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On the substance of time

Cf. Some editorial touch – purple font; strike outs.

The Far Side of Armageddon
– why not tell the truth

I. M. History


Chapter Page

Preface 7
1. The Substance of Time 11
2. Timing In Prophecy 23
3. The Times of the Woman and The Child 43
4. A Time of Great Tribulation 69
5. Six Gentile Nations and When They Reigned 85
6. Five Heads ofa Seven-Headed Beast 97
7. When Did 666 Appear? 121
8. The Reign of Two Kingdoms 137
9. The "Mark" of the Beast 157
10. Antichrist 173
11. The Seven Church Ages 203
12. When The Bride is Sealed 221
13. Six Trumpets, Six Vials, and History 239
14. Peering Beyond Armageddon 263
Bibliography 283
This book is about time. When did time begin? The Scriptures claim
God created time; He created all things. He created time "in the
beginning". Time is a strange phenomenon. We take it for granted –
accept it without questioning what it is. How could there be existence
without time, we ask? Yet the Bible claims that God existed before
time began.

Time is a strange phenomenon indeed. It is the building block for all of

history; and makes possible our existence, for that matter. The greatest
of minds have tried to understand time. It eludes our deepest thoughts.
Ponder as we will, we do not, we cannot, grasp what time is. Erosion,
aging, the movement of the stars, planets and galaxies are all
dependent on the passage of time. It is like the merciless taskmaster; it
takes pity on no one.

History is a function of time; it could not be but for the "substance" of

time. The entire universe would be static without it. Whether the
universe is 6 thousand, 6 billion or 6 trillion years old, what difference
does it make? Like the time-base knob on an oscilloscope, a flip of the
switch merely moves one to a new timescale. We do not know what
time-base our universe is on. Relative to the spin of the earth on its
axis, one revolution of our galaxy seems interminable. Relative to the
time for the electron to orbit its nucleus, the time for a single turn of
our galaxy is almost infinite.

So, what is time, other than a relative comparison of the naturally

occurring actions of various elements of our universe? Can we ever
understand it? Is there a higher intelligence that not only comprehends
time, but actually created it as the Bible contends? If there is, can we
perceive it or even know it? Does the Bible give insight as to what
time is, seeing as how it claims that time was created? What other
book, or religion, makes claims so profound as those found in the
sacred Scriptures? If such claims are true, then there must be reasons
for believing so. Yet, if they are true, the reasons must also be obscure.
Intelligent minds who have had access to Holy writ have remained
puzzled about time, and a purpose for being. Many have rejected the
idea that Scripture is a statement from an infinite God. How many men
of letters have struggled, contended with all their mental might, in an
effort to understand something so simple as time and its passage, and
the meaning of life?

There is a dual battle ensuing in the realm of time. It is a battle for the
mind of man, and a battle for truth. The enemies' sword is deception;
God's sword is the Bible, according to the book to the Hebrews,
Chapter 4, verse 12. It is referred to as a two-edged sword, even
pictorially represented as coming out of the mouth of the risen Lord in
Revelation 1. The battle is being fought on earth, and man's mind is
where it will be lost or won. Truth, the Scriptures tell us, will win out-
the truth as presented in the written Word.

One evidence for the truth of Scripture is in the transformed lives of

the believers. Many who would otherwise be criminals, drug addicts,
immoral, and without direction or hope in their lives, have been
changed into law-abiding, generous and loving neighbors. The great
deceiver claims lives can be transformed without an acceptance of, and
adherence to, God's Word/ Hope can be attained without relying on the
One who came to earth – Immanuel. It can be had by simply living a
good life. This is contrary to the claims of Scripture. The New
Testament is very clear; eternal life and true repentance is only
possible by placing one's faith and trust in the person of Jesus Christ,
Who is God's only begotten Son since before time began. The proof of
who is right in this case will not be evident until the resurrection from
the dead.

Prophecy is another evidence of the truth of Scripture. After all,

history is there to be examined. A very high degree of correlation
between history and prophecy would lead one to conclude the truth of
Scripture. Perhaps this is why the deceiver would have us believe there
are no fulfilled prophecies since the ascension of the Son of God from
the Mount of Olives in 30 CE. (/x: 33 A.D.) Such a fulfillment would
expose his lies. He wants us to believe that all prophetic Scripture not
fulfilled up to and during the life of Christ is yet future. Therefore, he
does not want us to look for a correlation between prophecy and
history. He is very dogmatic about it. Such an effort is an exercise in
futility, he claims.

He has concocted three great lies, all based on false timing. First, he
claims, for example, that all life originated on earth, by itself, over a
period of millions of years. He thereby negates the existence of the
Creator, and makes God's Son a descendent of the apes. Secondly, he
also claims, from the podium of the lukewarm church, that Christ's
return will not result in immediate, great devastating judgment. Rather,
it will bring in a great leader who will lead in a period of peace and
prosperity – not the wrath of God and mass destruction less than 24
hours later, as Christ taught. And third, he claims the best source
document of the Bible lay silent for 1500 years.
This document, the theory proposes, reflects an even older, more
authentic manuscript. The best of scholars have relied on this source
document to give us our best Bible(s), he claims. So, man, "evolved"
over millions of years, and is the highest intelligence, the epitome of
life. And a man, a superman of sorts, will lead the world in peace and
prosperity, and will do many great things for a period of seven years.
Finally, the intellectual man, the scholar, not inspiration, has given us
our "best" Bibles, based on an old, corrupted document that was lost
for 1500 years.

Three great men – the evolved man, the antichrist, and the scholar, all
based on false timing; all contradict Scripture. (Three theories, of three
great "men", all of which came out of England.) Scripture states
clearly that God created man. It also states when Christ returns mass
destruction follows within a day, not seven years later. Finally, it states
that the Holy Spirit would bring "all things to your remembrance", not
a message based on scholarship.

So, what is time? And what time is it? Are we suspended in the center
of time, billions of years already passed by, and other billions of years
left to transpire? Are we a product of a fertile, primeval "soup", as the
evolutionists tell us, waiting to be boiled out of existence when our sun
undergoes a Nova, a super explosion, when its helium content rises to
about 50%?

This book will describe what the Bible implies time is, the very
"substance of time." It will tell you where God resides, and challenge
your mind about "beginning." It will point out how two educated,
Christian scholars can come to two different conclusions about
prophetic time, even though they use the same source material. It will
show why the deceiver, Satan, wants to keep you from knowing about
his activities over the last 2000 years. And hopefully, it will jar your
mind into a realization of the nearness of the judgment of God.

Chapter I

The substance of Time

The Puzzle of Time?

We've probably all wondered about time. It's impossible to stop. We

can't change it or slow it down. What is it? Has it gone on forever?
When did it begin? Will it ever end? Can we know? Perhaps in order
to understand time, we'll have to look to the one who created time and
see what He said about it. There are some interesting inferences about
time contained in the one book which God has reserved for Himself,
the book we call the "Bible." Left to our own reasoning, we will
probably conclude that time and space cannot be comprehended by the
mortal mind. However, if we look at Scripture, we find some amazing
things implied, and stated in an almost offhanded way, as though we
should have understood all along. To the One who created time, it is
hardly worth a discussion. It is too simple.

The complex mind of man has lived in the environment of time since
his beginning. He has observed its effects, wondered at it, questioned
it, and even wished he could change it. But it proceeds inexorably in
its relentless movement forward. No one has any idea what it is or
understands its substance. The past, present and future are referred to
as the "tenses" of time. History is possible only because time "passes".
Hopes, aspirations, and ambitions are possible because time will bring

We are all creatures of beginning. We all have a "birthday".

Everything we perceive had a beginning. It is impossible for us to
imagine anything which did not have a beginning. Our minds have a
problem trying to comprehend someone who "always was". Yet that is
what the Bible says about God. It says He always was, that He had no

Is There a "Beginning" of Time?

It also states, however, that time had a beginning. It implies that God is
not a creature of time; rather, that He created time. Titus 1:1-3 states,
"Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledgment
of the truth which accords with godliness in hope of eternal life
which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began, but
has in due time manifested His word through preaching, which
was committed to me according to the commandment of God
our Saviour." (NJKV)1
The phrase "promised before time began" is stated with no explanation
or apologies. It is simply stated as a matter of fact. If this is true, that
time had a beginning, what existed before time began? In fact, how
could there have been an existence before time began? How could
time or intelligence even exist if there was nothing physical with
which to show itself? This passage clearly states that time had a
beginning and that God existed before it began.

Genesis 1:1states, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth,"2 which implies that God existed prior to creation, else how
could He create them? John 1:1-3 states, "In the beginning was the
Word (logic, or intelligence), and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. He (Jesus Christ) was in the beginning with God. All
things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made
that was made."3 Ephesians 1:4 states, "Just as He (Jesus Christ) chose
us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy
(set apart) and without blame before Him in love,..."4

These Scriptures, as does Titus 1:3, teach that God existed during · the
creation, and also before the creation. He made a promise before time
began, and He created at the beginning of time. Therefore, if this is
true, that God existed before time began, then He exists outside the
realm of time and, indeed, initiated time at the creation.

In Isaiah 40:22, the prophet wrote that "He who sits above the circle of
the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out
the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell
in."5 This verse implies that the universe is not the totality of existence,
but rather may be entered, lived in, and exited from like a tent. The
implication is that God views the universe as a small, created entity in
His total realm.

But God Had No Beginning

So, we see that the Scriptures claim that God is not a captive of time or
space, but exists outside them and, in fact, originated them. We are
creatures of time and space, and cannot understand existence apart
from them. We can conclude from the above that God is "timeless"
and has no beginning or end. David stated in I Chronicles 16:36,
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting."6

How can this be? If it is true, then our concept of time must be naive.
We must be ignorant of the substance and mechanics of time. Until a
few years ago, we thought the normal state of matter was non-ionized;
i.e., quiescent. Today we know the normal state of matter (throughout
the universe is ionized - that our immediate environment is) minimal.
Is our concept of time equally naive? Does the vast majority of
existence reside outside the universe in a timeless state? The Scriptures
seem to teach that such is the case.

If this is so, then our concept of time is incomplete. Certainly, that is a

real possibility. We do not even know what time is. In an age of the
micro and the macro, of high-tech instruments and a level of
technology which we consider very advanced, we must profess that we
don't even understand the basic substance of time.

It is arrogant indeed to deny the existence of God and ignore our lack
of understanding of something so basic as time. It is well within the
framework of logic that a timeless state does exist. Simply because we
do not comprehend it or know experientially that it exists is not reason
enough to deny it. Considering that portion of the faithless and
unbelieving intellectual community that denies the existence of God,
we realize that they do so not from a superior knowledge, but from

A New Concept of Time

But, you ask, is there anything in Scripture that can enlighten our
minds about the substance of time? Perhaps somewhere there is a
passing remark that sheds more light on what time is. We, left to our
own reasoning simply say that it "passes" or "moves forward".

There is indeed a most remarkable allusion to time written by Paul in

his first letter to the church at Corinth. Again, he was not trying to
explain time. Rather, he was explaining the resurrection from the dead.
As in so many places in the Bible, the authors appear to write from a
more knowledgeable plane. They do not bother with mathematical
proofs, laboratory experiments or long philosophical treatises. They
simply make a statement of fact. The statements had to be made in
such a way as to be as true for the age of the ancient shepherd as for
the age of the modem scientist. Paul's statement about time is an
example of one of those passages in the Bible.

His statement gives us a greater enlightenment of what time is. To

understand the concept he alludes to, we must take his words precisely
for what they say. A totally new concept of time results. He writes in I
Corinthians 15:52 that the dead will be raised in a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye.7 People of all ages understand "in the twinkling of
an eye." It is one of the fastest things to observe in nature; it means in
a very short period of time. And it means precisely that.

Examining the Greek, however, sheds more light on that very short
period of time; that is, on the very "substance" of time. The Greek
word, which has been translated 'moment; is the word "atomos",
meaning the least divisible part of time. Our word "atom", referring to
physical matter, at one time was used to describe the smallest particle
that exists. When it was discovered that the atom was not the
elementary particle, the name "atom" stuck, and is the word used today
to describe an element of matter with a nucleus, one or more electrons
spinning about it, and other subatomic particles within it.

Time Has a "Minimum Interval"

The search for an elementary particle goes on. That quest led to the
beginning of the construction in Texas of the largest particle
accelerator ever attempted. Such is not the case with time, however, as
we've never detected a basic division or element of time, or even
thought to search for it. Time has always been considered to flow,
without interruption. We measure its duration, from a millennium, a
thousand years, to a femto (10-15) second, from ancient to modem, but
we've never suspected, however, that there was a lower limit.

But Paul, through the Holy Spirit of God, says there is; there is an
"atomos" of time. Time is comprised of a least divisible interval, if we
take his words exactly as written. This is a new thought indeed. Could
it be that time proceeds in jumps rather than in a continuous flow?
That is precisely what he is saying. Time has a minimum duration,
below which it cannot he divided. The substance of time is, therefore,
an infinitesimally short duration of physical existence. It is not an
infinite endless flow of billions of years. Rather, it is an indescribably
large number of infinitesimally short periods. It is assumed by
physicists that the universe is made up of an almost limitless number
of particles, and the Scriptures imply that time is made up of an almost
limitless number of "atomoses". The consequence of that concept, i.e.,
that time is made up of an almost limitless number of infinitesimal
small intervals or "jumps", leads one to conclude that the basic particle
of creation (it could be called by any number of names, e.g., time-
energy packet), remains at a point for one atomos and then suddenly
(in zero time) exists at a new point where it will again remain for one
atomos, etc. It began when God created the physical universe, i.e., "in
the beginning". Because He is not a part of the universe, He did not
originate at the beginning, but existed before the beginning in a
timeless, eternal state, and still exists in that same state. Therefore, it
follows that He exists "between" each atomos of time as well, and has
an "eternity" to effect the resurrection from the dead!

And So Time "Began"

Genesis 1:1 and the first part of verse 2 reads, "In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and
void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep."8 God, through His
creative power, first brought into existence, out of nothing, an almost
infinite number of infinitesimally small particles of the substance of
matter. Without order, inert, without energy or movement, without
form or intelligence, they simply existed, forming space itself. Then, in
an atomos of time, the Spirit of God moved. Suddenly, this void
sprang to life. Energy, order and intelligence came into being as the
units of matter began moving forward atomos by atomos. Time had
begun. The elements of the periodic table, atoms with their electrons
spinning about their nuclei, galaxies, stars, even meteorites had formed
within the void of zero time. "Then God said, let there be light, and
there was light." God had brought light into the realm of darkness.

There are other interesting references to time in the Scriptures. For

example, when Moses asked God to tell him His name so he could
relay it to the rest of the people, God said, in Exodus 3:14, "I AM
WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of
Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."9 By this, He was saying that He
always exists in the present tense. If He exists outside of our time
domain. And that is what He said: "I AM." Or, in other words, I do not
exist in the realm of time; I AM is always in the present.

The perception of a past, present and future is perhaps only a "mirage"

which we in the physical universe experience. The vast preponderance
of being does not require time and space. The great Jewish physicist,
Albert Einstein, wrote, "The distinction between past, present and
future is only an illusion;" from "The Quotable Einstein", Princeton
University Press, 1996, p. 61.10 It is as though between each atomos of
time, existence returns to zero.

For instance, Isaac Newton, credited with discovering of the laws of

gravity, struggled for 40 years trying to prove the concept (of a Bible
code). He declared;

The secret was to be discovered in a cryptogram cunningly

concealed within the words of the Bible. In order for a theory to
be feasible that the future can be foretold, an awkward
supposition must be made: The past, the present and the future are
one. (The February 21, 1998 issue of the Jerusalem Post
International Edition, p.22.)11

Christ Had No Beginning

Further, if we examine the words of Christ, who the Scriptures claim

to be God, He said, "Before Abraham was, I am". [/x: I AM] It was for
this reason He was going to be stoned, as He made Himself God. So
He, too, seemed to speak with a deeper understanding of time. He also
stated that He existed outside the universe simultaneously with His
physical presence in the universe when He stated in John 3:13, "no one
has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, the Son
of Man (meaning himself) who is in heaven." He is saying here that
He existed in physical form as a man, but that He also exists
independent from the atomoses of time, outside the physical universe,
or, in other words, "in heaven". When He said He came "down" from
1heaven, He may have referred to a lower level of existence, not to
height. He said "down" so we could understand.

Of course, it should be pointed out that there is no "between" the time

intervals, the atomoses, as that would imply additional "time". In fact,
if time were quantized, there would be no "between". Christ's
existence is "outside", not contained within, the time continuum.

How Can We Move to God's "Time Base'"?

Paul's statement, an "atomos" of time, and the resulting implications

does not do much for our egos. It places us in a vastly subservient
position relative to God and, in fact, makes us a captive of the material
universe. There is no way to transcend from the physical and move
into the eternal unless God Himself were to move us from the realm of
time into His own realm of omnipresent eternity. A great gulf, as it
were, separates us.

And that, of course, is precisely what He promises, as Paul wrote in

Titus 1:3 (before time began) to those that accept His terms for coming
to Him. He will move us from the time base of the universe and
translate us into the timelessness, beauty and glory of His presence.

It is interesting to note after Christ's resurrection that He could exit the

space-time continuum and re-enter at another point, such as when He
appeared to pass through a solid wall, or when immediately after the
resurrection He "ascended" to the Father.

One might ask what it is that gives continuity to the organization of the
physical as it progresses, atomos by atomos, through the continuum of
time; i.e., what causes it to "move forward" in an orderly manner
according to the physical laws of the universe. A more complete
understanding of the physical universe is necessary in order to answer
that question. Whether the "memory" exists in the particle, as to where
it should be in the next atomos, or whether it is directed to its next
position by a more basic, all-pervasive law which we are not aware of,
cannot be determined, it appears. Colossians 1:17 states, however, in
speaking of Christ, "And He is before all things, and in Him all things
consist,"12 which seems to imply that a higher power, in the power of
Christ, i.e., God, directs the universe in its ongoing progress. It seems
to imply that there is a continual interaction between God the Spirit
and the destiny of the universe.

One can ponder over the question as to how we can have a "free will"
if God knows the future. Just as we cannot perceive that God had no
beginning, neither can we perceive our free will to choose and God's
existing always in the present.

The logical question a scientist might ask at this point is, "Is there any
way to test the theory?" That is, can we apply the scientific method to
test such a hypothesis? (The scientific method is normally applied in
the testing of all such theories, except evolution. Evolution is accepted
as fact without the test of the scientific method, i.e., it remains an
untested theory, yet is required teaching in the public school.) It would
seem that the answer is "No". Because all the universe advances in
these infinitesimally short jumps, any experiment using equipment to
detect the jumps would be blind to them. In other words, because the
equipment also moves atomos by atomos through time, it also "ceases
to exist" between jumps. The newly proposed "string theory" of the
universe may lend some credibility to the atomos theory, as it is based
on a multiple point existence rather than a single point existence of the
space-time continuum.

Is There An "Atomos" Second?

Actually, this concept of discrete time intervals, or the quantization of

time, is not entirely new. It has been known for some time that if the
Planck length (10-33 cm) is divided by the speed of light (c = 1010
cm/sec), the result is a number with the dimension of "time", i.e., 10-43
sec. Physicists tell us that for intervals shorter than this a theory of
quantum gravity is required. Could ten to the minus 43rd power
seconds be the atomos of time Paul referred to that we have discovered
in the laws of Physics? Perhaps 10-43 second should be called an
atomos second.

It is easy to write 10-43 seconds, but it is hard to grasp what an

incredibly short period 10-43 seconds actually is. A minimum
dimension is also difficult to perceive. A minimum time interval and a
minimum dimension may have a direct relationship; i.e., a minimum
time may determine a minimum dimension and vice versa. When an
entire galaxy can collapse into a volume smaller than our earth,
perhaps even into a volume the size of a kitten ball, we begin to get a
concept of a minimum dimension. An atomos second; i.e., 10-43
second, can best be grasped with a comparison also. It takes 10 -43
atomos seconds to make one second. The time it takes our spiral
galaxy, in which our sun is located, to make one revolution has been
estimated at 200 million years. Multiplying 200 million years times
365-1/4 days, times 24 hours per day, times 60 minutes per hour, times
60 seconds per minute, equals 6.31 x 10-15 seconds. In other words, it
takes only 6.31 x 10-15 seconds (200 million years) for our galaxy to
make one revolution about its center, but it takes 10-43 atomos seconds
to equal one second!

Scripture Answers the Puzzle of Time

In view of the above, we can conclude that the Scriptures do provide

an interesting aspect to the puzzling subject of time. When God
created the universe, He was putting in motion, in the realm of and by
the mechanics of time, every point of physical existence moving
forward in infinitesimally small jumps, of every galaxy and all matter
and light in intergalactic space. He continues to direct it and knows
where it is, at every atomos of time, throughout eternity. God is greater
than we think! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, as the
heavens are above the earth.

Even more intriguing is the realization that God exists in the present at
all points of time. He knew, and knows, therefore, not only every bit of
information about the universe as it happens, but has known it for all
eternity. That is exactly what He said when He referred to Himself as
"I AM".

How can it be? If we lived in His realm it would probably be very

simple. One thing is certain. If we are ever to enter His realm, He tells
us that we must do it on His terms – in a way determined before the
world began - an act of faith on our part; without faith it is impossible
to please God. In order to enter the timelessness of eternity we must be
willing to go by the way already provided. We must recognize our
inability to enter by our own actions, realize our impure and hopeless
condition, and trust in and believe on His Son. He demands our
loyalty, which the unbelieving liberal of today cannot give. Because
nothing in the material world can purchase eternal life, God provided,
before creation, a means whereby the divine, the eternal, can give us
eternal life. We must recognize who God is, realize His atonement for
our sins, and trust His gift to us; the Lamb of God, His Son, Jesus, who
laid down His life on a cross 2000 years (6.3 x 10 -53 [sic] atomos
seconds) ago so that we, His chosen, might have eternal life. Such a
concept is beyond the grasp of the modem unbelieving liberal.

Scripture Is Consistent

Peter also made an interesting statement about God's view of time

when he was speaking about the apparent delay in Christ's return to
earth, which will surely happen someday – perhaps very soon. He said
that to God it hasn't been a long time, because to God a thousand years
is like a day and a day is like a thousand years. II Peter 3:8. 13 The
entire Scriptures seem to marvelously agree, even on something as
basic as time. They all place God in an eternal, timeless state, outside
our time base – and its progression does not affect Him.

To us, the spirit world seems unreal, like a vapor – intangible. We like
something solid to touch, a tire to kick, someone to hold, but to God
our existence is not the normal state of being – we are an aberration –
a creation – temporary. The Psalmist, in speaking of God's creation,
said someday the universe will be laid away, folded up like an old
garment, its purpose a thing of the past.

A billion years means nothing to God. He has a limitless number of

them. He exists iii the present before He created the universe, and will
exist in the present a billion years from now. Those of us who have
truly accepted His Word will one day be in His realm in a state of rest
and euphoria. Then we will have all our questions answered; we will
understand. Until then, we will look deeper into His Word, uniquely
inspired by the Holy Spirit, which is a necessary and sufficient guide
to lead us into His everlasting presence.
What is this "Substance" of Time?

The distinction between the past, present, and future is only an illusion,
however persistent.
The future exists simultaneously with the past.

– Albert Einstein

In order for a theory to be feasible that the future can be foretold, an

awkward supposition must be made:
The past, present and the· future are one. –

– Isaac Newton

So, we see that the Scriptures claim that God is not a captive of time or
space, but exists outside them and, in fact, originated them. We are
creatures of time and space, and cannot understand existence apart from
them. We can conclude that God is "timeless" and has no beginning or
end our concept of time is incomplete.

– I.M. History

I am the LORD; that is my name:

and my glory will I not give to another,
neither my praise to graven images.
Behold, the former things are come to pass,
and new things do I disclose:
before they spring forth I tell you of them.

– Isaiah 42:8, 9

That one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,

and a thousand years as one day.

– II Peter 3:

Before Abraham was, I am. [/x: I AM]

– Jn 8:58





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