Listening - Technology Exercise 1

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Exercise 1

During the critical period, young brains need a lot of 1)______ to develop particularly.
Children’s neurons are making connections for fundamental skills like 2)______ but these
needs are based on centuries of human evolution which used to have nothing to do with

When a child watches a video, rather than kids learning to focus and imagine the story, the
device presents everything to them, so certain 3)______ become underdeveloped.

Spending too much time in front of a screen rather than interacting with people can lead to
the 4)______ of the 5)______ part of the brain that interprets social interactions.

Colors, sounds, stories all at a super fast pace can be 6)______ , releasing stress hormones
such as 7)______

It can also over activate the brain's reward systems like the 8)______ getting kids used to
prompt fulfillment

In some ways, screen time can be positive. In a study, after 10 days of being exposed to
audios and videos, the mice showed signs of 9)______, impaired learning and risk-taking

However, the mice also stayed calm in an environment that usually would have 10)______

Some scientists now argue screen time can help prepare a child's brain for our increasingly
11)______ world so screen time isn't always bad

As with many things, the solution is 12)______

Exercise 2

On the other side of the 1)______ world of gaming and social media are faces like Brooks, 15
years old and a 2)______ recovering social media addict

Her parents say it was a knock-down 3)______ to get the phone out of her hand

The World Health Organization poised to 4)______ adding gaming disorders to a journal on
mortality listed among 5)______ and substance abuse

Former Facebook president Sean Parker says the company was built to be addictive, aiming at

consuming as much of users’ time and 6)______ as possible

It's a 7)______ because a 8)______ in human psychology is being exploited

According to psychologists, although devices are always about 9)______ but there's research
suggests that young people need help in balancing those 10)______ interactions

Exercise 3

Only now has yahoo confirmed the 1)______ of the Internet technology multinational
happening in 2014 to the media

User names and many other sensitive data wound up in 2) ______

According to Biden Darton, amongst the data stolen, credit card information is worth 3)
______ because it can be sold over the 4) ______ for much money

Companies pay a great deal of money to 5) ______ of information like usernames,

passwords and email addresses

In 2012, 117 accounts with business networking site linked in were 5) ______

6) ______ Flickr and 7) ______ Tumblr also saw millions of accounts hacked

8) ______ has turned into a 9) ______ all over the world, hackers are getting to be more 10)

The only real protection is 11) ______, keeping a very close eye on your email

The security expert recommends sites like have I been pwned where users can check to see
if their privacy has been 12) ______

Exercise 4

Hidden in the 1) ______, a ransomware is a 2) ______ used by criminal gangs infecting

computers worldwide

Typically a ransomware attack makes files 3)______ unless the victim pays a huge sum.

There were more than four thousand ransomware incidents in Canada in 2020 and Ireland's
healthcare network 4) ______ too.

According to Fergal Malone, CEO of Rotunda Hospital, because of the attack, all their ability to
get patients’ history, to look up 5) ______ are back to 6) ______

In a hurry, paying ransom might provide 7) ______ but remember the money funds criminal

In the case of Colonial Pipeline, the major U.S 8) ______, recently hit with ransomware, the
attack is still causing shortages 9) ______ days after it is said to have paid nearly 5 million
dollars in 10) ______
The RCMP ( Royal Canadian Mounted Police) does not support 11) ______ because the victim
may not get their data back and it can encourage criminals to 12) ______

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