5 - 42.3, | , 34 Sore throat, itching; agg. Cold 16.8-30.9 54 | Dry cough; agg. Morning, evening: 29.1 -45.1 | 9 Cough with yellowish expectoration _| 3.0-11.7 ‘ 21-99 Ankle swollen, painful, especially left All were exclusion criteria in study except: a) Patients unwilling to participate ') Clinical symptoms not corresponding with Ocimum canum. ©) Patient taking acute medicine after washout period €) Patient on regular medication for systemic disease Which of the following statements is true for the study? a) The timeline for follow-up was >2 weeks. b) Around 19% patients dropped out of the study ©) Maximum number of patients were in age group 31-50 d) 97% of patients were females. 13. 14, Is. 16, 17. 18. 19. Set-C The standard error of mean age of sample population was: a) 1.51 b) 123 ©) 1.29 d) 1.30 ‘Among the proving and clinical verification symptoms, the symptoms most frequently observed was: a) Cough with yellowish expectoration b) Sore throat, itching, age. Cold 9) Dry cough: agg. Moming, evening 4) Ankle swollen, painful, esp. left ‘The sample statistics w a) Mean b) Median ©) Mode ) Standard deviation h is most widely used for estimating population parameter is: The above study can be categori a) Double blind RCT b), Fundamental research study Multicenter observational study 4) Case- control study Plants of genus Ocimum belong to family: a) Liliaceae b) Aristolochiaceae ), Solanaceae gd) Lamiaceac Which of the following is a chief characteristic of Ocimum canum: a) Red sand in the urine b) Headache ceases while eating ©) Thick yellow mucoid discharges 4) Anxiety felt in the stomach 95% confidence intervals signifies that: -4) 93% probability that population parameter lies inside the stated interval b) 95% probability that population parameter lies outside the stated interval ©) 95% probability that population parameter cannot be determined from sample statistics d) 95% probability that population parameter will be a point estimate ‘The common name of Ocimum canum is: a) Tulsi b) Ram tulsi c) Brazilian alfavaca 4) Dulal tulasi 21. 2; 23. 24. 26. Set-C CASE No.3 A 35 year old lady has developed weight gain around 5 kgs in last 6 months. She also complains of feeble menstrual flow of short duration, lethargy and hair loss. On further inquiry, she told that she developed rashes of small red pimples over body which ceased with the flow. She has 2 children aged 7 and 9 years old and has no significant past history. On examination, significant findings include BP = 150/90 mmHg, Grade I firm diffuse goiter and mild hirsutism. Which of the following tests is not required in initial screening of this case? a) Thyroid function tests b) Plasma glucose fasting and PP 6 ANA @) Lipid Profile She was diagnosed as a case of hypothyroidism. Which of the following tests is not helpful in diagnosing autoimmune etiology of the disease? a) Anti TPO b) FNAC ©) Anti Thyroglobulin 4) Radioactive Iodine uptake Which of the following parameters is most likely to change the lipid profile of a hypothyroid patient not taking treatment? a) LDL levels b) HDL levels e) Total Cholesterol @) VLDL Which of the following symptoms is not commonly seen in hypothyroidism? a) Galactorrhea b) Constipation c) Angina d) Memory loss Which of the following conditions is unlikely, in case hypoth old child? = a) Short stature b) Precocious puberty ©) Delayed bone age d) Myxedema yroidism develops to her 7 year Which of the following thyroid diseases is not autoimmune in etiology? 4) Subacute thyroiditis b) Hashimoto's thyroiditis ¢) Silent thyroiditis ) Graves’ disease 28, 29. Set-C Where will you find the rubric “Goiter” in Kent’s Repertory? a) Throat 6) Throat-external c) Generalities d) Larynx and Trachea The single medicine in Kent’s repertory for ‘painful goiter during menses’ is a) lodum b) Spongia ¢) Lachesis 8) Lycopodium Medicine in Allen's keynote for the symptom ‘Menses: with rash of small red pimples over body which ceases with the flow’ is: a) Mezereum b) Graphites c) Apis mel 4) Conium mac, “Menstrual flow ceases when lying down’ is a keynote symptom of: a) Mag. carb, b) Natrum mur. ©) Cactus g, 4) Glonoinum CASE No. 4 Tn the modern management of haemophilia, 90% of expenditure is on clotting factor concentrates which are very expensive. The study was done to understand the effect of individualized homoeopethic remedies in reducing the requirement of factor concentrates in haemophilia patients. ‘The patients were treated for one year with placebo. Then in 2nd year the same patients were given individualized homoeopathic remedies. The standard medical management with physiotherapy was continued-for all the patients throughout 2 years. The outeome was ‘measured at the end of Ist and 2nd year. The study was carried out on 28 patients\ The study excluded the patients who had inhibitor or were seropositive for hepatitis or HIV] ~~ Remedies like Amica m., Hamamelis, Ledum palustre, Hypericum, and Magnesium phosphoricum were prescribed in repeated doses for stopping acute episodes of bleeding Constitutional remedies such ‘as Sulphur, Hepar sulph. , Calcarea carb., Calcarea fluor, Causticum and Lachesis were also prescribed infrequently. They showed effect on reducing the frequency and intensity of bleeding along with improvement in the quality of life. The acute medicines were selected on the basis of nature of insult, site and nature of bleeding. Out of 28 patients, 20 patients had severe Haemophilia A, 2 had severe Haemophilia _B, and 6 had moderate Haemophilia A. Bleeding episodes decreased from 203 per year in control period to 21 after homoeopathic intervention. The effect of medicine was measured by Wong Baker Pain Scale and Vineland Behaviour scale, 19 of 28 patients showed an improvement over +4 on behavioural scale. Pain scale also showed statistically significant change as p < 0.0001. The inhibitor frequency at the study centre was 16% over last 10 years. 7 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Set-C ‘The investigating team had expected 4 patients in this study developing inhibitors but none of these patients developed inhibitors during the study. EXHIBIT | Changes in frequency of bleeds, factor concentrate requirements and absenteeism due to consequences of haemophilia before and after homoeopathic treatment are presented below: Patients Bleeds / year Factor using iu/year Absenteeism in (n=28) Mean (sd) [Range] Mean (sd) [Range] days/year ‘Mean (sd) Homoeopathy 0.75(1.075)(0- 632(1077)[0-S000]** ——_4.75(8.20)[0-40]* Eid ** P< 0.001, *p < 0.0001 Haemophilia A is X — linked disease caused by A) Deficiency of factor VIII b) Deficiency of factor IX ©) Deficiency of factor I 4) Deficiency of factor X ‘The acute medicines were prescribed considering the severity site and nature of bleeding, pain or nature of the insult. Which appropriate repertorial approach would it be : a) Kentian Approach b) Knerr’s Approach cc Boger's Approach @ Boenninghausian approach In this study the ‘control’ group represents which form of control? a) Negative Control b) Historical Control ©) Parallel Control ® Self Control ‘The variable ‘absenteeism’ is calculated in days. Which type of variable it is? @) Discrete b) Ordinal ©) Continuous 4d) Qualitative This study can’t answer which of the following hypotheses ? at Effect of Homoeopathic medicines in Haemophilia B 'B) Interactions of Acute and Constitutional remedies used in treatment of Haemophilia ‘c) Effect of Placebo and Standard medicine management of Haemophilia A 4) Effect of Homoeopathic medicines in Haemophilia A 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Set-C The rubric ‘Hemophilia’ is represented in Boger’s Boenninghausen Characteristic Repertory in chapter : a) Conditions in General b)_ Sensorium ©) Skin & Exterior Body 4) Sensations & Complaints Which of the following observations is correctly derived from Exhibit 1? 8) Homoeopathic medicines have produced statistically significant difference on Bleeding episodes, Factor usage and Absenteeism in schools b) Homoeopathic medicines along with standard medicines have produced statistically significant difference on Bleeding episodes, Factor Usage and Absenteeism in schools ©) Homoeopathic medicines along with standard medicines have produced statistically significant difference only on bleeding episodes and Factor Usage ) Acute Homoeopathic medicines have produced statistically significant difference on Absenteeism in schools In this study, which of the following confounding variables might influence the result of improvement in quality of life? 2) Hepatitis b) HIV ©) Age 4) Physiotherapy The children suffering from Haemophilia are more susceptible to : a) Diabetes Mellitus type I b) HIV ©) Mental Retardation d) Hepatitis A In this study to understand the effect of Homoeopathic medicines with standard management and physiotherapy over Factor usage, which statistical test will be useful? a) SE(P1-P2) b) Unpaired t-test c) Paired t~test d) Mann Whitney's U test CASE No. 5 Methylphenidate (MPD) is a commonly prescribed drug for children and adolescent having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is believed that homoeopathic medicines are also having a role in the management of this disorder. Hence, the study was conducted to understand the effect and duration of homocopathic treatment and proportion of children responding to MPD and Homoeopathy. Oo The diagnosis of ADHD was done as per DSM IV diagnostic criteria by taking history meticulously, general and neurological examination. Conners Global Index (CGI) was calculated and those scoring 14 or higher on CGI score were included in the study. All the patients were given individualized Homoeopathic remedy in LM-3 to LM 30potency every day or alternate day (depending on the severity of symptoms). ThE first prescription was given > 9 41. 42, Set-C for 4 weeks followed by free interval of one week. Most of the children showed a reappearance of the hyperactivity after stopping the dose. Once the adequate response was received then the next higher potency of the same medicine was given. If there was no response from the first prescribed remedy then the next most similar remedy was prescribed. When the parents reported 50% overall amelioration then CGI rating scale was administered again. The patients who didn’t reach sufficient clinical improvement were shifted to MPD after re-evaluation. ‘Two weeks after the initiation of MPD treatment, the CGI score was again calculated to distinguish responders from non-responders. The final evaluation of treatment was done by the CGI score after 3 months of adjusting to the optimal dose of MPD. 86 (75%) cases responded sufficiently to homoeopathy, and 22% needed MPD. 3% didn’t respond to both the treatments. The average time needed to reach an optimal homocopathic treatment effect was 3.5 months (range 1 — 16 months). The mean duration of homoeopathic treatment in those patients who finally needed MPD was 22 months (range 4 — 62 months). In this trial, following medicines were used successfully (No. of patients in parenthesis); Lye. (12), Cale. carb. (7), Sulph. (7), Bell. (6), Caust. (6), Phos. (6), Ign. (5), Nux v. (5), Arg. n (4), Sep. (4), Lach. (3), Mere. (3), Puls. (3), Sil (3), Ars. alb. (2), Staph. (2), Agar. (1), Bar. c (1), Bry. (1), Chin, (1), Hep. sulph. (1), Hyos. (1), Nat. mur, (1) and Stram. (1). Exhibit I: Changes of CGI under treatment with homoeopathy and methylphenidate 237— i & 2 ° The correct interpretation from the Exhibit I is, as follows. a) During Homoeopathic treatment the mean CGI rating fell to/9.27°€grresponding to an amelioration of 55%, and with MPD to 10.96, corresponding to an amelioration of 48% b) During Homoeopathic treatment the mean CGI rating fell to 9.27 corresponding to an aggravation of $5%, and with MPD to 10.96, corresponding to an aggravation of 48% ©) During Homoeopathic treatment the mean CGI rating fell to 9.27 corresponding to an amelioration of 55%, and with MPD to 10.96, corresponding to an aggravation of 48% 4) Homoeopathic treatment and MPD treatment has shown fall in CGI rating which corresponds to cure In the case study, which research design the investigator has used? a) Case Control Study b) Cohort Study ©) Randomized Control Trial dy Sequence of Experiments 10 43. 44, 45. 47. 48. 49. Set-C In current research, what is the proportion of patients who responded to Lycopodium (Lyc.) in ADHD? a) 23% b) 10% ©) 14% a) 12% The rubric ‘Hyperactive, Children’ found in which chapter of Murphy's repertory? a) Legs b) Diseases ©) Generals 4) Brain Conner's Global Index is a scale a) Only to screen the ADHD children and adolescence b) Only to Diagnose the ADHD among children and adolescence ©) Ithelps in characterizing the patterns of behavior and treatment monitoring 4) Ithelps in only evaluation of treatment According'to DSM IV TR, the symptoms of ADHD must be present at what age?. a) Before 7 years b) After 7 years ©) S years onwards d) After 8 years In the present study, which of the following is a correct statement ? a) Pre— Homoeopathic treatment has not influenced the action of MPD b) The children react better to MPD due to pre - Homoeopathic treatment ¢) Pre ~ Homoeopathic treatment and counseling influenced the action of MPD d) Homoeopathic medicine influenced the increased the duration of MPD and hence it acted for longer hours. The findings favor which of the following conclusions; a) Homoeopathy is not having any role in the treatment of ADHD among children and adolescent b) Homoeopathy and MPD has curative role in treatment of ADHD among children and adolescent c) Homoeopathy has curative role in treatment of ADHD among children and adolescent 4) Homoeopathy, like MPD, has a role in treatment of ADHD among children and adolescent According to Boericke’s Materia Medica, which remedy has the symptoms ‘Restless, uneasy; great loquacity, doesn’t wish to attend to business; wants to be off somewhere all the time” a) Belladonna b), Argentum nitricum -S) Lachesis 4) Bryonia alba 11 50. Set-C Reappearance of hyperactivity symptoms in the free intervals between the homocopathic medicines ~ correlate with which of Kent’s 12 Observations: a) 4th Observation — Recovery without any aggravation whatsoever b) 12th Observation — Symptoms take the wrong direction ©) 6th Observation - Too short relief of the symptoms 4) 7th Observation ~ A full time amelioration of the symptoms, yet no special relief of the patient CASE STUDY: 6 Ferrum Phos is regularly used in case of iron deficiency anaemia, Study was conducted to verify the role of Ferrum Phos for iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy. Study included 60 patients in 2nd and 3rd trimester having mild and moderate iron deticiency anaemia (DA). The patients with complications — CCF, Preeclampsia and Eclampsia were excluded.(60 patients were randomly divided into two groups. Ina Group A Ferrum Phos 6x (FP) [2 tables tds for 1 month] along with ferrous sulphate (150mg) and folic acid (0.Smg) [IS] was given and in Group B Placebo with ferrous sulphate (150mg) and folic acid (0.5mg) [IS]was prescribed. Patients were unaware-about which medicine they were receiving but investigator knew. The investigation Hb was considered at baseline and after | month. Group Ahad 41 patients whereas Group had B 19 patients. In Group A after giving FP 6X along with IS the mean Hb level increased to 0.27 gm% ie. from 9.26 + 0.59 gm% it increased to 9.55 + 0.55. Whereas In Group B after giving placebo with IS the mean Hb level decreased to 0.23 gm% ie. from 9.09 4 0.72 it had decreased to 8.85 + 1.04. The difference group A and B was statistically significant at p value 0.0094, Cohen’s d value 0.68 shows intermediate and consistent result between Group A & B. In Group A and Group B there is change in trimester; in group A 88% females were changed to 3rd trimester at the end of study whereas, in Group B 100% female changed to 3rd trimester. The effect of FP 6x on the grades of anaemia was tested with Chi — Square test showed significant doifference at p value 0.000287. EXHIBIT [: Graph 1: Comparative Graph representing the effect of Ferrum Phosphoricum over Placebo: Effect of Ferrum Phosphoricum over placebo on Hb Levels | | | | 1 FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM + IRON SUPPLEMENT PLACEBO + IRON SUPPLEMENT NO ANAEMIA Hb INCREASED Hb DECREASED sa oe 12 51 52. 53. 54, 56. STi Set-C Which statistical test is appropriate to understand the statistical difference between Hb levels of the two groups? a) Paired t test b) Unpaired t-test ©) Ztest d) Chi-Square Test Name the type of graph given in Exhibit. a) Histogram b) Line Diagram ©) Bar Diagram 4) Proportional Bar Diagram Which of the following conclusions are correct for this the case study? a) FP 6x along with IS has shown improvement in Ho levels in spite of change in trimester b) FP 6x along with IS has shown changes in grades of anaemia in spite of change in trimester ©) Placebo along with IS has shown improvement in Hb levels in spite of change in trimester 4) FP6x along with IS is effective only in 2nd trimester In the current study which of the following research design is applied? a) Double Blind, Randomized Placebo Control Trial b) Single Blind, Randomized Self Controlled Trial ¢) Double Blind, Randomized Historical Control Trial 4) Single Blind, Randomized Placebo Control Trial Which of the following research questions cannot be answered by this study? 1. Can FP 6x sustains the 'b levels after stoppage of IS? TI. Can FP 6x along with IS statistically improve Hb level? IIL Can FP 6x along with IS clinically improve Hb level? IV. Can FP improvise the iron binding capacity and serum ferritin levels? a) Research questions I, I b) Research questions J, 11, If, IV c) Research questions 1, IV d) Research questions I, II, IV h of the following is the confounding variable in this study? Change in trimester b) Gender ©) Iron deficiency anaemia d) Malaria What is the reason for fall in the haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy especially in the second half trimester? a), Due to combined effect of P/V bleeding and exertion Due to combined effect of haemodilution and negative iron balance ¢) Due to haemodilution 4) Due to bone marrow insufficiency 13 58. 59. 60. Set-C In which chapter of Complete Repertory the rubric, ‘Anemia impaired production of red blood cells nursing mothers’ can be found ? a) Female Genitilia 'b) Blood and Circulation c) Abdomen d) Generalities If the patient is suffering from physiological iron deficiency from anaemia; classify the disease as per the Hahnemannian classification of disease ay Indisposition JB) Chronic, dynamic, miasmatic disease ©) Chronic, Adynamic, one sided disease d) Acute Sporadic disease Schiissler’s biochemic principle for treating the disease is 1). The deficiency can be rectified by administering the any mineral salts in small quantity b) ‘The deficiency can be rectified by individualised, potentized homoeopathic remedy based on nature’s law of cure ©) The deficiency can be re-established by administering the deficient mineral salts in small quantity 4) The deficiency can be re-established by administering mineral salts in large quantity CASE NO.7 Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune chronic systemic inflammatory disorder volving synovial joints in which joints became swollen, tender, warm and stiff particularly carly in the morning. Other tissues and organs may also be affected in 15-25% of individuals like diffuse inflammation in lungs, pleura, pericardium and sclera etc. It primarily causcs symmetrical involvement of small joints but larger joints are equally affected. It is a painful and disabling condition which can lead to substantial loss of mobility. The process involves inflammation of synovium (secondary to swelling of synovial cells), excess synovial fluid and development of fibrous tissue (pannus) in synovium, Synovitis leads to tethering of tissue with erosion of the joint surface causing deformity. The disease often leads to destruction of articular cartilage and fusion of joints. In Homoeopathic system of medicine more importance is given to the patient than the disease per se because the patient is sick holistically even in a localized disorder. A case in question has to be individualized as per his mental, physical, particular symptoms and the underlying miasm, When a medicine is selected on holistic basis, it strikes at the very root cause of the disease, whatsoever it may be, and brings about normaley in the sick person. The patient of Rheumatoid arthritis falls under the eategory of Psoro-sycotic miasm. The selected drug, therefore, has to take care of this aspect to effect lasting recovery. Psychosomatic theory of case analysis is also being recognized by modern medicine but their treatment is organ specific which treats the effect of disease and not the cause. Diagnostic Criteri Cases with Rheumatoid factor more than 20 IU/ml or 24 mg/dl were included in the study. 14 Set-C Exhibit no. 1 EPIDEMIOLOGY STATUS AFTER TREATMENT (Total Patients: 250) [SN___T RESPONSE INRA. FACTOR _| CASES PERCENTAGE i. Positive response 170 — 68.00% 1 (@)__| Became Normal 098 39.20% ! ©) Reduced O72 28.80% Remained As Such 062 24.80% 3. Increased Tors. 07.20% DIVISION ACCORDING TOAGE (Total Patients: 250) _ SN_[ AGE GROUP NO. OF CASES | PERCENTAGE 1. | Upto 20 years ois [0530% 2. Between 21 — 50 years 179 71.60% 3.__[Above 51 years 058 [23.20% DIVISION ACCORDING TO MARITAL STATUS (Total Patients: 250) SN_| MARITAL STATUS NO. OF CASES PERCENTAGE 1__| Married 225 [90.00% 2 | Unmarried [025 10.00% DIVISION ACCORDING TO HABITAT (Total Patients: 250) SN_] MARITAL STATUS NO. OF CASES PERCENTAGE. | Urban 175 [70.00% - (2. Rural 075 30.00 % DIVISION ACCORDING TO GENDER (Total Patients: 250) ‘SN_| MARITAL STATUS NO. OF CASES PERCENTAGE T__| Femaie 200 30.00% 2. | Male 050 20.00% GENDER WISE RESPONSE AFTER TREATMENT (Total Patients: 250) ‘SN | GENDER | CASES | PERCENTAGE | STATUS | CASES | PERCENTAGE | Positive | 133 66.50% | | “response Normal _| 082 41.00 % 2 ‘ a 1. | Female 200 80.00 % Reduced | 031 25.50% Assuch [052 | 26.00% Increased | 015 | 07.50% | Positive [37 74.00% response 3 [Normal [76 | 32.00% &. | Maes OS: [20003 Reduced | 21 42.00% | As such | 10 20.00% - Increased | 03 06.00 % 15 61. 62. 63. Set-C Exhibit No. 2 NUMBER OF PATIENTS TREATED BY CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE (Total Patients: 250) ‘SN_ | HOMOEOPATHIC DRUGS | No. OF PATIENTS _| T__| Lycopodium (2 2.__| Pulsatilla 53 3.__| Calearea earbonica 48 4.__| Natrum muriatioum a 3._| Silicea 12 6._| Arsenicum album 08 7.__| Phosphorus 06 ’8.__| Rhododendron 05 | (9. [Sulphur 04 10. | Careinosin 03 11.__| Caustiewm 02 12._| Nux vomica 2 13.) Sepia on J 14._| Staphysagria oO The overall impact of this study is encouraging and reveals that ') moeopathic drugs have definite action in reducing RF titre, Even sero-positive cases cou J be converted into sero-negative. The period varies according to individual response of the patient and stage of illness, No definite relation could be established between pathological values of RF titre and severity of the symptoms. It is seen that patients with higher titres may have less trouble as Compared to those with lower titre and vice-versa. The increase or decrease in titre may oF may not bring corresponding change in clinical symptoms. Severely il patents of Rheumatoid arthritis with deformity of joints can be given symptomatic relief, further deterioration could be checked and quality of life could be improved without inducing side effects. Rheumatoid arthritis is a) Autoimmune and inflammatory disorder b) Autoimmune and non-inflammatory disorder ¢) Autoimmune and infectious disorder 4) Infectious and inflammatory disorder Diagnostic investigation for Rheumatoid arthritis is a) Rheumatoid factor b) ASO titer ©) ANA 4) Scrum Urie Acid Along with joint tissues, Rheumatoid arthritis may affect a) Lungs b) Pleura c) Pericardium d) Allofthe above 16 64. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Set-C Most sensitive radiographic criteria for diagnosis of RA is a) Presence of osteophytes b) Bone cyst ©) Juxta articular osteoprosis 4) Reduction of joint space Which one of the following Polycrest medicines was prescribed as constitutional remedy in about 25% cases in this study a) Natrum muriaticum b) Lycopodium ©) Pulsatilla 4) Calcarea carbonica Incidence of Rheumatoid arthritis is how many times higher in females than male a) Two 8) Three ©) Four d) Five In advance stage, Rheumatoid arthritis may lead to a) Curvature in long bones ) Deformity in joints ©) Osteophytes formation 4) Bone cancer Incidence of Rheumatoid arthritis is higher in 3) Children and young adults ) Middle age ©) Oldage 4) Similar in all age groups A 30-year old lady is suffering from pain in interphalangeal joints with stiffness especially in moming and better when involved in house hold activities. She has desiré-for milk—Which one of the following medicines is most indicated: ——— a) Bryonia b) Acid benzoic ©) Rhus tox. 4) Urtica urens Rheumatoid factor is considered to be positive if titre value is more than or equal to a) 20 1U/ml or 24 mg/dl b) 24 [U/ml or 20 mg/dl ©) 40 [U/ml or 48 mg/dl 4) 301U/ml or 34 mg/dl 17 a. 15. Set-C CASE NO.8 Suppose we want to modernise the following homeopathic repertory-rubrics with prognostic factor research (PER): Symptom Tubric-size Kent- ‘estimated population rep. prevalence Headache 256. 25% Desire for compan: 58 10% Vertigo < turning in bed 12 5% Heat extremities 12 10% Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) not in Kent 1% ‘You consider the following prognostic factor study-desig ‘© Retrospective best case analysis with 20 participating colleagues © Retrospective analysis of all cases in 3 years in 5 practices © Prospective research in 10 practices during 3 years, Looking at the estimated prevalence of the symptoms and the rubric-sizes in Kent's original repertory we expect the following outcome of prospective PFR: a) About 150 medicines indicating RA in the new repertory-rubrie ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’ b) The same rubrie-size, about 250, for headache c) A larger rubrie-size for “Desire for company" 4) A larger nubric-size for ‘Heat extremities’ In prospective PFR of a common symptom like ‘Headache’ it can be expected that: a) All frequently used medicine (polychrests) will be confirmed for this symptom b) None of the polychrests will be confirmed for this symptom c) Only a few of the polychrests will be confirmed d) You cannot make any prediction about this, Retrospective best case analysis is not very useful: a) To get an indication of best suited medicines b) To estimate the prevalence of the symptom ©) To determine cut-off values for the symptom 4) To estimate feasibility of prospective research Retrospective analysis of all cases over 3 years is not very useful: a) To get an indication of best suited medicines b) To estimate the prevalence of the symptom ©) To determine cut-off values for the symptom 4) To estimate feasibility of prospective research When defining cut-off values for the symptom ‘Headache’ you do not consider: a) The precise location of headache b) The frequency of headache c) The intensity of headache 4) A validated scale like the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6TM) 18 16. 77. 28. 79, 80. Set-C For specification of the cut-off value of the symptom ‘Vertigo “Use prospective prognostic factor research with Likert scales 4) A combination of b and CASE STUDY :9 Based on one study Changes In Viral Load In Different Organs Of Japanese Encephalitis Virus- Infected Chick Embryo Under The Influence Of Belladonna 200 C. Japanese encephalitis (IE) is highly prevalent in many states of India. Belladonna 200C is widely used in the prevention and treatment of JE. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Belladonna 200C in virus replication inside different tissues using chick embryo model. The chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), brain and liver were used for assessing the viral load. One-day-old embryonated chicken eggs were incubated at 370C with 60% relative humidity. JE virus was procured and the copy number of virus inoculums was determined by ‘real time PCR. Lethal doseS0 was determined for the inoculums standardization, On twelfth day, live eggs were d four gro containing 10 eggs. Group I (infection) was challenged with JE virus inoculum (SO) through CAM route. Group II (treatment) and group III (alcohol control) eggs were inoculated with SOHT of belladonna 200C (alcoholic extract) and potentized alcohol 200C respectively : ~ 19 81. 82. 83. Set-C followed by JE virus infection after 15 minutes. In group TV (control) eggs, 50! of bovine albumin phosphate saline was used. After inoculation, eggs were incubated at 370 for 48 hrs and then were humanely killed by chilling on ice for 30 minutes. CAM and embryo were harvested from all dead eggs. Brain and liver were then studied macroscopically and collected separately for further analysis. The viral load in the samples was determined using real-time PCR. Each experiment was replicated at least thrice and experiments were blinded towards the identity of all groups. The data was represented as mean‘ standard deviation. Data was analyzed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-test. Results: group I and group IMI showed CAM with visible pock lesions and highly congested blood vessels. Severe hemorthages all over body of embryo and colliquative necrosis and blood clots in brain were found in these groups. There were significantly high viral load in the CAM tissues of infection control (P=0.0017, on tailed t test) and alcohol- treated group (P=0.0052, one tailed t test) compared to group II. Similar pattern was found in brain tissue of infection control and alcohol The study can be categorized as: ay In vivo study In vitro study ©) Clinical study d) Observational study ‘The medicine having complementary relationship with belladonna: a) Phosphorus b) Arsenicum album c) Lycopodium d) Calcarea carbonica ‘The number of control groups used in the study were: a) 1 b) 2 °3 do 20 84, 85, 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Standard deviation is a measure of a) Central tendency b) Asymmetry of data ©) Dispersion of data 4) Relationship of data Which of the groups can be considered as negative control group? a) I b) I ©) ajwW Select the correct match: Set-C ‘Type of necrosis, Disease condition Caseous necrosis ‘Acute pancreatitis Viral encephalitis Tuberculosis ololel> Systemic lupus erythematosus . b-C, c-A, dB b) aC, b-A, c-B, d-D ¢) aB,b-C,c-D,d-A d) aC, b-B,c-A,d-D Which of the following statements regarding the above study is correct: a) The study was an uncontrolled study. b) The results showed significance level > 5% ©) The control and test group had unequal frequency distribution, 4) All group received equal amount of inoculum Which of the following is not a characteristic of belladonna a) Heat without thirst b) Marked thirst during heat ©) Coldness of limbs with heat of head d) Skin dry, hot, scarlet Find the correct statement about the study is: @) Viral load in the samples was independent variable b) JE virus inoculums was the dependent variable ©) The degree of freedom between groups was 3 4) Comparative results of viral load showed significance level >1% The incorrect statement about JE virus infection is a) Infection is transmitted by an infected arthropod b) The CSF glucose level is usually normal BP incubation period is 5 to 15 days esidual neurological deficit is uncommon 21 a1 Set-C CASE STUDY :10 Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. It typically affects the iungs (pulmonary TB) but can also affect other sites (extrapulmonary ‘TB). The only licensed vaccine for prevention of TB disease is the bacilli Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine which prevents severe forms of TB in children and is widely used. There is currently no vaccine that is effective in preventing TB disease in adults, either before or after exposure to TB infection. The world health organization (WHO) publishes global TB report every year. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in the response to the epidemic, at global, regional and country levels, in the context of global commitments and strategies. The report is based primarily on data gathered by WHO in annual rounds of data collection, and databases maintained by other multilateral agencies. In 2019, data were reported by 202 countries and territories that account for more than 99% of the world’s population and estimated number of TB cases. Data from TB notification from all countries were collected for estimation of TB incidence whereas national vital registration (VR) data provided direct measure of TB mortality. Table 1 provides data of Notifications of TB, HIV-positive TB and MDR/RR-TB cases, globally and for WHO regions, 2018. Pulmonay new and relapse | - | ‘OF which Hiv New becteriologically | Extrapulmonary | positive Tota! | ard | Number | confirmed (%) | seWand relapse | new and | MDR/RR- rotified | relapse — ce relapse | TB* | 1372 Alfica 1402743 | 748 | 1.162.468 | 659% 15% 339050 | 24712, ~ 25 | ] ‘The Americas | 248138 | $49 | 198214 | 79% 15% i899 | 4759 Eastern 3% —| Mediterranean | $3761 | 379 [397565 | $3% 24% 179 | 5384 i 218 | Europe 260331 | 090 | 182950 | 66% 16% 2aosi | 48739 South-East 315 1 Asia | sacx7as | 2s | 26t1ssa | so 1% 6888 | 75964 Waem 1416 Pacific 1441363 | 729 | 1306593 | 41% 8% 15824 | 27014 | [eo | Globat z2s31i6 | 750 | s8893se | S376 15% [arrest | yer | *Maltidrug-resistant TB or Rifampicin resistant TB Most infectious patients of tuberculosis are the one: a) Patient with miliary tuberculosis, ‘b) Patient with primary pulmonary tuberculosis ©) Patients with cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis 4) Patients of pulmonary tuberculosis with pleural involvement. 22 92. 93. 94, 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Set-C ‘The statement which is true for the above data is: a) Maximum number of MDR/RR-TB were from south east Asia b) Maximum number of total notified cases were from Africa ¢) Minimum number of HIV positive new and relapse cases were from Americas 4) Minimum number of total notified cases were from Europe. Maximum number of bacteriologically confirmed new cases were from: a) Europe The Americas ©) South East Asia d) Westem Pacific Buruli ulcer is caused by: a) Mycobacterium marinum b) Mycobacterium ulcerans ©) Mycobacterium tuberculosis 4) Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex Characteristic lesion of tuberculosis verrucosa cutis is: a) Mard nodules .b) Erythema induratum ©) Thick warty plaque 4) Psoriasiform plaque Ideal stain for microscopic detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis is: a) Haematoxylin-eosin (H and E) stain b) Ziehl-Neelsen stain ©) Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain 4) Alcian blue stain Which of the following statement is correct? a) A bell- shaped histogram suggest a skewed distribution 4) A statistic is a characteristic of a population ©) Sampling error is inversely related to homogeneity of population d) Non sampling error can be calculated for a given sample design The leading cause of death from a single infectious agent is: a) HIV b* Ebola virus infection 2) Tuberculosis d) Measles Tubercular miasm was introduced by: y JH. Allen b) H.C. Allen c) T.F. Allen d) H.A. Roberts The rubric “tuberculosis a) Chest 6) Abdomen ©) Generalities 4) Larynx and trachea in Kent’s repertory is mentioned in the chapter: 23 Set-C Multiple Choice Questions 101. In Which of the following jaundice is not seen ) Thalassemia b) Hemolytic Anaemia ©) Sickle cell Anaemia ) Aplastic Anaemia 102. Due to enlargement of heart, pressure on left recurrent laryngeal nerve may cause hoarseness of voice in case of a) Mitral stenosis, b) Aortic stenosis c) Pulmonary Stenosis d) Pulmonary Regurgitation 103. Commonest carcinoma of thyroid is: a) Follicular 'b) Adenomas ¢) Medullary 4) Papillary 104, In diaphragmatic paralysis we observe a) Paradoxical breathing b) Cavernous breathing ©) Thoracic breathing 4) None of the above 105, 4th heart sound produced due to : a) Sudden closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves b) Closure of the Aortic and pulmonary valves ©) Contraction of left ventricle 4) Atrial Contraction 106. Osteoporosis is characterized by a) Decease in bone marrow by Decease in bone mass ¢) Decreased mineralization of bone €) Deformation of bones 107. In 1835, which of the following Repertory was published a) Boenninghausen’s Repertory of Antipsoric + Boenninghausen's Repertory of Medicines which are not Antipsoric ©) Berridge Repertory of eye @) Clofar Muller Systematic Alphabetic Repertory 108. In Kent's repertory, Adison’s Disease is found in which of the following a) Kidney b) Abdomen ©) Bladder 4d) Generalities 24 Set-C 109. Where will you find “Opisthotonus” in Kent’s Repertory A) Back b) Extremities ©) Chest d) Generalities 110/ “Lies with limbs abducted” is found in which section of Kent’s Repertory 7 a) Generalities b) Sleep ©) Mind d) Extremities 111. Inwhich chapter of Boenninghausen’s Repertory will you find “Amativeness” : 2°» Generalities _b) Mind c) Vertigo 4) Head 112. The most deplorable and most incurable diseases are A) Attificial Chronic Diseases b) Pseudo chronic diseases c) Acute diseases 4) Chronic diseases 113. Colic due to eating peanuts is: a) Allergy hy Hypersensitivity 9) Idiosyncracy 4) Irritability 114, The first nosode proved by Dr Hahnemann: a) Bacillinum b) Tuberculinum ©) Medorrhinum 4) Psorinum 115. Which medicine has “Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep” a) Nux mos ») Selenium ©) Hyoscyamus d) Bryonia 116. Hahnemann developed the idea of testing of action of drug substances on healthy individuals is given in which of the following aphorisms a) Aph 105 b) Aph 106 ©) Aph 107 é) Aph 108 25 Set-C 117, In very pernicious intermittent fevers attacking single persons not residing in marshy district, what should be the choice of treatment? -4) With antipsoric remedy ») With antisycotic remedy ©) With non-antipsoric remedy 4) With antipathic medicine 118. In which of the following aphorisms of 6" edition of Organon, Hahnemann advocated recourse 10 Placebo? a) Aph 96 b) Aph 280 ©) Aph 281 @, Botha. and e. 119. Paralysis of bladder in old women 1) Causticum b) Sepia ©) Baryta. carb @ “Equisetum hyemale 120. Which of the following is not a cause of chronic visual loss 7, Transient ischemic attacks 6) Cataract ©) Glaucoma 4) Macular degeneration 121. Which is not an autoimmune disease: a) Grave's disease 1) Addison’s disease cc) Pericious anaemia ) Multiple sclerosis 122. Which Hepatitis virus contains DNA a) Hepatitis A ) Hepatitis C ©) Hepatitis E 4) Hepatitis B 123, Bariym meal X ray shows “Cork Screw” appearance in »» Diffuse oesophageal spasm b) Cardiospasm ©) Hiatus hemia 4) Carcinoma oesophagus 26 124, 126. Set-C Select the wrong statement a) Thuja has sweat on uncovered parts b) Ignatia has sweat while eating ©) Apis has no sweat during intermittents 4) Silicea has garlic like offensive sweat .. Match the following with correct option A. Spongia(i) asthma from inhaling dust B, Amica (ii) asthma sailors as soon as they go ashore C. Bromium (iii) asthma from fatty degeneration of heart D. Pothos (iv) asthma , bending head backwards amel, a) AGB GiNC GDGY b) AGi) BGC Gii)D Gv) ©) AGii) B Gi) C ivy @ 4) AGiv) B Gil) C Gi) D @ Match the correet option A. Chimaphila (i) can only pass urine while listening to running water B. Pareira (ii) can only pass urine when on the knees and pressing head firmly against flooy C. Alumina (ii) can only pass urine while pressing at stool D. Lyssin (iv) can only pass urine with feet wide apart and body inclined forward a) A()B (iii) C Gi) D (iv) b) A Gi) BG) C Gili) D (iv) ©) AGii) BG) C GD @ 4) A (vB Gi) CGD @) 129, . Match the correct options A. Thuja (i) perspiration on closing eyes B. Conium (ii) perspiration on uncovered parts CC. Hepar (iii) perspiration after slightest exertion of mind or body D. Sambucus(iv) perspiration only while awake 2) AG) B Gili)C Gi)DGv) b) A(ii) B (i) C (ii) (iv) ©) AGii) B GI)C GivyD (i) 4) Aliv) B Gi) C Gi) D@ . Which drug renders the patients less susceptible to atmospheric changes and cold air a) Aconite b) Belladonna ©) Hepar sulph 4) Nux vomica Which drug is indicated after arnica in traumatic affections of ovaries a) Palladium b) Staphysagria c) Rhus tox d) Psorinum 27 130. 131 132, 133. 134, 135, Set-C The primary objective of . is to provide insights into, and understanding of, the problem confronting the researche a) Conclusive research b) Causal research c) Exploratory research @) Descriptive research One of the following is true about field experiment: a High external validity b) high internal validity ©) high internal & extemal validity d) None of the above is true Remedy for asthma from injuries, caused by lesion of spinal cord or fall on spinal cord is: a) Phosphorus b) Hypericum c) Ruta d) Satphysagria ‘The remedy for anemia, from excessive tea drinking, with accommodative asthenopia is? a) Spigelia b) Natrum Mur c) Ferrum Met d) Abies Nigra ‘When trying to move, the gait is staggering which becomes worse from smoking. Remedy is a) Gelsimium b) Plumbum Met ©) Agaricus Mus. 4) Strychnin. Undefined Headache from smelling tobacco in females who are easily offended and disturbed by slightest emotion a) Staphysagria b) Sq c) Ignit 4) Paltina . According to Dr Hahnemann “ acts most beneficially when patient suffers from chronic loose stool or diarrohea” 2 Aloess ey Phosphorus ©) Causticum ¢) Stannum 28 Set-C 137, The rubric in Kent’s repertory having only antimonium crudum listed in it: a) Sensitive, sad stories b) Remorse, trifles, about c) Grief, trifles over /d) Sentimental, diarrhea during 138. “Indian Nettle” is common name for ~~ a) Arum Triphylium b) Acalypha Indica ©) Caulophyllum yd) Amica Montana 139. ‘ASC’ of resuscitating seriously injured patients refers to ~ Airway, Breathing, Circulation b) Arousal, Breathing Coma c) Airway, Breathing Consciousness @) Activity, Breathing, Consciousness 140, Nosode derived from plant is : 2 Ustilago ») Ls c) AmbraGrisea @) Psorinum 141. Lanolin is prepared fro a) Ripe seeds of Hydrocarpus b) Wax from head of sperm whale cy Wool of sheep d) Petroleum 142. Hypersensitivity Type I reaction is present in : a) Typhoid 6) Allergy ©) Rheumatoid Arthritis 4) Multiple sclerosis 143, Fundal Height is maximum in which week of pregnancy a) 24th b) 30th 36th d) 40" 144, Highest level of progesterone is on which day after ovulation : a) 8th day b) 12th day 5 2ist day d) 25th day 29 145, 146 147. 148. 149, 150, Set-C Which is a mismatch between the endocrine hormone and its primary action a) Somatostatin- inhibits release of glucagon b). Melatonin- regulates the rate of cellular metabolism ¢) Calcitonin- lowers blood calcium levels d) Parathyroid- raises blood calcium levels In restless females, could not keep quiet in any position; must keep in motion, though walking aggravates all symptoms, crave tobacco during dysmenorrhea, remedy is: a) Ignitia b) Ruta ©) Rhus tox 4d) Tarentula could be used to display the steps or components of a process: a) Pie charts b) Pictographs ©’ Floweharts 4) Histograms A remedy for delayed / too late/ retarded menses with anemia and chi a) Pulsatilla b) Ignitia ©) Natrum Mur d) Sepia Who authored th a) Lutze ») HC Allen ©) Worcester d) H Minton “Repertory of Uterus” Anemia with great debility in individuals after loss of flui aversion to be alone OR to be touched 1) Kali carb b) Antim crud ©) Cina 4) China. 30 / vitality and who have great

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