Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
District of Catmon


SUBJECT: Technology and Livelihood Education - ICT GRADE: 10 Q: 3 WEEK: 1

MELC: Prepare computer systems, tools, devices, equipment and materials


Name: __________________________ Section: ____________ Date: ________



Structure of the Registry

1. The Registry has a hierarchical structure, like the directories on your hard disk.
Each branch (denoted by a folder icon in the Registry Editor, see below) is called a key. Each key can
contain other keys, as well as Values. Each value contains the actual information stored in the Registry.
There are three types of values: String, Binary, and DWORD - the use of these depends upon the context.
2. There are six main branches (five in Windows 2000 and Windows XP), each containing a specific portion
of the information stored in the Registry. They are as follows:
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - this branch contains all of your file types as well as OLE information for
all your OLE-aware applications.
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER - this branch points to the part of HKEY_USERS appropriate for the
current user.
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - this branch contains all of your file types as well as OLE information for
all your OLE-aware applications.
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - this branch contains information about all of the hardware and software
installed in your computer. Since you can specify multiple hardware configurations, the current
hardware configuration is specified in HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG.
• HKEY_USERS - this branch contains certain preferences (such as colors and control panel
settings) for each of the users of the computer. In Windows 95/98/Me, the default branch here
contains the currently-logged in user. In Windows 2000/XP, the default branch here contains a
template to be used for newly-added users.
• HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG - this branch points to the part of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
appropriate for the current hardware configuration.
• HKEY_DYN_DATA (Windows 95/98/Me only) - this branch points to the part of
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, for use with Windows' Plug-&-Play subsystem.
3. Direct X Diagnostic: The Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool provides you with information about the
DirectX API components and drivers on your system. It enables you to test sound and graphics output and
Microsoft DirectPlay service providers. You can use the diagnostic tool to gather information about your
system to use for diagnostic purposes.
If you are experiencing problems when running Microsoft DirectX applications, the DirectX
Diagnostic Tool can help you find the source of the trouble such as incorrect versions of DirectX
components, lack of hardware acceleration, devices that are not connected and unsigned drivers.

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Control Panel Applets

The names of various applets in the Control Panel differ slightly depending on the version of
Windows installed. In Windows XP, the icons are grouped into categories:
1. Appearance and Themes – these are the applets that control the look of windows.
• Display
• Taskbar and Start Menu
• Folder Options
2. Network and Internet Connections – these are applets that configure all the connection types.
• Internet Options
• Network Connections
3. Add or Remove Programs – it is an applet to add or remove programs and windows components safely.
4. Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices – these are applets that control all the settings for sound.
• Sounds and Audio Devices
• Speech
• Portable Media Devices
5. Performance and Maintenance – these are applets used to find information about your computer or
perform maintenance.
• Administrative Tools
• Power Options
• Scheduled Tasks
• System
6. Printers and Other Hardware – these are applets to configure devices connected to your computer.
• Game Controllers
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Phone and Modem Options
7. Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options – these are applets used to change settings based on
your location and language.
• Date and Time
• Regional and Language Options
8. Accessibility Options – it is a wizard used to configure windows for vision, hearing, and mobility needs.
9. Security Center – it is an applet used to configure security settings for:
• Internet Options
• Automatic Updates
• Windows Firewall

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Activity: Word Search

The 10 words that you will search are related to the names that you can see on the Control Panel such as
Display, Taskbar, Folder Options, Internet Options, Network Connections, Sounds, Speech, Portable
Media, Power Options, Administrative Tools, Words can be arranged in vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or
reversed. Find these words and encircle it.

III. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s)

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each item carefully and select the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice in a sheet
of paper.

1. What branch contains information about all of the hardware and software installed on every computer?
2. What branch points to the part of HKEY_USERS appropriate for the current user?
3. What provides you with information about the DirectX API components and drivers on your system.
a. Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool c. Microsoft DirectX
b. Direct X Diagnostic d. DirectX
4. The names of various applets in the __________ differ slightly depending on the version of Windows
a. Control Panel c. Microsoft DirectX
b. Direct X Diagnostic d. DirectX
5. What applets that control the look of windows?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Network and Internet Connections d. Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices

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6. What applets that configure all the connection types?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Network and Internet Connections d. Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices
7. What is an applet to add or remove programs and windows components safely?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Network and Internet Connections d. Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices
8. What is an applet that controls all the settings for sound?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Network and Internet Connections d. Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices
9. What applet that will find information about your computer or perform maintenance?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Network and Internet Connections d. Performance and Maintenance
10. What applets that will configure devices connected to your computer?
a. Appearance and Themes c. Add or Remove Programs
b. Printer and Other Hardware d. Performance and Maintenance

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