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HS 411: Learning Plan

Student: Diana Hoyos Lopez

Faculty Member: Christi Sporl
Field Supervisor: Rut Rivera
Agency: PASOs Greenville/Prisma Health-Upstate

Goals Strategies Methods of Measurement

Goal 1: Learn what health a. Attend and observe one-on-one a. Discuss findings with the
care needs are the most client meetings when available. supervisor.
demanding for the Latinx
b. Discuss with PASOs Greenville b. Write down findings in a
community regarding access
employees what health care needs journal format each day when
to healthcare resources.
are most addressed. possible.
c. Read statistical data and research
papers every week (at least one
research paper) of what needs the
Latinx community currently
require in order to prosper within
the community.
d. Ask in a casual conversation with
other members of the Latinx
community if such findings apply
to them.
Goal 2: Learn how Latinx
community members are
a. Ask the supervisor and PASOs a. Conduct an anonymous list of
referred to the PASOs
team members how clients are how each client was referred
Greenville program and how
referred to the PASOs Greenville to PASOs Greenville.
the organization continues to
manage their cases. b. Discuss findings with the
b. Ask and learn how other supervisor.
organizations have partnered with
PASOs Greenville Program.
c. Attend one-on-one client meetings
and learn how the client was
Goal 1: Improve my ability a. Conduct calls towards other a. Review how such social skills
towards communicating and organizations when needed by the have been developing each
connecting with other supervisor. week with the supervisor.
organizations within the
b. Learn more about PASOs history b. Keep and record personal
Greenville area.
in order to provide more scripts for calls.
background information towards
c. Evaluate the success of the
other community organizations.
COVID-19 informational
c. Hold casual conversations with presentation by calculating
other organizations during the number of individuals
meetings/events and learn how who decide to get vaccinated
they help serve/support the Latinx after the informational
community. session.
d. Prepare and conduct a presentation
for Latinx community members in
Spanish regarding information
about COVID-19 vaccines.

Skills (con’d):
Goal 2: Learn how client data a. Observe and learn how PASOs a. Record progress through
is recorded and managed employees record data information taking notes and discuss
through PASOs’s apricot. through the data system apricot. findings and observation with
b. Observe how PASOs employees
conduct follow-ups with clients
(Supervisor Notes: Spend
through data system apricot.
time with PASOs Greenville
employees Guillermo and c. Attempt to record data information
Sebastian). through data system apricot at
least once and discuss results with
the supervisor.
Personal Development:
Goal 1: Improve and a. Conduct calls in Spanish with a. Review skills with the
strengthen Spanish-speaking other organizations or clients when supervisor and revise what
skills with PASOs employees needed. (Supervisor Notes: Diana can be improved
and/or clients of PASOs. will call 1st time vaccine recipients (pronunciation, confidence,
for reminder of 2nd dose vaccine etc).
event on July 31st)
b. Ask clients if the information
conveyed in Spanish was
understood correctly.
b. Hold casual conversations in
Spanish with PASOs employees.
c. Read and learn about important
healthcare terms in Spanish.
(Supervisor Notes: Have Diana
shadow the medical interpreter on
July 31st)

Goal 2: Build and improve

assertive skills when
a. Learn and discuss with the a. Record conversations when
communicating with other
supervisor and other PASOs possible and discuss with
Greenville employees on how supervisor if the assertiveness
difficult situations are handled. skill has been improved or ask
(Supervisor Notes: Have Diana how it can be improved.
ask this question to Sebastian)
b. Learn key skills and/or phrases
that help maintain professionalism
within the conversation but still
demonstrate assertiveness.
(Supervisor Notes: Ask Sebastian
about this)
c. Practice such assertive skills when
needed through phone calls.
d. Utilize and practice assertive skills
in casual settings when

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