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Key Learnings from the Morgan Stanley Case

Raghav Gupta
The case presented an opportunity for us to learn the history of the firm and alongside it the
side effects that an imbalanced or inorganic growth can bring to a firm in long run.
At the onset of 1980s the decisions and the working culture adopted looked like the best
one that can generate the results and profits but in hindsight was that was only good for the
short term gains and no one in the management was able to foresee it.
Following are my learning from this case
1. An organization (its management) needs to invest its resources in the form of
planning, strategizing, spending capital on its human resource development division.
As this was not given any importance, working conditions were worsening in the
organization. Practices which were outdated and ancient were still being promoted
and no one had taken responsibility or the need to react to it and take a decision
until John Mack. Therefore, it is important for the management for being alert and
attentive in observing and reacting to the current world and its employees.
2. Another thing to be learned is that although we are all goals are aligned as us as an
individual in personal as well as work, and it should be for us to challenge ourselves
and deliver our best, but at the same time we must align them with the goals of the
collective as a group, team, division and company. Also, it is easier said than done. It
does not happen overnight or over a month or over a year also. It requires a
constant effort time after time to cultivate such thinking and culture.
3. Lastly, we must understand the appraisal system cannot be just based on personal
achievements with no weightage to group achievements or inter departmental
achievements. Also if no value is given for people grooming or helping others junior
to them, then one is demotivating development and identification of managers and
leaders. One must include the above parameters for acknowledging and appraising
its employees.

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