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NAMES: Sergio David Trujillo Franco / Laura Maria Carranza Cabra


Arturo Calle is one of the most recognized companies in the country due to its performance
in the marketing of goods such as clothing and accessories for men. The productive sector to
which it belongs is the tertiary sector which refers to trade. This company's mission is the
design, manufacture and marketing of clothing and accessories with international quality
standards, fair prices and excellent service at their points of sale, trying to meet the needs and
expectations of customers, also seeks innovation and improvement of their processes, the
development of the organization and the welfare of its human talent, to obtain a reasonable
return and contribute to social development of the country. Its quality policy is based on
satisfying the needs and expectations that customers have about the garments and accessories
that are designed, made and sold, through points of sale nationally and internationally,
seeking the personal, social and professional development and growth of all employees and
the organization in general.
Entering the recent economic statements, we can talk about the most recent year in which are
their balances of only one headquarters located in the free zone Fontibón in Bogota, we talk
about the year 2018 where we have a total equity of $ 4'112. 319 =, its assets for this time
were $ 11'462. 219 = while its liabilities were $ 7'349. 900 =. Making a comparison of these
figures with the two previous years, we can conclude that in the year spoken was higher
productivity of the company, the increase is remarkable. The costs for this location in the
year were $3'247. 210=, and an income from assets of $5'612. 614=, the difference between
income and expenses for this location alone is remarkable. Now let's talk about the gross
profit of just this one site in the whole company, in total it was $2'365. 414=, which is a high
profit in sales, its break-even point was long ago now the company is growing taking into
account that, until this year, it had 100 warehouses, which is estimated that the profit is over
$100. 000. 000= talking about all the sites having the same behavior as the one analyzed
before. These reports were extracted from the reports of the Superintendency of Corporations
in Colombia.
With regard to the analysis carried out previously for only one seat of the entire company, it
can be said that the company is in very good condition in terms of its economic balance, but,
although these values are seen, it cannot be said that the balance remains the same after this
pandemic that managed to bring many companies to ruin, even to bankruptcy. On May 31,
2020, an article was published on how this important undertaking has been sustained in the
face of the adversity that this pandemic has caused in the economy. He says that this company
saw adversity as an opportunity for the growth of its business, since it gave the opportunity
to innovate and rethink its strategic plans in the market. This is how, together with the
Ecopetrol Group and Bio Bolsa, the company Arturo Calle was in charge of making garments
for the protection of health personnel in its three manufacturing plants in Bogotá and Pereira.
This resulted in a new contribution to staff prevention and significant support for job
retention in the company. In addition to this, they implemented the idea of ordering from
their website which is in operation 24 hours a day, discounted garments and opting for a
renovating and interesting alternative. Definitely this company found to sustain itself and
face all kinds of problems, has an excellent financial status, an example for the country.

[1] 2020. Estados Financieros De Empresas Colombianas - Bursitia.Com.
[online] Available at:
[2] Tiempo, C., 2020. El Camino De Arturo Calle Para Enfrentar La Adversidad. [online] El
Tiempo. Available at:

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