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What does Kingdom Entrepreneurship mean to you?

It is using my Gifts and abilities to help equip and release Gods best in all areas of
my life. Being a kingdom entrepreneur is seeing my self as the son of a king first, then
as a Kingdom citizen and a follower of Jesus. always looking to be a problem solver and
a servant.

What is the difference between Kingdom Entrepreneur and Christian Business?

A Christian business has good values but still might have a employee mindset. However a Kingdom
entrepreneur sees himself as part of the family business and knows he/she has an inheritance from the father.
They know they are the son/daughter of a King and also a kingdom citizen. He/She also knows that it is Gods
will for them to Prosper as the more they prosper the more good they can do in the world.


Biggest Area of Strength

Field of favour:This is 100% my strength as I know where
my favor lie, But I am still only operating at Id say 30%
of my capability.

Biggest Area of Growth Opportunity:

Healed heart: I am starting to recognise wounds and blindspots
listening to Pedro telling his Story about his Dad and being overly
ambitious reminds me of my past. I 100% need to focus on this.

WHERE DO YOU SEE In next 30 days I see myself taking massive action to heal my heart to have a strong
foundation and start eliminating my blindspots to become the person I was born to be.

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