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Industry 4.

Digital technology in the fourth industrial revolution

“Digitization is the integration of digital technologies into everyday life”

Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT merujuk pada konsep di mana antar-perangkat saling terhubung dengan
internet tanpa bantuan manusia. Perangkat ini terhubung dengan berbagai
komponen yang mengirimkan atau menerima informasi sehingga memungkinkan
efisiensi sebuah proses kerja.

Indonesia IoT Forum memerkirakan nilai pasar IoT Indonesia

sebuah produk menjadi sistem yang
dapat mencapai Rp 444 triliun di 2022 dengan lebih dari 400
kompleks karena menggabungkan juta sensor terpasang. Nilai tersebut disumbang elemen konten
hardware, sensor, software, cloud, dan aplikasi (Rp192,1 triliun), platform (Rp156,8 triliun),
mikroprosesor, dan konektivitas. perangkat IoT (Rp56 triliun), serta network and gateway (Rp39,1

Selain smartphone yang dapat terhubung, kulkas, lampu, coffee maker, mesin cuci,
hingga perangkat wearable juga bisa. Sebagai contoh, sebuah lampu dapat menjadi
perangkat cerdas karena dapat dikendalikan melalui aplikasi agar dapat menyala dan
padam dengan sendirinya.
Digitalization Changed The Face Of The World

The behavior of the life of the community in

activities: financial transactions, transportation, Technology becomes the opportunity for anyone
learn, sell, shop, offering the goods, etc. beyond to become a more productive society
the limits of the geographical, distance, and time

Globally emerging applications to meet specific

needs in the local market like Hike and Ola in Change in scale and speed unprecedented
India, Jongla in Nigeria, and Gojek Indonesia.

The increasing penetration of mobile and internet

services resulted in tremendous benefits for
consumers, merchants and entrepreneurs,
application developers and content creators
Customer Behavior

Community living patterns brought by technology and communications industry, retailers and travel agencies that
have used digital technology to disrupt banking market
Go-PAY not only to pay for the services GO-JEK but are also available to help you with new features
and products. No need to worry because Go-PAY is also protected with a secure system for hassle-
free transactions.
4.5 million users have signed up to develop digital payment system for their sites,
namely KasPay.
Behavior change of ownership of business assets (ownership) to share (sharing) as well as an
online social media network, which was further easing relations among consumers provides a
contribution to the development of the business model

Phases of earlier 3 Industrial
1. 1760 to 1840 - Ushered in Mechanical production; railways and steam

2. 1870 to 1940 - Mass production; electricity and assembly line

3. 1960 to 2010 - Computers; semi conductors, main frame computing,

personal devices, internet
Industry 4.0

The industrial revolution 4.0 is happening today through the

use of cyber-physical systems. It means that physical systems
such as machines and robotics will be controlled by
automation systems equipped with machine learning
algorithms. Minimal input from human operators will be
Industry 4.0 is a collective term
❑ For technologies and concepts of value
chain organization.
❑ Is based on the technological concepts
of cyber-physical systems, the Internet
of Things and the Internet of Services,
❑ Facilitates the vision of the Smart
❑ Basic principle: By connecting machines,
work pieces and systems, intelligent
networks are created along the entire
value chain that can control each other
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
❑ Definition:A system of collaborating
computational elements controlling
physical entities.
❑ CPS are physical and engineered
systems whose operations are
monitored, coordinated, controlled
and integrated by a computing and
communication core.
❑ They allow us to add capabilities to
physical systems by merging
computing and communication with
physical processes.
Cyber-Physical Systems
❑ Monitors physical processes,
❑ Creates a virtual copy of the
physical world
❑ Makes decentralized
❑ Communicates and
cooperates with each other
and humans in real time, over
the Internet of Things
CPS Benefits
❑ Safer and more efficient
❑ Reduce the cost of
building and operating
the systems
❑ Build complex systems
that provide new
❑ Reduced cost of
networking, and sensing
❑ Enables national or
global scale CPS’s
Smart Manufacturing Leadership
A collection of terms concepts and technology value chain organization.
Based on the concept of technology of cyber-physical systems, and Internet of Things,
Internet of Services, it's all facilitate Smart vision Factory.
In Smart modular Factories in the Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems monitor the
physical process, make a copy of the physical and virtual world a decentralized decision
Through the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems communicate & cooperate each
other & humans in real time.
Through the Internet Service, both internal service cross-organization offered & utilized by
participants of the value chain.
➢ Builds on the Digital revolution ➢ Ubiquitous internet

➢ Smaller & powerful sensors ➢ Artificial Intelligence (AI)

➢ Machine Learning ➢ Labor & Energy Cost

Some examples
Machines which can
predict failures and trigger
maintenance processes

Siemens' PLC manufacturing plant

in Amberg, Germany automated
the production of its automation
systems. The result is a reported
99.99885 percent “perfect”
production quality rate
Did not exist in 2006

❑iPhone ❑ Android

❑ Oculus
❑ Instagram
❑ Snapchat
❑4G ❑ Whatsapp


The required time reaches 100 Million
❑Telephone 75 Years

❑ Web 7 Years

❑Facebook 4 Years

❑Instagram 2 Years

❑Pokemon Go 1 Month
Cyber Physical Systems

cyber-physical system (CPS) is a collaborative system of computational elements that control

physical entity. CPS is a system of physical and engineering operations are monitored,
coordinated, controlled and integrated by computing and communication core. They allow us to
add capabilities to physical systems by combining computation and communication with the
physical processes.
Challenges in implementation of Industry 4.0
❑ IT security issues, which are greatly aggravated by the inherent need to
open up those previously closed production shops
❑ Reliability and stability needed for critical machine-to-machine
communication (M2M), including very short and stable latency times
❑ Need to maintain the integrity of production processes
❑ Need to avoid any IT snags, as those would cause expensive production

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