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Assassinate skill +10% success
Enable Terror
+3 Melee Attack
+3% Agent Success Chance

Assault Garrison
+25% Stronger Assault Garrison Damage
+8 Charge
+12 Bonus vs infantry
+3% Agent Success Chance

Assault Units
+25% Stronger Assault Units Damage
+8 Charge
+12 Bonus vs Infantry
+3 Melee Defence

Assault Unit
+30% Stronger Assault Unit Damage
+8 Charge
+12 Bonus vs Infantry
+3 Melee Defence

Block Army
20% more movement blocked
+8 Charge
+8% Health
+3 Melee Defence

Damage Building
+30% More Building Damage
+8 Charge
+12 Bonus vs Infantry
+3% Agent Success Chance

Damage Walls
2 more wall segments destroyed
+3 Melee Defence
+4% Weapon Strength
+3% Agent Success Chance

Hinder Replenishment
20% more replenishment removed
+8% Health
+3 Melee Defence
+4% Weapon Strength

Steal Technology
15% more technology stolen
+10% research for faction
-10% spells cooldown
-5% miscast chance

Wound Skill +12% more success rate
Enable Terror
+3 Melee Attack
+3% Agent Success Rate

***Hero Actions vs Races***

All Have Cause Fear vs particular race (as per normal)

All Have -15% Agent Action Cost (cumulative as you unlock more of these traits)

Extra added Effects per race

Actions vs Beastmen
+5% combat movement speed
+10% more raid income on embedded army

Actions vs Chaos
+4% Weapon Strength
+3% Embedded Army Combat Movement speed

Actions vs Dark Elves

-5% All Spells Cooldown
+6% research for faction

Actions vs Dwarves
+8% Health
+20 AP Damage

Actions vs Greenskins
+6% item drop for embedded army
+8% Sacking income for embedded army

Actions vs High Elves

Strider Ability
+5% more ammo for embedded army
Actions vs Humans
+1 rank for unit recruiting for embedded army
+100 xp/turn for embedded army

Actions vs Lizards
+10 Bonus vs large
+4% movement range for embedded army

Actions vs Skaven
-5% Enemy Agent Success Rate on Hero
+6% Chance to Steal Item for Embedded Army

Actions vs Tomb Kings

(Vampire coast update)
+5 Morale when fighting Tomb Kings
Wound Recovery time -1
Favoured Religion conversion +1 for province only
(CA has put causes fear vs Skaven here by mistake, can’t remove it)

Actions vs Vampire Coast

(Vampire Coast update)
Wound recovery time -1
+5 Melee Attack for Navy Battles
+10% Melee Damage Against All Undead (Removed Hunger ability 29/11 update)

Actions Vs Vampires
Nerfed for Vampire Coast update
+5% Magic Ward (Was Regeneration)
+6% Research for faction

Actions vs Wood Elves

+4% Missile Range for embedded Army
+4% Missile Attack Rate for embedded Army

************Lord Traits*************

Attacking Victory
4 ranks
+1/2/3/4 Melee Attack
+1/2/3/5 Morale for army when attacking
+10/20/30/40% for Lord Morale Aura Size when attacking
Rank 3 and 4 give +1 Lord Recruitment Level for Faction
Rank 4 Gives +5% Weapon Strength

4 Ranks (2/7/2018 Update)
3/6/9/12% less building build cost for province
3/6/9/12% more province tax
3/6/9/15 growth for province (29/11 update)
Rank 3/4 Give -5/10% building times for province

Defending Victory
4 Ranks (30/11 update)
+2/3/5/8 Morale for army when defending
+10/20/50/75% for Lord Morale Aura Size when defending
Rank 3/4 Gives +3/5 Melee Defence
Rank 3/4 Gives +5/8% Health
Rank 3/4 Gives +1 Lord and Hero Recruitment Level for Faction
Rank 4 Gives Expert Charge Defense

Campaigner (win fights far from the capital, this trait is hard to get so it I will keep it strong)
2 Ranks (5/7/2018 update)
+15/20% army movement range
25/30% less army all attrition damage
+10/12 army replenishment rate
-4/10% Army upkeep (Hunter and Beast update, trait seems to be working now so
buffed it back)
Rank 2 Gives the army +5 morale when in foreign territory

Lone Wolf (Spend consecutive turns in enemy territory)

3 Ranks (13/3/2019 update)
+4/8/12% army movement range
5/10/15% Less army attrition damage
+4/8/12 Army Replenishment Rate
Rank 3 Gives Strider Ability for Lord

Fighter (General gets involved in fights, lessened by getting routed in fights)

4 ranks (2/7/2018 update)
+2/4/6/8 Charge
+2/3/4/6% Weapon Strength
+3/5/8/10 Morale
Rank 3/4 Gives +1 Hero Recruitment Level for Faction
Rank 4 Gives +5% Ward Save

Executioner (Execute Captives after battle)

2 Ranks (5/7/2018 update)
-1/3 Enemy Army Morale for Province
-2/4 Public Order for Enemy Province
+3/10% Sacking income for Army
Rank 2 Gives Causes Fear to Lord

Abducter (Ransom Captives after battle)

2 Ranks (4/7/2018 update)
+4/12% Post-battle loot
+8/20% Raiding Income for Army
-2/4% Army Upkeep
Rank 2 Give you 10% more captured troops after battle

Public Order (Spend Turns in Settlements with Low Public Order)

4 Ranks
+2/3/4/6 Public Order for Province
+2/3/4/6% More province tax rate (Removed -5/10% Army Upkeep 29/11/ update)
+2/4/7/10 Growth
Rank 3 and 4 Give -5/10% construction time for province
Rank 3 and 4 give +2/5% More Army Movement

Razing Settlements
4 Ranks
-1/2/4/5 Sige Holdout Time
-1/2/4/5 Enemy Morale for Province
-1/2/4/5 Public Order for Enemy Province
+5/10/15/20 Sacking Income
+10/20/30/35 Raiding Income
Rank 4 Gives +100% More Razing Settlement Income
Rank 4 Gives your Lord Discouraging Attacks (Removed temporarily)

Saviour (Reinforce your own armies several times)

Added rank 2 and 3 (17/4/2020 update)
+20/40/75 Campaign Reinforcement Range for Army
+2/4/8% Movement Range
+2/4/8% Army Battle Speed
Rank 2 gives +1 Public order for province for every war with neighbour factions,
rank 3 gives +3.

Chaos Corruption
Insanity trait -15 melee defense nerfed to -10.(17/4/2020 update)

Vampire Corruption (30/11 update) (Negatives nerfed 17/4/2020 update)

(Spent a lot of turns in territories with high vampire corruption)
This can be “gained” 50% faster too and can be removed by spending turns
in low corruption provinces. Works on Lords and Heroes
Hunger ability
-2 Public order For Friendly Province (Will stack from Lords/Heroes in the province)
+5 Replenishment for Lord
-5 Growth for Friendly Province (Will stack from Lords in the province)
-2 Morale for Lord’s Army (Won’t stack when heroes get this)

4 Ranks (30/11 update)
+6/12/20/25% Sacking Income
+6/10/15/20% Raiding Income
-1/2/3/4 Public Order for Enemy Province
Rank 3/4 Gives -3/4 Enemy Army Morale for Province
Rank 3/4 Gives +5/10% More Post-battle Loot

Sea Legs (Spend turns in the sea)

Nerfed for Vampire Coast update!
3 Ranks
+2/4/6 Movement Range - (Was 3/5/8)
0/1/2% Extra income from ports factionwide - (REMOVED -2/4/6% Army Upkeep)
+1/3/5 Melee attack for Lord for Navy Battles - (REMOVED +3/5/8 Army Melee Attack for
Navy Battles)
Rank 2/3 Give +50% High Seas attrition resistance

Wins at sea
Nerfed for Vampire Coast update
3 Ranks
+2/5/8 Army morale for Navy Battles (same)
+1/2/4 Army Melee Attack for Navy Battles (Was +4/8/12)
Rank 3 Gives +50% High Seas attrition resistance for army (Immunity with the trait above)

Siege Victories
4 Ranks
+1/2/3/5 Army Morale in Sieges
Rank 3 and 4 Give +2/5% Artillery Damage
Rank 3 and 4 Give -2/3 Siege Holdout Time
Rank 3 and 4 Give -2/4 Public order for enemy province
Rank 4 Gives +5% Artillery Firing Rate

***Army Stances***

These traits are unlocked by spending time in these stances, will work on more ranks for

2 Ranks
+10/15% ambush attack success chance
+10/15% ambush defence success chance
+10/15% Campaign field line of sight
Rank 2 Gives +4 Charge bonus for the whole army!

High elf channeling /Lizardmen astromancy

2 Ranks (2/7/2018 update)
+5/10% post battle item steal
+5/10 winds of magic reserve
+5/10% research for faction
-2/5% miscast chance
Rank 2 High elf Channeling Gives +5 Starting Winds of Magic
Rank 2 Lizardmen Astromancy Gives +10% Campaign field line of sight

Forced march
3 Ranks (4/7/2018 update for 2nd rank) (17/8/2018 update for third)
+3/8/15% Campaign field line of sight
+2/5/8% Movement Range
-1/3/5% Army Upkeep
Rank 2 gives 3% fatigue resistance to your army, rank 3 makes it 5%

2 Ranks (5/7/2018 update)
+15/40% Raiding Income
-2/5 Public Order for Enemy Province
+5/15% Sacking Income
Rank 2 Gives +15% Settlement Looting Income

3 Ranks (17/8/2018 update)
-5/10/15% Unit Recruiting Cost (29/11/ update slight buff)
-1/-3/-5% Army Upkeep (29/11/ update slight nerf)
Rank 2 Gives +1 Unit Level When Recruiting (Not Stacking with other Lords in province)
Rank 3 Gives +1 Province Recruitment points (Stacking with other Lords in Province)

2 Ranks (13/3/2019 update)
+3/8 Army Morale for Subterranean Battles
+8/20% Tunneling Interception Success Chance
+5/15% Tunneling evasion chance
Rank2 Gives +10% Campaign Ambush Chance

**********Lord wins versus various races*************

All of them give +5 Army Morale When fighting each race on top of all those below
If they have second rank the first rank will give +2, the second +5 (4/7/2018 update)
Wins vs beastmen
2 ranks (30/11 update)
+2/4 Army Melee Attack
+1/ 2 Unit levels when recruiting beasts (Removed +3 Lord Melee Attack)
+ 3/ 8% Movement Range

Wins vs Chaos
3 Ranks (5/7/2018 update)
+1/2/3 Army Melee Defence
+5/10/15 Melee Damage Against Chaos and Norsca for Lord (29/11/ update)
+2/4/6 Army Charge Bonus

Wins vs Dark Elves

2 Ranks (4/7/2018 update)
+3/8% Research for Faction
+2/6 Starting Winds of Magic for Lord
-2/6% All Spell Cooldown for Lord

Wins vs Dwarves
2 Ranks (4/7/2018 update)
+2/5% Artillery Damage for Army
+2/5 Armor for Army
+10/35 AP Damage for Lord

Wins vs Greenskins
2 Ranks (9/7/2018 update)
+6/15% Sacking Income
+4/10% Health for Lord
+2/6% Movement Range

Wins vs High Elves

2 Ranks (9/7/2018 update)
+5/12 Growth for Province
+4/10% Ammo for Army
+2/6% Ward vs Missiles for Lord

Wins vs Humans
2 Ranks (17/8/2018 update)
+2/5% Artillery Firing Rate for Army
+2/5% Charge Bonus for Army
Rank 2 gives +1 unit Level When Recruiting for Lord

Wins vs Lizardmen
2 Ranks (4/7/2018 update)
+4/12 Bonus vs Large for Lord
+3/10 Campaign Replenishment for Army
+4/12% Ambush Defence Chance for Army

Wins vs Rogue Armies

2 Ranks (Vampire Coast update)
+4/12% Post Battle Item Drop chance
+2/6% Movement Range
+4/10% Post Battle Loot

Wins vs Skaven
2 Ranks (9/7/2018 update)
+5/12% Sacking Income
+5/15% Melee Damage vs Skaven (Removed -4/10% army upkeep 29/11 update)
+5/12 Bonus vs Infantry for Lord

Wins vs Tomb Kings

(Vampire Coast update)
2 Ranks
-1/-2 Wound Recovery time For Lord
+5/15 Charge Bonus for Chariots for army
+1 Favoured religion conversion for ALL regions you own

Wins vs Vampire Coast

Vampire Coast Update
2 Ranks
+2 /5 Melee Attack for Navy Battles for Army
+2 /5% trade income
+5/15% Melee Damage against all undead for Lord (Removed Hunger 29/11 update)

Wins vs Vampires
Nerfed for Vampire Coast update
2 Ranks (25/11 update)
+2/5 Winds of Magic Reserve for Lord
+4/10% Research for Faction
20/50% Less Vampire Attrition Casualties for Army (Was Regeneration for Lord)

Wins vs Wood Elves

2 Ranks (Vampire Coast update)
+4/10 Growth for Province
+2/5% Missile Range for Army
+2/5% Missile Firing Rate for Army

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