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In the initial stage when computers were invited, they started as very simple machines with a
sole purpose of storage and transfer of textual data and information. Computers functions were
only left for office work before their massive transformation to all media and information they
support nowadays. Currently, computers are very versatile and extra powerful despite their small

Beside what they traditionally were meant to support, nowadays they are very crucial tool for the
entertainment sector. They have endless uses in the entertainment industry that they have
developed fame and you cannot miss mentioning these machines whenever you talk about

Entertainment is the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment and an
event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others.

Computer started as a very simplistic machine for storing and transferring data. Most of these
files were text- based reports used in a work of environment. As technology, advanced
computers became, increasingly versatile in what they could do. With the creation of the internet
and fast processor, file sharing and entertainment became a popular use for personal computers
everywhere. Computers have endless uses in the entertainment industry by directly marketing
products to user. Computer has influenced entertainment and leisure by enhancing the different
ways in which we casually spend our time. With the use of these technologies, they ways in
which we can entertain ourselves has dramatically increased. The development of these
technologies has meant that many people stay inside, watch TV, play online games etc.
Therefore, you could say that the amount of leisure activities that people do have decreased, with
respect to the wide range of entertainment technologies.

Computers are used in a variety of areas for entertainment purposes. The technology is used for
streaming and watching videos, listening to downloads of music, playing video games and
keeping track of one's location during camping or hiking trips.

Application areas of computers in entertainment

Computers are very useful in entertainment. Following are different ways how computers are
useful in entertainment or application areas of computer in entertainment:

 Music
 Game
 Television and movie
 Art
 Sport
 Animations


Computer now have almost unlimited access to any song bay artist. Many Webster services
allow users to purchase individual tracks or albums directly to their computer. Most record labels
take advantage of this service to make up for lost revenue from illegal downloading. If users do
not wish to purchase music, they can still stream music from many website free but with
advertisement. Computer also opens a venue for many amateur musicians in the music industry
to record their own music without a professional studio. Computers also allow musicians to
create artificial instruments to record with, called MIDI instrument.

While creating music may be an art, the notion of sound is a matter of physics. Musician
frequently use computers called electronic synthesizers to store sounds, recall them from
memory to have them played, and distort them in new and unusual ways.

The use of computer technology in creating music is widespread reality today, and artists ranging
from Stevie wonder (popular music) to Herbie Hancock (jazz) to Pierre Boulez (classical music)
have accepted technology as an important force in the creation of their works.

Musician use the computer like writers use word processor, but, instead of words, they store,
edit, and cut and paste sounds. Today many musical pieces are so rich with electronically
produced sounds that it is difficult for a none pert to tell what come directly from an instrument
and what was electronically enhanced. The computer plays many other important roles in the
music industry today.
The new technology of music: with the advancement of computer-based technology, music is
being accessed and created in ways that were not seen only a few years ago. Whole catalogs of
music are available on the Internet, some for a fee but most are free. Artists can create studio
quality recordings at home with the help of digital technology and upload those songs to the
Internet. As to be expected, the recording industry has a severe distain for this advancement of
musical technology simply for fear of it disturbing the companies’ year-end bottom line. As
much as the record business would like to have the public believe that computer-based music
technology would forever ruin music, quit the opposite is true.


Just like the other forms of entertainment supported by computers, computer games are also not
left behind. There are a lot of different computer games all designed to offer unique appeals. This
is a huge plus since game creation is a whole new career by itself and some of the game lovers
can never pass a day before having a match to pass their time.

Computer games are a quickly growing market just like all other forms of video games.
However, computer games offer a very wide array of possibilities. Computers have access to
many peripheral devices such as keyboards, mouse, joysticks, controllers and more. Computer
games also are highly customizable because computers can manipulate game files. Examples of
this would be creating new levels, characters or graphic files for specific games. In fact,
computers are necessary for programming any sort of new video game.

With the recent hardware modification, graphical support and design engines are at a whole new
level nowadays games are designed with very realistic graphics to resemble real-life events,
something that any gamer will love.


At one time virtually the only way you could create an artistic image was to paint, draw, weave,
sculpt, and the like completely by your own hand.
The industrial revolution gave further rise to the so-called industrial arts, and machines such as
the Jacquard loom, which could weave under program control, appeared.

Art is something that is readily available online at any moment. Pictures, paintings, poetry and
more are just a click away. Popular browsers offer specific image search options quickly browse
through art with a single keyword. Besides general use, computer photo editing programs and
animation programs are also the sources behind most movies and professional photographs.

When photography arrived in the mid-1800s, it threatened the painters of the day, but it later
evolved into an art form of its own, with a different set of standards. Now that the computer has
arrived, there are new perceived threats to artists on all levels-but there are also great
opportunities. With a computer, images of virtually any shape can be created, colored in any of
millions of colors, enlarged, rotated, blended, combined with other images, illuminated by one or
more shadow-casting light sources, and so forth.

In addition, colors, positions, and shapes of objects can be change at electronically fast speeds to
create new images. A computer enables the artist to see a variety of images and store the most
promising of them, all in a span of time that would be impossible with only canvas and brush.

Nonetheless, painters are still far from being replaced. Like photography, computer art is
becoming an art form in its own right.


Computers and movies first met when computers became the subjects of movies. Robots were
among the earliest computer technologies to be worthy objects of moviemaking.

Then, with the 1950s, UNI VAC I, and the ominous presence of the Cold War and atomic
weapons, movies began to portray the computer as an infallible, Big-Brother type of device that
insensitive power managers would use to rule the world.

With the advancement of video card and Internet speeds, movies and streaming television are
now at the click of a mouse button. Many website services offer free-to-stream movies with the
cost of a monthly subscription fee. Some websites even offer free streaming episodes of certain
TV series with Internet commercials. With the use of newer HD televisions and computers, the
option of sending your computers video feed to a full-screen television is possible. In some
cases, users may not even need to pay for cable service or television because of all the free
available video content online.

A major emphasis in movies today, of course, is the notion that computer systems are indeed
fallible and that a human software oversight can cause some global disaster. In the last, several
years in the computers have figured prominently actual creation of movies.

For example, movies such as, ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ Would have been impossible
without computers to keep track of and integrate the numerous special effects involved. Many
scenes in that film used computers to combine live images, drawings, and dynamic electronic

Computers can also support video encoding and display, making it swift for viewers and users to
view easily any types of videos, i.e., videos of many different formats. They also can support
programs that can encode DVB-T2 and different television encoding to help you use them as
TVs. This is the huge plus because nowadays you do not have to purchase a TV set when you
have your laptop or desktop.


Among the earliest applications of computers in sports were highly simplified computerized
baseball games. Subsequently the computer would use random numbers to simulate a ballgame
and, within seconds, print out a box score. Not very interesting, perhaps, but better things were to
come. Today some very sophisticated products enable you to “participate” in sports such as
baseball, football, auto racing, and flying without ever leaving the comfort of your living room.

In the world of televised sports broadcasting, the computer has been nothing less than
impressive. Take those flashy graphics, for instance.

There are attractive screens of scores and statistics, possibly a digitized freeze-frame of tennis or
racing-car action you saw live just seconds ago, and fully animated, cartoonish sequences of
fantasy flights over a basketball court or football field. The fast-paced world of computer
graphics and animation has made all of the possible. Combine applications with electronic
scoreboards, computer-controlled ticketing, and all the other computerized activities performed
by any profit- making enterprise and you have one very impressive array of computing power in
the sports industry today.


In earlier days, bugs and bunny, the roadrunner, were laboriously hand drawn in the hundreds of
the thousands of frame needed for each cartoon but now computers are doing much of the
repetitions work. Animation methods are now commonly used in making motion pictures, music
videos and television shows, etc. Computer Aided Design (CAD): One of the best applications of
computer animation is Computer Aided Design and is generally referred to as CAD. One of the
earlier applications of CAD was automobile designing.

Advantage and dis advantage of computers in entertainment

Computers today are becoming as important part of our lives as pen and paper were about fifty
years ago. They provide a variety of benefits; they also have their own limitation.


 The enhancement in technology has helped with the creation of playing games on the
consoles online with other people. These services allow you to play against each other
either one against one or as part of a team. This allows you to make new friends as you
can play with people you do not know. These services allow you to communicate with
friends so you can socialize whilst playing games, which is incredible. This also
improves confidence, as people feel happier as they are part of a team. It is also another
way of socializing for those who prefer to stay at home.
 Experiences at cinemas or going to concerts are more enjoyable and allow the audience to
get involved. This makes the audience happy and makes them feel as though it was worth
what they paid for. Films can now be seen in 3D, which is great as you experience the
movie in a completely new way. The process of purchasing tickets has improved as you
can now buy them online so when you go out with friends you do not have to queue up
for hours as you can watch the movie immediately.
 Computers have made many tasks of modern life like buying and banking more
convenient. We can shop and bank from our homes any time of the day and night.
 It allows you to have many ways of listening to music, on the move or through our living
 Computers have given easy access to lot of useful information through the Internet.
 Computers have made it easy for us to communicate and keep in touch with others.
 Computers have made available to us many new form of entertainment like computer


 Playing too much computer games can cause a person to become disinterested with their
profession as all they want to do is play game. This may lead to them wanting a career
change as they want to pursue a career in the gaming industry.
 Excessive watching TV and playing computer games will have a detrimental effect on a
person as it can lead to them becoming addicted. This can cause many problems with their
professional life as if they are working with computers, they will be tempted to play games
and so their standard of work will slip which may result in them losing their job. Too much
TV can negatively affect their sleep cycle so they would not be able to sleep at night
meaning they would be feeling exhausted whilst working which will lead to poor level of
working produced. Too much TV can lead to physical, mental, and physiological problems
at home and at work.
 The fact that people are able to watch movies and music videos at home on the Internet
prevents them from going outside to concerts or cinemas. These people miss these fun
experiences, which their friends go out on. As a result, they feel left out. People who stay at
home and play games on the computer instead of going outside with their friends lose self-
confidence and lose their self-esteem as they do not feel happy going out. These people may
also suffer from serious health issues such as diabetes and obesity as they suffer from a lack
of exercise.
 The developments in technology has enhanced the entertainment and leisure services which
are available but these services are mostly targeted at the younger generation who enjoy
playing these games and listening to music. There are no services, which are aimed at the
older generation who are bored and lonely. These people may benefit from these services
more than the younger generation as they have more time on their hands.


In today’s electronic era computers have a hand in almost all things. Entertainment is no
exception, in fact with the coming of digital information has made one of its greatest leaps.
Computers have influenced movies, games, music, even books that are simple and easy as it
greatly. Computers are not limited to the areas where we most expected to find it such as
business and industry. It’s also being widely used in entertainment and arts world. These are
almost as many applications as there are entertainers and artists. People look forward to the
entertainment for recreation, so that they can reduce their stress and strains of their complex
machine like schedules. All our traditional entertainment utilities like music, movie, sport,
games, etc. are now affected by IT, one can have all these services, sitting at home and enjoying

Computers are used in entertainment to create or enhance a production or performance. The tools
have become so sophisticated that its becoming almost impossible to distinguish between the real
and the artificial in the film and the photography.

Overall, the impact of technology on entertainment and leisure services has been huge, as it has
now enabled these services to become a massive money making industry. The enhancement in
technology has created many gaming websites and music downloading sites for which users can
access. This makes the experience of using the internet more enjoyable and exciting. It has
allowed people to use the internet as a form of relaxation and enjoyment. Improvements to
consoles have grabbed the attention of people forcing them to become slaves to the visual world.
Although the effects have been positive, there have been some negative effects such as
distractions from work life and the violence, which is included on TV shows and games. The
positive are far greater than the negatives if we use them wisely.

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