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Turkey Regional Action Network

December 2010

Turkey’s Human Rights At Present

1) Conscientious Objectors: Command Court. The Court confirmed the
Prisoner of Conscience İnan S. charges of “infringement of leave” for his six
Update (November/December 2010) consecutive desertions and ordered that he
remain in pre-trial detention. Süver restated
In November, TURKRAN newsletter featured his conscientious objection during the court
İnan S. (identified in Turkish press reports hearing. Following the court hearing, Süver
as Inan Süver), a prisoner of conscience was held in military prison and subsequently
objector to military service, who was being transferred to a civilian facility, Buca Prison,
held in solitary confinement, while waiting in Izmir on October 8th.
for the completion of his trial on charges of
"infringement of leave." The Turkish Süver recently received a military report
military has recently declared Süver “unfit declaring him unfit for military duty for
for duty,” and he has been exempt from reasons of mental disability, completely
mandatory service. Nevertheless, Süver unrelated to the fact that he is a conscience
remains in prison to serve the 25 remaining objector to military service. What the report
months in a civilian prison in Buca, İzmir for also does not address is his documented
previous desertions. physical health problems. A recent news
report indicates that Süver needs an
Amnesty International has called on the operation for three blocked veins in his
authorities to release him immediately and head. Nevertheless, he has not been
unconditionally and recognize the right to allowed to see the surgeon. Furthermore,
conscientious objection to military service, despite the transferring of this conscientious
in line with European and international objector to a civilian prison known to be
human standards and recommendations. dangerous due to hostility from other
Amnesty International has also voiced that inmates, the court ruled that he would be
the prosecution, which violates international spending his remaining sentence in civilian
standards on the right to freedom of facilities.
expression, is part of a continuing pattern of
judicial harassment of conscientious In addition to Süver’s serious physical and
objectors. safety conditions, his mental condition is of
high concern as well. In an open letter to
On August 24th, 2010, Süver appeared in his supporters dated October 21st, he
front of the Aegean Armed Forces described his detention conditions as being

dirty and rat infested. İnan Suver began a treatment by law enforcement officials. As
hunger strike on October 22nd. He has also Amnesty International has done, the
complained of being left without water or Committee called on the authorities to
clean bedding. He alleges that the prison provide victims of torture with fair and
director called him into his office and adequate reparation and compensation,
accused him of being a traitor. while making concrete recommendations in
establishing independent and prompt
Related documents: investigations into allegations of torture by
law enforcement officials. Furthermore, the
Amnesty International: Turkey: Conscientious Committee also urged the authorities to
Objector Detained: İNAN S., Index: EUR ensure effective access to the asylum
procedure for asylum-seekers and refugees
in detention.

Amnesty International: Turkey: Conscientious The UN Committee, an independent body,

objection is a human right not a personality examined Turkey’s third periodic report on
disorder, Index: EUR 44/013/2010 its implementation of the UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman
013/2010/en or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The
Committee expressed its particular concern
Hürriyet Daily News: Conscientious objector about reports of “numerous, ongoing and
declared unfit for duty in Turkey but remains
consistent allegations concerning the use of
imprisoned (December 2, 2010)
torture, particularly outside unofficial places
scientious-objector-gets-ridden-of-with- of detention in police vehicles, on the street
disability-report-2010-12-01 and outside police stations.” The Committee
further voiced its concern regarding an
Hürriyet Daily News: Turkish objectors, Spanish increase in the excessive and arbitrary use
judge receive Dink awards (September 16, of force for crowd control and the police
2010) and gendarmeries often resorting to counter charges against individuals and family
nt-dink-awards-for-turkish-conscientious- members of alleged victims complaining of
police ill-treatment. The Committee’s
recommendations included increasing the
number, authority and training of
investigating prosecutors and judicial police
   in order to make an independent police
complaints mechanism effective.

Similar to Amnesty International, the

2) The UN Report on Torture in Turkey Committee also voiced concern regarding
(November, 2010) the lack of consideration of alternative
measures to detention and excessively long
The UN Committee against Torture in the pre-trial detention, as well as restrictions of
early November 2010 submitted a report the association rights of prisoners and
that included recommendations very similar access to medical treatment. Although
to those Amnesty International has long Turkish police interrogations can be
been making to the Turkish authorities, requested by a judge as evidence in
concerning issues of torture and other ill criminal cases, the Committee reported that

video surveillance cameras are only Committee against Torture, Index: EUR
available at 30% of police stations, and 44/023/2010, 17 October 2010
there are allegations that such cameras fail
in many instances. The Committee called on 023/2010/en
the authorities to encourage members of
the judiciary to implement alternative
means to deprivation of liberty as a penal   
sanction, install video surveillance
throughout police stations, and ensure
3) Arrests and KCK Trials of
access to health care of ill prisoners
Kurdish Activists
including deferring sentences if necessary.
(October, 2010 through Present)
With regards to rights of asylum-seekers
Since April 2009, about 1,500 Kurdish
and refugees in Turkey’s detention, the
human rights activities, Parliament Members
Committee noted that foreign nationals
as well as elected mayors have been
have limited access to the national
arrested and detained with the allegation of
procedure for temporary asylum while they
crimes including membership of an illegal
often face deportation despite a risk of
armed group, spreading its propaganda,
torture. The Committee recommended that
undermining Turkey's territorial integrity
the authorities introduce a suspensive effect
and holding illegal public demonstrations. In
of deportation proceedings during asylum
the early December 2009 the Constitutional
requests by ensuring effective access to the
Court ruled in favor of closing the pro-
asylum procedure especially of UNHCR
Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP)
personnel and lawyers to asylum-seekers
while imposing a political ban on 37 party
and refugees.
members for the duration of 5 years. Co-
chairs of DTP, Ahmet Türk and Aysel
Tuğluk, were removed from office as MPs.
Related documents:
Concluding observations of the Committee
against Torture on Turkey (CAT/C/SR.975) The court’s decision came only a few weeks after the government of the Justice and
CAT.C.TUR.CO.3.pdf Development Party (AKP) formally
(or) announced in parliament its “democratization initiative” – a raft of reforms designed to give Turkey’s Kurds
at/docs/CAT.C.TUR.CO.3.pdf+CAT/C/SR.975&hl increased political and cultural rights.
=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESg0CzS3OfDd Among the planned changes are the easing
GPnuhak_ny- of restrictions on private Kurdish-language
television stations and Kurdish language
VCA-G3gV3iJsH414ZDL3MxfoLnINw2Cht79- faculties in universities, as well as allowing
&sig=AHIEtbTGLvr1trnz2DgbYkhk8PGngTDjBQ towns and villages to once again use their
original Kurdish names.
Amnesty International: Turkey: UN Committee
calls on government to act against torture and Mass trial of Kurdish of 151activists finally
impunity, Index: EUR 44/025/2010 began in Diyarbakir in October 2010, 103 of whom have already been in detention for
025/2010/en the past 18 months. Those on trial were
charged with "violating the unity of the
Amnesty International: Turkey: Briefing to the
state" and "abetting terrorism." Some of the

defendants face possible life sentences. The mass trial of Kurdish activists is
expected to last months because of the
One of the defendants is Muharrem Erbey, number of defendants. The first round of
Vice-President of the Human Rights the trial in October 2010 has shown the
Association (İHD) and President of the significance of the event. The courtroom
Diyarbakır Branch of İHD in south-eastern had to be specially built to accommodate
Turkey, who has continually spoken out on not only the 151 defendants, but also 250
the need for diplomacy and dialogue to end lawyers, the press, the many relatives of
the conflict. On December 24, 2009, Erbey the accused, the members of foreign
was taken into custody by anti-terrorism observer delegations, and armed prison
units of the Diyarbakir police. Erbey was police. Countless demonstrators also
detained apparently on the basis of links to gathered outside the court.
the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) through
his alleged membership of the Kurdistan According to press reports, the 7,500-page
Communities Union (KCK). Prosecutors indictment and its “supporting evidence”
allege that KCK is an organization formed have no grounds for suspecting any actual
by the PKK to bring together and mobilize crimes have been committed, such as
pro-PKK groups within urban areas across references to weapons, acts of violence, or
Turkey. On the same day, his home, office, conspiracy for terrorism. Rather, wiretapped
and the Diyarbakir Branch of İHD were personal phone conversations between
searched by anti-terrorism police units. family members and friends, for example,
Amnesty International was concerned that referring to the purchasing of "tomatoes" or
he may have been targeted due to his work "bread", are construed as codes for bombs
as a human rights defender and considered and grenades and have found their way into
him to be a possible prisoner of conscience. the indictment.

Official records showed that during his Amnesty International is expected to report
interrogation by a public prosecutor, the outcomes of the trials shortly.
Muharrem Erbey was questioned on his
activities for İHD. Information seized by
police during the raid of the Diyarbakır Related documents:
Branch of the Human Rights Association
included confidential information provided Amnesty International: Turkey: Summary of
Amnesty International’s Concerns in Turkey, July
by individuals regarding alleged human
to December 2009. EUR, 44/004/2010
rights abuses by members of the security
forces, hampering their human rights work. 004/2010/en

Erbey was not able to effectively challenge Al Jazeera: Turkey tries Kurds for rebel links
the lawfulness of his continued pre-trial (October 18, 2010)
detention because of a “secrecy decision”
which blocks the disclosure of the evidence 0/20101018124939299529.html
against him to him or his lawyers. The
measure, which is commonly enforced in BBC News: Mass trial of Kurdish activists starts
in Turkey (October 18, 2010)
prosecutions, was enacted by the judge on
the grounds that release of the documents
would “jeopardize the aims of the
investigation”. The Christian Science Monitor: Closing largest
Kurdish party DTP, Turkey could stall reform

efforts (December 16, 2009)

Euro News: Turkey begins trial of more than 150

Kurds (October 18, 2010)

Guardian: Kurdish show trials shames Turkey

(November 2010)


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