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Section 1. Title. This association shall be known as the Albay Administrative/Human

Resource Management Officers Association (AAHRMOA)

Section 2. Domicile. The association shall be domiciled permanently at the Albay

Field Office of the Civil Service Commission, Legazpi City.

Section 3. Scope. The association covers all government agencies in the province of
Albay to include National Government Agencies, Local Government Units, Government Owned and
Controlled Corporations and State Universities.


SECTION 1. The association is organized pursuant to Section 19 Chapter 4, Book V of

Executive Order No, 292 to perform the following functions:

(1) Offer advice upon request of the head of agencies in the Province
Of Albay or the Commission, in the developing constructive policies,
standards, procedures, and programs as well in matters relating to the
improvement of personnel actions and to the solution of personnel;
problems confronting the various departments and agencies of the
(2) Serve as a channel for information dissemination and promotion among
agencies in the Province of Albay, through study and discussion, uniform
and consistent interpretation and application of [personnel policies and
actions; and
(3) Act as partner of the Commission in determining training needs, design and
Implementation to enhance the use of methods of personnel management
that will contribute most to good governance.


Section 1. Qualification for Membership. All duly appointed/designated

Administrative/Human Resource Management Officers and Employees performing personnel,
administrative functions of all National, Local Government Units, Government Owned a -d
Controlled Corporations and State Universities in the Province of Albay members upon submission
of duly accomplished membership form to the / committee on membership and upon payment of the
required membership fee.

Section 2. Definition of Membership. Members of the Association arc considered in Good

Standing upon payment of annual dues.

Section 3. Rights and Privileges of Members. A member of Good Standing shall have the
following rights and privileges:

a) To vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the Association;

b) To exercise the right to be eligible to any elective or appointive office of the Association;
c) To participate in all deliberations/meetings of the Association;
d) To avail of all the benefits of the association;
e) To examine all the records or books of the association during business hours.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members. A member shall have the
following duties and responsibilities:

a) To obey and comply with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the
Board of Directors from time to time;
b) To attend meetings that may be called by the Board of Directors;
c) To pay membership dues and assessments made by the Association;
d) To promote the aims and objectives of the association and the welfare ot its members.


Section 1. The funds of the association shall be derived from membership fees, annual dues,
special assessments from members, gifts, or donations.

Section 2. A member shall pay a membership fee of P50.00 upon submission of duly
accomplished membership form.

Section 3. A member shall ray an annual due of Pl 00.00.

Section 4. All amounts collected pursuant to the two preceding sections shall constitute the
General Fund of the Association to be applied to the operational and organizational expenses of the
Association or for any purposes as may be authorized by the Board in a written resolution adopted at
a meeting duly called for the purpose.

Section 5. Every payment of fees, dues or other funds collected shall be evidenced by a
receipt signed by the Treasurer or his/her duly authorized representative making the collection and
entered into the records of the Association to be kept and maintained for the purpose.
Section 6. Every expenditures of the funds of the Association shall be evidenced by a receipt
from the person to whom the payment is made which shall state the date, place and purpose of such
payment. Such receipt shall form part of the financial records of the Association. Withdrawal from
the funds of the association whether by check or any other instrument shall be signed by the
Treasurer and countersigned by the President. If necessary, the Board of Directors may designate
other signatories.

Section 7. The books of accounts and other records of the financial activities of the
Association shall be open for inspection by any officer or member anytime during office hours


Section 1. General Assembly/Annual Meetings. The General Assembly\Annual

meetings shall be held every First Thursday of November each year at a time and place which will
be determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. The President shall render his annual
report to the members regarding the activities of the association.

Section 2. Quarterly Meetings. Quarterly meetings of all members shall be held

every Third Wednesday of the First month of the Quarter at a time and place which will be
determined by the Board of Directors of the Association.

Section 3. Special Meetings. Special Meetings of the members may be called as

the need thereof arises, by the Board of Directors or the President upon written request or petition
of at least Four Officers or at least Ten (10) Percent of the general membership of the association.

Section 4. Meetings of Officers. Regular monthly meetings shall be held every 2nd
Tuesday of the month by the Association Officers at such time and place as it shall designate.
Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of at least for (4) other
Association Officers.

Majority of the association officers shall constitute a quorum to transact

Any officer who shall be absent for three (3) consecutive meetings of the
Association Officers, without justifiable cause or unless excused by the Association Officers, shall
forfeit his office upon a resolution adopted by the remaining Officers at a regular meeting.

Section 5. Notice of Meetings. Notices of the date, time and place of annual, quarterly and
special meetings of the members shall be in writing and shall be sent to the respective agencies at
least five (5) days before the date set for such meeting. The notice of every meeting shall state
briefly the purpose or purposes of the meeting.

Section 6. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the members shall consist of at least twenty
per centum (20%) of the Association’s total membership in good standing and a majority of such
quorum may decide any question at the meeting, except those maters where the Corporation Code
requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion. If no quorum is present, an adjournment may
be taken to a later date not less than twenty (20) days thereafter and notice thereof sent at least
fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting. In this subsequent meeting, the members present
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 7. Order of Business. The order of business at the annual meeting

of the members shall be as follows:

a) Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting.

b) Proof of the presence of a quorum.
c) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting.
d) Unfinished business
e) Report of the President.
f) Election o f Board of Directors for the ensuing year (apply to the second year of the
g) Other matters.


Section 1. Board of Directors. The corporate power of the association shall

he exercised, its business conducted and its property controlled by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Officers. The management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in
seven (7) Officers and six (6) Committee Chairmen, who shall constitute the Board of Directors. The
Officers shall be elected from the members of good standing of the Association during its regular
membership meeting and annual general assembly after the expiration of the term of office of the
incumbent officers following their election or until their successor shall have duly qualified. The
Committee Chairmen shall be appointed by the President. The officers of the Association shall
consist of the following:
a) President
c) Secretary
e) Business Manager
f) Auditor
g)Public Relations Officer

Section 3. Committees. Programs and Projects of the Association shall be implemented

through the following Committees:

a. Livelihood, Welfare and Benefits

b. Sports and Recreation
c. Research, Development, Secretariat and Documentation
d. Ways and Means
e. Election
f. Education, Information, Membership and Training
Section 4. Term of Office of Officers. The members of the Board of Directors/Officers of the
Association shall hold office for two (2) years unless earlier removed for cause, o" have resigned
or become incapacitated due to illness or death and until they- successors have been elected,
qualified and have discharged the duties of the office. Thereafter, all shall be elected for a term of
two years;
Section 5. Powers and Duties of Officers. The following shall be the powers and duties of
each association officers:

a) President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He shall
preside in all meetings of the members of the association and Board of Directors at which
he/she shall be present; .approve and sign the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the
association; countersign all disbursements made by the treasurer; appoint, with concurrence
of the Officers, chairperson and members of committees or any vacancy that may occur at
am position of officers or chairmanship of any committee, as may lie necessary. He shall be
charged with directing, overseeing and general supervision over the affairs and activities of
the association and over its officers. He shall execute all t resolutions of the Board of
Directors. He shall submit to the Board as soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year,
and to the members of each annual meeting, a complete report of the activities and
operations of the association for the fiscal year under his term; and, perform such other
functions inherent in the position of the President.

b) Vice-President. The Vice-President, if qualified, shall exercise and perform all the duties of
the President in case of the latter’s absence, disability, incapacity, or resignation and shall
perform duties that maybe assigned by the Board of Directors He shall coordinate all the
functions of appointed officers or such action committees as may be created by the

c) Secretary. The Secretary shall give or issue all notices required by these by-laws and keep
the minutes of all meetings of the members and of the board of Directors including elections
in a book kept for the purpose; He shall have the custody of the members register,
correspondence files, books, reports, and such other records that the Association may keep,
He shall also perform all such other duties and works as the Board of Directors may from
time to time assign to him..

d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and the custodian of all funds, receipts,
disbursement and properties of the Association. He shall collect funds and keep an accurate,
up-to-date record book of all receipts and expenditures or book of accounts, which shall be
open for inspection to any member of the Association. He shall keep all moneys and other
valuables of the association in such banks and, or place as the Board of Directors may
designate. He shall also perform such other duties and functions as maybe assigned to him
from time to time by the Board of Directors or such functions that are inherent/incidental to
his office.

e) Business Manager. The Business Manager shall take charge of all business affairs of the
f) Auditor. The Auditor shall see to it that all accounts and books of the Association are
properly kept and for that purpose he shall make a full, detailed and periodic audit of all
funds and accounts of tire Association or as often as he may deem necessary and shall certify
this tr? the Association President in writing. If he fn.ds that the books are not properly kept
or any irregularities has been committed, he shall advise the President and the latter shall, if
necessary, cull a special meeting of the Association Officers for such actions the facts and
circumstances may warrant.

g) Public Relations Officer. The PRO shall take charge of promoting good relations between
the Association and the public as well as of publishing the important activities of the
organization through ill known media of communications. He shall be responsible for the
editing and publication of the official organ that the Association may decide to publish and
any printed matters that the Association may put out.

Section 6. Vacancies. Subject to Section 4(b) of this Article, if any vacancy occurs in the
Board/ Association Officers by reason of health, resignation or for any other cause, the Board/
Association Officers shall choose, by a majority vote, any active member of the Association to fill
the vacancy and to serve for the unexpired position of the term of his or their predecessors, unless
sooner removed in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws.


Section 1. There shall be a Committee on Election with the following functions:

a) Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the election of officers,
b) Pass upon the qualification of candidates and rule on any question regarding
the conduct of the election,
c) Proclaim the duly elected officers.

Section 2. The Committee on Election shall be composed of a Chairperson and two members
all of whom shall be appointed by the Board and are disqualified from running on any elective

Section 3. Regular election of Officers of the association shall be held on the First Thursday of
November during the general assembly and on the same schedule every two (2) years thereafter.

Section 4. The members of the Board/Officers shall be elected by secret balloting by the
members at the general assembly/annual meeting and the election shall he decided by plurality of

Section 5. Each member shall be entitled to one vote and he shall vote in person. No proxy vote
shall be allowed.

Section 6. The duly elected officers shall meet within two (2) weeks following their
proclamation to which time the outgoing officers shall turn-over all records and properties of the
Association to the new officers.
Section 1. The Fiscal year of the association shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the


Section 1. Amendments. These By-Laws, or any provision thereof, may be amended or
repealed by a majority vote of all the Officers of the Association subject to the ratification of the
general membership at any regular or special meeting duly called/held for the purpose.

Section 1. The amendments to this By-Laws shall take effect upon ratification by the general
assembly called for the purpose.

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