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UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR INSTITUTO ACADEMICO DE IDIOMAS Unit 10 GRAMMAR PRACTICE. Watch the following videos. ] Watch the following videos. \s:/Awww. youtube. itch?v=mwh_TWwwN8Y | htps:// YUaRWnnl Do the following exercises. ‘THE SIMPLE PAST AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE OF THESE VERBS: Watch watched_ didn't watch Gean....c\aned.... ...didn..clgan... Stop Stopped... Arrive ...0:\tiaiad.. WRITE THESE SENTENCES IN NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE FORM: ‘Susan cleaned the house / Scsandidat clan the hae ythendag) Did Svoanclaan Aba horse ni Leta can(?) They listened to the radio last night. Thay...kida't listen. o..the sdia, sash. spi(-) Dad thoylisktonta the tudia bs th.) My mother arrived home at 8 o'clock. My.matbar...didn towne. Did. my.imatha. ovine. home .ovt,.2.cdeck 2.02) ‘My sister played in the garden. My. sister did't. tise, APH al) Did. mmy.sister.ghay.. ayaden2. ‘These pupils studied English in this school. These pols slid hud. Gis in sot) Did these Qugilsstrishyalnaish sa this. schod2(0) Father opened our front door last night. ast nian) Did. Latbay..cpan..oox. Lunt deat last. uhh} () oe nae WRITE THESE SENTENCES IN NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE FORM: didn't buy ‘They bought the drinks in this shop. They..didt!h tow. the. this. shap..) Did. tay. fouy.tha.duiaks. in this. shapZ...(2) ‘My friend lost his keys yesterday. My trend dude eed. is Kays yetkeviy. friend Lose is Kens. ypet drag ‘They went to the cinema last Saturday. They-let9p.ta the coma last Sabu. Did. they gata tha conan Last. Setadlay (2) Tread a very interesting book. Tidal based..o..itty.Jntnesting, ook. Did yowtod onyninbertshing soni 2 ‘They told me the truth. Thay tall me. the dauth Dad Yhoy. tell ane the dane He saw her in the restaurant last night, plist hdl. see bat. the tenauct last meh: QUESTIONS 1.5 Read the following sentences. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 4 -5, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. o ... Jim and Katie last year, B is Cc meet 1 We .. Ur mother in her house last Friday A visit B visits 2 Vases sssseseess SOME chocolates in the mall yesterday A by B bought © @ 3 She.......... to the cinema in her last vacations A go B went © has 4 They... € letter in the last contest in the high school. Amun Bote c write 5 He. ;ome beers in the disco last Friday A danced B drank Cc drink Make sure you do pages 98, 99 on your student book. UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR INSTITUTO ACADEMICO DE IDIOMAS Unit 10 VOCABULARY Dear students make sure you do the vocabulary activities on page 98 and 100. QUESTIONS 1-5 Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5).For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A - H. Exampl 0 Ihave a cold. 1 I passed my driver's test last week. A Chevrolet Dealer Only for this week, we have a SALE on cars, 2 | didn’t watch a movie last week B i alth Center 3 We didn’t go to English class one week ago. Multicines E We play “Romeo and Juliet” every night 4 Mysister bought a brand new car for only D Raata. 510,000.59 We teach you how to drive 5 | went with my friend to the movies andhad | | p————_____ a lot of fun. Coronavirus Pandemic Classes are suspended for - three weeks Cinemark We play “Scary Movie” every night. IAI Building No classes for three days. H Cineton Itwas closed for 2 weeks, open again UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR INSTITUTO ACADEMICO DE IDIOMAS Unit 10 READING 1. Dear students make sure you read about Martin’s Blog on page 104 on your student book. Then work on the following reading section: QUESTIONS 1-5 Read about “Our last trip” Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 1 — 5, mark A, B, or C. Our last trip. Our last holiday 395. alla bit of a rush. We we0l. to Cartagena for a few days. 0 1 First, my friend, Sue .qct.. to the travel agents 2 days before the trip, 2 because she di: have time .on.. Monday, and booked a holiday for both of us. 3 4 We set off from home at six a.m. in the morning and ‘oaK..a taxi to the airport. 5 Example: 0 A_ were c is 1° A went B go © going 2 A get B got Cc gets 3 A did B_ doesn't c didn't 4 A in B on Cc at 5 A take B took Cc staking UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR INSTITUTO ACADEMICO DE IDIOMAS Unit 10 LISTENING - PART 1 QUESTIONS 1-5 ‘Audio track taken from Touchstone Teacher's Edition 1, Unit 10, Lesson” A’, p98, Activity 1B You will hear five short interviews. For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C) Example: 0_Peter COUSIN | FRIEND WIFE | A Bes 1 Josh hs : / —@ 3 < 2 Mari 3 | 7 o | 2 51 | 7 , 5 © 3. Stephen [eaeanetee! woe | [ | l e e 4 ichel Ree Raepreaonese| ees ao A a eee Cae 5_ Melissa Se | mm aes ¢ § & | DO 3 Make sure you do all the listening exercises on the text book: Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 105 All these activities you have to complete on your student’s book UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR INSTITUTO ACADEMICO DE IDIOMAS Unit 10 Do the following activities and send them to your teacher. ‘SPEAKING Answer the following questions? Include supporting information. Use the links as reference material. 1. What did you do yesterday? http://el inglesonline.t . 12) htm! 2. Did your brother go out on the weekend? https://en mur 1e3 ress /5-21 3. Did you have a busy week? S I Qu ist vacation? 4. Did you do anything speci hhttp:/Awww. ting H 5. Did you go to bed early last night? https: /.cheatsheet.« fl in. QU: pal: fore-bed.html/ WRITING ~ PART 9 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Topic: Martin and Sophie, a true love story. Use the Martin’s blog on page 104 as reference material. Write 30 to 40 words. Write the stor sheet. Martin vwnnteds So cee opie mony. hum Oo Eaday they tied toh fate ssstoviont ond aihen they (ame out Sophia used Mivtn sockets She pd her. chads to the pestis ood fod the bor wath the toy latin sispeed be one “Ente—ood said “Mappybidhday Sophie! Will You mayne r's

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