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Solutions To The

Problem Of Garbage In Our City

Could Querétaro´s city have the lesser garbage´s quantity in the state of Querétaro? Many
governors only care about it in the election days and quit the proyect in the next days and
make a lot of garbage. We stangely believe that is unacceptable do it, because they make a
great city for only few days and this means in a wrong perspective for our city and all the
people that comes to live here, for this reason we must to ask them options about the garbage
´s issue that affects this city.
In first place, we could request to install more garbage bins in the streets by the governorns.
It would make, For Example that the people don´t have any exception about where put their
garbage and don´t drop it in the streets.
Secondly, we must write to the city council to employ street cleaners. Because, it will bring
new jobs and make the road more clean and businesses.
Futhermore , the governors can fine households and businesses for leaving garbage outside
their premises. As a result, people will have to take responsability for the areas where they
live and work.
All things considered, it seems to us that all this suggestions would make the Querétaro´s
city a better place to live and have a great impression about how we handle the garbage´s
situation in the state.

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