Micro-Organisms - Level 5 - Questions

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          Living things

          These things are found in the kitchen.

(a)     Write TWO reasons why the process of canning food (putting food in tins) kills

  (i)           .............................................................................................................
1 mark

  (ii)          .............................................................................................................
1 mark

(b)     Explain how drying helps to preserve the cereal.


1 mark

(c)     Explain how freezing preserves the peas.

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1 mark

(d)     Explain how keeping air out of the jar helps to preserve the jam.


1 mark

Q2.          Investigating Bread

(a)     Amanda and Asim measured the mass of a slice of fresh bread.

They left it for five days in the classroom.

The slice of bread went hard.

They measured the mass again.

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What happened to the mass of bread?

Tick ONE box.

The mass went up.

The mass went down.

The mass did not change.

The mass disappeared.

1 mark

(b)     Explain your answer to part (a).


1 mark

(c)     Amanda and Asim investigated mould.

They had four identical slices of bread.

They put each slice, in a plastic bag, in a different place in the kitchen.

They recorded how much mould grew after ten days.

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Look at the table of results.

Where is the best place to keep bread to stop it going mouldy?

1 mark

(d)     Describe how the amount of mould which grows depends on the temperature.


2 marks

Q3.          Edward Jenner

(a)     Edward Jenner was a doctor who lived a long time ago.

Jenner noticed that people who suffered from a disease called cowpox did not catch

Smallpox is a disease that can kill people.

Page 4
Picture of Edward Jenner from Senior Biology (1991),
King, R.J. and Sullivan, F.M. Pearson Education, Australia.

What do we call it when someone notices something important like this?

Tick ONE box.

an observation an effect

an investigation a measurement

1 mark

(b)     Jenner carried out a test. He used cowpox to see if it could stop people catching
smallpox. He carried out his test on several people.

Why did Jenner carry out his test on several people instead of on just one person?


1 mark

(c)     A micro-organism causes smallpox.

Why do scientists wear masks and gloves when they work with micro-organisms?


1 mark

Page 5
(d)     There are many types of micro-organism. Some can help to prevent or cure disease.

Describe ONE different way in which micro-organisms can be helpful.

1 mark

(e)     The diagrams below show how three different micro-organisms look under a


                     A                           B                           C

Use the key below to help you identify these micro-organisms.

Write your answers under the key.

  A is .................................................       B is .................................................      
C is .................................................
2 marks

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Q4.          Yeast

(a)     Yeast is a type of micro-organism.

Class 6G know that bread needs yeast to rise.
The yeast must be mixed with water and sugar.

They want to find out if the temperature of the water affects the yeast.
They put sugar in a bottle and add water at a temperature of 20°C.

Name the scientific word that describes what happen to the sugar when it is mixed
with water.

1 mark

(b)     The class then add yeast to the sugar and water in the bottle.

          They put a balloon over                            They time how long it takes
the top of the bottle.                                  for the balloon to stand up.

Write true or false next to each statement about the investigation.

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                                                                                      True or false?

A gas is produced by the yeast.                                ..........................

A reversible change has happened.                          ..........................

The balloon is flexible.                                               ..........................

1 mark

(c)     The class repeat the test using water at different temperatures.
The teacher adds the same amount of yeast, sugar and water each time.
The table below shows their results.
Temperature of water
3 20 30 50

Time taken for balloon to

52 18 16 4
stand up (mins)

Describe how the temperature of the water affects the time taken for the balloon to
stand up.


2 marks

(d)     A cook book says that yeast works most quickly with water at a temperature of
20ºC to 30ºC.

(i)      Tick ONE box to show if the results in the table support the information in the
cook book.

yes                      no  

(ii)     Use examples from the results table to help you explain your answer.

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1 mark

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