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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Initiative.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Agitation.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of Conflict

Love into the Gift of Diplomacy.
The highest expression of my heart is Peace.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Equilibrium.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Corruption.
I thrive best in a position of leadership or influence.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 54

You really need to trust in the power of your dreams. Your whole life is about believing in yourself and your
ambitions. In order for you to get where you really want to get to, the most important thing in your life is to
find the right allies, those who recognise you rather than those who get in your way. If you are resolute in
your pursuit of your goals and you are doing what you love most in life, you will make powerful quantum
leaps at certain points in your life. Every time you find yourself closer to your dreams, you need to aspire to
something even higher. This is not just about material wealth, although that may be a major part of your
dreams. Eventually, you need to aspire to something more spiritual in life, but never to the detriment of
material prosperity. You need to find the connection and balance between material prosperity and spiritual

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 53

The only thing that may undermine you in life is your tendency to try to control the projects you have begun
long after you need to. You are someone who is designed to go on expanding — your vision, your business,
your wealth — ultimately your awareness. If you spend too much energy looking after everything you have
started, you will lose touch with the spirit of freedom within you that likes to be at the cutting edge. Therefore
you have to find allies in life who will assist you in your endeavours, and you will have to trust them with your
creations. One of the challenges for you is to trust in the organic unwinding of your dreams, rather than trying
to force or will them in a certain direction. Each new beginning you make will flow naturally out of the last
cycle of growth, but you will have to learn to let go of each cycle as it passes, or future growth will be
stymied and blocked.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 57

Your radiance really increases the more deeply you trust the power of your intuition. For you, intuition is such
a physical process that it is like a charge that either floods or drains your health. Decisions made from deep
within your belly will energise you and fill you with vitality, whereas decisions made mentally and that you
procrastinate over will inevitably drain you. Your body is a highly accurate barometer of your environment. It
gives you continual readings about where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to leave, whom
you can trust, and whom you should not trust. Everything about your life is reflected within the cells of your
body, and particularly through your belly. If your body falls ill, you are either moving through a great change
or you have succumbed to inner doubts. Above all else, you must trust in what your body tells you, all the

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 51

The difference between the Life's Work and Life's Purpose is the difference between what you do and what
you are. With the 51st Gift as your Purpose, it is not so important what you do in life. The only thing that
matters is the spirit in which you live. You are an awakening force in the world. Because you cannot fit in
anywhere, you must cut a groove for yourself in life, and let others stand back in awe. You cannot hide from
the world, but are here to make a noise that will disturb others from their tight, fear-based patterns. Of
course, in order to bring such a potent gift into the world, you must first face down your own inner demons
— the fear that you will always be an outsider and that no one can truly understand you. In living your life on
the creative cutting edge, these fears will be swept aside as the illusions that they are, and for the first time,
you will be understood, recognised, and welcomed in the world as the breath of fresh air that you are.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2021 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Ascension Birth City:Guatemala City, Guatemala,

Life's Work
Aspiriation Guatemala
Line 2 - Dancer 54.2 Birth Date: 6 Jan 2018

Birth Time: 21:10

Pearl Freshness
1.6 Line 6 - Nature

Peace Culture Harmony

Diplomacy Equilibrium
Line 1 - Production (originality) 6.1 50.5 Corruption
Line 5 - Society

Clarity Peace Superabundance

Radiance SQ Evolution
Intuition Diplomacy Expansion
Line 4 - Friendship 57.4 Conflict
Line 5 - Mentoring (role models with integrity) 6.5 53.2 Immaturity
Line 2 - Passion &
Ascension IQ EQ Beauty
Aspiriation Freshness
Line 2 - The Brilliant mind (provocative)
54.2 1.6 Entropy
Line 6 - Reverence/Alienation

Attraction Dynamism
39.2 Line 2 - Lust/Passion

Purpose Awakening
51.4 Agitation
Line 4 - Breath (rhythm)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2021 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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