Brand Building Block, 111172033

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Barson Singh Mithun

Section: B

Brand Building Blocks

Every brand can’t create brand resonance because it’s strong physiological and personal
attachment with the customers. That’s why resonance stays at the top of the brand building
block pyramid. Every brand can’t reach at the top. Brand resonance include engagement,
attachment & loyalty with the brand sometimes brand can’t achieve resonance despite having
good product quality due to lack of proper marketing practice. In a simple way resonance
represents how customers feel about the brand or how in sync they are in with the brand and
every brand can't achieve that.
“Google Pixel” resonates with me. Because I feel that I have an intense natural relationship with
the brand or I am in sync with the brand. I have an attitudinal attachment and sense of
community with “Google Pixel” besides I would like to buys Google Pixel phones frequently and
like to engage with other activities not related to purchase & consumption. Thus I feel that I have
a brand resonance with “Google Pixel”
The ways in which marketers try to make resonance with the customers:
 Salience: It represents how often customers think about the brand under different
purchase and consumption situation. It basically represents the brand identity or create
depth, breadth of brand awareness which is the first step of consumer buying behavioral
First Pepsi Ad
This is the first TV commercial ad by Pepsi. This ad says Pepsi gives more
bounce to the ounce and you will find Pepsi where the crowd gathers. This add
completely answers the question “who the brand is?” This ad creates an identity
for Pepsi that they are a soft drink brand which can be found in every party.

 Performance & Imagery: Performance represents how well the product or services
meets customer needs. Imagery represents the extrinsic properties of the product,
services or what people imagine in their mind after hearing the brand name. If those two
points are combined then it answers the question “what the brand is?” or what point of
parity and difference the brand is offering to their customers.

Pepsi Generation
This ad says about Pepsi generation which means that Pepsi is a drink of new
generation. This ad focuses on an imagery. After watching this ad we will have
an image in our mind that Pepsi is a drink for new generation.
Horlicks Ad
This ad focuses on the performance of the product. Horlicks will meet the need of
the child’s nutrition to make them taller, stronger & sharper.
 Judgement & Feelings: These two point talks about the customer’s response about the
brand whether the responses are positive or not.
Apple at work
This apple at work Ad. Represents how apple product help people to handle their work,
how they feel about the brand and their personal opinion about the brand as a whole
how they react about the brand.

 Resonance: It represents the emotional attachment and loyalty of customers with the

Audi an Avant Story

It’s an story that shows a person’s emotional attachment with the brand from his
boyhood to his old age. No matter what the person always kept his attachment
with the brand. People’s priority change day by day but the brand which
resonates people will always be attached with them.

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