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Nouanesengsy, Kaley


ANTH 1010

June 6th, 2021

Signature Assignment Part 1: Introduction

For my signature assignment, I am choosing to study black Americans in today’s culture.

The reason I am choosing to study black Americans is because I want to be able to learn from

them. I want to understand the struggles they are facing and understand what their views are

on certain aspects of today’s society. I become very passionate about current topics regarding

black lives, and I believe that researching their background will help me become more educated

on matters they are facing in the present day. I hope that I will one day be able to educate

others on the conflicts that black Americans face.

Articles I chose for my research:

1.) Tamir, Christine. “The Growing Diversity of Black America.” Pew Research Center's Social &
Demographic Trends Project, Pew Research Center, 16 May 2021,

I chose this article because it explains the demographic of black Americans. It also includes

charts and diagrams for me to better visualize how black Americans are growing in society.

2.) Lloyd, Camille. “Black Adults Disproportionately Experience Microaggressions.”,

Gallup, 10 May 2021,
This article mentions statistics of the microaggressions and racism that black Americans face. I

think it is extremely important to know the data of how some people view black people.

3.) Horton, Jake. “George Floyd: How Far Have African Americans Come since the 1960s?” BBC
News, BBC, 24 May 2021,

I chose this article because it encompasses the overall development of black Americans. It

includes how black Americans grew economically and socially in society.

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