Em-Soc 1-Act.1-July 8-Midyear

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JULY 8,2021


1. What were the various factors that led to the territorial expansion of the
Spanish colonization?
Economic Factor
 Accumulation of capital and Development of banking in Europe
 The search of new routes by Portugal and Spain
Spices: pepper, ginger, nutmeg, onions, garlic etc.
Political Factor
 The Crusades (1096-1272) were a religious adventure to regain the Holy Land
from the Muslims.
 The fall of Constantinople (1543)
 The Reconquista and the desire to spread Catholicism.
 Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

2. What significant role was played by the missionaries in the conquest of the

The role of the missionaries in the conquest was to preach the gospel of the Bible and
spread Christianity.

3. Identify the various reasons why the Philippine archipelago was easily
conquered by the Spanish colonizers?
Philippines was easily conquered because there is no unity, no proper government,
divided tribes. Result of these are, we adapted their culture, traditions, and even their
languages which we used until today. the Spanish took advantage of the already
divided up people in the Philippines and easily dominated by them. When a Filipino
tribe was planning to have a revolution, the Spanish would send another group of
Filipino tribes to conquer their fellow Filipinos, which results of creating a stronger sense
of division.
4. Why is Intramuros called the Walled City?
Intramuros, urban district and historic walled city within Metropolitan Manila, in
the Philippines. The name, from the Spanish word meaning “within walls,” refers to the
fortified city founded at the mouth of the Pasig River shortly after 1571 by the
Spanish conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi.

5. Enumerate the significant results of Magellan’s expedition?

The main significance of Magellan’s Expedition is to show that it is possible to sail

around the world. Magellan wants to prove that the Earth is round. Other significances:

 Spain became the supreme in building a colonial empire.

 His discovery of the Philippines

 Christianization of the Philippines

 It paved way for contacts between the Philippines and western civilization.


1. What is TAXATION? Is this necessary for the welfare of the people?

- Taxation, imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by

governments. Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world,
primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although they
serve other purposes as well.

2. Explain the tobacco monopoly by Jose Basco?

- The Tobacco Monopoly refers to the 1782 economic program of Spanish
Governor General Jose V. Basco, in which tobacco production in the
Philippines was under total control of the government.
- March 1, 1782, Basco established the tobacco monopoly. Areas such as
Cagayan Valley, Ilocos Provinces, Nueva Ecija, and Marinduque were
ordered to plant tobacco.
- Only the government was allowed to buy the tobaccos. These tobaccos were
then brought to Manila to be made into cigars and cigarettes.
- Expenses incurred in running the colony were usually paid for by a yearly
subsidy called real situado sent from the Philippines' sister colony, Mexico.
This was, however, insufficient.
- The royal fiscal, Francisco Leandro de Vianna, was prompted to device a plan
to be able to raise revenues on its own.
- Thus, the birth of the Tobacco Monopoly. However, both King Carlos III of
Spain and the colonial officials did not prioritize it.

3. Identify the disadvantages brought about by the galleon trade.

- The Galleons attracted avid attention of various and sundry freebooter,

pirates, privateers and ultimately state navies.
- Philippine agriculture and industry were neglected.
- It contributed to the failure of the Spanish authorities to develop Philippine
trade with China, India, Japan, and other Asian Countries that were closer to
the country and therefore travel to these countries was cheaper.
- High profits from the trade drew officials in the country to Manila with the
result that the provinces were deprived of their services.
- It enriched only a few for it was more gambling than commerce.
- Polo were the ones built the 58 out of 108 galleons in the Philippines.

4. What is the significance of the abolition of the slavery?

- The significance of the abolition of the slavery is that at some point it was
economic. The middle-class industrialist and businessmen did their work
without slaves. The ideals included "free labor"—people paid wages for their
work rather than enslaved.
5. Describe the cultural development and its contribution to contemporary

- Cultural Development refers to the strategic planning and implementing of

strategies to leverage your community's unique cultural assets for the
economic and cultural benefit of the community as whole. Identity expressed
through culture is a necessity for all human development. It creates the
fundamental building blocks in our personality and in the ties that link us to
communities and nations.


1. Why did Dagohoy revolt against Spanish rule?
- Dagohoy rebellion was not a religious conflict. Rather, it was like most of the
early revolts which were ignited by forced labor (polo y servicios), bandala,
excessive tax collection and payment of tributes. On top of these injustices of
the Jesuit priests, what triggered Dagohoy most was the refusal of the Jesuit
priest to give a Christian burial to his brother who died in a duel. This caused
Dagohoy to call upon his fellow Boholanos to raise arms against the colonial
government. The rebellion outlasted several Spanish governors-general and
several missions.

2. Give some reasons why the Muslim opposed the Spanish rule.
- The discourse of Spanish offensives against the Muslim South was
undeniably religious in tone. Spanish attempts to reduce the southern
sultanates to submission were voiced through an ideology of aggressive
Christianization. Official documents, beginning with those from the earliest
Spanish expeditions against the sultanates in 1578 and continuing up to
those associated with the military campaigns of the last decades of the
nineteenth century, order or advocate the destruction of mosques, the
suppression of Islamic teaching, and the coercive conversion of Muslims to
Christianity. Nevertheless, this religious rhetoric is most often inlaid in texts
that also announce more mercenary objectives related to monopolizing trade,
controlling resources, and collecting tribute
3. How did the influx of liberal ideas from Europe and other parts of the world
influence Filipino nationalism?
- Philippines was opened by Spain to world trade.
- Liberal ideas, contained books and newspapers, were ideologies of the
American and French Revolutions and the thoughts of different
philosophers such as:
1. Montesqueu
2. Rosseau
3. Voltaire
4. Locke
5. Jefferson and Others
4. How would you describe governor-general Carlos dela Torre?
- Governor-General Carlos dela Torre is a liberal Spaniard who practiced
liberal and democratic principles. He abolished flogging, relaxed media
censorship, and began limited secularization of education.
5. Who constituted the middle class and what significant role did this group
contribute to the development of Filipino nationalism?
- A group below the aristocratic and the religious families yet higher than
the indios constituted the Middle Class. Then, they were able to send
their children to colleges or universities in Manila or Europe.

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