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Stocastic contingency assessment applied to Demand

Management Contracts

N. Gonzalez-Cabrera
Electrical Engineering Department
Ciudad de México, México

Abstract— Electric systems require the necessity of new can be based on power flow studies. And each contingency as
methods and techniques to assess the security in operation and probable and dangerous set of contingencies that affect the entire
planning. These techniques must be capable to add the oil system. The expected values computed in reliability assesment.
variation prices, demand growing and reliability assessment. The Are important to analyse the true risk management for operation
consideration of all these variables convert the problem in a large
and market behaviour. Due to random nature of the elements
numbers of elements to be evaluated in the operation problem. As
a result, this arrogates great times wasted on unnecessary connected in the electric power system. Become complicated the
simulation time. Mainly from the point of view of contingency assessment of the nodal reliability indices. In example authors
assessment. This paper presents an alternative method for the in [3] propose a two-stage stochastic model to determine the
contingencies assessment considering stochastic contingency optimal transmission line capacities based on reference network
selection. Applied in the operation of power system considering the model. This allows operators to establish preventive operating
minimum load reduction. This allow offer programs utilizing states. Such that every contingency not to overload and / or
structured incentive payments to encourage customer enrollment voltages outside limits arise. This type of analysis calculates
and energy conservation. operational constraints that can be used in the study of active
Keywords— Reliability, Demand Response, Demand
Management, stochastic, contingency. The contingencies assessments involve fast solution
methods. Containing contingency selection and automatic
I. INTRODUCTION initialization of power flows. These methods use current system
data and estimation procedure. The contingency assessments
An important factor affecting the operation of the system is
allow the system operate preventively. Many problems that
the maintenance of security. The concept of security involves occur in a power system can cause serious problems. Even
practices designed to keep the whole system for unanticipated before the operator can decide and implement corrective action.
events, such as loss of features and equipment failures (e.g. one As is evaluated in [4] where authors demonstrate that methods
transmission line could be outage for the rupture of a simple based purely on steady-state analysis may fail to identify the
driver or a lightning strike). Then, before this event, the System most critical system vulnerabilities of contingency
Operator (SO) can plan trading strategies such that the considerations. Also authors in [5] present a new approach for
transmission elements that remain attached to the system is not assessment and enhancement of the power system voltage
overloaded. These strategies include redistribution of generation stability in the presence of wind power generation, as well as
and/or connecting elements or, in the latter case, load electrical and heat demands uncertainty. A stochastic
curtailment (LC) [1], but the LC can be avoided or reduced to a programming method is adopted to handle the uncertainties of
minimum. Most of the power systems should satisfy the N-1 the wind power generation and demands. Due to, the modern
security criterion. Where the outputs of the failed elements allow operation control center have computer programs that model
the system not stop operating at its boundaries. Preventing the and analyse potential system problems before they occur. Such
output elements cascaded. So in these systems auxiliary that the operator knows in advance and corrective actions.
equipment installed to allow monitoring and operation of the Implementing the solution with sufficient opportunity really
system in a reliable way. happens when the analysed event. There are a number of
In order to maintain network security, the system operator possible contingencies that could occur (2n possible event for
all the component system). So a contingency of the analyser is
evaluates the contingencies of the electrical system. Evaluating
a list of the most potential and dangerous for the system. In the
contingencies one by one takes a long time. The safety analysis
literature Monte Carlo (MC) technique is one of the most
involves techniques concerning the electrical system to operate utilizable technique to reduce the number of contingencies to
safely [2] as contingency assessment. One important part is the be analysed. Authors in [6]-[8] reduce a big number of
analysis of each of contingency. For detecting the violations of contingencies for only evaluated a group of these. In [6]
operational limits of a set elements. In order to design effective employed the MC procedure to derive probabilities of operating
remedial actions. For example, the evaluation of contingency states and include the occurrence weights in the assessment

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