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Mindanao State University –Sulu

College of Arts and Sciences (Social Science Department)

2nd Summative Worksheet in UNDERSTANDING THE SELF [GEC 101]

Name_______________________________________________ Date:____________
Course, Year & Section: __________________________ Score: ___________

Test I –MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of your choice and write it on the SPACE PROVIDED BEFORE THE NUMBER. NO ERASURES OR
Choices for #s 1-4: Identify what is asked in the following numbers.
A. Inflated B. Deflated C. High D. Low
______1) This is a kind of self–esteem into which, people holds high regards of themselves.
______2) All are included as kind of self–esteem, EXCEPT:
______3) This is a positive self-esteem, which make the person be satisfied of themselves.
______4) This person do not value themselves and do not trust their possibilities.
Choices for #s 5-8: Identify what is asked in the following numbers.
A. Reproductive system B. Male sex hormones C. Female sex D. At the moment of Conception
______5) When is the sex of the child determined?
______6) This is considered to be the “Fundamental” sex.
______7) At puberty, the testes begin to secrete androgens or _______________.
______8) Is an organ system by which reproduces and bear live offspring.
______9) Is considered as the most important part of male reproductive organ.
A. Testis B. Scrotum C. Penis D. Prostate Gland
______10) Males are to “Sperm Cells” as Females are to _________________.
A. Spermatozoa B. Testosterone C. Oxytocin D. Egg Cell
Choices for #s 11-14: Identify what is asked in the following numbers.
A. Arousal B. Plateau C. Orgasm D. Resolution
______11) Is a subjective sense of sexual pleasure.
______12) Is a brief period of time before the orgasm.
______13) Is an intense, highly pleasurable experience. When this phase is reached, rhythmic muscular contractions occur in the genitals.
______14) The phase where in the decrease of arousal happens.
______15) Refers to the “Specific Pleasure” Center areas of the body that is highly sensitive to the stimuli.
A. Erogenous Zone B. Id C. Ego D. Super Ego
Choices for #s 16-17: Identify what is asked in the following numbers.
A. Menarche B. Thelarche C. Adrenarche D. Spermache
______16) It signals the 1st sign of puberty and sexual maturity in boys.
______17) It signals the 1st sign of puberty and sexual maturity in girls.
______18) Erogenous Zones include the following, EXCEPT:
A. Genitals B. Breast C. Lips D. Brain
______19) The “Highly Sensitive” and small female sexual organ is known as __________.
A. Vulva B. Labia Majora C. Clitoris D. Hymen
______20) This hormone is known as the “Love Hormone”.
A. Acetylcholine B. Oxytocin C. Serotonin D. Dopamine
______21) This is a stage of falling in love where it involves the desire to have lasting commitment with your significant other.
A. Lust B. Romance C. Attraction D. Attachment
______22) the following are known as sexually transmitted diseases, EXCEPT:
A. Chancroid B. Syphilis C. Leprosy D. AIDS
______23) How long is the vaginal ring left in place?
A. 3 Days B. 3 Weeks C. 3 Months D. 3 Years
______24) This method uses the body’s natural physiological changes and symptoms to identify the fertile and infertile phases
of the menstrual cycle.
A. Ovulation B. Artificial Family Planning C. Natural Family Planning D. Ovulation
______25) Sexually Transmitted Diseases can also be transmitted non –sexually in ways such as:
A. Sana All! B. Blood Transfusion C. People Sharing Needles for Injection D. Mother to Infant During Pregnancy
______26) Besides the condom, which is another barrier method of birth control?
A. Spinnbarkeit B. Tubal ligation C. Abstinence D. Intrauterine device
______27) A family planning method that may be advised for women whose lives may be endangered by another pregnancy is:
A. Tubal ligation B. Intrauterine device C. Vasectomy D. Pills
______28) Which of the following is included under the natural family planning method?
A. Abstinence B. Breast Feeding C. Coitus Interruptus D. Sana All!
______29) According to the cervical mucus method a woman is said to be fertile when the cervical mucus is ___________.
A. Profuse and watery B. Bloody C. Scanty D. Too thick
______30) Considered as the oldest method of contraception.
A. Abstinence B. Basal body temperature C. Calendar method D. Coitus Interruptus

Test II –TRUE/FALSE: if your answer is TRUE write the CAPITAL letter A and if it’s FALSE, write CAPITAL letter D.
______31) According to Sigmund Freud, the construction of self and personality makes the physical body the core of human experience.
______32) Fallopian tube is considered the womb that houses the embryo throughout the pregnancy.
______33) Abstinence is the most effective method of contraception.
______34) Vasopressin is responsible for ovulation in females.

______35) “Material self” is not only consisting of his own body but also includes the different things he possess from ones
family, friends, as well as things such as, ones clothes, house, cars, gadgets, end even the amount of money he has in the bank.
______36) Morals is the person’s ability to distinguish what is important and what is not.
______37) The “soul” or spirit of a person has two dimensions; (1) human body and (2) spiritual.
______38) Instrumental is when an individual act in accordance with rules and identities consistent with supportive of
democratic processes.
______39) Political Self is a mask we put on to draw in the innovative world.
______40) The line between offline and online self has become clear.

Test III –ENUMERATION: Enumerate what is asked. WRONG SPELLING IS WRONG.

A) 3 Kinds of Self–Esteem.
1. 2. 3.

B) 4 Phases of the Human Sexual Response Cycle [IN CORRECT ORDER].

1. 2. 3. 4.

C) 3 Stages of Falling in Love [IN CORRECT ORDER]

1. 2. 3.

D) 2 Kinds of Contraception.
1. 2.

E) Give at least 5 Natural Method of Family Planning.

1. 3. 5.
2. 4.

F) Give at least 8 Artificial Method of Family Planning.

1. 4. 7.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6.

Test IV –ESSAY: Use the blank space below in writing your answer. [15 points]

1) Describe in your own understanding the importance of contraception.

“The Mirrors in Your Mind can Reflect the Best of Yourself.”

Good Luck!!!   
Prepared by:
Miss. Ashda Jannaral Suhaili, R.N.

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