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Bachelor of Secondary Education of La Concepcion College

A.Y 2020-2021

Dr. Edwin Leoncio L. Saavedra

Junior & Senior High School Principal

La Concepcion College

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Dr. Saavedra:

In a partial fulfillment to our course requirements for our subject in Research
Education, Research Writing I we, the 3rd year students namely: Bayumbon Maseille
Fransquat, Dapiasan Edwil, Francisco Camille. We are seeking permission from
your good office that we will allow to conduct research through serving
questionnaires to your grade 7 students. The title of our research is “THE
CONCEPCION COLLEGE’. Rest assured that the data we gathered will remain
confidential and to be used in academic purposes only.
Your favorable action is greatly appreciated, thank you so much sir.

Very truly yours,

Maseille Fransquat. Bayumbon

Edwil P. Dapisan
Camille D. Francisco

Approved by:
Dr. Edwin L. Saavedra, LPT,Ed.D
The Examination of the Effects of Visual Aids in the Learning Process

as Perceived by Grade VII Students of La Concepcion College

A research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Education La Concepcion College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education

A.Y 2020-2021

Submitted by:
Bayumbon, Maseille Fransquat J.
Dapiasan, Edwil P.
Francisco, Camille D.

Submitted to:
Dr. Loreto F. Magpantay


There are different types of learners in a classroom. Visual learners are those

who need to be shown something to understand the lesson. Auditory learners are

those who need to be told how to do something and kinesthetic learners are those

who need to do a lesson to understand it. This shows that learning occurs in different

ways and through the use of different senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.

Using these senses to learn, sight is the most popular among students. Thus, this is

also the most used by teachers in their strategies. As the old adage says a picture is

worth a thousand words, teacher use visual aids to clarify and bring understanding to

what is being taught to their students. The use of visual aids is to show to the

students actual images related to the topic. It also help them to be along the flow

during discussion.

Research of Cuban (2001) indicated the psychology of visual aids as under,

1% of what is learned is from the sense of TASTE, 1.5% of what is learned is from

the sense of TOUCH, 3.5% of what is learned is from the logic of SMELL, 11% of

what is educated is from the logic of HEARING and 83% of what is learned is from

the sense of SIGHT.

There are different kinds of visual aids that are used by the teachers such as

white board or blackboard, real objects, models, photographs, drawings, graphs,

charts, filmstrips, slides, overhead projection. Modern technologies brought about

various multimedia presentations like Microsoft PowerPoint which is the most

widely used program today. It is widely used for presentations because it's easy to

create attractive and professional presentations and it is simple to modify and

reorganize content and also considered as visual aid.

Visual aids are used as instructional device (such as charts, maps, or models)

that appeal chiefly to vision. Other examples are educational motion pictures,

slideshows and filmstrips (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Visual aids help presentation to become more persuasive to make things

happen. Visual aids help teachers reach his/her objectives by providing emphasis to

whatever is being mentioned in the lessons. Clear images and pictures multiply the

audience’s level of understanding of the material presented. These pictures should be

used to reinforce the teacher’s message, clarify points, and create excitement. Visual

aids are used to increase the effectiveness of classroom teaching and learning. The

use of visual aids in the classroom helps student who are more inclined to learn by

sight to become more interested in the subject. From the point of view of learning

and instruction, the effectiveness of the visual information is concerned with

cognitive learning and retention. One of the easiest ways to ensure that learners store

information in their long-term memory is to pair concepts with meaningful images.

Visuals help students make sense out of the content and direct attention, increasing

the possibilities that the learners will remember the material (Dr. Lynell Burmark).
Visual aids affect learning by helping the children to keep their attention

focused on the visual aspect of the presentation. Learners understand information

better in the classroom when they see it. These aids can help children to break down

information and manage it on their own. Using visual aids in the classroom is a good

way to make a lesson more memorable to the students involved. Using visual aids

can get attention and interest of the learners. Learning becomes fun and an activity to

look forward to if visual aids like clips, episodes, documentaries, visual aids demand

complete attention. It may also enhance imagination of the students. Visual aids also

function as a learning tool for children and educators. Teachers understand the power

of visual aids is to help students understand content. Teachers value the support that

the visuals aids encourage students to make associations between pieces of

information, to quickly absorb some of the content of the course. When you present a

concept using a visual aid, you are giving your students something they can associate

with that concept. Later, when they try to recall it, all they have to do is bring up the

image you used. They function by providing a visual presentation of the subject is

being learned. This is something that regular text or oral presentation cannot do.

Department of Education Memorandum No. 46, series of 2013 mandates

“Conducting of the new intervention should be done to ensure that poorly

performing pupils/ students would be fully prepared to the next level”. In order to

achieve the objectives of the school, appropriate instructional tools and materials

should be used in enrichment and intervention class. These Instructional materials

should be appropriate for the diverse abilities and maturity levels of the students. In
relation with this, the provisions in section 63, chapter 3 of the educational act of

1982 as it aims to “Develop curriculum, prepare instructional materials, prepare

and evaluate programs to upgrade the quality of teaching.”

We choose this topic because visual aids are really important in education. It

is the best tool for making teaching and learning effective. We observed a variety of

visual aids used by the teachers and most of the time the teachers used the

chalkboards, slides, videos, illustrations, and the likes in their teaching. That is why

we want to examine the effectiveness of using variety of media, visual aids. How it

will help to increase the probability that the students will learn more, retain better

and improve their performance of the skills they are expected to develop. And as a

future educator we should know the importance of using visual aids, and we should

also continue to increase the availability and the use of modern technology that can

help us in teaching. Since education is no longer imprisoned in the traditional.

This research is an attempt to study how visual aid used by the teachers

affects the student’s academic performance, specifically those who belong to the

Grade VII students of La Concepcion College, Kaypian Campus, School Year 2020-


Statement of the Problem

General Problem
The Examination of the Effects of Visual Aids in the Learning Process as Perceived

by Grade VII Students of La Concepcion College, Kaypian Campus, School Year


Specific Problem

This research will answer the question, how Visual Aids affect the Learning Process

of the Grade VII Students of La Concepcion College, Kaypian Campus, School Year


Specifically, this research would like to seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age and

1.2 Sex

2. How may the visual aids be assessed in terms of:

2.1 Effectiveness

2.2 Appropriateness

2.3 Add clarity to the lesson

3. How may the learning process of the respondents be assessed in terms of:

3.1 Performance task

3.2 Learners output

3.3 Learners behavior

4. How does the effect of visual aids in terms of?

4.1 Retention

4.2 Understanding of lesson

4.3 Attracting attention

5. Is there a significant relationship between the visual aids on the learning process

of the Grade VII students?

6. What are the recommendations be given out of the results of the studies?

Objectives of the study:

The main objectives of this study is to examine the effects of visual aids on

the learning process of the student, specifically the study intends to;

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. The visual aids be assessed in terms of:

2.1 Effectiveness
2.2 Appropriateness

2.3 Add Clarity to the Lesson

3. The learning process of the respondents be assessed in terms of;

3.1 Performance task

3.2 Learners output

3.3 Learners behavior

4. The effects of visual aids be assess in terms of:

4.1 Retention

4.2 Understanding the lesson

4.3 Attracting attention

5. The significant relationship between the visual aids on the learning process of the

Grade VII students.

6. The recommendations be given out of the results of the studies.


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the visual aids on the learning

process of the Grade VII students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between the visual aids on the learning

process of the Grade VII students.

Significance of the study

This research discussed how visual aids used by the teachers affect the

learning process of the students. It is beneficial to the following stakeholders:

To students, to give importance to the aids that their teachers use in teaching.

Visual aids help in imparting knowledge from the teachers to students.

To administrators, to create institutional programs to support the use of

visual aids to their schools. They must be aware of the effects of visual aids to their

students and must encourage teachers to use visual aids to facilitate the learning of

their students.

To teachers, to evaluate how they use visual aids in their classroom

management. As teachers should discover how visual aids affect the student

performance, this study helps them to identify things that need to be enhanced in

making visual aids that may affect the effectiveness of it.

To future researchers, to guide them in conducting research related to this

study. To give them idea with possible problems that they may encounter in their

Scope and limitation

This study covered the effects of visual aids, either traditional or modern, in

the learning process of students. Although there are other different factors in the

learning experience of students, this study highlighted how visual aids are helpful to

the students, not only on those who are considered as visual learners, but also on

those who have other learning preferences.

This study covered only the Examination of the Effects of Visual Aids in the

Learning Process as Perceived by Grade VII students of La Concepcion College,

Kaypian Campus, School Year 2020-2021. The respondents of this study were the

Grade VII students of La Concepcion College. The respondents has a total of 213.

There are 105 girls and 108 boys. The researchers only needed 40 as their

respondents. This research will be conducted only inside the Kaypian Campus of La

Concepcion College at City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. The researcher used the

Randomization sampling so that each has an equal probability of being chosen.

Definition of Terms

Adage- refers to a proverb or short statement expressing general truth.

Cognitive learning- A type of learning that is active, constructive and long lasting.

Conducive- refers to making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Learning- the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying,

practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Long-term memory- refers to the storage of information over an extended period of


Randomization Sampling- random sampling is a part of the sampling technique in

which each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. It is meant to be

unbiased representation of the total population.

Retention- the ability to retain things in mind.

Stimulative- Refers to (physiology) capable of exciting nerve, organ, etc. with a

stimulus: having the effect of encouraging something to start or progress further.

Visual Aids- refers to materials that aid to the learning experience of students that

cater to the visual needs of students, such as images, pictures, filmstrips, and the like.

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