Interview CEM

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Can you tell me a little about yourself?

1. I am Noriel Lagman. I am a person who loves playing video games. I used to work part
time in McDonalds .

Can you tell me about your three greatest strengths?

2. I am a detail-oriented, responsible, and good in decision making person.

Can you talk about your weaknesses?

3. My weakness is that sometimes I lack confidence. But with this strand, I know that I can
develop my interpersonal skills that can be used in the future.

What is your Favorite part in Civil Engineering?

4. For me, my favorite part in civil engineering is working on site. I’ve always wanted to
experience such thing. It is amazing how they manage different kinds of people.

Why did u choose civil engineering?

5. I chose CE because it’s been my dream since I was a child. I was mesmerized and curious
about how building, roads, etc. were made. I’ve always wanted to learn these things
that’s why I purse CE.

What is your principle in life?

6. Tang sinabi ku nandin, principle in life “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” CE
is hard. There will be times that you will fail a subject, or you won’t be able to pass such
requirements, and we’ll all know that there is no easy way in being an Engineer that’s
why you must never give up.

What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?
7. For me, I can say that when someone is successful, he/she was able to repay the
kindness and sacrifice of his/her parents. All those times that they spent in working just
to provide financial support/ or even the food you eat every day.

What makes a good supervisor?

8. The supervisor should serve as an example to their staff. They must assert leadership
and make their employees want to follow them as they take their organization through
normal business changes. A strong leader will encourage their team and lead the way to

How do you encourage your team?

9. People want to feel valued and love to receive praise and recognition for a job well
done, especially in front of their peers. Praise can go a long way to make them feel like
they are part of the team and achieving their goals. From prizes of a bottle of wine for a
team member bringing on a new client that week, to vouchers for meals out, it doesn't
have to cost you a lot and the options are plentiful.
How do you go about solving conflict between team members?
10. Talk with the other person. Listen carefully Prioritize the areas of conflict. Develop a
plan to work on each conflict.

Why Construction Engineering & Management?

11. I chose CEM because I am always curious on how people choose the materials need in a
project, how can they know what year is a project going to be finished. Knowing that
CEM are the ones who design and execute the process in projects.
It is exciting, educates you with broad skills, and puts you not only in a professional
office environment but also out in the field.

How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure?

12. Good pressure such as having many assignments or an upcoming deadline helps me to
stay motivated and productive. Of course, there are times when too much pressure can
lead to stress. I can balance multiple projects and meeting deadlines this ability prevents
me from feeling overly stressed. I would break down each project into small

What kind of personality traits do you believe a civil engineer needs to be successful?
13. The traits of a good engineer start with the basics, such as honesty, trustworthiness, and
an excellent work ethic. Civil engineers work on large projects, such as roads, bridges,
power plants, and water and wastewater treatment systems.
Because these projects concern human interaction with the environment, good civil
engineer personality traits include a broad sense of civic mindedness.
Civic Mindedness means consciously considering and taking action for what is best for
the common good. It involves behaving in a way that shows respect for others both in
thoughts and actions.

How do you interact with clients?

14. You must be transparent and must established a good communication with the clients.

What are the biggest challenges that you believe civil engineers face?
15. Need for continuous education. When you become an engineer, it doesn’t end there.
You still have to learn a lot of things to be able to cope up in the world that you live in.

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