Petrel 2015.1 Gravitymagneticexpressinterpretation Plug-In

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Petrel* 2015.

GravityMagneticExpressInterpretation Plug-in
Version 1.0.3

User Manual
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................... 4
2. Inverse Problem ............................................................................ 13
3. Inverse Problem of Local Anomalies.............................................. 15
4. Transformation of Magnetic Field to Pole ...................................... 16
5. Forward Problem ........................................................................... 17
6. Help and Support Information ....................................................... 18

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1. Introduction

Petrel* allows you to work with various information such as seismic data, well
data and production data.
The Petrel 2015.1 GravityMagneticExpressInterpretation Plug-in allows
you to use the potential fields in Petrel projects to integrate geophysical methods from
several disciplines.
The plug-in provides two methods of calculations for gravity and magnetic
fields: Inversion and Forward.
If there is a gravity or magnetic survey (gravity field map or magnetic field
map in the Petrel project, this information is used to create a 3D-density distribution
or a 3D-magnetic property distribution based on the gravity or magnetic inverse
solution, without a priori information.
The gravity and magnetic data inversion theory (Priezzhev I, 2005) is based on
the inversion equations in the frequency wave number domain.
The output information (3D-density/magnetic property distribution) is saved in
SEG-Y format in a new seismic survey under the Main seismic folder. This output
result is a relative density distribution, named as a density contrast.
Due to the dipolar nature of magnetic fields, magnetic anomalies located
anywhere, other than at the magnetic poles, are asymmetric even when the magnetic
source distribution is symmetric. This complicates the interpretation.
You can transform magnetic anomalies to Pole (RTP), which creates data that
appears as it would if the magnetic body had been laid at the magnetic pole. The input
information is a magnetic field map, the output information is the transformation to a
Pole map, and the inverse problem is not solved in this transformation.
The inverse problem can be solved only by using a map of local anomalies. A
regional trend will be calculated and extracted from the gravity and magnetic field by
the plug-in before inversion. The calculated regional trend will be saved as a separate

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2. Theory of the inversion

Gravity field is given by:

z  z0
 ( x 0 , y 0 , z 0  0)     ( x , y , z ) 3
dxdydz , (1)
V [(x  x 0 )2  ( y  y 0 )2  ( z  z 0 )2 ] 2

 ( x 0 , y 0 , z0  0) - observed gravity field on the plate ( x0 , y 0 , z0  0 ),
( x , y , z ) - spatial coordinates,
 ( x, y, z ) - 3-D distribution of density contrast,
 - Gravity constant.

In frequency wavenumber domain for the plane (X,Y) this equation will be:

(1 , 2 , z0  0)    G(1 , 2 , z )e [W ] z dz , (2)
z 0

1 , 2 - wavenumbers correspond to x,y,
[W ]  1  2
2 2
- radial wavenumber,
(1,2 , z0  0) - spectrum of the observed gravity field,
G(1 , 2 , z ) - density spectrum on depth = z.

The equation (2) is base for forward modeling.

If to assume that

G(1 , 2 , z)  Q(1 , 2 ) K (1 , 2 , z) , (3)

Where function Q(1 , 2 ) is not related to depth and function K (1 , 2 , z) is related to
depth, we can present (2) as follows:

(1 , 2 , z0  0)  Q(1 , 2 )  K (1 , 2 , z )e [W ] z dz (4)
z 0

Using (4) Q(1 , 2 ) can be presented in the form of:

1  (1 , 2 , z0  0)
Q(1 , 2 )   (5)

 K (1 , 2 , z)e dz
[W ] z

z 0
Finally, by using (5) we can present (3) as follows:

1 K (1 , 2 , z )
G (1 , 2 , z )   (1 , 2 ,0) (6)
 

 K ( ,  , z)e
[W ] z
1 2 dz
z 0

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Another form of this equation is: G(1 ,  2 ,0)  (1 ,  2 ,0) H (1 ,  2 , z)

1 K (1 , 2 , z )
Where: H (1 , 2 , z )  is a spectrum characteristic of the
 

 K ( ,  , z)e
[W ] z
1 2 dz
z 0
inversion operator.

Equation (6) has been derived by A.I. Kobrunov at all (1981) for the gravity field and we
apply it as a basis for our inversion.

This evaluation is fundamental for understanding of gravity or any other potential field
inversion nature. We can use any function K (1 , 2 , z) to get corresponding density
contrast distribution if the specter G(1 ,  2 , z ) can be transferred to spatial domain. For
example, if all sources of gravity field are distributed on the depth interval from z1 to z 2 :
0 if z  z1 
 
K (1 , 2 , z )  1 if z1  z  z2  , then the inversion operator will be the
0 if z  z 2 

[W ]
H (1 , 2 , z ) 
 (e [W ] z1
 e [W ] z2 )
If all sources are concentrated on depth z1 :
K (1 , 2 , z)   ( z  z1 ) , where  ( z  z1 ) is Dirac delta function, then
e[W ] z1
H (1 , 2 , z ) 

In order to explain our approach for the inversion, let us analyze the derivative of gravity
field from finite point source in z direction:

P(1 , 2 , z)   [W ]e[W ]( z ) ,

This function has maximum which depends on depth: [W ]max 
Therefore, in order to receive sources on depth z, we have to use a band filter with the
center on the wave number:
[W ]max  .

Also we have to eliminate Gibbs phenomenon and use smooth behavior of the filter.

Finally, the following filter is applied:

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1 (n  1) n1 n
H (1 , 2 , z, n)  z [W ]n1 e n[W ] z (7)
 !n

This function has maximum [W ]max  and looks like a band frequency filter for the
sources on depth z and parameter n  0 and n < 10 can be used for the slope of filter
curve (Figure 1).

On the other hand, we can see that equation (7) corresponds to equation (6) and can be
used as the inversion operator in order to receive density contrast distribution which
corresponds to the observed gravity field.

Figure 1 demonstrates the spectrums of inversion operator in accordance with (7) for
different depth.


2.5 z=2
2 z=4
1.5 z=6
1 z=8















wavenumber = 1/z

Figure 1. Spectrum of inversion operator for different depth and with n=4

For better understanding of this operator, we can use probe gravity source to get impulse
reaction for finite point source. In other words, we can calculate density contrast
distribution by using gravity field from finite point’s source. Spectrum of this function for
depth of probe source on z 1 can be presented in the following analytical form:
(n  1) n1 n
S ([W ], z, n)  z [W ]n1 e [W ]( nz z1 ) (8)

Figure 2 shows synthetic example for density distribution for corresponded field above
point source on depth =500 and Figure 3 on depth =2000.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 shows synthetic example of the inversion. Figures 6, 7 shows
example of inversion in Siberia.

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Figure 2. Density distribution for corresponded field above point source on depth =500

Figure 3. Density distribution for corresponded field above point source on depth =2000

According to the inversion operator (7), function (8) can be used for direct forward
modeling from modeling density distribution to density distribution.
For this purpose, we need to calculate 3D convolution of modeling density distribution
with the function (8) for every depth. This is not practically useful for calculation and we
demonstrate this to understand the results according to this inversion.

The inversion operator (7) can be used only if we do not have any priory information and
for regional investigation.

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Figure 4. Simple synthetic model with three bodies with density 1 g/sm3 and gravity
forward model

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Figure 5. Cube with inversion result for synthetic model with three bodies

Figure 6. Inline of gravity inversion density cube in Siberia.

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Figure 7. Cube of gravity inversion density in Siberia

The same equations and the same approach we can use for the inversion of magnetic data.
The difference lies only in the following:

1. We have transferred magnetic data to the Pole according Baranov’s algorithm. For
it we have know vector of normal magnetization – dip and azimuth.
2. We have to calculate pseudo gravity from magnetic data. It means that we need to
do integration operation or in a wavenumber domain thus, we have to use the
following additional multiplier , where    1 .
[W ]

Regional trend calculation is based on potential field approximation via 8 pseudo sources
placed below cube. It is allow eliminating of gravity effect from sources situated outside
the area of interest.

1. Ivan Priezzhev, Distribution of physical parameters according join inversion of gravity
and seismic data, Geophysics, EAGO (Russia), 2005, #3 (on Russian)
2. Kobrunov A.I., Varfolomeev V.A. One approach of density equivalent representation
and using it for gravity field interpretation. Earth Physics USSR Academy of science,
#10, 1981 (on Russian)

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3. Kobrunov A.I., Mathematical base of theory for geophysical data interpretation,
Russia, Ukta University, Ukta, 2007 (on Russian)
4. Parker R.L. The rapid calculation of potential anomalies // Geophys. J. Roy. Astron.
Soc. 1973. V 31. P. 447-455.

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3. Inverse Problem

1. Double-click GravityMagneticExpressInterpretation in the Plug-in folder on

the Process tab.
The Plug-in dialog box appears (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Plug-in Interface.

2. Select Inversion in the Calculation method list.
3. Select the type of input potential field in the Gravity or magnetic field.
4. Load the Gravity (in mGal) or magnetic (in nT) field regular surface by

clicking .
5. Set the Filter power parameter.
The Filter power parameter defines filter steepness. It takes a value from 1 to
10 and manages the depth resolution of the result. If the value is greater than
10, the high frequency effect will be probable (Gibbs phenomenon).
6. Set the Start depth for new cube and End depth for new cube

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The Start depth for new cube and End depth for new cube are the depth limits
of the resultant cube.
7. Set the Depth sample interval parameters.
The Depth sample interval is the sample interval of the resultant inversion
8. If you have selected Magnetic in step 3, define the Magnetic vector azimuth
and Magnetic vector dip parameters.
Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination is the angle made by a compass needle
with the horizontal at any point on the Earth's surface. The range of dip is from
-90 degrees to 90 degrees.
Magnetic azimuth (declination) is the angle between the local magnetic field
(the direction the north end of a compass point) and true north. The declination
is positive when magnetic north is east of true north.
9. Click Run.
A Petrel message appears, displaying the number of slice, min value, and max
value columns.
The new ZGY-cube (Figure ) appears under the Main seismic folder.

Figure 9. Inversion Result.

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4. Inverse Problem of Local Anomalies

A regional trend will be calculated and extracted from the gravity and magnetic
field by the plug-in before inversion.
1. Repeat steps 1-8 from the previous section.
2. Toggle on the Regional trend extraction.
3. Click Run.
A Petrel message appears.
The new ZGY-cube appears under the Main seismic folder, and the Regional
Trend Map (Figure ) is saved as a separate surface in the new folder.

Figure 10. Regional Trend Map.

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5. Transformation of Magnetic Field to Pole

The transformation of magnetic field to the Pole will be calculated. The inverse
problem is not solved during this process.
1. Launch the plug-in.
2. Select Inversion in the Calculation method.
3. Select Magnetic in Gravity or Magnetic.
4. Select magnetic (in nT) field regular surface in the Input tab.
5. Set the Magnetic vector azimuth and Magnetic vector dip parameters.

6. Click to load this surface into the Gravity or magnetic surface.

7. Toggle on the Pole transform only.
8. Click Run.
The Pole map appears in the new folder in the Input tab.

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6. Forward Problem

1. Launch the plug-in.

2. Select Forward in the Calculation method list.
3. Select the type of input cube in the Gravity or Magnetic field.
4. Select gravity or magnetic cube in the Main seismic folder.

5. Click to load this cube into the Density (magnetic density) cube.
6. If you have selected Magnetic in step 3, define the Magnetic vector
azimuth and Magnetic vector dip parameters.
Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination is the angle made by a compass needle
with the horizontal at any point on the Earth's surface. The range of dip is from -90
degrees to 90 degrees.
Magnetic azimuth (declination) is the angle between the local magnetic field
(the direction the north end of a compass point) and true north. The declination is
positive when the magnetic north is east of true north.
The new potential field result (Figure ) appears in a new folder in the Input tab.

Figure 11. Gravity Field Map – Result of Forward Problem.

then press on “Second Point” button.

c. One more with 3rd well sign on image and then press on “Third Point”
4. Enter Well Top Coordinates:

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7. Help and Support Information

The Petrel 2015.1 GravityMagneticExpressInterpretation plug-in is

provided by Schlumberger. For support information, contact Petrel support at your
location or send a request to

The following help information is available with the plug-in:

 The User Manual can be accessed by clicking Help on the plug-in command
bar, or open “\Petrel 2015\Extensions\
GravityDensityModeling_1.0.3.x\”, or in main Petrel menu select File ->
Help -> Help Center -> GravityMagneticExpressInterpretation user’s
 The Info tab includes information about the plug-in (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Info Tab.

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