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cyberindo aditama

Jl. KS. Tubun Kav. 9 No. 4 NPWP                                    : 01.739.868.6-073.000

Ciparigi, Bogor Utara 16157 PT. Cyberindo Aditama
Call Center 1500 780 Gd. Cyber 2 Tower, Lantai 33,
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blox X-5 No.13 Kuningan Timur,
Virtual Account Bank CIMB Niaga (Cabang Gajah Mada, Jakarta), No.: 9009.30114100
Virtual Account Bank BCA No.: 00085.30114100 (Khusus Nasabah BCA) Setiabudi - Jakarta Selatan-DKI Jakarta Raya-12950

Rekening Tagihan
Billing Statement

Ganda Lamsihar manurung Nomor Pelanggan - Customer ID      :     30-11410-0

Perum. Cilebut Residence 2 Nama Login - Login Name      :     gandamanurung
Cluster Cemara Blok A-3 No. A3/2 Nomor Tagihan - Invoice No      :     CBN3004410/0421
CILEBUT BARAT - SUKARAJA Tanggal Tagihan - Invoice Date      :     13 Apr 2021
Bogor 16711 Tanggal Jatuh Tempo - Due Date     :     09 May 2021
Halaman - Page      :     1 of 1


Jenis Layanan - Service Type   :  CBN Fiber 10
Metode Pembayaran - Payment Method  :  Non Credit Card

Saldo Sebelumnya Pembayaran(CR) Tagihan Baru(DB) Jumlah Terhutang

Previous Balance Payment(CR) New Charges(DB) Amount Due

218,900.00 218,900.00 218,900.00 218,900.00

Tanggal - Date Keterangan - Description Jumlah - Total(Rp)

  Tagihan Bulan Sebelumnya - Previous Balance 218,900.00

07/04/2021 Pembayaran - Payment (BCA Virtual Account (R)) -218,900.00

13/04/2021 Biaya Bulanan - Monthly Charges for April 2021 199,000.00

13/04/2021 Biaya Layanan DensTV - DensTV Family Time 0.00

13/04/2021 Biaya Materai - Stamp Charges 0.00

13/04/2021 PPN - VAT (10%) 19,900.00

  Total Tagihan - Amount Due 218,900.00


Berdasarkan UU RI No.10 thn 2020 tentang Bea Meterai, efektif 1 Jan 2021, tagihan min Rp 5.000.001
sebelum pajak dikenakan bea meterai Rp 10.000. Based on UU RI No.10 Year 2020 regarding Stamp Duty,
effective 1 Jan 2021,bill value min.IDR 5,000,001 before tax is subject to stamp duty of IDR 10,000.

Apabila jumlah pembayaran yang dilakukan berbeda dengan jumlah yang tertera pada tagihan di atas, harap mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada CBN melalui email Staf CBN tidak diizinkan menerima pembayaran tunai/tips/hadiah dari pelanggan. Kunjungi untuk info metode pembayaran resmi
CBN. If the amount of the payment sent is different from the amount due on the invoice above, please send a notification to CBN via email CBN staff are
not authorized to receive cash payment/tips/gifts from customers. Click for official CBN payment method.


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