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Learning Area English Grade Level 7

Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Determining the Worth of Ideas to Make Simple Inferences
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 24: Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Enabling Competencies:
 Make simple inferences about thoughts and feelings expressed in the text listened to
 Process information mentioned in the text listened to
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Determining Worth of Ideas in a Listening Text, Making Inferences
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 35 minutes)
The student in the illustration is considering five different options. What did
he pick out of the five options? What do you think he will do with those things?

He selected a laptop, internet, and cellphone as the most important

items because he may use all three to attend his online classes. Although the
modules are required, they can also be found on his laptop. Similarly, popcorn
is a great snack to have, but it is not required in this situation.

In the same way, when we read, we keep only the important things.
Making sense of the text and getting toward understanding requires
determining important concepts and information in it. An author can provide
The student chose:
a lot of information, but as a reader, you must decide on which knowledge is
1. _______________ the most important for learning.
2. _______________
3. _______________ However, this could be a challenge in listening, where possible
distractions may occur, such as when the speaker speaks softly or quickly. To
He will use those things for: eliminate these distractions, you must first learn how to connect to the speaker.
In this lesson, you will know more about determining the worth of ideas
mentioned in a listening text using the CASTS method which stands for context,
audience, speaker, tone or mood, and summary. It will guide you in making
inferences about the thoughts and feelings expressed in the text you listened

Inferences are guesses you make by combining two things:

details/information from the text and your prior knowledge/personal
experience. These inferences are helpful for you to arrive with the summary of
the speaker’s message.

While listening, you will process the information

delivered by the speaker to formulate your inferences.
You will also reflect on the message for you to
understand the context and impact of the speech.
You might be thinking of the following questions:
1. What is the purpose of the speaker in
delivering the speech?
2. How did the message change me after I
have listened to it?
3. Is the message new to me? How can I share
this knowledge to other people?

To better understand the CASTS method, the table below presents the guide questions and steps in making inferences. An
example for each method is also provided.

CASTS Guide How to come up Example

Method Questions with your inferences?
Context  Where did the speech take  Describe the speech based The speech was held in the
place? on your prior knowledge. school at 8 in the morning
 When did the speaker deliver the  Explain the significance of the as part of the Opening
speech? location and time where the Program.
 How do other participants react speech was held.
to the speech?
Audience  Who is the intended audience?  Describe the audience’s Students from Buenaventura
 What age range/group do they participation in the speech. Alandy National High
belong?  Explain why they are the School (BANHS) will be in
 Do they have similarities? intended audience based on the audience for the dance
 Are they coming from a group or the text you have listened to. competition.
Speaker  What position does he/she have in  Describe the background The speaker is the principal
a group or organization? information you know about of BANHS, who is very
 How important is his/her presence the speaker. supportive of such events.
in giving the speech?
Tone/Mood  What words did the speaker use  Write the words that make you The speaker is excited since
that made you feel the emotions feel about the speech. she announced that the
portrayed in the speech? Is the  Describe your emotions that contest winners will receive
speaker fearful, angry, surprised, you felt after listening to the prizes.
serious, or humorous? text.
Summary  What salient or important points  List down all your thoughts, The speaker delivered a
that the speaker mentioned in insights, and opinions about message regarding the
his/her speech? the points that the speaker Division's upcoming Dance
 What is the central message that has mentioned. Contest. Students from
the speaker wants to convey? BANHS will compete, and I
believe they will win the
competition, like they did
last year as she mentioned.

You have developed your ability to cite text evidence in the previous quarter, and now you are working on another
important skill — making simple inferences. You may not realize it, but you have been employing this skill in your daily
activities. All you have to do now is put it into practice while reading or listening. When inferring from the text, integrate your
prior knowledge or personal experiences with the evidence provided by the text.

D. Development (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1
For your first task, listen to an excerpt of President Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address 2020. Then, answer the
questions in the graphic organizer.

You can watch or listen to the speech on this link: If you do not have access to the internet, a transcript of the speech is available below:

Excerpt of President Rodrigo Duterte’s

State of the Nation Address 2020:

Until the COVID 19 vaccine is available, I will not

allow the traditional face to face class teaching
or learning unless [all] risks of exposure to sickness
are eliminated. I cannot and will not put to risk
the health and lives of our students and teachers.

Two weeks ago, I seemed to have said that I

would allow the face-to-face classes to resume.
But we were talking actually of January because
my thinking is that by September, we would have
the vaccine.

How to get it from the producers or from other

governments is really something which we have
to deal with because it is a global need, and
everyone would go for it.
Learning Task 2
Consider the line lifted from the speech. Use the table to make a simple inference using the information from the text and
your prior knowledge or personal experience.

It says… I say… So, I infer…

(information from the text) (prior knowledge/personal (inference)
“Until the COVID 19 vaccine is available, I will not
allow the traditional face to face teaching or
learning unless [all] risks of exposure to sickness are

Learning Task 3
Complete the graphic organizer by filling out information from the excerpt of the
speech of President Rodrigo Duterte during the State of the Nation Address 2020.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the context (location/time) of the speech?
2. Who is the intended audience?
3. Who is the speaker?
4. What tone or mood is expressed on the speech?
5. How will you summarize the speech?

E. Engagement (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes)

Learning Task 4
Apply what you have learned from previous the activities. Listen to the speech given by Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones for the
World No Tobacco Day 2020. Then, complete the table following the CASTS method.

You can access the video on this link:

CASTS Method Guide Questions Answers

Context Where did the speech take place? When did the speaker When: _________________________
deliver the speech? How did other participants react to Where: _________________________
the speech?
Audience Who is the intended audience? What age range/group Who (audience):
do they belong? ________________________________
Speaker How important is her presence in giving the speech? Who (speaker):
Tone/Mood What words are used by the speaker that made you feel What (information):
the emotions portrayed in the speech? ________________________________
Summary What salient/important points that the speaker What (information):
mentioned in her speech? ________________________________

If you do not have access to the internet, use the transcript below to complete the task:
Message of Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones for the World No Tobacco Day 2020
The Department of Education, especially, its learners, teachers, staff, and all parents who are part of our 27 million army
of learners and 900,000 army of teachers are very pleased, enthusiastic, and happy to participate in this launching of the
World No Tobacco Day on May 31st. This is a great occasion for us to remember that despite of the long years of campaign
against tobacco, the danger is still there. The technology for the communication for convincing and capturing more victims
are still there. Only we do not notice them at all.
I have a very personal commitment against tobacco. Three of my brothers past ay an early age because they are
smokers, they died from smoke related illnesses. Even when they stopped smoking already, the diseases associated with
smoking caught up with them anyway. We have people who are close to us, friends close to myself, who are in 4 stages of
cancer, having heart diseases, lung diseases, and all sort of illnesses which may not generally be associated immediately
with tobacco smoking but can be traced to earlier of smoking and prolonged smoking. Hence, my personal commitment
to this campaign.
I grew up with the background where we are taught to respect our bodies not to poison our physical systems with all
sorts of distractive material. And, to consider our bodies as temples of God which we must not destroy. I have carried this
commitment throughout all my life. Sometimes, we think that the campaign against tobacco smoking has already been
won. In the Philippines, with a very long campaign to tax, to impose higher taxes on tobacco, and other poisonous
substances by taxing them very very highly. It is a very long campaign and I participated even before I was the Secretary
of Education. And so, we think that the campaign was over, we think that the battle was already over, this is because there
are other substances which are more dangerous and much more harmful. The truth is, the dangers of tobacco is still here,
new methods at capturing young people to get involve in cigarettes still continuous and false information is being spread.
This is because we think it’s all over, and this is because sometimes it happens the impacts, the diseases, the destruction
happens after a period of time and is not immediately identified as smoking.
Therefore, I encourage the Department of Education, especially, with our 27 million young learners or 900,000 teachers,
our staff, our personnel, I encourage the Department to continue this campaign. The enemy is still with us, it is still with our
system, cigarette smoking is still associated with being macho, with being glamorous, with being beautiful or good looking
and it offers reliefs from tension from whatever bugs us or it offers escape from what we consider as challenges in our life,
but these dangers accumulate and eventually we pay for it.
I congratulate, therefore, our colleagues, the Department of Education who have initiated this campaign, all of us
who participated and will continue to participate in this month-long celebration. I also, congratulate all other organizations
who continued the campaign who tell us not to forget, who remind us that the danger is still there, who remind us that the
enemy has not left, that tobacco is as dangerous as ever and insidious as ever and as deadly as ever. Thank you and good

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

The importance of applying the CASTS method to determine the worth
of ideas in the listening text was emphasized in this lesson. You can utilize the
method to make simple inferences from the details provided in the text,
which is especially useful when summarizing the speaker's message. The
formula below can help you remember how to make inferences:

Now, it is your turn to review on the guide questions you learned from
each method. Write it on the provided graphic organizer.
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 10 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Instructions: Decide whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE.
________1. Context is the people who listens to the speech.
________2. Summary covers the important points of the speech.
________3. Listening to a text is easier to comprehend than reading the text.
________4. CASTS method involves context, audience, speech, tone or mood, and summary.
________5. Inferences are derived from two things — details from the text and your prior knowledge.
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 5 minutes)
 Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES Department of Education. English Grade 7 Learner's Material. Philippines: FEP Printing Corp,
DepEd Philippines. "Message of Secretary Briones for the World No Tobacco Day 2020."
YouTube. June 6, 2020.
Rappler. "SONA 2020: No face-to-face teaching unless students are safe – Duterte."
YouTube. July 27, 2020.

Prepared by: Allan Immanuel U. Ortiz Checked by: Tesalonica C. Abesamis

Maria Madel C. Rubia
Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero
Rempson P. Sumilang
Generosa F. Zubieta
Ermelo A. Escobiñas

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