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Name: _________________________ Class: _________________ Note: __________________

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Theoretical Determines and Determines and Determines and Determines and Determines and Does not determine
probability uses theoretical uses theoretical uses theoretical uses theoretical uses theoretical or use theoretical
probability with a probability with a probability with probability with probability with a probability.
high degree of good degree of some effectiveness limited effectiveness low degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Complementary Recognizes and Recognizes and Recognizes and Recognizes and Recognizes and Does not recognize
Probability explains explains explains explains explains or explain
complementary complementary complementary complementary complementary complementary
probability with a probability with a probability with probability with probability with a probability.
high degree of good degree of some effectiveness. limited low degree of
effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
Experimental Carries out Carries out Carries out Carries out Carries out Does not carry out
probability experiments and experiments and experiments and experiments and experiments and experiments or
determines determines determines determines determines determines
experimental experimental experimental experimental experimental experimental
probability with a probability with a probability with probability with probability with a probability.
high degree of good degree of some effectiveness limited effectiveness low degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Theoretical vs. Understands the Understands the Understands the Understands the Understands the Does not
Experimental relationship relationship relationship relationship relationship understand the
between theoretical between theoretical between theoretical between theoretical between theoretical relationship
and experimental and experimental and experimental and experimental and experimental between theoretical
probabilities to a probabilities to a probabilities to probabilities to a probabilities to a and experimental
high degree. good degree. some degree. limited degree. low degree. probabilities.
Fairness Understands and Understands and Understands and Understands and Understands and Does not
explains fairness explains fairness explains fairness explains fairness explains fairness understand or
with a high degree with a good degree with some with limited with a low degree of explain fairness.
of effectiveness of effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Plan Uses a highly Uses a thoughtful Uses a thoughtful Uses some Uses some Does not use a
thoughtful process. process. Uses time process. Uses time thoughtful process. thoughtful process. thoughtful process.
Uses time mostly effectively. somewhat Uses time mostly Uses time Uses time
effectively. effectively. ineffectively. ineffectively. ineffectively.
Follow plan Able to create and Able to create and Able to create and Able to create and Has difficulty Is unable to create
follow a plan with follow a plan follow a plan well. follow a plan with creating and and follow a plan.
high efficiency. efficiently. some difficulty. following a plan.
Mathematical Always uses proper Almost always uses Usually uses proper Sometimes uses Rarely uses proper Never uses proper
conventions math conventions proper math math conventions proper math math conventions math conventions
(P()=, only one equal conventions (P()=, (P()=, only one equal conventions (P()=, (P()=, only one equal (P()=, only one equal
sign per line, only one equal sign sign per line, only one equal sign sign per line, sign per line,
sentence answers, per line, sentence sentence answers, per line, sentence sentence answers, sentence answers,
etc.) answers, etc.) etc.) answers, etc.) etc.) etc.)
Expression of Explains and Explains and Explains and Explains and Explains and Does not explain or
mathematical ideas describes describes describes describes describes describe
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
concepts with concepts with good concepts with concepts with some concepts with little concepts with
excellent detail and detail and accuracy. satisfactory detail detail and accuracy. detail and accuracy. accuracy.
accuracy. and accuracy.
expected results
t vs. e
Organization and Work is presented in Work is presented in Work is presented in Work is presented in Work is not Work is presented
neatness a highly logical order a logical order and an order with some an order with presented in an with no logical order
and writing is always writing is usually logic and writing is limited logic and order with logic and and writing cannot
easy to read. easy to read. mostly easy to read. some writing can be writing is not easy to be read.
read. read.
Appropriate for Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are
audience clear for all people clear with small mostly clear with mostly unclear with mostly unclear with unclear or not
and have no errors. errors. small errors. some errors. many errors. complete.
Knowledge to new Transfers knowledge Transfers knowledge Transfers knowledge Transfers knowledge Transfers knowledge Does not transfer
context of probability to of probability to of probability to of probability to of probability to knowledge of
carnival game with a carnival game with carnival game with carnival game with a carnival game with a probability to
high degree of effectiveness. some effectiveness. limited degree of low degree of carnival game.
effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
World Uses strong Uses good reasoning Uses some Uses limited Uses weak Does not use
Understanding reasoning about about gambling and reasoning about reasoning about reasoning about reasoning about
gambling and makes makes good gambling and makes gambling and makes gambling and makes gambling and makes
strong connections connections to the some connections to limited connections weak connections to no connections to
to the world. world. the world. to the world. the world. the world.
Creativity and Game is presented Game is presented Game is presented Game is presented Game is presented Game is presented
presentation of excellently with a well with a good well with some with some with some with disorganization
game high degree of degree of creativity. creativity. disorganization and disorganization and and a lack of
creativity. some creativity. a lack of creativity. creativity.

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