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Validation of an automated-ETDRS near and intermediate visual

acuity measurement

Clin Exp Optom 2019 DOI:10.1111/cxo.13018

Yi Pang OD PhD Background: The aim of this study was to determine the repeatability of an automated-ETDRS
Lauren Sparschu BS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) near and intermediate visual acuity measurement
Elyse Nylin BS in subjects with normal visual acuity and subjects with reduced visual acuity. The agreement of
Department of Dean’s Education, Illinois College of automated-ETDRS with gold standard chart-based visual acuity measurement was also studied.
Optometry, Chicago, Illinois, USA Methods: Fifty-one subjects were tested (aged 23 to 91 years; 33 subjects with normal
E-mail: visual acuity: 6/7.5 or better; 18 subjects with reduced visual acuity: 6/9 to 6/30). Near and
intermediate visual acuity of one eye from each subject was measured with an automated
tablet-computer system (M&S Technologies, Inc.) and Precision Vision paper chart in a ran-
dom sequence. Subjects were retested one week later. Repeatability was evaluated using
the 95 per cent limits of agreement (LoA) between the two visits.
Results: Average difference between automated-ETDRS near visual acuity and near visual acuity
by paper chart was 0.02  0.10 logMAR (p > 0.05). Agreement of near visual acuity between
automated-ETDRS and paper chart was good, with 95 per cent LoA of 0.19 logMAR. Furthermore,
automated-ETDRS near visual acuity showed good repeatability (95 per cent LoA of 0.20). Mean
difference between automated-ETDRS intermediate visual acuity and intermediate visual acuity by
paper chart was 0.02  0.10 logMAR (p > 0.05). Agreement of intermediate visual acuity between
automated-ETDRS and paper chart was good, with 95 per cent LoA of 0.20 logMAR. In addition,
automated-ETDRS intermediate visual acuity had good repeatability (95 per cent LoA of 0.16).
Conclusion: Automated-ETDRS near and intermediate visual acuity measurement showed
Submitted: 27 February 2019 good repeatability and agreement with the gold standard chart-based visual acuity mea-
Revised: 20 September 2019 surement. The findings of this study indicate the automated visual acuity measurement sys-
Accepted for publication: 15 October 2019 tem may have potential for use in both patient care and clinical trials.

Key words: computer, intermediate vision, near vision, tablet, visual acuity

Visual acuity is the most common and pri- acuity. Thus, many clinical trials use automated Optometry. In accordance with the guide-
mary measurement of visual function. In visual acuity testing as the gold standard to lines of the Declaration of Helsinki, written
addition, visual acuity is one of most com- measure treatment outcomes.3–5 informed consent was obtained from each
mon outcome measurements in clinical The purpose of this study was to deter- subject.
research.1–5 The Early Treatment Diabetic mine the repeatability of an automated-
Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart is designed ETDRS near and intermediate visual acuity Test procedure
for use in clinical studies where accurate and measurement in subjects with normal visual A total of 51 sequential subjects who under-
repeatable visual acuity measurements are acuity and subjects with reduced visual acu- went a comprehensive eye examination at
required.6,7 Although many types of visual ity. In addition, agreement of automated- the Illinois Eye Institute, an urban eye clinic,
acuity charts are used, the ETDRS chart is ETDRS with gold standard chart-based visual were enrolled into the study. Thirty-three
accepted worldwide as the gold standard for acuity measurement was also studied. subjects had normal distance visual acuity
accurate visual acuity measurement. of 6/7.5 or better, with habitual refractive
With advances in technology, automated correction. The remaining 18 subjects had
visual acuity tests using electronic devices have Methods reduced habitual distance visual acuity
been developed and studied.8–11 The advan- (from 6/9 to 6/30) due to cataract, glau-
tages of automated visual acuity testing over Study population and data coma, degenerative myopia, retinal disease,
paper chart testing include use of a collection diabetic retinopathy, and/or uncorrected
standardised protocol, reduced risk of patients Both the study protocol and informed con- refractive error. Patients with distance visual
memorising the letters, and limiting human sent forms were approved by the Institu- acuity worse than 20/100 were excluded
error in counting letters and calculating visual tional Review Board of the Illinois College of from this study.

© 2019 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2019

Automated-ETDRS visual acuity Pang, Sparschu and Nylin

Subjects wore their habitual refractive Phase II: threshold

correction for all tests. Right eye visual acu- ETDRS letters at the initial threshold visual
ity of each subject was measured with an acuity level the examiner submitted were
automated tablet-computer system (M&S displayed on the computer screen as well as Table 1 lists demographic characteristics of
Technologies, Inc., Niles, IL, USA) and with a smaller size lines of the chart. A blue dot the subjects. The average difference between
paper ETDRS chart (Precision Vision, Wood- was shown next to the visual acuity level the automated-ETDRS near visual acuity and
stock, IL, USA) in a random sequence. Left one line below the submitted letter size and near visual acuity by paper chart was
eye visual acuity was measured in two sub- subjects were instructed to read the line 0.02  0.10 logMAR (one letter difference)
jects whose right eye vision was worse than next to the blue dot. The examiner submit- without statistical significance (Figure 1A). The
the inclusion limit. ted the correct number of letters that sub- mean difference between the test and retest
Near visual acuity at 40 cm was measured jects read and then continued to instruct measurements for both automated-ETDRS
first, followed by intermediate visual acuity subjects to read letters of decreasing size near visual acuity and near visual acuity by
at 67 cm. Both paper and automated-ETDRS (0.1 logMAR steps). The test stopped when paper chart A was 0.02 logMAR (one letter)
tests were measured using high-contrast let- subjects were unable to correctly read any with no statistical significance. Agreement of
ters. Visual acuity with the paper ETDRS letters on a line or there were no smaller near visual acuity between the automated-
chart was tested at the luminance of lines available to be tested. This ending ETDRS and paper chart (Figure 1A) was good,
100–110 cd/m2. For paper ETDRS chart, sub- point protocol has been utilised in previous with 95 per cent LoA of 0.19 logMAR. Fur-
jects were asked to read the smallest line studies.12–14 The system automatically calcu- thermore, the automated-ETDRS near visual
they could read. Subjects were asked to read lated the logMAR visual acuity using the cor- acuity showed good repeatability (95 per cent
the line below the smallest line that they rect letters that subjects read. LoA of 0.20, Figure 2A) between the two ses-
have read. The test was terminated if no letter The test results were displayed on the sions (one week apart), slightly better than
in the line was correctly read. Subjects were computer after the completion of the mea- that of near visual acuity by paper (95 per cent
given at least a one-minute break between surement with the following parameters: LoA of 0.24, Figure 3A).
each test. A retest was performed one week eye tested, test distance, letter score for Mean difference between the automated-
(3 days) after the first visit. Forty-eight sub- visual acuity, logMAR visual acuity, and ETDRS intermediate visual acuity and interme-
jects (94 per cent) completed the retest. Snellen visual acuity equivalent. diate visual acuity by paper chart was
0.02  0.10 logMAR (one letter difference)
Automated tablet-computer Data analysis without statistical significance (Figure 1B). Aver-
visual acuity test algorithms Visual acuity was converted to logMAR for age differences between the test and retest
ETDRS letters were displayed on a computer analysis. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was measurements were 0.02  0.12 logMAR and
screen for subjects to read. The examiner used to check the normality of distributions 0.01  0.10 logMAR for automated-ETDRS
viewed a tablet that displayed the correct for all parameters. Near visual acuity and intermediate visual acuity and the intermedi-
answers (Figure S1). The computer screen intermediate visual acuity tested with the ate visual acuity by paper, respectively.
was auto-calibrated to the luminance level paper chart were not normally distributed. Agreement of intermediate visual acuity
of 85 cd/m2 (5 per cent) after 15 minutes Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed between the automated-ETDRS and paper
warm up. A Datacolor Spyder 5 colorimeter to determine the difference in visual acuity chart was good, with 95 per cent LoA of 0.22
as part of the automated-ETDRS system was tested by paper chart and automated- logMAR (Figure 1B). In addition, the automated-
used to confirm the luminance level of the ETDRS.
computer screen. Glare was controlled by Test–retest reliability of the automated-
using a 90o metal display tray that the com- ETDRS was evaluated using the Bland– n (%)
puter was set into; thus, a consistent angle Altman 95 per cent limits of agreement Visual acuity
for the screen display was maintained. The (LoA) method. Agreement between the 6/7.5 or better 33 (64.7)
resolution of the 13.3 inch computer screen automated-ETDRS and the gold standard 6/9 to 6/30 18 (35.3)
was 3,200 × 1,800, which resulted in a reso- paper chart was also determined by the
lution of 276 pixels per inch, a pixel size of Bland–Altman method.
Female 42 (82.4)
0.79 minutes of arc at 40 cm, and a pixel Power calculation was performed after
Male 9 (17.6)
size of 0.47 minutes of arc at 67 cm. Filtered data of 51 subjects were collected. Based on
the standard deviation of difference Race
optotypes were used for both near and
intermediate automated-ETDRS test. Two between paper and automated-ETDRS visual Non-Hispanic Black 22 (43.1)
phases were used to determine the visual acuity test, there was 93.8 per cent power to Hispanic/Latino 8 (15.7)
acuity endpoint. detect difference of 0.05 logMAR (0.5 Non-Hispanic White 16 (31.4)
logMAR line or 2.5 letters) between the two Asian 5 (9.8)
Phase I: initial threshold tests. Age (years)
An ETDRS chart (from 6/60 to 6/3) was dis- All data were analysed using Statistical Range 22.6–91.1
played on the computer screen and subjects Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS ver- Mean (SD) 46.7 (17.5)
were instructed to read the smallest line for sion 21.0; SPSS Inc., IBM UK, Portsmouth,
which they could read all five letters. The UK) and MedCalc version 12.2.1 (MedCalc
examiner submitted the visual acuity level Software, Ostend, Belgium). A p-value of Table 1. Demographic characteristics of
at which subjects correctly read all letters. < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. the subjects (n = 51)

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2019 © 2019 Optometry Australia

Automated-ETDRS visual acuity Pang, Sparschu and Nylin

Figure 1. Agreement between automated-Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study visual acuity (A-ETDRS-VA) test and paper chart
visual acuity (P-VA) test. The difference between the first administration of each test was plotted against the mean for the two tests.
Exact confidence intervals were calculated and plotted.32 A: Near visual acuity test (NVA). B: Intermediate visual acuity test (IVA).

ETDRS intermediate visual acuity had good Repeatability of automated-ETDRS near Discussion
repeatability (95 per cent LoA of 0.16) visual acuity and intermediate visual acuity
between the two sessions (Figure 2B), with a was not significantly different between sub- Repeatability of visual acuity has been
slightly better repeatability than that of interme- jects with normal and reduced visual extensively studied.11,15–24 Repeatability of
diate visual acuity by paper (95 per cent LoA of acuity using independent-samples t-test (all distance visual acuity (95 per cent LoA) has
0.20, Figure 3B). p values > 0.05). been reported at rates varying from 0.07

Figure 2. Repeatability of automated-Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study visual acuity (A-ETDRS-VA) two measurements, one
week apart. The difference between the first and second administrations of A-ETDRS-VA was plotted against the mean of the two measure-
ments. Exact confidence intervals were calculated and plotted.32 A: Near visual acuity test (NVA). B: Intermediate visual acuity test (IVA).

© 2019 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2019

Automated-ETDRS visual acuity Pang, Sparschu and Nylin

Figure 3. Repeatability of paper chart visual acuity (P-VA) two measurements, one week apart. The difference between the first
and second administrations of P-VA was plotted against the mean of the two measurements. Exact confidence intervals were cal-
culated and plotted.32 A: Near visual acuity test (NVA). B: Intermediate visual acuity test (IVA).

to 0.25 logMAR.15–17,20,22,25 Many factors of near visual acuity in the present study is 34 healthy young emmetropes or myopes
could contribute to test–retest variability, lower than in both studies by Cho and Woo without ocular abnormalities. They reported
including use of different visual acuity and Lam et al.23,24 the mean intermediate visual acuity was
charts, subject age (children and older indi- The two studies referred to above tested 0.01  0.09; however, they did not study
viduals showing higher variability),26,27 opti- young adults with normal visual acuity.23,24 repeatability of intermediate visual acuity. In
cal defocus (higher variability),25 and ocular Both factors, young adult and normal visual the present study, both the repeatability of
abnormalities (higher variability).20,26 acuity, have been reported to be associated intermediate visual acuity using automated-
Despite numerous reports on repeatabil- with a better visual acuity repeatability,25–27 ETDRS and agreement of automated-ETDRS
ity of distance visual acuity, fewer studies of which could contribute to the disparities with paper charts were comparable to that
near visual acuity11,23,24 have been con- between those studies and the present of near visual acuity.
ducted. Aslam et al.11 tested near visual acu- work. In addition, subjects in both studies There are some limitations of the present
ity at two times, 15–20 minutes apart, in were optometry students, who might under- study. First, the letter sizes in the
78 subjects with or without eye pathologies, stand the test procedure better and provide automated-ETDRS system were limited by
using an automated computer tablet-based more reliable responses. the screen size of the monitor; thus, the
visual acuity system. They reported the Other factors could affect test–retest range of testing was limited to 6/3 to 6/60.
repeatability was 0.17 logMAR, which is repeatability including termination rules of Although a short test distance can be
comparable to the current study. These visual acuity tests. Carkeet28 suggested that utilised in clinical practice to measure visual
authors also found that the agreement a termination rule of four mistakes or more acuity worse than 6/60, a shorter test dis-
between their automated near visual acuity on a line should be used for ETDRS charts tance may introduce other variables includ-
and paper near chart (near Landolt C) was and single-letter scoring. Shah et al.29 tested ing change of refractive correction. Second,
0.31 logMAR, which is worse than the pre- vision in 50 normal observers and deter- the resolution of the computer screen in the
sent study. mined that test–retest variability was present study was 3,200 × 1,800, which
Cho and Woo23 measured near visual acu- smaller for a termination rule of four or five resulted in a resolution of 276 pixels per inch
ity in 55 young optometry students with mistakes (0.14 logMAR) compared to the and a pixel size of 0.092 mm, which is lower
normal vision and reported that the repeat- rule of three mistakes or less. The present than suggested by Carkeet and Lister31 in
ability of near visual acuity using a paper study used a termination rule of five mis- their study. This may potentially impact
chart (Waterloo Four-Contrast logMAR Visual takes to minimise the test–retest variability ETDRS letter resolution of smaller size.
Acuity Chart) was 0.06 logMAR. Lam et al. as suggested by previous authors.28,29 In summary, the present study deter-
measured near visual acuity in 55 young With the extensive use of computers, inter- mined the repeatability of automated-ETDRS
optometry students with visual acuity 6/6 or mediate visual acuity becomes more critical near and intermediate visual acuity mea-
better and stated that the repeatability of in the lives of many individuals. However, only surement on a wide age range of individuals
near visual acuity was 0.06 logMAR for a one study of intermediate visual acuity was with normal or reduced vision. Two-session
PolyU paper chart and 0.12 logMAR for the identified after a thorough literature search. repeatability was measured rather than
Precision paper charts.24 The repeatability Tsilimbaris et al.30 simulated presbyopia in one-session repeatability. Because visual

Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2019 © 2019 Optometry Australia

Automated-ETDRS visual acuity Pang, Sparschu and Nylin

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© 2019 Optometry Australia Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2019

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