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Alcatel Office View 32KD

Software Downloading
The aim of this document is to describe a step by step procedure to make a safe download of
the Alcatel Office View 32KD Software.

 During downloading, the system is not operational and no phone calls
are possible.
 The system should not be powered off during the downloading otherwise
it will corrupt the software and let the system unusable.

- RS232 Cable, as same as SMDR cable (see at the end of the document the RS232 cable
- PC, (486 minimum with DOS or Windows).
- A Alcatel Office View 32KD system with :
* One Key phone with display,
* A DISA or DTAM board connected.

Step by step procedure:

To download the new software, you have to:
a. Connect the two equipment, PC and Alcatel Office View 32KD system
b. Configure the Alcatel Office View 32KD system,
c. Configure the PC,
d. Download the software:
- Test the serial link,
- Make the download.
e. Restart the system

a. Connection:
1. Link the PC to the Alcatel Office View 32KD system with the RS232 cable.
2. Switch on the AO32KD system and the PC

b. Alcatel Office View setting:

1. Enter in Local programming, (Technical Documentation, Chapter 2).
2. Enter the function [1-43] System Data Reset.
3. Select Option 3, MONITOR.
4. Press [Hold] to valid the choice.
The red led, located near the power switch, flickers quickly

Display phone content:

< 1 - 4 3 > DAT A RE S E T
3 : MO N I T O R
The system is now in remote programming state and reacts only on command coming
through the RS232 Link.

Alcatel Office View 32KD

c. PC Setting:
1. Copy the file "" in a directory and unzip it. (The files unzipped
are “AO32KD.exe” , “” , “the different soft version” , “downloading.doc”).
2. If you are using windows 3.x or 9x, please restart the PC in MS-DOS mode now,
otherwise the downloading may not work properly.
3. Execute the program. AO32KD.exe :
Display content to be OK :
> _

The PC is now able to start the downloading through the RS232 Link.

d. Downloading operation from the PC:

Before starting the downloading, we have to test the connection between the two systems
to be sure that the software downloading will operate in good condition.
After passing the test, the downloading will be possible and you have to be sure not to
power off the system during this operation otherwise the system will be unusable. This
operation takes around 3 minutes.

1. Test the RS232 link.

If the RS232 link is connected on com1 type “test com1”, if the RS232 link is connected
on com2, type “test com2”. We suppose here to be connected on com1.
Display content to be OK:
> test com1
* rem !!!!!!!!!! R S 2 3 2 T E S T !!!!!!!!!!
* ul test 0000:0 8000
* A counter starts from 00000 to 008000 for around 5s and is erased by the next line
* EOM – test
> _

- You can stop the test at any moment by pressing the escape key.
- If the display is blocked after the line “> ul test 0000:0 8000” or if the counter is
blocked, that means that the RS232 link is not operational to download the new
software. Try again, it can be good the second time, or see at the end of the document
the test problem chapter if the problem continue.

2. Download the software

- Type ‘’ prog 1.8/au ’’

The downloading will take around 3 minutes

1.8 : software version to be charged
au : language code to download

The language codes available are:

Frensh : fr (French generic software)
Spanish : ar (Spanish dedicated to Latina america countries)
Australian : au (English dedicated to Australia country with specific approval content)
English : tw (English generic software)
South Africa : sa (English dedicated to South Africa country with specific approval content)

Alcatel Office View 32KD

See the following example for downloading the software of Australia:

Display content to be OK:
> Prog 1.8/au
* rem ---------- D O W N L O A D I N G ... ----------
* df 1.6/au 8000:0
- Device ID: 01.A4 1 Section Size: 08-080000 AMD: AM29F040

- - 16:21:53.08 – Erase: 00080000 010000

- - 16:21:53.79 – program: 00080000 00FF
- - 16:24:32.12 – Erase: 000F0000 010000

- - 16:24:33.93 – program: 000F0000 00FF
* q

If the program is blocked during the download, you can start again
the downloading since the beginning by typing the F3 key of your PC

Be sure to have passed good the RS232 link test before starting the download!

e. Switch off the system,

f. Remove the Jumper JP3,
g. Wait 10 seconds, before shorting the jumper JP3 again,
h. Restart the system

Display phone content:

A3 2 KD E XT : 1 0 1
AL CAT E L A U 0 1 . 8 0

i. Make a cold reset with the function [1-43-1],

Display phone content:

< 1 - 4 3 > DAT A RE S E T
1 : RE S E T : S YS

Alcatel Office View 32KD

RS-232 cable
Connecting Alcatel Office View 32KD 's RS-232 port to PC ' s COM1 or COM2 port via a
null modem cable or a simple exchanging Rx/Tx cable.

Simple Exchanging Rx/Tx Cable:

Male or Female,
to Office View to PC

Rx pin 2--------------------------------------------pin 3 Tx
Tx pin 3--------------------------------------------pin 2 Rx
Ground pin 5--------------------------------------------pin 5 Ground

1 1
6 6
Rx Tx
Tx Rx

9 SG SG 9
5 5

Alca tel O ffice view 3 2 KD PC or printer

RS-2 3 2 port RS-2 3 2 port

Sim p le e xch a n g in g Rx/ Tx Ca b le

Test problems

If the display is blocked after the line “> ul test 0000:0 8000” or if the counter is blocked,
that means that the RS232 link is not operational to download the new software. This can be
due to 2 things:
1. The RS232 Cable is not good.
 Check it according to the previous annex.
2. The test failure problem maybe caused by MS-DOS "smartdrv" program.
If the smartdrv buffer or the element size is too small, it will interrupt the serial
link transmission when its buffer is full and needs to access disk.
 Change the setting of "smartdrv" as following in the "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" :
“SMARTDRV 8192 /E:8192”
 Disable "smartdrv"

If those actions don’t resolve the test problem, you will have to try with another PC. As you
didn’t started the downloading, you can switch off the system and try to download again later,
with a new computer.

Alcatel Office View 32KD

End of Document

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