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1. Simak Video Fire Drill on Board pada Google Classroom DPK 4.

2. Lengkapi teks berikut sesuai dengan yang Anda dengarkan dari video.

3. Frasa untuk melengkapi teks telah tersedia dengan teks berwarna merah.

4. Isikan langsung pada Google Doc pada ASSIGNMENT, kemudian TURN IN setelah
Anda yakin dengan jawaban Anda.

5. Anda bisa meyimak berulang-ulang hinggan yakin dengan jawaban Anda.



- different techniques - fire prevention

- operate equipment - appropriate clothing and uniform

- the safety of the vessel - fire emergency situation

- procedures of closing openings - controlled or extinguished

- the signals - the appropriate PPE

Fire drill is one such drill which holds great importance on ships. It helped the ship's
crew to understand the basics of (1) ………………… as soon as fire is detected.

Several actions should have been taken to ensure (2) ………………… and the
personnel. It's extremely important that the fire drill is carried out in as realistic manner
as possible.

Special preparation should be made on appropriate (3) …………………: doors,

ventilating shelves, fire doors in order to reduce the supply of oxygens to the fire and
isolate smoke.

· The first preparation and training during drills is the (4) ………………… . Fireman
outfits should be tried by all available members so that all of them be able to react.

· The crew must understand the procedures to (5) ………………… of firefighting

system and precautions to be taken before operating the equipment.

· Before entering the fire space, it is crucial that we wear (6) ………………… and use
the proper fire extinguishing system.
· The signals before line should be explained in order both firemen and line handlers
be familiar with (7) ………………… as each area of the ship has a bigger method of
approaching and attacking (8) ………………….

· When fire is (9) …………………, ask all fire team to stand down.

· For injured personnel, evacuation in a stretcher should be part of the drill in order to
provide training on (10) ………………….

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