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Unit 15 Writing Worksheet


Before You Write
Read the emails. Check ( ) the correct boxes.

From: Bob Jones From: Andrea Dalton

To: Andrea Dalton To: Bob Jones
Subject: Help! Subject: RE: Help!
Hi Andrea, Hi Bob,
I made a terrible mistake. I asked my boss for a You shouldn’t have said that. I would have told my
raise. I said if she couldn’t pay me more, I would boss about the problem with the rent. Then I would
look for another job. She said, "Maybe you should have asked for help. Why don’t you talk to her again
start looking for another job now." But I don’t and explain why you need a raise? More importantly,
want another job! I just need more money for rent. tell her you don’t want another job. Good luck!
What should I do? Andrea

Who . . . ? Bob Andrea

1. describes a problem □ □
2. criticizes someone □ □
3. gives advice □ □
Your First Draft
A Imagine a friend sent you this email. Answer the questions.
1. Did your friend do the right thing?
I worked very hard in a course, but my 2. What would you have done differently?
teacher gave me a low grade. When I He would have talked to the teacher and asked him for
asked for a higher grade, my teacher a review of his course to be clear if
gave me a failing grade! What should I he failed at something or not. Instead of asking for high marks.
3. What should your friend do now?
Speak correctly with the teacher and request a review of their
performance in the course.
If the teacher does not eliminate that fault, report it to the principal.

B Write an email to your friend. Use your notes and Andrea’s email as a model.
From: Jabzeel
To: Stephannie
Subject: RE: Help
im stressed
Hi Jabzeel,
I have received your message. The first thing to
do is relax and get organized. I recommend a
break and a vacation will make you feel better.
Then, download the calendars app and schedule
all your activities and things you should do, so you
will better manage your time and you will not be
so stressed. I hope my advice has helped you.
good luck


C PAIR WORK Read your partner’s email. Write answers to these questions.
1. What do you like about email? Ask me for help.
2. What information is not clear?
The cause of your stress.
3. What else do you want to know? The things that cause you stress.

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