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Microbial flora and antibiotic

resistance in odontogenic
abscesses in Upstate New York
Ann W. Plum, MD; Anthony J. Mortelliti, MD; Ronald E. Walsh, NP

Abscesses in the head and neck frequently have odon- tongue and buccal surfaces; Actinomycetes and Strepto-
togenic sources. As bacterial pathogens and antibiotic coccus spp, such as sanguinis, mutans, and mitis, often
resistance patterns may change over time and based on colonize tooth enamel; and Fusobacterium, Prevotella,
location, we describe the current common bacteria found Porphyromonas, and Spirochetes colonize gingival sur-
in odontogenic abscesses, the prevalence of antibiotic re- faces.2 The breakdown in the mucosa over those regions
sistance, and differences in each between pediatric and provides entry for these specific pathogens.2 Host fac-
adult patients in Upstate New York. This is a retrospective tors that result in either mucosal breakdown (e.g., dental
review of patients who underwent drainage of odontogen- procedures) or impaired immune systems (such as with
ic abscesses (n = 131) from 2002 to 2012 at an academic immunodeficiencies, chemotherapy, and poorly con-
institution. The medical records were reviewed for results trolled diabetes) play a crucial role in these infections.2
of abscess cultures, comorbidities, and drainage proce- Often, these abscesses require antimicrobial therapy
dures. Polymicrobial sources were identified in 60.3% and surgical intervention via dental extraction or inci-
and monomicrobial in 33.6%. Overall, the most common sion and drainage.1 The initial antimicrobial of choice
bacteria were alpha hemolytic Streptococci (33.6%), is often penicillin or a penicillin derivative such as
Streptococcus milleri (32.1%), Prevotella (16.8%), and amoxicillin-clauvulanic acid, except in the presence
coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (14.5%). Candida of an allergy or in a patient recently on a penicillin for
and Morganella spp were more common in children than this infection, in which case clindamycin is frequently
in adults. Overall, antibiotic resistance was observed in used.1,3 The incidences of antibiotic resistance and the
seven different pathogens. The most common antibiotic exact microbial flora within odontogenic abscesses
resistances were to clindamycin and erythromycin, which have varied in prior studies.1-8 Here, we characterize
should be considered when deciding initial antibiotic ther- the current microbial flora and associated antibiotic
apy, especially in adult patients, who trended in this study resistances observed in Upstate New York.
toward having pathogens with higher rates of resistance.
Patients and methods
Introduction Adult and pediatric patients who presented to Upstate
Head and neck abscesses commonly have an odonto- Medical University with head and neck abscesses with
genic source. The microbiology of these abscesses can an underlying odontogenic source from 2002 through
be influenced by a variety of factors, including location 2012 formed the study population. Patients 18 years or
in the oral cavity, the geographic location of the patient, older were considered adults (mean age: 37 years), and
and host factors.1 It has been proposed that Strepto- those 17 years or younger were considered pediatric
coccus salivarius and Veillonella spp often colonize the patients (mean age: 11 years).
The diagnosis of an odontogenic abscess was made via
drainage that yielded purulent material. All patients were
From the Department of Otolaryngology and Communication
Sciences, State University of New York Upstate Medical University,
deemed to have an odontogenic source by way of clinical
Syracuse, N.Y. assessment by an otolaryngologist (resident or attending).
Corresponding author: Ann Plum, MD, Department of Otolaryngology- Drainage of the odontogenic abscesses was performed
Head and Neck Surgery, 170 Manning Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27599. via either a transoral or transcutaneous incision. A trans-
Previous presentation: Presented as a poster at the American Academy
cutaneous approach was used in patients with deep neck
of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting; space involvement or in those with multiple loculations,
September 21-24 2014; Orlando, Fla. or when an external approach was determined, either

Volume 97, Number 1-2 E27

Plum, Mortelliti, Walsh

Table 1. Dental history of patients with reviewed. All patients included in this study had drainage
odontogenic abscess of their abscess and cultures taken from the abscess fluid.
Patients with an abscess at the site of a facial fracture,
Dental history Incidence rate (%) other than a fractured tooth, were excluded.
Dental fracture 4.7 Medical records for each patient were reviewed to
Dental or oral procedure 20.2 assess for microbial flora and the rate of antibiotic re-
Dental extraction 14.8 sistance, which were the primary outcomes of the study.
Secondary outcomes included complications related to
Unspecified procedure 3.9
the abscess, complications related to drainage of the
Root canal 1.6 abscess, and recurrence of the abscess.
Dental implant 0.8 Antibiotic resistance was determined by the minimum
Arch bar removal 0.8 inhibitory concentration. Pathogens with intermediate
Prior dental infection 12.8 minimum inhibitory concentrations were not consid-
ered to be resistant.
Prior dental abscess 10.7

clinically or radiographically, to be safer or to offer better The distribution of men (50.4%) and women (49.6%)
exposure. The drainage procedure was performed in the in the cohort was even. The average age was 35.1 years.
operating room in cases in which severe trismus pre- A compromised immune system was relatively rare,
vented exposure, intraoral drainage failed, or there was occurring in 3.1% of patients, and was caused by either
poor patient tolerance or deep space neck involvement. use of immunosuppressant medications (chemothera-
Transcutaneous drainage was performed by an peutic agents at the time of diagnosis of odontogenic
incision 2 cm below the mandible and elevation of a
subplatysmal flap, when applicable. The abscess pocket Table 2. Microbial flora found in odontogenic abscesses
was opened and all loculations were broken up. Irrigation
was used to flush the abscess pocket. A Penrose drain Pathogen Incidence (%)
was placed at the conclusion of these procedures and Polymicrobial 60.3
removed postoperatively. Monomicrobial 33.6
Intraoral drainage was performed by injecting 1%
No growth 6.1
lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine in the mucosa
overlying the area of fluctuance in the oral cavity and Streptococcus 66.4
using either a #15 or a #11 blade to incise the mucosa Alpha hemolytic 33.6
over the fluctuance. Hemostat forceps were used to Milleri 32.1
open the abscess and break the loculations, and the Beta hemolytic 8.4
pocket was irrigated.
Non-hemolytic 3.8
Culture specimens were taken from the abscess pock-
et, either using the initial aspirate before incision and Mitis 0.8
drainage or from swabbing the pocket. All cultures were Dysgalactiae subsp equisimilis 0.8
placed in BBL CultureSwab Plus transport containers Prevotella 16.8
(Becton, Dickinson and Company; Franklin Lakes, Staphylococcus 15.3
N.J.), which contain Amies gel to preserve anaerobes
Corynebacterium 9.2
and aerobes. Cultures were grown in the institution’s
microbiology laboratory on nonselective media con- Neisseria 6.1
sisting of blood, chocolate, magnesium, and Columbia Bacteroides 5.3
agars for at least 3 days to determine growth. The mi- Haemophilus 4.6
crobiology laboratory using Clinical and Laboratory Candida 3.8
Standards Institute guidelines were used to determine
antimicrobial resistance. Eikenella corrodens 3.1
Internal Institutional Review Board approval was ob- Lactobacillus 2.3
tained before beginning this study. The medical records Stomatococcus 1.5
of all patients who were diagnosed with an odontogenic Gram-positive cocci not specified 1.5
abscess by physicians in the Department of Otolaryn-
Parvimonas micra (peptostreptococcus) 1.5
gology from 2002 through 2012 at the State University
of New York Upstate Medical University Hospital were Propionibacteria eubacterium 1.5

E28 ENT-Ear, Nose & Throat Journal January/February 2018

Microbial flora and antibiotic resistance in odontogenic abscesses in Upstate New York

Table 3. Differences in prevalence of microbial flora in odontogenic The odontogenic abscess resulted in
pockets between pediatric and adult patients complications in 3.6% of patients. These
complications included osteomyelitis
Pathogen Pediatric (%) Adult (%) p Value
of the mandible (1.6%), pathologic
Polymicrobial 70 59.5 0.516 fracture of the mandible (0.8%), myo-
Monomicrobial 20 34.7 0.342 cardial infarction (0.8%), mediastinitis
Streptococcus 50 67.8 0.254 (0.8%), and death (0.8%). One adult
Alpha hemolytic 20 34.7 0.342
patient had a complication from the
drainage procedure (excessive bleeding
Milleri 30 32.2 0.889
from injury to a facial vein during an
Beta hemolytic 0 9.1 0.317 external approach).
Non-hemolytic 0 4.1 0.509 The odontogenic abscesses were usu-
Mitis 0 0.8 0.772 ally polymicrobial (table 2). No growth
Dysgalactiae subsp Equisimilis 0 0.8 0.772
after 5 days was uncommon. The most
common pathogens were Streptococcus
Prevotella 10 17.4 0.549
spp (alpha hemolytic and milleri),
Staphylococcus 10 15.7 0.631 Prevotella spp, and Staphylococcus spp.
Oropharyngeal oral flora 20 10.7 0.379 The three most common types of strep-
Corynebacterium 10 9.1 0.92 tococcal strains were alpha hemolytic,
Neisseria 10 5.8 0.596
milleri, and beta hemolytic.
The prevalence of most of the odon-
Bacteroides 0 5.8 0.435
togenic abscess pathogens was similar
Haemophilus 0 5.0 0.472 between pediatric patients (n = 10) and
Candida 20 2.5 0.00544 adults (n = 121), with the exception of
Albicans 10 0 0.00048 Candida spp and Morganella morganii
Tropicalis 10 2.5 0.186
being significantly higher in the pedi-
atric patients (table 3).
Eikenella corrodens 0 3.3 0.562
Overall, antibiotic resistance was
Morganella morganii 10 0 0.00048 observed in seven pathogens (table
4). Clindamycin and erythromycin
abscess for the treatment of lymphoma) or an under- were the most common antibiotics to which resistance
lying immunologic disorder (history of human immu- occurred. Stomatococcus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacte-
nodeficiency virus and on highly active antiretroviral rium, alpha hemolytic Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, and
therapy, or B-cell deficiency). Streptococcus milleri all demonstrated the presence of
The most common medical comorbidities in the clindamycin resistance. Penicillin-resistant strains of
cohort were hypertension (13.2%), diabetes (12.4%), Stomatococcus and Lactobacillus spp were observed.
and asthma (9.3%). A history of dental procedures was Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, alpha hemolytic
also common (20.2%), with some patients undergoing Streptococcus, and S milleri all had strains resistant to
multiple different dental procedures (table 1). Likewise, erythromycin. S milleri also demonstrated tetracycline
a history of odontogenic infections and abscesses was resistance, Staphylococcus demonstrated methicillin re-
present in 12.9 and 10.7%, respectively. sistance, and M morganii demonstrated both ampicillin
Overall, 67.2% of patients received at least one dose and cefazolin resistance. Antibiotic resistance in patho-
of antibiotic before incision and drainage and before gens was more common in adult patients, except for M
cultures were obtained. More pediatric patients than morganii and its resistance to ampicillin and cefazolin.
adult patients received antibiotics before culture (80%
vs. 66.1%). Some 58.9% of the cohort underwent intra- Discussion
oral incision and drainage of their abscess. The details Studies suggest that head and neck abscesses second-
regarding the drainage procedure were unavailable for ary to odontogenic sources are polymicrobial in 59 to
1.6%. Multiple drainage procedures were necessary in 89% of cases.2,4,5 This rate is similar to the rate in our
19.4%. Incision and drainage in the operating room study (60.3%). Streptococcus, Prevotella, and Staphylo-
was the initial drainage procedure in 38.9% of adults coccus spp were the most common pathogens identi-
and 40% of pediatric patients. fied in our study. Most studies are consistent in that
The parapharyngeal space was involved in 11.6%; no Prevotella and Streptococcus spp are among the com-
patients had involvement of the retropharyngeal space. mon sources.1,2,4-9

Volume 97, Number 1-2 E29

Plum, Mortelliti, Walsh

The preva lence of Table 4. A description of the pathogens determined to have antibiotic resistance
Staphylococci in odonto- and the incidences of the antibiotic resistance
genic oral cavity abscess-
es is uncertain, although Total % % Resistant in % Resistant
several studies report Bacteria Antibiotic resistant pediatric patients in adult patients
their presence. 1,5,6,9
In Stomatococcus Clindamycin 50.0 N /A 50.0
our study, alpha hemo- Penicillin 50.0 N/A 50.0
lytic Streptococcus was Staphylococcus Clindamycin 10.0 0 10.5
seen in 33.6%, S milleri
Erythromycin 10.0 0 10.5
in 32.1%, and beta he-
molytic Streptococcus in Oxacillin 10.0 0 10.5
8.4% of abscesses. Alpha Penicillin 10.0 0 10.5
hemolytic streptococcal Corynebacterium Clindamycin 8.3 0 9.1
strains include S viridans, Erythromycin 8.3 0 9.1
mutans, and mitis, which
Streptococcus Clindamycin 2.3 0 2.4
prior studies suggest
as the more common (alpha hemolytic) Erythromycin 2.3 0 2.4
streptococcal strains, a Lactobacillus Clindamycin 33.3 N/A 33.3
finding consistent with Penicillin 33.3 N/A 33.3
our study.1,4-7 Streptococcus milleri Erythromycin 35.7 33.3 38.5
S milleri has also been
Clindamycin 33.3 0 3.5
reported to be extremely
common in odontogenic Tetracycline 2.4 0 2.6
abscesses in the United Morganella morganii Ampicillin 100.0 100.0 N/A
Kingdom, as in our study Cefazolin 100.0 100.0 N/A
in Upstate New York.5
Incidences of each bac-
terial strain do vary, and the variation observed in the and erythromycin was higher than the incidence of
literature may reflect the geographic region and local penicillin resistance, which is consistent with several
bacterial flora.1-9 studies.4-7,11 This finding suggests that continuing with
In comparing pathogenic species between pediatric a penicillin derivative (i.e., amoxicillin-clavulanic
and adult patients, a difference in Morganella and Can- acid) as first line seems to be a reasonable approach,
dida spp was apparent between the two study cohorts, reserving clindamycin for penicillin-allergic patients.
but the smaller size of the pediatric cohort in this study Overall, for most pathogens with antibiotic resistance,
compared with the adult cohort might have magnified resistance was more common in adult patients, which
the difference. may be a result of medical comorbidities, poor denti-
Penicillin resistance was relatively uncommon in tion, and exposure.
our study population. Only three abscesses grew or- The current literature is composed of smaller studies
ganisms resistant to penicillin, due to Lactobacillus, that do not consider the possible difference in resis-
Stomatococcus, and Morganella spp. The literature tance rates between pediatric and adult patients or
varies in terms of penicillin resistance, ranging from 0 that antibiotic resistance and prevalence of particular
to 100% depending on the organism, date, and location pathogens might differ based on age. This study pro-
of the study.1,2,4-6,9-11 vides the initial look at the effect of age on odontogenic
No streptococcal strains showed penicillin resistance abscesses and shows that antibiotic resistance and the
in our study, which is similar to the finding in several type of pathogens may differ. However, due to the small
studies that show low resistance rates of streptococcal number of pediatric patients in this study, a larger-scale
strains to penicillin, given that streptococcal strains study focusing on pediatric patients with odontogenic
do not produce beta lactamase.2,4-6,9 Although not seen abscesses is needed.
in this cohort, Prevotella, Veillonella, Haemophilus, There are several limitations to this study. First, this
and Eikenella spp may exhibit resistance to penicillin is a single institution study. Nevertheless, 123 abscesses
through the production of beta lactamase.11,12 with cultures grew organisms, so the results would not
Clindamycin and erythromycin resistance was pres- be expected to change drastically with inclusion of more
ent in multiple bacterial species and abscesses in our centers. Several patients were on antibiotics before their
series, and the incidence of resistance to clindamycin abscesses were drained, which could alter the flora.

E30 ENT-Ear, Nose & Throat Journal January/February 2018


The number of patients with deep space neck abscesses

or sepsis was too small to analyze separately, and antibi-
otic resistance may change based on the severity of the
infection.9 Likewise, we could not analyze the impact
of immunodeficiency on microbial flora or antibiotic
resistance given the small number of patients with
immunodeficiency in the study.
In addition, at our facility we do not test for resistance
to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. There does not appear to
be a significant difference between adult and pediatric
odontogenic abscess sources, other than antibiotic re-
sistance tending to be more common in adult patients.
The most common antibiotics to which resistance was
observed were clindamycin and erythromycin, which
should be considered when choosing initial antibiotic
therapy, especially in adult patients.

A special thank you to Alice Daniels, who assisted in
gathering patient charts, and Lisa Craner, who assisted
in creating the list of patients for this study.

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Volume 97, Number 1-2 E31

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