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Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

2 2 2 2 3 1

Dark Vision: The Thermal pits beneath the Kaleesh’s eyes illuminate and allow complete sight
during night cycles and areas that are unlit. Kaleesh do not suffer penalties on perception
checks in the dark. This does not include creatures that are stealthed, cloaked, or simply out of

Special Abilities: Kaleesh begin the game with one rank in Melee. They still may not train
Melee above rank 2 during character creation.

Starting XP: 90

Kaleesh are reptilian humanoids from the planet Kalee. They have scaly skin, tusks, and long
nostrils, though extremely few outsiders have ever seen a Kaleesh face that wasn't obscured
behind a traditional mask prior to Imperial Occupation. Kaleesh culture is deeply spiritual and
warlike. War is seen as an essential part of life, and wars between tribes were common before
Imperial occupation.
Physiology: Kaleesh have reddish-brown scaly skin, four-clawed hands, and five-clawed feet.
Each Kaleesh hand features two opposable thumbs. Because of the thermal pits under their
eyes, Kaleesh may see in the dark.Tusks protrude from their upper jaw, and shorter ones jutt
from their chins. Kaleesh have large pointed ears and long nostrils that stretch close to their
eyes. They have a very keen olfactory sense and are able to produce pheromones. Most of their
facial features are obscured behind the traditional masks that wear, and outsiders rarely saw
Kaleesh unmasked up until Imperial occupation, which banned the tradition as a precaution
against the hiding of identities.

Society: The Kaleesh are a spiritual people, believing that those who performed great deeds in
life became gods in death. Therefore, burial places are sacred to them. A large number of
temples were devoted to their ancestor gods, the holiest of which was called Shrupak. Abesmi,
a great monolith of stone in the Jenuwaa Sea, was the place the Kaleesh believed the gods
ascended to the heavens. Pilgrims took the perilous voyage to Abesmi to beseech the gods.
Following the New Republic era, the late General Grievous, former Kaleesh warrior Qymaen jai
Sheelal, had joined his species' pantheon of religious deities. Many of the sites and temples
have either been occupied or demolished by Imperial forces garrisoned on Kalee and have
created a deep societal loathing of the Empire.

Their society was divided into numerous tribes. In addition, The Kaleesh are known to practice
polygyny, a form of polygamy, where a male courts multiple wives. War is viewed as an
essential and sacred practice, and the culture's large emphasis on honor was known to spur
many acts of vengeance among the various tribes. However, when necessary, the tribes would
put aside their differences and bond to fend off a common enemy. This tradition of tribal
conflicts was also brought to an end following Imperial Occupation, at least openly. Kaleesh are
known for using less mainstream form of weaponry, the most common including slugthrowers
and martial weapons.

Homeworld: Kalee is located in the Outer-Rim, bordering Wild Space. The planet is covered in
tropical foliage and beaches. Moss-covered canyons and cliffs fill the landscapes. It is
apparently a harsh and dangerous world, leaving its population starved for the more precious of
galactic resources. It’s native population, the Kaleesh, are highly intelligent bipedal hunter-
warriors, hunting some of the Galaxy’s most dangerous predators.

Language: The Imperial occupation force governing Kalee has for long suppressed the
teaching the race’s native tongue, which shares the name of it’s people. While the Kaleesh are
more than capable of communicating in Galactic common, this additional loss of their once
proud culture at the hand of their subjugators continues to fuel ongoing tensions.

Life on the Fringe: The few Kaleesh that travel the outer-rim are always looking for a fight. The
drive for honor and the inherent disdain of the Empire have created a almost refined image of
savagery. While their sightings are rare, the Kaleesh working on the fringe are well known for
their ability to find and survive the most dangerous of situation, making them a welcomed asset
to many looking for hired hands.

Credit goes to wookiepedia and r/swrpg for their feedback and help

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