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which presents the chemical structures of the mem- ture sources are given for the data contained in the
bers of the vitamin B family. References are made book, references being made both t o methods of
t o reviews and individual papers which give the purification and to determinations of constants.
detailed chemistry of these materials.

Chemicals are arranged in a logical fashion: hy-

There is a chapter on the occurrence of these drocarbons, halogenated derivatives, oxygenated
vitamins, both in plant and animal tissues, and derivatives, nitrogen compounds, mixed compounds
another chapter presents descriptions of the method (such as nitrohaloalkanes), sulfur derivatives, phos-
of assay. Useful comments are made, particularly phorous derivatives, etc.
with respect t o special treatment that is required Constants include critical constants, densities of
when assaying for vitamin content of particular liquid and saturated vapor, rectilinear diameter,
mixtures or natural products. Included in this saturated vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing
chapter are chemical, microbiological, and biological point, the various constants of state, and heat con-
assay methods. A very interesting section on the stants. All these values are given so that there is
biogenesis of B vitamins will appeal particularly t o uncertainty only in the last figure.
the academic mind. A section devoted t o biochemi- Material is easy t o locate in the book, since there
cal reactions and their catalysts classifies the types are both subject and formula indexes.
of reaction and explains the role of the vitamin This promises to be a valuable reference work, and
involved as a catalyst. The importance of under- it is hoped that the book will be revised regularly
standing the chemical processes involving vitamins as new data is made available.

is well illustrated. The book progresses logically
to the metabolic functions of the B vitamins, reviews
the methods of assessing vitamin B requirements Industrial Chemicals. By W. L. FAITH, DONALD B.
and factors influencing these requirements, such KEYES,and RONALD L. CLARK. John Wiley and
factors as age, sex, occupation, and individual Sons, New York, 1950. xi + 652 pp. Illus-
variations being considered. The metabolism of B trated. 15 x 23.5 cm. Price $8.
vitamins is discussed, and knowledge as to the ab- This book presents in a single volume the com-
sorption, excretion, and conditions affecting these pilation of frequently-needed technical and eco-
processes. Pharmacology and toxicology of the B nomic data relating to 106 industrial chemicals
vitamins are considered, and there is a large section most widely used as intermediates in the chemical
on deficiency states. and pharmaceutical industries. Information of the
Before progressing t o the details of the use of type recorded relative t o these chemicals has here-
enzyme reactions and inhibition studies serving t o tofore been difficult t o obtain because it has so often
clarify biochemical reactions of B vitamins, a very been widely diffused in numerous books, magazines,
good introduction t o the fundamentals of enzyme and pamphlets. The design of Industrial Chemicals
reactions is presented. The inhibitors of the various has produced a very convenient reference book.

B factors are considered in some detail, this section Each chemical is covered in a separate monograph,
including a large number of antivitamin substances. and the data are presented in the same order in each
This book presents in clear and readable form a ‘monograph. The data on each chemical are pre-
very large amount of information and will certainly sented in the following order:

be of great value t o anyone concerned with the 1. Name and chemical formula.
vitamin B group. 2. Manufacturing processes in current use.
including simplified flow sheets.
3. Equations for the principal reactions involved
Physico-Chemical Constants of Pure Organic Com- and average yield expectation.
pounds. By J. TIMMERMANS. Elsevier Pub- 4. Raw material requirements per unit of com-
lishing Company, Inc., New York, 1950. viii + mercial product. In some cases, utility and labor
693 pp. 17 x 24.5 cm. Price $12.50. requirements are shown.
The object of this book is to record “as completely 5. Graph showing production for the past twenty
as possible those physico-chemical constants of years.
organic compounds which have been measured with 6. Generalized use pattern.
sufficient care t o warrant their acceptance as data 7. Graph showing price variation for the past
established with a precision worthy of contemporary twenty years.
science.” This object limits considerably the num- 8. Miscellaneous data, including physical prop-
ber of compounds that are listed, since thousands of erties, commercial grades, shipping regulations, and
compounds do not meet this criterion for various usual containers.
reasons: the literature may not give a sufficient 9. Economic aspects, generally including his-
description of the methods used so that accuracy of torical data, a discussion of competitive products
determinations and purity of the material could be and processes, recent trends in manufacturing and
assured; also, the constants of a great majority sales, actual and economic plant size, and approxi-
of compounds have been determined only with mate plant cost.
sufficient accuracy t o prove the identity of the 10. A map showing the location of manufactur-
chemical. Rather stringent limitations are placed ing facilities in the United States.
on the various physical constants which were ac- Information of the type presented in Industrial
cepted. For example, a boiling range would not Chemicals should be of special value t o those engaged
be accepted which exceeded one-tenth degree. It is in the manufacture and sale of chemicals and phar-
this type of careful scrutinization of literature values maceuticals and should serve as a useful reference
which makes the book outstanding and useful, for book for teachers and students of subjects relating to
one can feel that information obtained from this chemical and pharmaceutical processes and manu-
source will be reliable. It is also of value that litera- facturing.

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