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Study for the relevance of coconut shell aggregate concrete flooring tiles

Article  in  International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology · June 2017


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K. Gunasekaran G. Pennarasi
SRM Institute of Science and Technology SRM Institute of Science and Technology


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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 370–379, Article ID: IJCIET_08_06_041
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN N Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India

oconut shell flooring tiles were produced and tested as suggested in IS 1237:
1980. For comparison purposes, conventional flooring tiles were produced and tested
in parallel. Test parameters considered were flatness, perpendicularity, straightness,
water absorption
on and wet transverse strength. Totally 60 flooring tiles were produced,
30 tiles using conventional colored stone chips and 30 tiles using coconut shell as
aggregates respectively. As suggested in IS 1237: 1980, six tiles were randomly
selected and tested for each parameter studies. Test results and performance of
coconut shell flooring tiles encourages the use of coconut shell as an aggregate for the
replacement of conventional colored stone chips in flooring tiles production.
Keywords: Aggregate, Application,
Application Coconut shell, Flooring Tiles.
Cite this Article: K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards.
Study for the Relevance of Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete Flooring Tiles.
Technology, 8(6), 2017, pp. 370–379.
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 370

For sustainable building creation,
creation, concrete is an innate option because it is a companion of the
surroundings in all phase of its age since starting to end. The reasons are: materials required to
produce the concrete are easily available at any places and at any time; only minimum
duration need for preparation; it is possible to made both regular and irregular shapes; it is an
unique material which can accept mostly any material material replacement for its traditional
materials. Hence there are many researches all over the globe taking place to replace its main
constituents by the wastes generated from various sources such as domestic, industrials,
agricultural etc., [1-10].
Coconut shell
ell (CS) is one of the agricultural wastes
wastes which is using as a coarse aggregate
and made customary in the manufacturing of coconut shell aggregate concrete (CSAC) by a
researcher almost one decade back [11] and followed by many researchersarchers in the recent years
too [12-26]. Most of the research results on coconut shell used concrete were not only
encouraged to use it in the field applications,
applications, its behavior were also parallel to the traditional
concrete as well. Already a study was taken and produces a kind coconut shell concrete pipe
IJCIET/index.asp 370
K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards

as a field application. Therefore, authors were attempted another application of CSAC in to

the study on the relevance of CSAC flooring tiles.


Enough discussion about the availability of CS around the world and also in and around the
local area was made and published elsewhere [20-26]. Likewise, how to prepare the CS as an
aggregate from its raw state, almost all the necessary properties of CS such as physical,
chemical and mechanical, how to use the CS for the production of CSAC etc, were published
elsewhere [20-26]. Yet, the noteworthy properties such as water absorption and specific
gravity are refreshed here for the benefit of the people who all referring this article.
The CS used in this study had 4.00 % moisture content and absorbed 24.70 % water
absorption. Also had the specific gravity in the ranges from 1.10 to 1.25 and the apparent
specific gravity in the ranges from 1.40 to 1.55 respectively. Because of its less value of
specific gravity while compared to traditional aggregates, the concrete produced using CS in
CSAC may get in to the group of a special concrete, lightweight concrete (LWC).


3.1. Materials used and size of flooring tile
The cement used in the manufacturing of flooring tiles was Portland Pozzolana cement in
which its properties were confirmed as per IS 12269: 1987 [28]. The aggregates used in the
wearing layer of tiles were colored stone chips with bulk density of 1850 kg/m3 and specific
gravity 2.7. Quarry dust was used as a backing layer of the tiles which had the specific gravity
of 2.54. Crushed CS was allowed for completely saturated and dried in surface level before it
is added to the mixes which were used for moulding in to flooring tiles. Fig.1 illustrates the
quarry dust, colored stone chips and crushed coconut shells used in this study. Flooring tile
size was selected for this study was 300 × 300 × 25 mm [28].

Figure 1 Quarry dust, colored stone chips and crushed coconut shells

3.2. Mix Proportion

For the production of flooring tiles, the nominal mix proportion 1:3 (by volume) is selected as
per IS 1237: 1980 [27]. The same volume batched materials generally used in field practice
had been adopted in this study. For the traditional flooring tiles, to prepare the base layer
people are using a vessel like a mason bond for taking mix constituents. They used to take one
part of cement and three part of quarry dust for base layer. It was weighed and converted in to
mix ratio by weight as 1: 3.65 and the water-cement ratio used was 0.40. The same mix ratio
was also adopted in the base layer while producing the coconut shell flooring tiles as well.
Similarly, for the traditional flooring tiles, to prepare the wearing layer they used to take one
part of cement and three parts of marble chips. It was weighed and converted in to mix ratio
by weight was 1: 3.83 and here also the water-cement ratio used was 0.40. But in case of 371

Study for the Relevance of Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete Flooring Tiles

coconut shell flooring tiles it was weighed and mix ratio by weight was
wa found to be 1: 3.50
and here also the water-cement
cement ratio used was 0.40. The mix ratios adopted are presented in
Table 1 after the conversion of volume batched materials in to weigh batched.

Table 1 Volume
olume batched materials converted into weight batches
Layers Constituents Weight Mix ratio Water-cement
(kg) ratio
Traditional / conventional flooring tiles
Cement 0.940
Base layer (1st) 1: 3.65 0.40
Quarry dust 3.430
Cement 0.940
Wearing layer (2nd ) 1: 3.83 0.40
Marble chips 3.600
Coconut shell flooring tiles
Cement 0.940
Base layer (1st) 1: 3.65 0.40
Quarry dust 3.430
Cement 0.940
Wearing layer (2nd ) 1: 3.50 0.40
Coconut shell 1.266

3.5. Flooring tiles Production

Readymade moulds of required size and shape as shown in Fig.2 Fig. were used. The flooring tiles
were subjected to hydraulic pressure of not less than 14 N/mm2 [27]. To show the picture of
coconut shell flooring tiles to the readers, cement laitance were washed and illustrated in
Fig.3 and tiles placed for curing in the water tank as illustrated in Fig.4.

Figure 2 Mould used for tile production

ure 3 Illustration of coconut shell flooring tiles
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K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards

Figure 4 Both conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are under curing

As recommended in IS 1237: 1980 [27], six full size tiles were taken and tested for every test
and the average of all six tiles are reported here.

4.1. Flatness test of the tile surface

The flatness of the tile surface was tested by means of a metal ruler, whose length is not less
than the tile diagonal [Fig.5]. For testing surfaces that are concave, the ruler is placed on the
surface of the tile along one of the diagonals so that the ruler touches the tile at not less than
two points. The largest gap is measured and the test is repeated along the second diagonal.
The larger gap is the amount of concavity. For testing surfaces that are convex, the ruler is
placed on the surface of the tile along one of the diagonals so that the distances between the
ruler and the tile, at the ends of the diagonal, are equal. The largest gap is measured between
the ruler and the tile and the test is repeated along the second diagonal. The larger gap is the
amount of convexity.

Figure 5 Testing of tile for its flatness of surface

4.2. Perpendicularity Test of Tiles

One arm of a 'square', the arms of which are longer than the sides of the tile, is placed along
one of the edges of the tile, so that the corner of the' square ' touches the corner of the tile
[Fig.6]. The distance between the other arm of the ‘square' and the other edge is measured at
the end of the tile. The test is repeated such that two opposite edges shall be tested. The
largest gap between the arm of the 'square' and the edge of the tile is reported. 373

Study for the Relevance of Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete Flooring Tiles

Figure 6 Testing of tile for its perpendicularity

4.3. Straightness Test of Tiles

Two corners of the tile surface shall be connected with a fine thread alongside one of the tile
edges and the largest gap between the thread and the plane is recorded [Fig.7]. The test is
repeated alongside each of the other edges. The gap between the thread and the plane of the
tile shall not exceed 1% of the edge length.

Figure 7 Testing of tile for its straightness

4.4. Water Absorption Test of Tiles

Tiles were immersed in water for 24 h, then taken out and wiped dry. Each tile was weighed
immediately after saturation and wiped off. The tile was then oven-dried at a temperature of
65 ± 1°C for a period of 24 h [Fig.8], cooled to room temperature and reweighed.

Figure 8 Tiles placing for oven dry 374

K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards

4.5. Wet Transverse Strength Test of Tiles

The specimen was placed horizontally on two parallel steel supports, with wearing surface
upwards and its sides parallel to the supports. The load was applied by means of steel rod 12
mm diameter in which its length is longer than the tiles and placed parallel to the supports and
midway between them. The span between the supports was made as follows:
A plywood padding about 3 mm thick .and 20 mm wide was placed between the tile and
each of the supports and between the tile and the steel rod. The load was applied gradually at
a uniform rate of not exceeding 2000 N per minute, until the tile breaks.
The load P which caused the breaking of the tile was recorded. The thickness t was
determined as the average of two measurements at the location of the fracture, 50 mm from
each edge [Fig.9].

Figure 9 View of fractured tile


5.1. Weight of Tiles
The average of fresh hardened weight of coconut shell flooring tile was measured as 3.60 kg,
where as conventional tile had 3.86 kg. After 28 days curing, the weight of coconut shell
flooring tile was 4.08 kg, where as conventional tile had 4.34 kg. This shows that coconut
shell flooring tiles are light in weight as compared to conventional tiles.

5.2. Flatness Test of the Tile

The flatness test results for conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are given in Table 2.
The flatness results of conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are in accordance with the
requirements of IS 1237: 1980 [27] and also given satisfactory results.

Table 2 Flatness results of flooring tiles

Maximum concavity/convexity (mm) Requirement as
Test Specimen
Conventional tiles Coconut shell tiles per IS:1237-1980
Tile 1 0.90 1.00
Tile 2 0.75 0.85
The amount of
Tile 3 0.75 0.90
concavity and
Tile 4 0.75 0.90
convexity shall not
Tile 5 0.90 0.70
exceed 1mm.
Tile 6 0.80 0.85
Average 0.81 0.87 375

Study for the Relevance of Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete Flooring Tiles

5.3. Perpendicularity Test of Tile

The perpendicularity test results for conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are as given
in Table 3. The perpendicularity results of conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are
also in accordance with the requirements of IS 1237: 1980 and given satisfactory results [27].

Table 3 Perpendicularity results of flooring tiles

Longest gap between arm of square and edge of the
tile Requirement as per IS:1237-
Test Specimen
(%) 1980
Conventional tiles Coconut shell tiles
Tile 1 0.25 0.27
Tile 2 0.24 0.33
The longest gap between the arm
Tile 3 0.30 0.26
of C square and the edge of the
Tile 4 0.31 0.24
tile shall not exceed 2% of the
Tile 5 0.24 0.24
length of the edge.
Tile 6 0.25 0.33
Average 0.265 0.278

5.4. Straightness Test of Tiles

The straightness test results for conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are as given in
Table 4. The straightness results of conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are in
accordance with the requirements of IS 1237: 1980 and given satisfactory results [27].

Table 4 Straightness results of flooring tiles

Gap between the thread and plane of the tile
Requirement as
Test Specimen (%)
per IS:1237-1980
Conventional tiles Coconut shell tiles
Tile 1 0.08 0.12
Tile 2 0.04 0.08 The gap between
the thread and the
Tile 3 0.07 0.07
plane of the tile
Tile 4 0.07 0.12
shall not exceed
Tile 5 0.07 0.12
1% of the length
Tile 6 0.04 0.08 of the edge.
Average 0.05 0.10

5.5. Water Absorption Test of Tiles

The water absorption test results for conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are given in
Table 5. The water absorption results of conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles are in
accordance with the requirements of IS 1237: 1980 and given satisfactory results [27].

Table 5 Water absorption results of flooring tiles

Water absorption
Requirement as per
Test Specimen (% by weight)
Conventional tiles Coconut shell tiles
Tile 1 5.25 5.53
Tile 2 5.65 6.92
Tile 3 4.84 6.21 The average percentage
Tile 4 4.67 6.92 of water absorption
Tile 5 4.75 5.18 should not exceed 10%.
Tile 6 5.65 6.92
Average 5.14 6.28 376

K. Gunasekaran, G. Pennarasi, S. Soumya and N. Jefi Richards

5.6. Wet Transverse Strength Test of Tiles

The wet transverse strength test results for conventional and coconut shell tiles are as shown
in Table 10 and 11 respectively. The wet transverse strength results of conventional and
coconut shell flooring tiles are given satisfactory results and also met the requirements of IS
1237: 1980 [27].

Table 10 Wet transverse strength results of flooring tiles

Wet Transverse Strength (N/mm2) Requirement as per
Test Specimen
Conventional tiles Coconut shell tiles IS:1237-1980
Tile 1 3.00 3.00
Tile 2 3.10 2.80
The average wet
Tile 3 2.95 3.10
transverse strength should
Tile 4 3.05 3.20
not be less than3.0
Tile 5 3.10 3.20
Tile 6 3.10 2.95
Average 3.05 3.04

General purpose tiles normally used for flooring in such places where normally light loads are
taken up by the floors; such as office buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals and residential
buildings were selected for this study. Both conventional and coconut shell flooring tiles were
tested for their flatness, perpendicularity, straightness, water absorption and wet transverse
strength test in accordance with 1237: 1980. Based on the results obtained, the following
conclusions were made. Mix ratio used conventionally for the production of flooring tiles by
the manufacturer can also be used for the coconut shell flooring tiles production. Coconut
shell flooring tiles have shown good results compared with conventional flooring tiles in
dimensional properties. Coconut shell flooring tiles are good in wet transverse strength
properties as compared with conventional one. Coconut shell flooring tiles have met the
requirements of Indian Standards in all the properties and hence it can be suggested and
recommended that the coconut shell flooring tiles can be produced and implemented in field
practice. By doing this the self weight of the floor finish may get reduced and hence may lead
to economic design of floor supporting structural elements.

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