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ISBS |My experience with mindfulness

Critical Reflection- My Experience with Mindfulness

Yashodeep Dilip Patil
Indira school of Business Studies
As the semester is about to end, the workload of assignments, presentation and the continuous
assessment is rising. The continuous back-to-back assignments has led to extreme stress and it
has increased the speed of life. The mindfulness practice is a way out of this speed life. It helps
to give a pause and keep calm.

Initially when I started taking pause and concentrate or meditate it was very difficult to control
the revolving thoughts. The thoughts ranging from all negatives to the future aspirations were
flirting around mind. As I started the practicing it quite often it became easy to concentrate
with nothingness in mind. While completion of my assignments I started taking breaks and
listening to music. The observation of the breathing patterns and feeling the surrounding
physically and mentally, controlling the thoughts and enter nothingness by closing eyes, this
decelerated mind and helped to keep calm. The morning started with setting daily goals, the
things to be done throughout the day through meditation, this helped the systematic planning
and achievement of goals. My hobbies even helped me in practicing the mindfulness, whenever
felt low or undergoing extreme stress I kept work aside for a while and worked with pencil and
paper helped me relax my mind for a while. While sitting ideal I concentrated of physical senses
hearing minute sound, breathing pattern, I could feel the heartbeat and blood pumping. I could
feel the air grinding over my skin. I was able to saturate the feelings. The feelings and emotion
which would take over during adverse situation, I could separate and control them. I have
started developing the repo with body and mind. I am starting to develop a habit to observe
pity things too. I have started looking body moments during any routine activities. I am also
trying to develop new hobbies to help me in breaks. This all helped me keep calm from the
routine and give break, but the calmness did not last much initially.

How did the mindfulness seminar help me?

The meditation helped relax mind. Just a 15 mins of Meditation in my case was way better than
a 2 hours’ sleep. As soon as I open my eyes after the meditation the world would seem fresh
and new. The colors would seem vibrant and seemed like waking after ages.
Whenever I perform a task may it be continuous assessments or revisions or case studies, these
basic practices had enhanced the concentration. Mindfulness practice has helped me to perform

ISBS |My experience with mindfulness

task without any other thoughts in my mind. It has boosted overall performance and efficiency.
It has enhanced the focus and productivity.
The emotional stability is one of the gains from the practice. May it be surprise tests or loads
of assignment, may it be bad scores or grades I have learned to be calm in any adverse situation.
As my hobbies include sketching and I practice it more often, I have observed lately that I
could be calm, and I definitely get multiple ideas which I have never experienced before. The
capacity of working over any task has increased. I can dedicate more time for a particular task.
It has enhanced and increased the study time allocated.
Whenever I get confused during any decision making. It has helped me gain clear view and
perspective of the situation. let us consider the class test, whenever a confusing question arises,
I could calmly analyze question and by interpretation and elimination I was able to solve those
I am starting to grow observant quality now I am more careful and aware of things happening
in my life. I have a complete control over things happening and going to happen in my life.
This is first time I have started peeping inside that is inside my brain and body knowing me the
real me. The thoughts of future aspirations are in control, I am able to let go of the past and
able to enjoy and utilize the present at full extent.

The workshop held in the college has helped me to utilize self, enhance productivity and focus,
taught me to be in present, systematized life with maximum output and help to relieve my mind
from the day today stress and hasty lifecycle. I plan to perform and add more mindfulness
techniques and practice it further in my life.


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