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Writing (electric cars)

Currently some developed countries promote more ecofriendly energy than other countries.
Also, The future of the electric cars will be very interesting but some in some countries.

First, the cost of this technology is very expensive yet , so many underdeveloped countries
won’t be able to buy this technology. Also, the cost of the cars parts are expensive. For
instance, if these cars arrive to Perú, the people won’t be able to buy it.

Secondly, the oil industry feels threatened and the oil companies promote using fuels. If these
companies have lost sales, it abuse their economic power. For instance, Volkswagen lied about
the CO2 emissions of its cars. Perhaps, some companies will do the same.

In conclusion, this technology probably won’t be using in many countries. However, the
governments of the underdeveloped countries could to help to promote the ecofriendly

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