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I am doing (present continuous)


,•, ,•
She 's eating.
• ••
Ir's raining. They're running.
She ¡so 't reading. Thc sun isn't shining. Th ey aren't walking.

The present continuo us is:

am / js/ are + doing/eating/ru nning/writing ere.

am (no,) -ing I'm working.

he} is
sh: (not) -ing
C hris is writing a letter.
She ¡so't eating. (o, She's Dot eating.)
o, The ph one js ringing.

are (not) -ing
Wc're having d inner.
You 're Dot listening to me. (01 Vou aren't ... )
The children are doing rheir homework.

B am/ is/ are + -ing = somerhing is happening 110rv:

I"m working
she" weañng a har
tbey're playing football
I'm not warching relevision

past - - - - - - - - - NOW - - - - - - - - - tuture

• Picase be qu ieto I' m working . (= l'ol workillg now)
• Look at Sue! Shc 's wearing her new hato (= she i5 wearing ir now)
• The weather i5 Dice at rhe momento It's not raining.
• 'Whcre are rhe children?' 'They're playing in rhe park.'
• (011 ,he pllOl/(?) We'ce having dinner now. C an you phone again later?
• You can turn offthe television. l'm not watching it.

Spellillg (~ Appendix 5):

come ---+ coming write ---+ writing dance -+ dancing
fun ---+ funning sit ---+ sitting swim ---+ swirnming
lie ---t Iying

am / is/ are ~ DI
are yo u doing? (questions) ~ .. 1 am doing 3nd 1 d o ~ l!I:IIIl
[l4J What are you doing tomoITow? ~ mIl
3.1 What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences:
have He play sit wait

She.'s e.o..ün
t ,..................... _...._-.:9 .. an apple. 4 ..................................................... " •. Ot1 the fioor.
2 He _ .......................................... fora bus. 5 .............. breakfast.
3 They ............................................... o •• football. 6 .................... on the cable.

3.2 Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs:

b uild cook
go have stand st ay swim
, orle"
1 Picase be quieto I...~...~....... ,~g ., .. .
2 ' Where's Jo hn?' ' Hc's in the kicchen. H e .... ................. ............................. .
3 'You ................................. on my foot,' 'Oh, I'Ill sorry.'
o ••

4 Look! Somebody .. ....................... _.... in che river.

5 We're here 0 11 holiday. We ................... ..... at che Central Hotel.
6 'Wh ere's Alln?' 'She .................. ......... a showcr.'
7 They ................. ................. a new theatre in the city centre at the momento
8 I ................................................. now. Goodbye.

3.3 look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. Use She 's -ing or She isn 'l -ing.
1 (have dinner) ... ~~.~.. ~.~.'1.r.!.~~.~9...~~.~... .............. .
2 (wacch television) .. ~.~~.~ ...~~.~ ...~~.~.~~., ... .
3 (sit on the floor) Shc . ................... .
4 (read a book)
5 (play the piano)
6 Oaugh) ....................
7 (wear a hat) ................................ __ ..
8 (writc a letter) ..................... _

3.4 What's happening al Ihe moment? Write true sentences.

1 (1 / wash / my hair) .... !.~~...~~ ..~.~.~.~9 .. ~.!i ..~.~ ......
2 (ir / snow) .... !.f.~ .. ~.n.e>_~.~.,.... .9.~ ... Jl.~.!:L.~~ ..~tJ!?:~.4:I.9.,... .
3 (I / sit / 0 11 a chair) ................... ........................... ......................... ........................................
4 (l / cae) ..................... ........ ___ ... _.......... ...... __ ............. .
5 (it / rain) ................. .................. ................... ........................ ................... ...............................................
6 (1 / learn / English) .............................................................................................................................. _...... ..
7 (1 / Iistcn / co mllsic) ..................... ......... __ ___ ....
8 (the slIn / shine)
9 (1 / wear / shoes)
10 (I / read / a newspapcr)
are you doing? (present continuous questions)

A positive qllestioll
om om

he} ¡s
r she

staying sraying?
we} are
you eu. are you etc.
they they

• 'Are you feeli ng O K?' 'Yes, I'm fine, rhank you.'

• 'Is it raining?' 'Yes, take ao umbrella.'
• W hy are you wearing a coat? lt's llar cald o
• ' What's Paul doing?' ' He's reading the newspaper.'
• 'What are rhe children doing?' ' They're watcrung te1evision.'
• Look, thete's SalIy! Whcrc's she going?
• Who are yotl waiting for? Are you waiting [or Sue?

B Study th e word a rder:

¡si are + slIbjccr + -lDg

Is he woddng today?
Is Paul working today? (tlor 'Is working Paul torlay?')
Where are they going?
Wh cre ore rhose people going? (lIor 'Where are going those people?')

e sllO(1 al/sU/ers

Yes, I am o No, I'm noto

Yes, { s~: } ¡, No, r s?e'S

e's } Dot. ., No, {
s~;} ¡sn',
{ we 're }
Yes, { ; : } ore No, you're noto " No, { ; : } oreo',.
chey they're chey

• 'Are you going now?' 'Yes, 1 am. '

• 'Is Paul working roday?' 'Ves, he ¡s. '
• '15 it raining?' 'No, it isn't.'
• ' Are your friends staying at a hotel?' 'No, they aren't. They'rc staying \Vith me:

l16 J 1 arn doing ~ l1li What a re you doing tornorrow?:=) l!Il!iE) quesdons:=) '¡¡ MM'!)
4.1 l ook at the pictures and write the questions.

4.2 look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use one 01these:
cry ea' go Jaugh look at

4.3 Write questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order.
1 (working I Paul l today?) ...!.~...P~k~.º.~ .~.9...~.L
2 (what I doing I the children?) ...M'!.~ . ~.~.. ~.~ ..~~~ ..~.9.L
3 (you l listenillg I to me?) ................. .
4 (where / going I your fr iends?) .........................
5 (your parents I (Clevision / watching?) ................... .
6 (what I cookillg I Aun?) .....................................
7 (why / you / looking / at me?) ........................ ...................
8 (coming / the bus?) .............................................

4.4 Write short answers (Ves, I am. 1No, he Isn'f. etc.)

1 Are you watching TV? .....No.,...1.~~ . .~., ... 4 Is it
2 Are you wearillg a W3tch? ....................... . 5 Are you sitring o n the fl oor? .
3 Are yOl! eating: somethillg? .. 6 Are you feeling well? ........................
[l 7J

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