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Oral Hygiene Assessment:

17   Soft and Hard Deposits
Donna Eastabrooks

C O M P E T E NCIES determines oral self-care effectiveness (see section on dis-

closing agents)
1. Discuss the tools and concepts for oral hygiene
assessment, including the significance of soft and Concepts for Oral Hygiene Assessment
hard oral deposits.
2. Discuss types of oral deposits and explain the oral Soft and hard dental deposits are assessed according to the
biofilm formation process. following:
3. Describe the clinical assessment of oral biofilm. • Location
4. Explain the skills, motivation, and compliance needed • Supragingival—above the free-gingival margin
to successfully manage oral self-care. • Subgingival—below the free-gingival margin
5. Compare the available oral hygiene indices, and list • Amount (degree) as indicated by slight, moderate, or
the criteria for an effective oral hygiene index. heavy accumulations
6. Discuss record keeping and documentation. • Extent and distribution
• Generalized throughout the dentition (greater than one
third of the dentition is involved)
• Localized to a single tooth or groups of teeth in the
Oral Hygiene Assessment anterior or posterior areas but involving less than one
Oral hygiene is the degree to which the oral cavity is kept third of the dentition
clean and free of soft and hard deposits by daily oral self-care Assessment also involves evaluating the client’s knowl-
or, when necessary, oral care provided by a caregiver. Before edge, skill, attitude, and motivation related to oral self-care.
the dental hygienist can influence a client’s oral health behav- Table 17-1 describes the soft and hard deposits that accumu-
ior, it is necessary to assess and document the client’s current late in the oral cavity. Of these deposits, oral biofilm (bacterial
oral hygiene status. Oral hygiene assessment is the process of plaque or dental plaque) is a risk factor for dental caries and
determining the following about the client: periodontal diseases. Stain and calculus do not cause oral
• Amount of hard tooth deposits (extrinsic dental stain, disease but rather provide irregular surfaces that retain bacte-
dental calculus) and soft tooth deposits (food debris, rial plaque on teeth, dental appliances, and adjacent peri-
materia alba, oral biofilm) odontal structures and have esthetic implications. The
• Oral hygiene status location, amount, and extent of oral biofilm, stain, and calcu-
• Oral self-care effectiveness lus, and to a lesser degree food debris and materia alba, are
• Motivation related to oral self-care important variables to measure and record during baseline
assessment and at continued-care intervals. Clients are
Assessment Tools informed of oral hygiene assessment findings and encour-
Oral hygiene assessment tools include the following: aged to practice daily of self-care for prevention of oral
• Light: Helps to visualize all areas of the mouth disease and health promotion.
• Compressed air: Aids in the detection of supragingival and Bacterial plaque biofilm (see section on oral biofilm) is a
subgingival soft and hard deposits major risk factor for dental caries, periodontal disease, and
• Mouth mirror: Permits visualization of entire oral cavity oral malodor; therefore its assessment is key to effective care
• Periodontal explorer: Allows access subgingivally and, when planning. About 20% of the oral environment is occupied by
applicable, to deep pockets (e.g., ODU 11/12 or 3-A explor- teeth, the target for toothbrushing and interdental cleaning.
ers) for accurate assessment of subgingival calculus and The remaining 80% of the mouth includes the oral mucous
optimal tactile sensitivity membrane and specialized mucosa of the tongue. Pathogenic
• Gauze: Maintains a clean instrument tip rather than trans- microorganisms can grow on all oral soft tissues and hard
locating soft deposits around the mouth surfaces as well as in saliva. By understanding the bacterial
• Disclosing solution (disclosant): Allows visualization load present in the oral cavity, mechanical and antimicrobial
of supragingival plaque throughout the mouth and interventions can be implemented and recommended to
reduce oral biofilm in the entire mouth.
Figures, tables, and boxes marked as “e” are available as supplemen- About 50% to 90% of the population exhibit some type
tal material on the Evolve site. Visit of periodontal disease. When disease is present, there is
Darby/hygiene to access these materials. commonly a corresponding need for greater personal

CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 283

TABLE 17-1 
Soft and Hard Deposits Found in the Oral Cavity

Term Classification Definition

Acquired pellicle and Acellular, nonmineralized layer An unstructured, homogenous film adhering to tooth surfaces, firm surfaces
exogenous dental cuticle in the oral cavity, and old calculus; may be stained by tar products and
Oral biofilm Cellular, nonmineralized layer A dense, transparent, nonmineralized, highly organized mass of bacterial
colonies in a gel-like intermicrobial, enclosed matrix; a host-associated
Materia alba Cellular, nonmineralized layer Loose deposit of microorganisms, desquamated epithelial cells, and broken
down food debris; white to yellowish-white in color; has cottage cheese–like
Can be displaced with rinsing and water irrigation
Food debris Cellular nonmineralized layer Unstructured particles that remain in the mouth after eating and are removed
with irrigation unless impacted between the teeth
Extrinsic stain Cellular, may be mineralized or Discolorations that accumulate on the external surface of the tooth via
nonmineralized pellicle, plaque biofilm, or calculus; can be removed by power toothbrushing,
scaling, and/or polishing
Supragingival calculus Cellular, mineralized layer Mineralized bacterial plaque permeated with moderately hard calcium
phosphate crystals; superficially covered with bacterial plaque biofilm; usually
white or yellowish-white in color but may be stained darker
Subgingival calculus Cellular, mineralized layer Mineralized bacterial plaque; adheres to tooth structure in gingival sulcus;
organic matrix of bacteria permeated with hard calcium phosphate crystals;
may be stained dark green to greenish-black; superficially covered with
bacterial plaque biofilm

responsibility for oral health or knowledge about the patho- bacterial colonies in a gel-like intermicrobial, enclosed matrix
genicity of oral biofilm and its control. Oral hygiene assess- (slime layer) that is attached to a moist environmental surface
ment allows the dental hygienist to determine the client’s (Figure 17-1, A and B). The biofilm lends other protective prop-
unmet human needs (e.g., need for responsibility for oral erties to the associated bacteria, including resistance to anti-
health, conceptualization and problem solving, protection bacterial agents such as chlorhexidine gluconate, fixed
from health risks), communicate these unmet needs to clients, combination of essential oils, cetylpyridinium chloride, sys-
and instruct them in effective self-care behaviors. Individual- temic antibiotics, and host defense mechanisms (immune
ized oral hygiene instruction is important in motivating a system and inflammation). A network of slime layers of poly-
client; no one wants the “one-size-fits-all brush-and-floss saccharides protects the biofilm bacteria from the host’s
lecture.” immune system’s defensive cells (neutrophils, leukocytes,
macrophages, and lymphocytes) and antimicrobial and antibi-
otic agents. Bacteria within the biofilm adhere to one another
Oral Deposits and to tooth surfaces, dental appliances, restorations, the oral
mucosa, the specialized mucosa of the tongue, and alveolar
Oral Biofilm bone. Some bacteria are unattached and free floating
A biofilm is a complex, highly organized, three-dimensional (Figure 17-1, C).
communal arrangement of microorganisms adhering to a Dental caries and gingival and periodontal infections are
surface where moisture and nutrients are available. Unlike caused by microorganisms in oral biofilms. Biofilm-enclosed
free-floating (planktonic) bacteria, bacteria in a biofilm com- bacteria benefit from metabolites that are produced by the
munity are able to maximize nutrients, keep their community bacteria and concentrated, retained in the biofilm, the result
clean, communicate with one another when threatened, protect being enhanced interactions among species of bacteria. The
the community when under attack, and even relocate to start structure of the plaque biofilm includes channels that use the
new biofilm communities. As a host-associated biofilm, motion of saliva within the oral cavity or gingival crevicular
dental plaque (also known as microbial plaque, dental fluid subgingivally for bacterial colonization, nutrition, and
plaque, oral biofilm, dental plaque biofilm, bacterial plaque transport bacterial wastes. The biofilm creates its own renew-
biofilm) is a dense, transparent, nonmineralized mass of ing source of lipopolysaccharide (toxins) for long-term
284 SECTION III  n  Assessments



A plaque

Bacteria within
connective tissue

Bacteria on
bone surface

Figure 17-1.  Oral biofilm. A, Long-standing supragingival plaque near the gingival margin demonstrates “corncob” arrangement. A central gram-negative
filamentous core supports the outer coccal cells, which are firmly attached by interbacterial adherence or coaggregation. B, Disclosed supragingival plaque
covering one third to two thirds of the clinical crown. C, Diagram depicting the plaque bacteria associated with tooth surface and periodontal tissues. (From
Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, et al: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 11, St Louis, 2012, Saunders.)

survival of microorganisms. Loosely attached and unattached to a predominately gram-negative anaerobic flora; this change
microbes are found at the surface of the plaque biofilm (see in bacterial species brings signs of oral infection and
Figure 17-1, C). Bacteria within the biofilm store sugars inside inflammation.
their cells and extend the time of their lactic acid production.
This prolonged exposure to lactic acid causes the decalcifica- Subgingival Microorganisms
tion observed in dental caries. Because of these protective and In dental plaque–induced gingival disease, there is an increase
self-sustaining properties of the biofilm, associated bacteria in the quantity and quality of plaque. As supragingival plaque
are likely to survive within the mouth, and oral diseases may grows undisturbed, it extends subgingivally. Bacterial species
become chronic. Recognition of the self-sustaining nature of associated with dental plaque–induced gingival disease
the biofilm community helps explain why periodontal disease include gram-negative spirochetes and motile rods such as
is difficult to control and why periodontal pathogens resist Fusobacterium nucleatum, species of Prevotella and Treponema,
antimicrobial agents, antibiotic therapies, and host-defense and Campylobacter rectus. In advancing periodontal disease,
mechanisms. Subgingival microorganisms organize them- plaque is characterized by a zone of gram-positive organisms
selves into biofilms comprised of complex heterogeneous attached to the tooth surface, and a loosely adherent zone of
communities enmeshed in extracellular substances. These gram-negative species adjacent to the pocket wall. Bacteria
microorganisms often coaggregate to colonize and they associated with periodontitis are predominantly anaerobic
benefit from metabolic by-products from neighboring species and include, but are not limited to, Porphyromonas gingivalis,
as nutrient sources (eFigure 17-2). Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Filifactor and Pepto-
streptococcus, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Color
Microorganisms Within Oral Biofilm designations of plaque based on pathogenicity are shown in
See eFigure 17-3. Figure 17-4. This color coding has been used to differentiate
bacterial complexes associated with health and disease sever-
Supragingival Microorganisms ity. Early subgingival colonizers are in the blue, yellow, green,
In healthy mouths, oral biofilm is mainly supragingival and purple complexes. Late colonizers, the orange and red
and confined to enamel surfaces and oral mucosa. Typically complexes, are associated with mature subgingival plaque,
the bacteria associated with healthy plaque biofilm include periodontal pocketing, and clinical attachment loss.
aerobic gram-positive aerobic rods and cocci, with very
few motile species. The bacterial species associated with Stages of Oral Biofilm Formation
periodontal health include Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus Plaque formation occurs in four distinct stages: initial adher-
sanguinis, Streptococcus gordonii, and Streptococcus oralis, ence, lag phase, rapid growth bacterial colonization, and
although these species also may be found in disease. As steady state (see eFigures 17-2 and 17-3). Within these stages,
undisturbed plaque matures, the bacterial population changes distinct changes take place within the overall biofilm.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 284.e1

Figure 17-2.  Scanning electron micrograph of biofilm grown in vitro from human saliva on a hydroxyapetite surface. This image was collected at a
magnification of 2200x. This area of the biofim was populated by cocci, rods, and filamentours bacteria. (Courtesy Montana State University Center for
Biofilm Engineering, S. Fisher.)

Adhesin Receptor

as Late
A. actinomycetemcomitans pon colonizers
Tre H.pylori

F. nucleatum

P .gingivalis na

V. atypica dii


P. acnes colonizers

S. S.oralis S. S.
S.sanguinis S. oralis
gordonii S.mitis gordonii

Acquired pellicle

Tooth surface

TRENDS in Microbiology
Figure 17-3.  Diagrammatic representation of coaggregation in oral biofilm formation. (Adapted from Rickard AH, Gilbert P, High NJ, et al: Bacterial co-
aggregation: an integral process in the development of multi-species biofilms, Trends in microbiology 11(2):97, 2003.)
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 285

: Early subgingival
Actinomyces species (associated with health)

: Late colonizer
(associated with
periodontal disease)
V. parvula
A. odontolyticus

S. mitis N. mucosa
S. oralis P. acnes
S. sanguis P. melaninogenica
S. noxia
Streptococcus sp. C. gracilis C. rectus
S. gordonii
S. intermedius P. intermedia
P. nigrescens
P. micros
S. constellatus F. vincentii E. nodatum P. gingivalis
F. nucleatum T. forsythia
F. polymorphum T. denticola
F. periodonticum

E. corrodens
C. gingivalis
C. sputigena C. showae
C. ochracea
A. actino.

Figure 17-4.  Subgingival microbiota in subgingival biofilm. (Adapted from Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Cugini MA, et al: Microbial complexes in subgingival
plaque, J Clin Periodontol 25:134, 1998; and Haffajee AD, Bogren A, Hasturk H, et al: Subgingival microbiota of chronic periodontitis subjects from different
geographic locations, J Clin Periodontol 31:996-1002, 2004. Reprinted with permission from Blackwell Publishing.)

Initial Adherence Lag Phase

The first stage is the deposition of salivary components (the As the planktonic bacteria become sessile (i.e., immobile or
acquired pellicle), a tenacious, insoluble, acellular protein fixed in one place), there is a lag in bacterial growth. Bacterial
film composed of glycoproteins found within saliva on oral colonization occurs in stratified layers against the tooth
surfaces. Although pellicle performs a protective function, surface. On days 2 through 4, filamentous forms of bacteria
acting as a barrier to acids, it also serves as the initial site grow on the surface of the coccal colonies and begin to infil-
of attachment for free-swimming (planktonic) bacteria begin- trate the sessile colonies, replacing the cocci.
ning the first stage of biofilm development. Salivary proteins
and peptides promote bacterial adhesion to oral surfaces. Rapid Growth Bacterial Colonization
Immediately after cleansing the tooth, the pellicle begins to During rapid growth, adherent bacteria secrete extracellular
reform on exposed surfaces; within 1 hour, free-floating polysaccharides to form a water-insoluble slime matrix. The
microorganisms attach to the acquired pellicle and begin matrix is composed of saliva, polymers of host and bacterial
sessile colonies. Gram-positive cocci are the first microorgan- origin, and polysaccharides that are adherent. Protected by
isms to colonize the teeth. Early plaque, 1 to 2 days old, the matrix and the biofilm, microcolonies begin to form. The
consists primarily of aerobic, gram-positive cocci such as matrix is sticky and therefore further facilitates microbial
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. Primarily adhesion. A client may experience this phenomenon as the
because of the methods of bacterial adhesion, plaque is not “furry” or “filmy” feeling sometimes detected on the teeth.
completely removed by oral irrigation; removal of the entire In addition to providing a method of adherence for the bacte-
plaque biofilm requires mechanical action, such as tooth- rial colonies, the matrix and its polysaccharides trap
brushing and interdental cleaning with floss, a brush, or a other nutrients, provide a food source for the bacteria, and
wooden wedge. The significance of this distinction is being contribute to the protective functions of the biofilm. Addi-
studied as it relates to oral health and disease as oral irriga- tional varieties of bacteria coaggregate with the early coloniz-
tion has been shown to have benefits in reducing plaque ers, leading to structural stratification within the thickening
biofilm and gingivitis. of the biofilm.
286 SECTION III  n  Assessments

By days 4 through 14, filamentous forms increase and

specific types of rods, spirochetes, and fusobacteria increase Clinical Assessment of Oral Biofilm
in number; overall the load of gram-negative anaerobic Clinically, oral biofilm manifests as a transparent film that
species and pathogenic spriochetes increases, and white begins to form within minutes after a surface has been
blood cells are found within the plaque. Clinically, signs of cleaned. Although plaque can be difficult to visualize, it can
inflammation are observed. be detected by direct vision, particularly if there are thick
deposits of plaque or if it has acquired yellow, tan, or brown
Steady State and Detachment stains. Some people feel plaque as a coating on their teeth;
Initial formation is within distinct colonies that form from the some people do not feel the biofilm on their teeth, dental
indigenous oral microflora, but as the growth process contin- appliances, and tongue. The presence of plaque is assessed
ues, an intermicrobial matrix (protective slime layer) connects professionally by passing a dental explorer over the tooth
the bacterial colonies. surface near the gingival margin to remove some soft deposit
The biofilm is now a fully functioning community of dif- or by using disclosing agents.
ferent species living symbiotically. Bacteria within the interior
of the biofilm slow their growth or become static. Deep within
the biofilm, bacteria show signs of death, disrupted cell walls, Disclosing Agents
and loss of cytoplasm, whereas bacteria near the surface Disclosing agents, also known as disclosants, are used to
remain intact. The toxic wastes of one species are the resources make oral biofilm clinically visible (Figure 17-5). Available
of another. Some surface bacteria detach and relocate to form over-the-counter in liquid or tablet form, disclosants contain
new biofilm colonies. Over time crystals found in the inter- ingredients that temporarily stain plaque biofilm so that it can
bacterial matrix may become initial calculus formation. be observed and measured. Erythrosin dye, the most com-
The plaque ages and undergoes a distinct change in popu- monly employed agent, stains oral biofilm red. Two-tone dis-
lation. By days 14 through 24, gingivitis is generally clinically closing agents that stain thicker plaque biofilm blue and
evident, and the biofilm is composed of densely packed thinner plaque red are also available. Ideally, disclosing
gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. As the biofilm colony agents should do the following:
matures, it blooms into a mushroom shape attached by a • Provide a distinct staining of deposits that does not rinse
narrow base and incorporates channels that capitalize on the off immediately
fluid movement present in the oral cavity. These fluid chan- • Have a pleasant taste
nels distribute nutrients, remove wastes, and allow for free- • Be nonirritating to the oral tissues
swimming bacteria to leave and begin new biofilm colonies. Because disclosants can camouflage clinical signs of
It is easy to appreciate the importance of thorough, daily disease, disclosing agents should be applied after the oral and
mechanical plaque biofilm disruption and removal to inhibit periodontal assessment and after the client sees the oral find-
the destructive processes of mature plaque. The longer the ings in his or her own mouth. The location of oral biofilm also
oral biofilm remains undisturbed, the greater its pathogenic should be seen by the client before disclosing deposits so that
(disease producing) potential for the host (see Figure 17-4). the client understands the correlation among oral hygiene,
The host’s normal response to injury, inflammation, and infection, inflammation, and oral disease risks (see Chapters
foreign bodies, the immune response, is activated and even- 18 and 19).
tually overresponds (eTables 17-2 and 17-3). The effects of the After performing the gingival assessment and instructing
proinflammatory mediators and inability of the immune the client on the composition and detrimental effects of
system to reach the site of injury or infection cause the con- plaque biofilm, a non–petroleum-based lubricant can be
nective tissue and bone destruction in periodontal disease applied to the lips and esthetic dental restorations to prevent
(see Chapter 19). them from staining. Petroleum-based products are not

Figure 17-5.  Use of disclosing agents to monitor oral biofilm on teeth. A, Examples of plaque biofilm disclosants. B, Clinical photos of the typical topography
of plaque growth. Initial growth starts along the gingival margin and from the interdental space to extend farther in a coronal direction. (B, From Newman
MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 11, St Louis, 2012, Saunders.)
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 286.e1

TABLE 17-2 
Select Bacterial Properties Involved in Evasion of Host Defense Mechanisms

Host Defense Mechanism Bacterial Species Bacterial Property Biologic Effect

Specific antibody Porphyromonas gingivalis Immunoglobulin A (IgA)– and Degradation of specific antibody
Prevotella intermedia IgG-degrading proteases
Prevotella melaninogenica
Capnocytophaga species
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Aggregatibacter Leukotoxin Inhibition of PMN function
(PMNs) actinomycetemcomitans Heat-sensitive surface protein Apoptosis (programmed cell death) of PMN
Fusobacterium nucleatum Capsule Inhibition of phagocytosis
P. gingivalis Inhibition of superoxide production Decreased bacterial killing
Treponema denticola
Lymphocytes A. actinomycetemcomitans Leukotoxin Killing of mature B and T cells; nonlethal
F. nucleatum Cytolethal distending toxin suppression of activity
Tannerella forsythensis Heat-sensitive surface protein Impairment of function by arresting of
P. intermedia Cytotoxin lymphocyte cell cycle
T. denticola Suppression Apoptosis of mononuclear cells
Apoptosis of lymphocytes
Decreased response to antigens and
Release of interleukin-8 (IL-8) P. gingivalis Inhibition of IL-8 production by Impairment of PMN response to bacteria
epithelial cells

Data from Socransky SS, Haffajee AD: Microbial mechanisms in the pathogenesis of destructive periodontal diseases: a critical assessment, J Periodontal Res
26:195, 1991; Jewett A, Hume WR, Le H, et al: Induction of apoptotic cell death in peripheral blood mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells by an oral
bacterium, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Infect Immun 68:1893, 2000; Shenker BJ, McKay T, Datar S, et al: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans immunosup-
pressive protein is a member of the family of cytolethal distending toxins capable of causing a G2 arrest in human T cells, J Immunol 162:4773, 1999;
Arakawa S, Nakajima T, Ishikura H, et al: Novel apoptosis-inducing activity in Bacteroides forsythus: a comparative study with three serotypes of Actinobacillus
actinomycetemcomitans, Infect Immun 68:4611, 2000; Darveau RP, Belton CM, Reife RA, et al: Local chemokine paralysis, a novel pathogenic mechanism
for Porphyromonas gingivalis, Infect Immun 66:1660, 1998; and Huang GT, Haake SK, Kim JW, et al: Differential expression of interleukin-8 and intercellular
adhesion molecule-1 by human gingival epithelial cells in response to Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans or Porphyromonas gingivalis infection, Oral
Microbiol Immunol 13:1301, 1998. In Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, et al: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 10, St Louis, 2006, Saunders.

TABLE 17-3 
Bacteria Enzymes Capable of Degrading Host Tissues

Bacterial Enzyme Species

Collagenase Porphyromonas gingivalis

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Trypsin-like enzyme P. gingivalis
A. actinomycetemcomitans
Treponema denticola
Arylsulfatase Campylobacter rectus
Neuraminidase P. gingivalis
Tannerella forsythensis
Prevotella melaninogenica
Fibronectin-degrading P. gingivalis
enzyme Prevotella intermedia
Phospholipase A P. intermedia
P. melaninogenica

From Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, et al: Carranza’s clinical peri-
odontology, ed 10, St Louis, 2006, Saunders.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 287

recommended because they break down the protective latex influenced by host mediating factors; therefore oral hygiene
barrier of the clinician’s gloves. assessment includes the host’s response to the plaque. In
Disclosing techniques depend on the product used: health there is a balance point between the plaque and the
• Solutions are applied as a concentrate with a cotton swab host where no irreparable damage occurs. If the biofilm bac-
or diluted with water in a cup for the client to use as an teria cause tissue destruction that exceeds the reparative
oral rinse. ability of the host, disease occurs. Quality of plaque is more
• Tablets are chewed and swished around in the mouth by important than quantity of plaque. The quality of the plaque
the client. (types of microorganisms present) and the client’s host
Clean tooth surfaces do not absorb the dye unless rough- response to that bacterial challenge guide clinician and client.
ness is present (e.g., demineralization, hypocalcification, res- For example, a client with a high plaque score in the lingual
torations, cementum). Acquired pellicle, plaque biofilm, region of the mouth, plaque-free facial tooth surfaces, and
debris, and calculus absorb the disclosing agent. This dis- healthy gingival tissue clearly requires instructions targeting
criminate staining characteristic makes the disclosing agent the lingual areas, while reinforcing effective techniques in the
an excellent oral hygiene aid because the client is able to use facial area. A client with a small quantity of plaque accumula-
it at home for self-evaluation. Seeing, feeling, and smelling tion but with severe gingival bleeding requires a different
the oral biofilm deposits teaches and motivates individuals approach to care, perhaps considering systemic factors or
to improve and monitor their self-care effectiveness. regularity of biofilm removal. The client’s oral contributing
After application of the disclosant, excess is expectorated factors influence the growth, retention, and removal of oral
or suctioned from the mouth and the client is given a hand biofilm:
mirror to identify the stained deposits. The dental hygienist • Tight lingual frenum interferes with natural self-cleansing
assists the client in identifying deposits and correlates find- action of the tongue. Papillae on the tongue are conducive
ings with areas of gingival inflammation, periodontal disease to oral biofilm growth (coated tongue).
parameters, and dental caries identified before staining. The • Faulty restorations with open or overhanging margins or
client then is queried about what he or she wants to do or can poorly contoured surfaces readily harbor plaque.
do about the oral deposits. Mechanical and chemotherapeutic • Missing teeth contribute to plaque retention and inhibit
plaque control techniques are taught to improve oral hygiene the self-cleaning of occlusal surfaces during mastication.
and oral health. Instructions from the dental hygienist are • Malocclusions result in crowding and tipping of teeth,
followed by direct observation of the client’s self-care tech- which can make plaque removal difficult or lead to trau-
nique. Each area of concern should be practiced because the matic occlusion, resulting in widened PDL spaces that
client may need guidance adapting the toothbrush or inter- lend themselves to greater plaque accumulation.
dental cleaner. • Mouth breathing, with its drying effects on oral tissues,
favors growth of oral biofilm in the absence of the bacte-
Assessment ricidal action of saliva. Ropey, viscous saliva is less self-
The assessment of oral biofilm depends on its location: cleansing than watery saliva.
• Supragingivally, coronal to the free gingival margin on the • The rough, porous surface of calculus provides a porous
clinical crown of the tooth, and subgingivally, apical to the surface where bacteria reside.
margin of the free gingiva. Supragingival locations include • Extrinsic tooth stain provides a rough surface for bacteria
the occlusal surfaces (most common in areas without to colonize.
opposing teeth), buccal or lingual fissures and pits, inter- All of these factors influence the retention of bacterial
proximal tooth surfaces, and free gingival margin. plaque and can make oral plaque control challenging.
• Subgingival plaque accumulates in the sulcus or periodon-
tal pocket on all four aspects of the tooth (buccal, lingual, Tooth Stains
mesial, and distal interproximal spaces). Tooth stain is a discolored accretion or area on a tooth con-
• On soft tissues such as specialized mucosa (tongue) and trasting with the rest of the tooth color (Figures 17-6 and
oral mucosa. 17-7). Stains are divided into intrinsic stains and extrinsic
Next, a determination is made about the amount of plaque stains.
present (e.g., is it light, moderate, or heavy?). Extent is an • Intrinsic stains are incorporated within the tooth structure
assessment about whether the plaque is generalized through- and cannot be removed by scaling or polishing. Such
out the dentition or localized to several teeth. Oral biofilm is stains result from alterations during the development of

Figure 17-6.  Intrinsic tooth stains. A, Dental fluorosis. B, Tetracycline stain. (From Ibsen OAC, Phelan JA: Oral pathology for the dental hygienist, ed 6, St
Louis, 2014, Saunders.)
288 SECTION III  n  Assessments

Figure 17-7.  Extrinsic tooth stains. A, Tobacco stain. B, Orange stain in person with poor oral hygiene, severe periodontal disease, and rampant caries.
C, Green stain. (A, From Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 11, St Louis, 2012, Saunders.
B, Courtesy Dr. Thomas E. O’Connor, St Louis, Missouri; and Dr. Kevin Thorpe, St Louis, Missouri. C, From Scully C, Welbury R, Flaitz C, Paes de Almeida
O: A color atlas of orofacial health and disease in children and adolescents, ed 2, Oxford, England, 2002, Taylor and Francis.)

the tooth (embryonic to 6 years of age) associated with stains. See Chapter 29 for professional management of tooth
antibiotic use, fever, trauma, infection, and ingestion of stains.
high amounts of systemic fluoride. Examples include Brown stains can have multiple causes. Tobacco use causes
dental fluorosis (a mottled, opaque, or brownish discolor- dark brown, tenacious stains that can become intrinsic;
ation caused by ingesting excessive amounts of fluoride tobacco stains do not necessarily correlate with the amount
during enamel formation) and tetracycline stain (a yellow, of tobacco used. Food stains also may be tan to brown and
brown, gray, or orange discoloration within the substance result from the ingestion of foods with tannins, such as red
of the tooth from ingestion of the antibiotic when the tooth wine, sodas, coffee, tea, and certain fruits. Agents such as
is developing) (see Figure 17-6). 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse, cetylpyridinium
• Extrinsic stains occur on the tooth surface and usually can chloride mouth rinse, and stannous fluoride dentifrice or
be removed by coronal polishing or scaling. Method of mouth rinse also may impart a brown stain if used twice daily
attachment is the acquired pellicle; without pellicle, stains over 2 to 3 months. These stains, related to the substantivity
cannot adhere to the smooth enamel surfaces. Extrinsic of the product, may be somewhat difficult to remove and
stains develop because of the presence of chromogenic often require scaling in addition to polishing. Yellow stain is
bacteria (color-producing bacteria); use of staining sub- most commonly associated with heavy plaque accumulation
stances such as tobacco, red wine, tea, coffee, soda, blue- and often can be removed by the client with improved tooth-
berries, and some drugs; and exposure to metallic brushing techniques. Black stain (black-line stain) can occur
compounds (see Figure 17-7). in clients with meticulous oral hygiene. These stains are
Of the extrinsic stains, green stain is attributed to chromo- found on the tooth surface near the gingival margin and are
genic bacteria, Penicillium and Aspergillus. Green stain, found associated with iron in the saliva. Middle-aged females with
in poor oral hygiene, occurs near the cervical third of the good oral hygiene are the most likely population to have
teeth. This stain easily can become incorporated within decal- black-line stain.
cified enamel. Orange stain, less common than other types of
stains, also is associated with poor oral hygiene. This stain Dental Calculus
occurs frequently on anterior teeth and is believed to be due Dental calculus, commonly referred to as tartar, is oral
to the presence of chromogenic bacteria Serratia marcescens biofilm that has been mineralized by calcium and phosphate
and Flavobacterium lutescens. salts from saliva. Although calculus is not the causative factor
Chromogenic stain usually can be removed safely with 3% in periodontal infection, it facilitates the attachment and
hydrogen peroxide to loosen and bleach the stain, followed retention of plaque biofilm; therefore professional calculus
by selective polishing and in-office fluoride therapy. If removal always is indicated. The dental hygienist removes
the area under the stain is decalcified, scaling is contraindi- calculus so that teeth have biologically acceptable smooth
cated owing to the risk of damaging demineralized surfaces. Like plaque, dental calculus is classified by its loca-
tooth surface, and fluoride therapy may be professionally tion (either supragingival or subgingival), degree (slight,
delivered and prescribed for home use to remineralize the moderate, heavy), and extent (localized or generalized).
tooth surface.
Sources of tooth stain often can be identified by the color Supragingival Calculus
of the stain and client self-reported information about life- Supragingival calculus, calculus above the free gingival
style behavior, diet, work environment, and oral habits. margin, is located most commonly adjacent to the sublingual
Identification of the stain and its source assists in developing and parotid salivary gland ducts, resulting in calcified depos-
a specific care plan that facilitates stain control and a its on the mandibular anterior lingual surfaces and maxillary
more esthetic appearance for clients. The client often can posterior facial surfaces of teeth (Figure 17-8, A). However,
reduce stain formation with improved oral hygiene practices supragingival calculus can be found in any area of the
and appropriate over-the-counter product selection (e.g., mouth where there is poor oral hygiene or associated con-
whitening toothpaste, power toothbrushes, frequent tooth tributory factors such as kidney dialysis, use of 0.12%
cleaning). Table 17-4 describes some common dental chlorhexidine mouth rinse, or genetic predisposition.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 289

TABLE 17-4 
Types of Tooth Stains

Type Source Clinical Approach

Extrinsic Stains
Green Chromogenic bacteria and fungi (Penicillium and Should not be scaled because of underlying demineralized
Aspergillus species) from poor oral hygiene; most enamel. Have client remove during toothbrush instruction
often seen in children with enamel irregularities or lightly polish; may use hydrogen peroxide to help with
bleaching and removal.
Black stain Iron in saliva; iron-containing oral solutions; Firmly scale because of calculus-like nature and selectively
Actinomyces species; industrial exposure to iron, polish for complete removal.
manganese, and silver
Orange Chromogenic bacteria (Serratia marcescens and Lightly scale and then polish selectively.
Flavobacterium lutescens) from poor oral hygiene
Brown stains
Tobacco Tars from smoking, chewing, and dipping spit Lightly scale and then polish selectively.
Food Food and beverage pigment and tannins Lightly scale and then polish selectively.
Topical medications Stannous fluoride, chlorhexidine, or cetylpyridinium Lightly scale and then polish selectively.
chloride mouth rinses
Yellow Oral biofilm Have client remove during toothbrush instruction.
Blue-green stain Mercury and lead dust Lightly scale and then polish selectively.
Red-black stain Chewing betel nut, betel leaf, and lime (pan); found Firmly scale and then polish selectively.
in Western pacific and South Asian cultures
Intrinsic Stains
Dental fluorosis (white- Excessive fluoride ingestion during enamel Cannot be removed by scaling or selective polishing.
spotted to brown-pitted development
Hypocalcification (white High fever during enamel formation Cannot be removed by scaling or selective polishing.
spots on enamel)
Demineralization (white or Acid erosion of enamel caused by oral biofilm Cannot be removed by scaling or polishing. Recommend
brown spots on enamel, daily 0.05% sodium fluoride rinses for remineralization.
may be smooth or rough)
Tetracycline (grayish brown Ingestion of tetracycline during tooth development Cannot be removed by scaling or selective polishing.

Figure 17-8.  Dental calculus. A, Heavy calculus on molar and premolars in area opposite Stenson’s duct. Note severe gingival inflammation and edema.
B, Calculus superimposed with tobacco stains in relation to Wharton’s ducts. C, Generalized supragingival and subgingival calculus and stain in a 31-year-old
Caucasian man. (C, From Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 11, St Louis, 2012, Saunders.)

Supragingival calculus is identified using direct visualization culus is moderately hard, bridging adjacent teeth or depos-
and compressed air. Generally the deposits are yellowish- ited on individual teeth.
white but may take on surface stains and appear dark yellow
or light brown (see Figure 17-8, B). Drying the teeth with Subgingival Calculus
compressed air allows for a more accurate assessment, Subgingival calculus is mineralized oral biofilm formed
because as the calculus is dried it takes on a chalky-white below the free gingival margin, often on the root surface.
appearance, making it easier to visualize. Supragingival cal- Unlike supragingival calculus, subgingival calculus is more
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 289.e1

Figure 17-8.  Dental calculus. D-F, Heavy supragingival calculus that is readily identifiable. (D, Courtesy Fred Ochave, Virginia Beach, Virginia.)
290 SECTION III  n  Assessments

Figure 17-10.  Materia alba generalized throughout the mouth, with heaviest
accumulation near the gingiva. Note the plaque-induced gingivitis present.

for supragingival calculus is saliva, gingival crevicular fluid,

and inflammatory exudate. Crystals of hydroxyapatite, octo-
calcium phosphate, whitlockite, and brushite form in the
intercellular matrix, on the surface of bacteria, and within the
bacteria. About 10 days (rapid calculus formers) to 20 days
(slow calculus formers) are required for undisrupted oral
Figure 17-9.  Vertical bitewing radiograph illustrating extensive subgingival biofilm to change to mineralized calculus, although the min-
calculus deposits as interproximal spurs (arrows). (From Newman MG, Takei eralization process can begin within 24 to 48 hours. Heavy
HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA: Carranza’s clinical periodontology, ed 11, calculus formers have higher salivary concentrations of
St Louis, 2012, Saunders.) calcium and phosphate than light formers. In contrast, light
calculus formers have higher levels of pyrophosphate, a
known inhibitor of calcification used in an anti-calculus (anti-
tartar) dentifrice.
likely to have a dark green–brown-black color owing to the
absorption of blood pigments from the gingival sulcus Calculus Composition
or diseased periodontal pocket (see Figure 17-8, C). These Calculus composition is similar in supragingival and subgin-
deposits may be hard and tenacious and occasionally are gival calculus.
visualized within the sulcus or pocket by deflecting the gin- • Inorganic components make up about 75% to 85% of the
gival margin with compressed air or seen through thin gin- calculus and include calcium, phosphorus, carbonate,
gival tissues. The most accurate method of subgingival sodium, magnesium, and potassium.
calculus detection is via subgingival exploration using a • Organic components make up about 15% to 25% of the
periodontal explorer; however, calculus can sometimes be calculus and include nonvital microorganisms, desqua-
detected during periodontal probing. The quantity of dental mated epithelial cells, leukocytes, salivary mucins, choles-
calculus is related to personal oral hygiene, diet, and indi- terol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, fatty acids, sugars,
vidual biochemistry. carbohydrates, keratins, nucleoproteins, and amino
With transillumination, calculus can be observed as a dark, acids.
opaque, shadowlike area against the translucent proximal
enamel. Heavy calculus deposits are identified easily, as in Materia Alba and Food Debris
eFigure 17-8, D-F. Some deposits are mineralized to the extent Materia alba (white material) is a loosely attached collection
that they become visible on radiographs (Figure 17-9; see of oral debris, desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes, sali-
Chapter 19). vary proteins and lipids, and bacteria that is seen as a whitish
Subgingival calculus occurs most frequently in interproxi- to yellowish to grayish mass on the teeth or overlying oral
mal spaces, because these areas are the most difficult for a biofilm (Figure 17-10). Typically, materia alba resembles small
client to clean. Subgingival calculus may take many forms, curds of cottage cheese, is less adherent than oral biofilm, and
including granular deposits, veneers, or thin layers, and can be found in areas of poor oral hygiene.
spurs or rings that extend around several surfaces of the root Food debris is composed of remnants of food retained
and have dimension. The dental hygienist explores this after a meal. Rinsing, use of an oral irrigator, and the self-
change in tooth surface texture and dimension when assess- cleansing action of the tongue and saliva can remove materia
ing for subgingival calculus. Calculus may feel like a ledge alba and food debris. If present in great amounts, materia alba
or ring around a tooth, nodule, or smooth when it is layered and food debris accumulations impede the dental hygienist’s
in thin veneers. ability to assess accurately the level of oral biofilm and calcu-
lus. However, presence of soft deposits may indicate inade-
Calculus Formation quate oral hygiene knowledge and skill, infrequent oral
Because calculus is calcified plaque biofilm, its formation self-care, poor manual dexterity, or low motivation level of
follows the stages of biofilm formation (see section on stages the client. The bacteria in the materia alba and the carboxylic
of oral biofilm formation). Calculus forms and grows by the acid in the food particles can contribute to oral disease.
apposition of new layers of biofilm. Mineralization occurs in Materia alba and food debris supply nutrients to the oral
the intermicrobial matrix of the biofilm. The mineral source biofilm and therefore should be removed regularly.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 291

As part of professional care, discussing characteristics of

Skill, Motivation, and Compliance oral soft and hard deposits can serve as a useful motivator
The client’s ability to manage oral self-care must be assessed. for clients having difficulty controlling oral biofilm. Visual-
A client may be capable of performing the necessary mechani- ization should be combined with the sensory feeling of
cal interventions but have little desire to do so, or the client biofilm on the teeth, the smell of biofilm, and the effects of
may be highly motivated but have physical limitations that biofilm (gingival bleeding and demineralization of tooth
make self-care difficult. Some clients may be totally depen- structure). Client knowledge of the biofilm provides a ratio-
dent on a caregiver for daily oral care. The dental hygienist nale for frequent professional subgingival root debridement,
assesses factors that limit the client’s ability to perform daily because biofilm in deep periodontal pockets cannot be
self-care to make appropriate recommendations that meet reached by toothbrushes, interdental cleaners, and mouth
individual needs. Assessment occurs through the following: rinses. Teaching the client about the resistant nature of the
• Questioning client (or caregiver) about oral care practices biofilm and the importance of disrupting and removing oral
• Direct observation of oral self-care techniques used by biofilm daily via mechanical and chemical measures remains
client (or caregiver) the most effective means for its control (see Chapters 25, 26,
• Measurement of client’s oral hygiene status and dental and 33).
history (Procedure 17-1 and corresponding Competency
Form) Oral Hygiene Indices
Once an accurate assessment is made and documented, To monitor oral hygiene of an individual or group over time,
and the client’s readiness to change behavior is determined, dental indices are used as quantitative measures of oral status
the dental hygienist educates and motivates the client (or (see Chapter 19, Table 19-9 for periodontal indices and
caregiver) in small steps aimed at changes that will support Chapter 58, Table 58-2 for indices used with dental implant
oral health. clients). A dental index is a data collection tool that allows
the practitioner (or researcher) to convert specific clinical
observations into numeric values that can be quantified, sum-
Oral Deposit marized, analyzed, and interpreted. Oral hygiene indices
Procedure 17-1  Assessment measure levels of oral hygiene to accomplish the following:
• Establish a baseline; monitor, over time, an individual’s
EQUIPMENT oral self-care progress; and motivate the client to achieve
Personal protective equipment higher levels of oral wellness
Antimicrobial mouth rinse • Survey the oral hygiene status within a population, as is
Mouth mirror done in epidemiologic research
Periodontal explorer • Establish a baseline, and monitor, over time, the oral health
Gauze status of a target population to evaluate the effectiveness
Disclosing solution of a community-based program or intervention
Cotton tip applicators • Evaluate an intervention, drug, or device, as is found in a
Compressed air clinical trial
Intraoral light source The index used must meet criteria for validity, reliability,
Client hand mirror and usability (Box 17-1).
Oral hygiene assessment form (including a dental index)
Indices Used for Assessing Oral Deposits
STEPS Use of a standardized method of assessment can be valuable
1. Place the client in supine position; position light source to for motivating a client and documenting progress. The ability
illuminate client’s mouth. to show improvement is a powerful positive reinforcement
2. Using compressed air, dry the supragingival tooth surfaces a tool that can help a client follow oral care recommendations.
sextant at a time; using a mouth mirror and direct and indirect An index also can illustrate repeated neglect of a specific
vision, examine for supragingival calculus deposit. area of the mouth and thus guide a client in adhering to a
3. Identify tooth surfaces and soft tissues with supragingival calculus
and surfaces with stain; record these areas on the assessment
4. Apply disclosing agent, rinse, and dry with compressed air.
5. Examine tooth surfaces and soft tissues with a mouth mirror for BOX 17-1 
areas of stained plaque; have client watch with a hand mirror. Criteria for an Effective Dental Index
6. Record plaque-covered tooth areas on the assessment form using
red ink. Comment about oral biofilm on soft tissues and • Simple to use
appliances. • Painless to client
7. Using a periodontal explorer and mouth mirror, explore • Efficient in terms of time
subgingival tooth surfaces for calculus deposits. • Cost effective in terms of time, money, and armamentarium
8. Record subgingival calculus deposits on the assessment form. • Statistically valid (measures what it is intended to measure) and
9. Communicate findings to the client. reliable (reproducible)
10. Record service in “services rendered” section of client record • Translates clinical descriptions to numeric values on a smooth,
(e.g., “Computed plaque-free score of 75%”). graduated scale
292 SECTION III  n  Assessments

self-care regimen. For maximum effectiveness an index per- tooth surfaces in the mouth with plaque. Use of the index
formed with an individual should evaluate the entire denti- over time allows clients to visualize and monitor their own
tion rather than a specific sample of teeth (e.g., the six Ramford plaque control progress and therefore facilitates client moti-
index teeth: maxillary right and mandibular left first molars, vation to improve oral self-care behaviors. This index also can
maxillary left and mandibular right first premolars, and max- be used to quantify stain in the same manner. eTable 17-5
illary left and mandibular right central incisors), as often is shows commonly used oral hygiene indices.
used when conducting a randomized clinical trial. Even
indices originally designed to measure a sample of teeth in a Record Keeping and Documentation
research subject’s mouth can be adapted to measure all teeth Maintaining a record of a client’s oral hygiene status is part
present. of the assessment phase of care. Such records provide base-
A simple plaque index is O’Leary’s Plaque Control Record, line reference for subsequent visits and a basis for making
illustrated in Figure 17-11 and described in eTable 17-5. This professional care and product recommendations. Document-
index provides a method of recording plaque on the mesial, ing oral hygiene products used and previous instruction
distal, facial, and lingual tooth surfaces at the gingival margin. given to the client provides continuity of care and ensures
Plaque observed is recorded by striking a dash through the that educational interventions are appropriate.
appropriate surface or surfaces. After all teeth are examined Comparing plaque scores at subsequent appointments
and scored for plaque, the index is computed by dividing the facilitates client skill development and acceptance of oral
number of plaque-containing surfaces by the total number of hygiene recommendations. Documentation allows the clini-
available surfaces. The resulting score is the percentage of cian to expand the client’s oral health knowledge, reinforce
instructions, and encourage effective use of techniques and
products. Clients expect a continuing conversation about
their success with recommended oral products and devices
and an index that documents this information supports such


7 8 9 10 • Explain role of oral biofilm and host response in the devel-
6 11 1
5 2
13 opment and control of gingival inflammation and peri-
3 14
15 odontal disease progression.
• Explain bacterial plaque as a complex biofilm community

that is self-sufficient, secure, and self-sustaining, rather



30 18 than as a mere accumulation of planktonic bacteria.
29 19
28 21
20 • Use disclosing agents, bleeding points, and the senses of
27 26 22
25 24 23 smell and feel to identify oral areas that need self-care
A. Smith 5-16-94 • Discuss how and where calculus is formed and methods
of calculus management (e.g., an anticalculus dentifrice or
mouth rinse with either a pyrophosphate system or a zinc
PREVIOUS INDEX: 8% 10% OF TOOTH • Explain contributory factors in oral deposit accumulation.
SURFACES • Explain relationship between oral hygiene index scores
HAVE PLAQUE and the client’s current oral health status.
8 9 10
6 7 11 1
2 • Discuss effective product selection and value of the
4 13
3 14 American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance and the
2 Canadian Dental Association Seal of Recognition.


28 20
27 21 • Prophylactic antibiotic premedication is indicated for
26 25 24 23 22
clients with highest risk of adverse outcomes resulting
from infective endocarditis during invasive dental
NAME A. Smith 1-4-95 DATE procedures.
• Dental hygienists have a responsibility to document oral
Number of plaque-containing surfaces hygiene assessment data over time and clients’ compliance
x 100 = Plaque score
Total number of available surfaces with oral hygiene recommendations in the treatment
B record. Noncompliance may be viewed as contributory
Figure 17-11.  Plaque control record form. A, Seventy percent of tooth negligence in malpractice suits.
surfaces have plaque at initial appointment. B, Eight percent of tooth surfaces • Documenting lack of compliance is a risk management
have plaque at a follow-up visit. (Redrawn from O’Leary TJ, Drake RB, Naylor strategy and can be used, if necessary, to establish con-
JE: The plaque control record, J Periodontol 48:38, 1972.) tributory negligence on the part of the client.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 292.e1

TABLE 17-5 
Oral Hygiene Indices

Index and Purpose Procedure for Use Interpretation

Plaque Control Record

(O’Leary, Drake, and Naylor, 1972) Best suited for use with an individual client for plaque visualization Scored as a percentage of tooth
Purpose: Records presence of plaque and oral hygiene motivation. surfaces with plaque. Emphasizing
on all individual tooth surfaces so All teeth are included in the assessment. Plaque present on four plaque-free status can be a
that client may monitor progress tooth surfaces is recorded: buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal. positive approach with many
over time Apply plaque disclosing agent and rinse. Examine gingival margin clients.
for plaque, and record each surface with plaque with a slash
(see Figure 17-11).
Multiply the number of teeth present by four (the number of
surfaces examined), count the number of surfaces with plaque,
and multiply by 100. Divide this number by the total number of
available tooth surfaces to obtain the percentage of tooth surface
with plaque.

Plaque-Free Score
(Grant, Stern, and Everett, 1979) Best suited for use with an individual client for plaque visualization Scored as a percentage of
Purpose: Measures location, number, and positive reinforcement of plaque control behaviors. plaque-free surfaces, ideal being
and percentage of plaque-free All teeth are included in the assessment. Four tooth surfaces are 100% plaque free.
surfaces in the entire mouth evaluated for the absence of plaque: buccal, lingual, mesial, and Emphasizing plaque-free areas can
distal. be a positive approach with many
Apply plaque disclosing agent and rinse. Record surfaces with clients.
Add the total number of teeth present and the number of surfaces
with plaque.
Multiply the total number of teeth by four and subtract the number
of surfaces with plaque to obtain the number of plaque-free
surfaces. Multiply this number by 100 for the percentage of
plaque-free surfaces.

Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S)

(Greene and Vermillion, 1964) Useful for either an individual client with poor oral hygiene or for a An OHI-S is scored as follows:
Purpose: Measures presence of debris population-based assessment. 0.0-1.2 = Good oral hygiene
and calculus on select teeth as an Divide the dentition into sextants. 1.3-3.0 = Fair oral hygiene
indication of cleansing efficiency Using the side of the tip of the periodontal probe or explorer, 3.1-6.0 = Poor oral hygiene
estimate oral debris and supragingival and subgingival calculus Individually, the DI-S and CI-S are
on the facial and lingual surfaces of the teeth. scored as follows:
Select one tooth from each sextant with the greatest amount of 0.0-0.6 = Good oral hygiene
debris or calculus, and score the facial and lingual surfaces 0.7-1.8 = Fair oral hygiene
using the following criteria: 1.9-3.0 = Poor oral hygiene

Oral Debris Index (DI)

0 = No debris or stain present
1 = Soft debris covering not more than one third of the tooth
surface being examined, or the presence of extrinsic stains
without debris, regardless of surface area covered
2 = Soft debris covering more than one third but not more than two
thirds of the exposed tooth surface
3 = Soft debris covering more than two thirds of the exposed tooth

292.e2 SECTION III  n  Assessments

TABLE 17-5 
Oral Hygiene Indices—cont’d

Index and Purpose Procedure for Use Interpretation

Calculus Index (CI)
0 = No calculus present
1 = Supragingival calculus covering not more than one third of the
exposed tooth surface being examined
2 = Supragingival calculus covering more than one third but not
more than two thirds of the exposed tooth surface, or the
presence of individual flecks of subgingival calculus around the
cervical portion of the tooth
3 = Supragingival calculus covering more than two thirds of the
exposed tooth surface, or a continuous heavy band of
subgingival calculus around the cervical portion of the tooth
Separately determine the DI and CI by totaling the scores and
dividing the total by the number of sextants. Add the DI and CI
to determine the OHI-S.

Plaque Index (PI)

(Silness and Loe, 1967) Useful for either an individual client who has significant plaque A PI is scored as follows:
Purpose: To assess the thickness of accumulation or a population-based assessment. 0.0 = Excellent oral hygiene
plaque at the gingival area and Four gingival scoring units (mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual) are 0.1-0.9 = Good oral hygiene
general plaque accumulation examined on the following teeth: 3, 9, 12, 19, 25, and 28. 1.0-1.9 = Fair oral hygiene
A mouth mirror, dental explorer, and air are used to score the 2.0-3.0 = Poor oral hygiene
above tooth surfaces for plaque using the following criteria:
0 = No plaque
1 = A film of plaque adhering to the free gingival margin and
adjacent area of the tooth. The plaque may be recognized only
after application of disclosing agent or by running the explorer
across the tooth surface
2 = Moderate accumulation of soft deposits within the gingival
pocket that can be seen with the naked eye or on the tooth and
gingival margin
3 = Abundance of soft matter within the gingival crevice and/or the
tooth and gingival margin
For individual clients, the PI is obtained by totaling the four plaque
scores per examined tooth and dividing by 4.
A PI score within a group is obtained by adding PI scores per tooth
and dividing by number of teeth examined. A PI may be obtained
for a segment or group of teeth.

Patient Hygiene Performance (PHP)

(Podshadely and Haley, 1968) Most useful with individual clients who have significant plaque The PHP is scored as follows:
Purpose: To assess the extent of accumulation. 0.0 = Excellent
plaque and debris over a tooth Apply disclosing solution to the following teeth: numbers 3, 8, 14, 1.7 = Good
surface as an indication of oral 19, 24, and 30. 1.8-3.4 = Fair
cleanliness Divide each tooth into five areas: three longitudinal thirds, distal, 3.5- 5.0 = Poor
middle, and mesial; the middle third is subdivided horizontally
into incisal, middle, and gingival thirds.
Individual client score is obtained by totaling five subdivision scores
per tooth surface and dividing by the number of tooth surfaces
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 292.e3

TABLE 17-5 
Oral Hygiene Indices—cont’d

Index and Purpose Procedure for Use Interpretation

Plaque Index (PI)
(Ramfjord, 1967) Useful for either an individual client who has significant plaque A PI is scored as a numerical
Purpose: To measure the presence of accumulation or a population-based assessment. expression ranging from 0 to 3:
plaque on all tooth surfaces as an Four gingival scoring units (mesial, distal, buccal, and lingual) are 0 = Excellent; no plaque
indication of oral cleanliness examined on the following teeth: 3, 9, 12, 19, 25, and 28. 3 = Poor; abundant plaque
Apply a plaque-disclosing solution and rinse.
Score the plaque present as follows:
0 = No plaque
1 = Plaque present on some but not all interproximal, facial, and
lingual surfaces
2 = Plaque present on all interproximal, facial, and lingual surfaces
but covers less than half of these surfaces
3 = Plaque extending over all interproximal, facial, and lingual
surfaces, covering more than half of these surfaces
Add the plaque scores for each tooth and divide by the number of
teeth examined.
CHAPTER 17  n  Oral Hygiene Assessment: Soft and Hard Deposits 293


• Oral hygiene assessment gives the clinician an accurate 1. While working with a client, you notice a decrease in the
understanding of the client’s oral hygiene status. Host amount of oral biofilm on the posterior lingual surfaces of
response (inflammatory and immune responses) to the the mandibular teeth from the last time a plaque index was
oral deposits present must be considered in the interpreta- performed. By reviewing the chart, you note that at the
tion of oral hygiene assessment data. last dental hygiene care visit, particular attention was tar-
• Oral hygiene assessment yields information that can be geted to these areas during oral hygiene instruction. What
used as a teaching tool to motivate the client to achieve or is the best means of conveying this information to your
maintain oral health. client to maximize positive reinforcement?
• Assessment of soft and hard deposits, their origin, and 2. During oral assessment you note a moderate amount of
their location is essential for dental hygiene diagnosis and brown stain on a client’s teeth, and the client indicates that
care planning. he is troubled by the appearance of his teeth. What is the
• Many factors contribute to the retention of oral biofilm, most effective way of exploring the nature of the stains
including stain, calculus, local predisposing factors, spe- and assisting the client in maintaining a more esthetic
cialized mucosa of the tongue, saliva, and oral contribut- appearance between professional care visits?
ing factors. 3. Select an appropriate oral hygiene assessment index for a
• Oral biofilm creates its own renewing source of lipopoly- client you are currently treating, and provide the rationale
saccharide for the long-term survival of microorganisms. for its selection.
Biofilm lends protective properties to the associated micro- 4. For images and information about biofilms, visit the Center
organisms (e.g., resistance to antibacterial and antibiotic for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University at
agents such as chlorhexidine and systemic amoxicillin,, the American Society for
respectively). Microbiology at, and the Microbe Library
• About 20% of the oral cavity is occupied by teeth; about at Search for “biofilm.”
80% includes the oral mucosa, and specialized mucosa. 5. For clinical images and a comprehensive discussion of
Oral biofilm grows on all of these surfaces and in saliva. dental stains, see Kerr AR: Tooth discoloration. Available at:
• Mechanical removal and twice-daily use of an effective
antimicrobial mouth rinse is the most effective method to
control oral biofilm. Without disruption and removal of
the oral biofilm daily and frequent periodontal mainte- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
nance therapy (see Chapter 31), antimicrobial and antibi-
The authors acknowledge Gwen Essex for her past contributions to
otic therapies may not penetrate the resistant biofilm
this chapter.
• Although dental calculus and extrinsic tooth stain are not
causative agents in gingival inflammation, they provide an
environment for oral biofilm attachment. EVOLVE RESOURCES
• Tracking plaque indices over time gives an objective Please visit for additional
measure of a client’s progress with oral self-care. practice and study support tools.

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