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Walnut High School AP Chemistry Ms.

Jeri Burnside
 R
oom K-4 e-mail: (909) 594-1333 ext 34423


Textbook: CHEMISTRY & Chemical Reactivity by Kotz, Treichel, et al (AP 9th edition)
Notebook: Rigid-covered 3-ring binder for Chemistry only, with index-tab dividers
Calculator: You will need a simple scientific calculator for homework and classwork. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE
A GRAPHING CALCULATOR ON CLASS QUIZZES OR TESTS. All calculators must be cleared by Ms. Burnside
before and after each quiz or test.

1. Grading Scale (+/- on borderline): 90% and above = A; 80 - 89% = B; 70 – 79% = C; 60 – 69% = D; < 60% = F
2. Grade is based on an overall weighted percentage of points earned vs. points possible. Approximately 50% of your overall grade
will be based on your test scores; 35% on homework and labs, and 15% on the semester final exam.
3. Your lowest test score each semester will be dropped. You must have at least an 80% average on your test scores after the
lowest test is dropped in order to earn an A in the class.
4. It is expected that you will take the AP Chemistry exam in May.
5. There is no guarantee of availability of Extra Credit points in this course; however, refer to sec IV.3 below.


1. Only absences that are legally excused will qualify for missed work to be made up. This means ONLY illness or doctor / dentist
appointments that are verified by parent call or note. Field trips, vacations, DMV appointments, etc. are NOT considered
“Excused” absences. Your opportunity to make up work missed in these cases will be determined at the discretion of Ms.
Burnside. Check with her several days in advance!
2. DO NOT be absent on test days. If you absolutely positively can’t come to school on a test day, you will be given a more
difficult makeup test on the same day you return to school, during class or Tutorial. Failing to make up your missed test on the
day you return means that test will become your dropped test that semester. If you fail to make up a second test in the same
semester, that test will be scored as zero. Students who are absent for more than two test days in a semester will lose the
opportunity to make up any further tests; they will simply get a zero on any subsequent tests they miss.
3. DO NOT be absent on lab days. Labs require chemical and equipment setup that may only be available for that day. If you are
absent, you may not be able to make up the missed lab and will have to do a replacement assignment.
4. Homework that is due on the day you are absent must be presented at the beginning of the period on the day you return. You are
responsible for finding out what assignments you’ve missed while you were absent. Check the website and ask your classmates.


1. NO CHEATING. Everyone in this room is certainly intelligent enough to earn an A in this class without resorting to
cheating. If you are caught cheating, you will be given a Zero on that assessment with no opportunity to make up the missed
points; your parent and GLC will be notified; and a notation will be made in your permanent record at WHS, which could
prevent you from receiving college letters of recommendation, admission to other AP Courses, etc.
2. NO cellphones, smartphones, iPods, iPads, game consoles, graphing calculators, earbuds, or other prohibited digital
devices may be used during tests. All such devices must be powered OFF and placed off your body in a backpack or purse during
tests and quizzes. If you are found to have a phone on your person or turned on during an exam or quiz, that is cheating. Digital
devices can only be used in class for specific instructional purposes! No texting, gaming, browsing, etc. unless you receive
express permission from me.
3. If you skipped over #1 and #2 above, you’d better read this: I offer a bounty on cheaters. If any type of cheating (including
using a phone during a test) is reported to me and I catch the perpetrator(s), the person who reported it will receive 25 extra
credit homework points. He/She will, of course, remain anonymous. If you wish to report cheating and claim the bounty,
contact me as discussed in class. Your identity will remain a secret and if I catch the perp, points will be added to your score at
the end of the semester. Reporting cheating after the fact may not earn extra credit, since I must catch the cheater in the act.
4. BE ON TIME! The 7:15 start time for 1st period is not “suggested”, or “recommended” – it is REQUIRED. You were
informed of this at registration. If you cannot be here on time (either by 7:15 AM for first period or every Monday from 6-8:15
PM for 2nd period), DROP THIS CLASS NOW!
5. Be respectful of people and property, always!

By signing below I acknowledge that I understand and agree to these course expectations and policies.

Print student name:__________________________ Period: _____ Student signature: ______________________ date: __________

Print parent name: _________________________________ Parent signature: ___________________________ date: __________

Sign, detach and return this portion to Ms. Burnside.

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