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A Perspective


The Marie
Money comes, money goes, things come, things go,
but once people go, they don't come back.

I guess that the one commonality we share is that as I once loved a girl who enjoyed her dash, more than
soon as we’re born, we all start this journey called life, anyone I had previously met. I’d like to tell you a
which at some point will end. story about Marie.

For some people, life will stop suddenly, unexpectedly From 2006-2009, I lived and worked in both
or after years of declining ill health, but the end will Australia and New Zealand. Within weeks of
come, and like our birth, we don’t have a say in the returning home to Scotland, I first met Marie at a
matter. We can ignore this fact or laugh at it, but local restaurant after exchanging pleasantries for a
regardless, we cannot change its inevitability. few weeks via an online dating website.

An unknown poet from the early 20th century once I was never one for virtual dating. The social stigma
wrote: 'Life comes to us in the same way as does that came attached to it throughout my time served
death, and when death comes, he takes us all as in the military was more than enough to scare
equals.' anyone off, from online dating for life.

I appreciate how this seem a sobering thought. Although I was born in Scotland, I was made in the
However, it’s not my intention here to depress you Army and having spent over 13 years travelling the
because what I’d like to focus on throughout this story world both as part of the Army and also on my own,
is the middle part, which incidentally, is where our life I had no-one to call a friend in my nation of birth.
Upon initially meeting Marie; I failed to consider her,
The years between where we start and end is the her experience of life, her interests, successes, hurts
dash that's found on people's tombstones. Eg; John and challenges. I was more vested in my own
Smith, 1933-97. For some people, their dash will be interests at the time. I selfishly just wanted someone
brief, but for most of us, this dash can last for who would 'make' me feel less lonely.
anything up to 70, 80 or even 90 years. Not all
people appreciate this dash.
I wasn't aware of Marie's backstory. I didn't know Other than offering Marie a constant flow of pain-
that she had a terminal illness that was killing her. I relieving medication there was nothing the doctors do
didn't know how she's suffered a lifetime with cystic for my friend. I began to realise that Marie's life
fibrosis. I didn't know how little time she had left to expectancy was limited.
Until this point of my life, I had never met anyone
I’ve historically had a reputation for talking, but after who valued life more than what Marie did. All that
five to ten minutes of me thoroughly dominating the she wanted to do was live.
conversation between us, I noticed how Marie still
hadn't her breath back from just walking in the door. She shared with me how upon visiting her specialists,
they would tell her to "stay in the house", "don't take
As this was our first date, I was nervous about any risks", "don't push yourself and just take it easy."
whether I would qualify for a second, which The biggest problem that Marie had with all of this
provoked my tongue to talk more than I was willing professional advice was that she wanted to spend the
to listen. remainder of her days living, not dying.

When I eventually stopped myself from warbling on, She didn’t want to be stuck in her house, being
I asking her about the story of her life (as I'd just fully scared while 'waiting to die'. Marie wanted to
disclosed mine), where she began to share with me experience as much of life as possible. I could relate to
the journey she’d been on with cystic fibrosis. As I this, and that moment, I decided I wanted to help her.
found out, this had been quite an arduous one.
A week before Christmas, 2009, having learned of
I quickly grew in awareness of the daily struggles Marie’s passion for showbiz and theatre, I took her on
that she had, although I still wasn’t quite sure what an outing to Dunfermline's local Christmas
cystic fibrosis was (or even what this meant for her pantomime, Snow White. Marie had difficulty
future). I discovered that Cystic Fibrosis is an walking, so I pushed her around in a wheelchair (that
inherited lifelong condition that mainly affects the she despised).
lungs and pancreas.
On the night of the pantomime, within minutes of its
It's terminal, deadly, and limited her capacity to do commencement, I was already bored witless. Marie
the everyday things which most people take for wasn't, she loved it and watched in eager anticipation
granted; walks in the park, work, socialising, of whatever was coming next.
relationships, being loved.
We sat there for over two hours; I ate a lot of
Marie’s had spent years with a persistent cough, chocolate, a full tube of pringles, and Marie took sips
wheezing, constant chest infections and poor general from her bottle of water with a huge smile plastered
health. She explained how three years earlier she’d all over her face.
been fortunate enough to have received a lung
transplant from a recently deceased organ donor. Upon the show’s close, I stood up, fumbled around in
Unfortunately, her new lungs failed her also. the darkness to find our coats, when a noticed a tear
rolling down Marie's cheek. She told me that she
She felt such discomfort from the inside out, knowing hadn't expected ever to see a pantomime again. She
that she had part of someone else's dead body inside thanked me profusely.
of her. I wasn't able to relate.
To me, this outing had seemed so insignificant, which Out of the blue, in what her Mum believed to be a
turned out to more significant to Marie than I ever miracle, Marie was offered a double lung transplant
could have imagined. This night sparked the which she didn't even think twice about receiving.
beginning of our adventure together, and the start of
a remarkable friendship. Although the operation had initially been a great
success, within the year that followed, Marie’s body
Having spent most of my adult life behaving rejected these new lungs, and her health began
childishly, immaturely, selfishly and stubbornly, I had declining rapidly once again.
never considered how much the smallest of giving
gestures might impact another human being. My Despite wanting to do all the things that other girls
eyes had been opened to the truth that I wasn't the her age do, her body was in a war against her spirit.
centre of the universe. In Marie's younger years, she’d won awards for
dancing, and she’d compare how she was back then,
Marie and her family asked me to spend Christmas to her present physical condition. As she compared
day with them that year; she bought me my 'first her ambitions to her limitations, she couldn't help but
ever' snowman jumper, and I was unconditionally be saddened.
accepted into her family.
A spring day in early 2010, I took Marie to Pittencrief
On Hogmanay (New Year's Eve), we drove to Park, a local park near to where we lived. As I
Broughty Ferry, a small coastal town on the East pushed her around the park in her wheelchair, she
Coast of Scotland, where we ate fish 'n' chips and noticed numerous other couples freely walking around
drank Irn-Bru, before watching the midnight and 'doing the usual kind of things' that most couples
fireworks from the comfort of inside the car. do.

As 2010 begun, we started spending more time Marie commented how if she had only one wish, she
together. We quickly became great friends, and also would wish for the ability to walk around the park
grew to love each other. like what 'ordinary people' do. I felt some self-pity
beginning to creep it's way in.
Marie found it difficult to walk long distances, so
anytime we went out, I would push her in her I immediately suggested that she get up from her
wheelchair, sometimes around our local shopping wheelchair and attempt to walk. I told her that I
centre or even on visits to restaurants, the seaside or wouldn't leave her side and that I'd have the
the cinema. wheelchair right behind her in case she wasn't able to
do it and needed to sit back down.
She hated her wheelchair and often got frustrated
with her physical limitations, but she always remained Upon suggesting she do this, I was faced with her
quirky, as she knew this was the only way that we immediate panic, doubts, insecurities and fears. But
could get around together. she wanted to try at least!

Marie told me a story, about how two years before Eventually, after about 10 to 15 minutes of
we met, her health had taken a turn for the worse, procrastination and concern, she got up, she stood up,
and the doctors had told her that she might only gained her focus, put one foot in front of the other,
have weeks left to live. and done what she wanted to do. She walked.
We only walked about 100yds before she signalled to The only people whom I'd ever committed to were
me that she was struggling. I immediately moved the those whom I believed I could selfishly benefit from in
wheelchair behind her; she sat down, I covered her some way. For the first time in my life, I had met
with a blanket and wheeled her to the local Starbucks someone who I genuinely loved, who I cared for and
for a marshmallow hot chocolate reward. who I honestly wanted to compliment.

Marie soon realised that she had done what the Through our future outings, we build up momentum,
doctors had told her not to do. She also understood which led to further trips to the cinema amongst other
that this effort hadn't killed her. Yes, she was places, without the use of her wheelchair.
physically exhausted from our walk in the park, but
she didn't seem to care, for the first time in years We even travelled around Scotland, going to Church
Marie felt fully alive. healing meetings, various Reiki events or anything
that offered Marie hope that she may be able to
From this short journey, our other adventures began. lengthen her life.
Within weeks, Marie had even built up the
confidence to start leaving her wheelchair at home. As Autumn time came later that year, so did a series
What I found most inspiring was that Marie wasn't of chest infections that landed Marie in a hospital for
taking these risks for the purpose of pleasing me, she almost a month. She saw this as a huge setback,
took these risks to discover for herself what she was removing from all the progress that we'd made in the
capable of. first half of the year.

In the months that followed, there were days we Upon getting out of the hospital, Marie got involved
went to the shopping mall, where we’d walk from with a local crafts group where she began creating
shop to shop. Marie would often walk into a store, gift cards and artwork for other cystic fibrosis
clinging onto clothes rails until she got her breath back sufferers. Her confidence had taken a hit, and her self-
(while pretending to look at clothes), and as soon as esteem had plummetted.
she was ready to move on again, we’d venture
towards the next shop. One afternoon in late summer 2010, when Marie’s
breathing was relatively stable, I suggested that we
Each of our outings would end with a visit to get out of her house, and go for a drive to the coast.
Starbucks where we'd review the progress that we'd So we drove down to the promenade in Kirkcaldy, a
made and make plans for what we were going to place where she had spent much time as a child, and
attempt next. As the weeks went on, Marie became I suggested that we go for a short walk - just to 'test
stronger and stronger, and her confidence continued the water'.
to evolve.
To set things straight here, Marie's doctors and
I’d never felt this way about another human being specialists had warned her that all physical exercise
before. Marie inspired me, she appreciated me and was out of the question and that she shouldn't even
showed a degree of strength of character that I'd leave the restraints of her house. While the
never previously found in any other. professionals were motivated by playing it safe and
covering their backs, Marie still wanted to live, and all
As I considered my past relationships, I could I wanted to do was help her.
recognise how much of a self-consumed arsehole I'd
been. I had never put anyone else first.
To cut the story short, we went for a drive to the Two weeks before Christmas 2010, I stopped in to
beach that day, and Marie ended up walking over a visit more after finishing work late one evening. We
mile in a pair of ridiculously high heeled boots. discussed Christmas day, and Marie asked if I would
Although I did hold her hand, I didn't carry her, I like to join her and her family once again. It goes
didn't provoke her, and I didn't make her do anything without saying that I accepted her offer.
that she didn't fundamentally already want to do.
Due to the nature of the car industry, December and
We eventually made it back to the car. Despite her January are historically busy months, so I wasn't to
doctors and nurses saying that walking distance like have time off during this period, and if I wanted to
this was impossible for her, Marie walked just over a take holidays, I would need to wait until February
mile, without her wheelchair, because she wanted to. time. As I wanted to keep my job, I succumbed to
these conditions.
Upon getting her home this day, Marie was out of
breath, in the same way as she would have been if One morning in mid-December 2010, I was working
only having walked ten or twenty yds. up in Perth, doing a double-car deal (a double
commission sale), when I received a phone call from
Over the next hour or so once she’d calmed herself Marie’s dad. He asked if I could make my way to
down and got her breathing back to normal, Marie their house with urgency.
realised the extent of what she’d just accomplished.
The impossible. A dying girl with cystic fibrosis, whose On checking my iPhone, I noticed 23 missed calls from
lungs were failing, walked the length of a Scotland Marie, and a text message that read, 'Kain, please
beach on her own. come, I want to live.'

Over the months that followed, my perspective and My heart sank. I got in my car and broke all legal
priorities changed. We started to see each other less speed limits driving from Perth to Kirkcaldy where
as I began a new job in car sales and allowing the job Marie lived. I knew in my heart that something was
to consume my life entirely. My efforts became wrong and could barely see the road through my
focussed on making money, buying a house, getting a tears and the glares of the winter sun on the car
new car and establishing myself financially (after windscreen.
recovering from bankruptcy & homelessness)
As I arrived at Marie house, her family was all there,
The time that I gave to this new sales role came at red-eyed and subdued, with the doctor and the local
the cost of the time that I had previously spent with pastor just about to leave the vicinity. I was confused.
Marie. Where I had previously seen Marie 2 or 3 It was just over a week ago that I'd seen Marie, and
times each week, I was now unable to do this due to everything seemed fine. Today, though, something
working long demanding hours, to meet my targets was very much out of place.
and make a wealthy car dealership owner richer.
As I walked into the house, I passed by the doctor
From September through to December 2010, I only and Marie called out to me with what seemed to be
saw Marie a handful of times each month. My the very last of her energy; she called out a big,
excuse was that the end justified the means of my 'Heeeeyyyyyyaaaaaa Mr R.'
actions. I assumed that if I was to just 'work harder' in
the short-term, we could both benefit in the long-term.
Financially that is.
Marie had taken a steep downward spiral, and within For the last three months of my best friends life, I
moments, I realised that my friend, who I was now prioritised making money for myself, over spending
barely even able to recognise, was getting ready to time with my dying friend. Even though I had been
leave me. Marie's life was coming to an end. completely inconsistent for her, her love for me didn’t
falter for a moment.
For the eight hours that followed, I sat with Marie
asleep in my arms, with her family. We watched on When Marie died in my arms, in December 2010, my
as she drifted in and out of consciousness, refusing to perspective on life changed forever. The materialistic
take any painkillers as she didn’t want to feel sedated things of the world that I had once placed so much
in the final hours of her life. She wanted to live. value upon, no longer maintained the depths of
significance that I previously put upon them.
The minutes that passed felt like hours until early
evening, when Marie wrestled with her last breath, This was the first time in my life that I fully
spoke out her final words, looked me in the eye, understood the value of life and the joy that can be
smiled at her Mum, Dad and Sister, then let her spirit found in love based relationships.
I spent Christmas day 2010 on my own; I got drunk
Marie’s life ended in my arms in the company of the and wallowed in what I had lost. I chose that day
people that she loved and cared about the most. I never again to put making money as a greater
was lost for words, heartbroken and emotionally priority over spending time with people I love.
Since Marie's death, I've grown to recognise how
I was sickened with myself. Disgusted even. I had most people don't allow themselves the chance to step
spent the last few months of Marie’s life selfishly out of their daily routine for long enough to reflect on
sacrificing our friendship for selling cars and making the life journey they’re taking. Most people refuse to
money for myself and a money-grabbing car dealer. I consider what's most important in life. I did, and I
had misplaced my priorities and made the greatest learned this lesson the hard way.
miscalculation of my life.
I’d spent years asking the big questions such as:
With the long hours I had worked and the money I 'what’s the purpose of life?' and 'how do we go about
had saved, I'd just lost the only person who I wanted fulfilling this purpose?', but it wasn’t until Marie’s
to spend my money on. I had been blinded by money death that I began to realise these answers.
and had just made the worst judgement call that a
human being can make. I believe that no matter where you’re at, who you are
or what road you’ve been travelling on in life so far,
Even until Marie's dying hours, I loved someone who absolutely everything can be different, and you’re only
loved me back unconditionally. Regardless of my going to get one shot at this journey so why not make
selfish misplaced priorities, Marie refused to think any the most of it. Don't put money nor stuff before
less of me; she valued every minute that I spent with people.
her. Where I had selfishly come to value money,
Marie, more than anything else, appreciated only Money comes, money goes. Stuff comes, stuff goes.
time. Careers come, careers go. Most people spend the best
hours of their lives pursuing these meaningless things.
Once people go, they stay gone, so appreciate who
you have for however long you have them. I didn't,
and will forever carry this regret.

I made a mistake; I spent the final months of Marie’s

life pursuing money, and when she died, I was
crushed. I loved her. I still miss her.

What crushed me more than losing someone I loved

was the guilt and shame that accompanied the
knowing that I spent the last three months of Marie's
life pursuing something that bore so much of a lesser
value than the short amount of time we had left.

On that day, the 21st December 2010, before Marie

died in my arms, she appreciated life more than all
other things. On that day in December 2010 when
Marie died in my arms, I lost what I unknowingly
valued the most. Someone who unconditionally loved

Life is a gift and the time we're each given is also a


Make the most of the time that you have.

You'll never know when your dash is up.

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