Computer Science 1 (1E3) : Objectives

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 Develop problem-solving skills

Computer Science 1  Useful to all engineers

(1E3)  Develop basic programming skills

 Useful in some CAE applications
 Necessary for computer and other engineers.
Lucy Hederman  Introduce main themes of computer
Room G.13, O’Reilly Institute
 Of general interest to all ???

1 Introduction 1 1 Introduction 2

Computers are Pervasive Problem-Solving

 When did you last interface with a  Compute the shortest route that visits a
computer? list of cities?
 Or with a device that interfaces with a  Find the web pages most likely to satisfy a
computer? query?
 Produce monthly paychecks for TCD
 Or with a human service provider who
depended on a computerised device to
 Identify a car from an image of its number
deliver that service? plate.

1 Introduction 3 1 Introduction 4

Programming and Problem Solving An Algorithm
Determine how many times a name occurs in a list of
 Algorithm names.
 A sequence of precise instructions which 1. Input the list of names.
leads to a solution
2. Input the name being checked
 Program 3. Set a counter to zero.
 An algorithm expressed in a language the 4. For each name on the list
computer can understand If the list name is the same as the name being
Add 1 to the counter.
5. Output the counter value as the answer.
1 Introduction 5 1 Introduction 6

Pseudocode Algorithm A program fragment in C++

Computes the sum of even numbers from 1 to
Determine how many times a name occurs in a list of an entered number
1. Input the name-list.
2. Input the test-name.
3. Set a counter to be 0.
4. FOR EACH name on name- list
IF name is the same as test-name
THEN Add 1 to the counter.
5. Output counter. firstexample.cpp
1 Introduction 7 1 Introduction 8

Other things you might learn Practicalities
 Computers are “stupid”.  Lectures
 Wed 12-1 Hamilton 3 theatre
 Programming is easy, a bit tedious  Fri 9-10 Ed Burke, Arts block
 Problem solving is challenging and fun.  Labs
 Some things can’t be computed.  Start week 3 (20th October)
 1.5 hours per week
 Attendance compulsory
 Coursework
 Completed in labs
 Contributes 20% to overall mark.
 Marks posted weekly
1 Introduction 9 1 Introduction 10

Textbook & Webpage Programming Language

 C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data  We’ll use C++
Structures, D.S. Malik, Fourth Edition, Thomson,  C++ is an object-oriented (OO) language
ISBN 978-1-4239-0222-5
 We’ll focus on the procedural aspects.
 We’ll cover Chapters 1- 7, 9 and possibly 11.
 Will also be used in 2E3  C++ is the OO extension of C
 Strongly recommend that you buy it.  C is a high-level language but allows low-
 TCD library Call No. 500.16424P69 (Third Ed.) level control of machines.
  C is the language used by UNIX
JF_Subjects/1E3/ programmers.

1 Introduction 11 1 Introduction 12

Environment Next …
 iMacs running Mac OS X “Jaguar”  Next day we’ll look briefly at
 SubEthaEdit text editor  Computer architecture
 To type in and edit your program files  Programming languages
 Terminal utility  Problem-solving.
 Gives UNIX interface
 “make myprog.cpp”
 Make compiles (and link) programs
 “./myprog”
 To run the compiled program myprog

1 Introduction 13 1 Introduction 14

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