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Professional Practice 4 – Assessment Task 1

Details of group members

Presenter’s name Kaya Salmond
Name of reviewer 1 Natarsha Browning
Name of Reviewer 2 Vanessa Pukallus
Resource 1 – Audio lesson
Curriculum Area, Lesson Year 3 English – Informative Texts.
Focus and Year Level
Learning Goals for the - The difference between an informative text and an
imaginary text.
- How to use facts to provide a description about a
- Identify different types of informative texts and
their purpose.
- Use facts to provide a description about a family
- Compare imaginary texts to informative texts.
Specific feedback sought 1. Does the content in the lesson plan support student
achievement of the lesson goals?
2. Are the teaching strategies inclusive of diverse
learners? Are a range of teaching strategies
embedded within the lesson and used effectively?
3. Were the lesson activities suitable for the year
4. Were the instructions of the lesson clear?
5. Was the content delivered in a way that would be
engaging for learners in Year 3?
6. Any other specific or generalised feedback?
Feedback from Reviewer 1 The learning intention and success criteria were made
clear at the beginning of the lesson as it was displayed on
the board and students were encouraged to say it aloud.
The content clearly aligns with both the learning intention
and the success criteria, and it seems like you have used a
backwards mapping strategy to develop your lesson to
ensure this.

There are a range of teaching strategies embedded,

including the use of a mind map and Venn diagram which
supports visual learners. Considerations have also been
made to EAL/D students as it was noted in your lesson
plan to take anecdotal notes to ensure they were not have
any language barrier difficulties. The lesson clearly
contained and introduction, a middle and an end. It
contained explicit teaching, as well as the use of different
resources such as the YouTube clip to help keep the
students engaged.

It seems that the activities in the lesson plan would be

suitable to the specified age group. It was also a great idea
to encourage the students to look for informative texts
outside the classroom.

The instructions to the students were clear and feedback

was provided to students, along with positive responses.
Great use of classroom space by allowing the students to
sit on the carpet and then move back to their desks.

The use of questions encouraged student engagement.

Great idea to get the students to draw pictures of their
family members, this links to real-life learning. You also
modelled an example. The summative assessment task was
introduced, and students were made aware that their work
will be displayed in the school library, making it
meaningful for the students.

The use of peer feedback at the conclusion of the lesson is

a great strategy to incorporate for the students.
The use of a learning wall is also a realistic idea and will
provide information and support for students, helping them
with their schema. Maybe it would be a good idea to allow
the students to participate in a ‘think pair share’ to enhance
the students to think about how they would turn an
imaginary text into a fiction text. This would also help
students to make a connection with their learning and
encourage student participation.

Feedback from Reviewer 2 Your lesson plan clearly outlines your learning intentions
for your students. Prior to introducing informative texts,
you activated your students’ prior knowledge of fictional
texts with an example. Your inclusion of a digital story not
only engaged your students in the lesson but also made
explicit, the differences between the two text types. This
inclusion of ‘visual’ resources, is not only an effective
tool for maintaining students’ attention but also meets the
needs of diverse learners in classroom environments.

The teaching strategies embedded throughout your lesson

provided opportunities for students to reiterate the
differences between imaginary and informative texts, as
well as make an assessment about student’s
understandings of the lesson content. Throughout the
lesson, you have provided a range of examples that
demonstrate the language features used for informative

The examples used, and the activities chosen are aligned

with the year level. Your independent learning activity
(family member activity) allowed you to be inclusive of all
students in your class.

Resource 2 – Video Resource

Curriculum Area, Year Year 3 English – Informative Texts.

Level and Focus Content
Brief outline The resource was created to support effective teaching of
Fact and Opinion, a concept required within informative
writing that students may find challenging to understand.
Specific feedback sought 1. Was the overall delivery of the resource and
content engaging and well designed for students in
Year 3?
2. Did the resource meet the needs for the intended
audience (i.e. students/parents/online delivery for
home learning)?
3. Did the resource provided targeted content to
develop students’ knowledge, skills and
understanding of fact and opinion?
4. Did the resource provide students with the
opportunity to test and practice their knowledge
and understanding of fact and opinion?
5. Any further comments on any aspect of the
resource itself or the presentation?
Feedback from Reviewer 1 The delivery was clear and concise. The use of the
– YouTube clip at the beginning fit in well, however the
information would have still been covered without the clip

The video could definitely be used for home learning and

could target both parents and students to help build an
understanding of the concept fact and opinion. The
activities included would be useful for the students to
ensure they have a clear understanding.

The video provided definitions and clear examples of the

differences between fact and opinion.

Students would be able to practice identifying the

difference between fact and opinion. Students may need
more time to complete the activities, maybe a reminder
could be given that the video can be paused for thinking

Feedback from Reviewer 2 The inclusion of the video clip within your lesson captures
the attention of the viewer and provides an opportunity for
students to practice distinguishing between fact and

A clear explanation of fact and opinion is evident in your

lesson. You have followed on from this with example
statements to model the language used when stating a fact
or opinion. I noticed this lesson has a gradual release of
responsibility despite its purpose being for home learning.
Your choice of learning activities supports students to
develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding for using
this concept within informative writing.

I particularly liked the cookie activity where students had

the opportunity to use language for writing a fact and an
Resource 3 – Professional Development Session

Curriculum Area, Year Year 3 English – Informative Texts.

Level and Focus Content
Brief outline A presentation that explains to teachers how the resources
for Part 1 (lesson plan & resource) can be used to teach
aspects of informative writing.
Specific feedback sought 1. Was the design and delivery of the PD engaging
and informative?
2. Did the audio information deliver appropriate
content that explained the features of the
presentation in enough detail?
3. Did the PD cover all required aspects?
4. Was there anything that didn’t align between Part 1
and Part 2?
5. Any general feedback on the delivery or content of
the presentation?
Feedback from Reviewer 1 The PD was definitely informative. Clear links were made
to the Australian Curriculum and achievement standards
for Year 3 English. Misconceptions were discussed and
evidently linked to strategies that would overcome them.
Consideration was made to differentiating and supporting
students from a variety of backgrounds, such as EAL/D
etc. The PowerPoint slides contained a lot of writing, it
could be suggested to reduce the amount of text on the

The audio during the presentation was clear and it was

easy to understand the speaker. The topics were clearly
presented in each slide.

The PD covered the importance of learning for the chosen

level, including links to the Australian Curriculum.
Common misconceptions were identified, along with
learning barriers that could potentially arise. Teaching
strategies were discussed and explanations were provided
of why these strategies will help students to achieve the
intended learning goals of the lesson. Terminology was
discussed and identified, along with the importance of
using correct terminology with the students. Different
types of questions were discussed and examples of these
questions were provided, along with expected student
responses. More follow up activities could be suggested,
such as following up with the informative texts students
have identified outside of the classroom.

Clear alignments were made between the unit plan, lesson

and the resources developed.

The PD would be very useful for teachers and pre-service

Feedback from Reviewer 2 The design and delivery of your Professional Development
session provide viewers with a comprehensive overview of
how teachers can support students in learning to write
informative texts. Your discussion demonstrates how you
have applied your pedagogical content knowledge to make
informed decisions about teaching and learning for
students. Explicit links between your lesson plan, the
Australian Curriculum, and the achievement standards for
Year 3 English are also outlined in your discussion, and
demonstrate your ability to effectively plan and teach a
unit of work.

You have also addressed how your teaching strategies

support learning barriers in your class. These strategies
have been justified with examples of common student
misconceptions and your approach to differentiating your
instruction for the whole class.

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