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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Covid 19 vaccination socialization event

The honorable head of the Gondang Public Health Center

What we respect dr.agung as the resource person

What we respect is all staff and employees of the Gondang Public Health Center.

By giving thanks and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty for his blessings, we can attend the
Covid 19 vaccination socialization event. Which will be held today, Monday, fifteen march two
thousand twenty one. Located in the meeting room of the Gondang Public Health Center.

Hopefully prayers and greetings are still conveyed to our Lord, the great Prophet Muhammad. who
brought us from the dark ages to the times of light.

ladies and gentlemen As for the schedule for today:

The first. Opening

Second. Sing the song Indonesia Raya

third Message from the head of the Gondang Public Health Center

fourth. Delivery of covid 19 vaccination socialization materials

.fifth Closing

In order for the event to run smoothly and also be useful for all participants present, let's start this
event together by reading basmalah. Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim…..

The next event was singing the Indonesia Raya song led by Ibu Anik

Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up

attendees are welcome to sit back

ladies and gentlemen The next event was a welcome speech from the head of the Gondang Public
Health Center, our honorable Dr.ana

Thank you to Dr.ana for her welcome

ladies and gentlemen The next event was the delivery of material and a discussion on the
socialization of Covid 19 vaccination by our resource person, Dr.agung. time and place are welcome


Thank you to Dr.agung for the material presented and very useful for all attendees.

ladies and gentlemen Entering the last event which is the closing,
Event after event we go through together, let us close today's program with a reading of
Hamdallah ... Alhamdulillah Hirobil 'Alamin ...

I am Irsyad Herminofa as the presenter, to thank the invited attendees for taking the time to
attend today's event, and if there are many mistakes we apologize as much as possible

Akhirulkalam, wabillahi taufiq walhidayah waridho walinayah.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb ...

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