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1995 年 01 月语法题

1. An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually _____ financial
decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction.
(A) making
(B) and make
(C) being made
(D) having made

2. _____ tempera paint, the artist mixes dry pigments with water until the mixture resembles a stiff
(A) In preparation
(B) The preparing of
(C) To prepare
(D) Prepared

3. When two straight lines meet, _____ an angle.

(A) it is formed
(B) formed
(C) they form
(D) to form

4. Madge Macklin promoted the expansion of medical training to include genetics _____ supported
the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools.
(A) nor
(B) and
(C) while
(D) if

5. _____ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only
before birth.
(A) Most
(B) The most
(C) Most of which
(D) In most of the

6. The digestive enzyme pepsin breaks down proteins into components _____ readily absorbed by
the human body.
(A) that can be
(B) and are
(C) which they
(D) are to be

7. _____ the precise qualities of the hero in literary works may vary over time, the basic exemplary
function of the hero seems to remain constant.
(A) Whatever
(B) Even though
(C) In spite of
(D) Regardless

8. Not until the dedication of Yellowstone Park in the late nineteenth century _____ a national park.
(A) the United States had
(B) did the United States have
(C) when the United States had
(D) the United States having

9. Daniel Ken Inouye, Hawaii‘s first Congressman, was elected to the United States Senate in 1963,
where _____ known for his unbiased views on civil issues.
(A) being
(B) it is he
(C) he became
(D) having become

10. Because caricature tends to emphasize the peculiarities of a subject, _____ an effective vehicle
for pictorial satire.
(A) which is often
(B) and often seen as
(C) it is often
(D) many of which are

11. In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Pekins School for the Blind, _____
for children in Boston, Massachusetts.
(A) that institutes
(B) while instituted
(C) was an institution
(D) an institute

12. Early forms of life on Earth, _____ in the absence of oxygen, required elements such as sulfur
(A) which lived
(B) whose life
(C) lived
(D) were living

13. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into
powder _____.
(A) water to be added
(B) for adding water then
(C) and water added
(D) and then adding water

14. Often very annoying weeds, _____ and act as hosts to many insect pests.
(A) that crowd out less hardy plants than goldenrods
(B) crowding out less hardy plants by goldenrods
(C) the goldenrod‘s crowding out of less hardy plants
(D) goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants

15. Starting around 7000 B. C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern
Hemisphere _____ temperatures warmer than at present.
(A) with experience of
(B) experienced
(C) experiencing
(D) experience

16. The chief goal of biochemistry is for to understand the structure and behavior of the carbon-
containing compounds that make up various components of a living cell.

17. According to entomologists, pollinating insects are attracted to flowers by scent else by color.

18. The American writer Alex Haley traveled more than a half million mile to authenticate his novel

19. Research by physician Alice Hamilton on industrially ailments and poisons led to greatly improved
health conditions for workers in the early 1900‘s.

20. It was in the late 1930‘s where Dixieland jazz was appreciated by the general public for the first

21. Since 1920 women have been able to participate actively in the government the United States.

22. The architectural floor plan for a building is primarily a diagram of the location and function of area
each of the building.

23. Clocks not only measure and tell time but also serve as decorated in homes and other buildings.

24. Commercial prices for gems are based in several factors including beauty, durability, rarity,and the
current fashion.

25. Candle are made by dipping a wick into wax, to pour wax into a mold containing a suspended
Wick, or rolling wax around a wick.

26. Avalanches occur why particles of sand, rock, or snow are dragged down a slope by gravity.

27. The average annual solar radiation received by the atmosphere varies strongly with latitude it is
four times great at the equator than at the poles.

28. Peggy Guggenheim was none so much attracted to contemporary art itself as she was to the
bohemian art world.

29. Radon-invisible, tasteless, and has no odor-is released into the atmosphere from soil and rocks.

30. Sparrows, small birds of the finch family, have stout beaks adapted seed eating and are useful to
farmers in destroying weed seeds.

31. The poems of Sara Teasdale are noting for their simplicity and purity of form.

32. Charlotte Pekins Gilman was a leading intellectual in the women‘s movement while its early
decades in the United States.

33. The Canadian province of Newfoundland has a rocky coast, a moisture climate, and probably the
best cod-fishing areas in the world.

34. Among the favorite attractions at the National Air and Space Museum in Wahington D. C. Are the
film presented on the five-story-tall screen.

35. Alchemists had the idea which by applying chemical vapors to base metals they could create gold.

36. The most often flour is made from wheat, but it may also be made from the seeds of other cereal

37. Lacrosse, the oldest organized sport in North America, originally played by the Iroquois Indians
throughout upper New York and lower Ontario.

38. Although most house plants are acquired already potted, they also can be grown from seeds or
leaf cuttings from mature plant.

39. The unique ability of the horseshoe crab detected bacterial endotoxins was a chance discovery in
the 1970‘s at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

40. Although experimental television had been available since the 1920‘s, many people in United
States did not see a broadcast until was the New York World‘s Fair of 1939.

1995 年 05 月语法题
1. _____ Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and
clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous.
(A) How
(B) Even
(C) When
(D) Despite

2. The first president of Cornell University, Andrew White _____ the concept of a university
unaffiliated with any religious sect or political party.
(A) develop
(B) developing
(C) develops
(D) developed

3. In order for information to be easily communicated, _____ must be organized in an understandable

(A) there
(B) and
(C) it
(D) how

4. Because of record snowfalls in the mountains surrounding Utah‘s Great Salt Lake, there is more
water in the lake and its salt content is _____ it once was.
(A) least as
(B) much less than
(C) the least what
(D) less

5. Home movies began to become popular as a hobby in the United States during the 1920‘s, _____
of low-cost film.
(A) the invention followed
(B) the invention to follow
(C) following the invention
(D) invention the following

6. Mary Edmonia Lewis, a sculptor who studied at Oberlin College, was _____ by Hrriet ffosmer.
(A) tutored in the neoclassical aesthetic
(B) the neoclassical aesthetic tutored in
(C) aesthetic in the neoclassical tutored
(D) the aesthetic neoclassical tutored in

7. Even though rhubarb is a vegetable, _____ as a dessert.

(A) popular also
(B) it is popular
(C) but it is popular
(D) which is popular

8. Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz, _____ of Radeliffe College, had worked as both an educator and a
(A) the first president
(B) was the first president
(C) she was the first president
(D) which she was the first president

9. _____ ever developed was celluloid, a combination of natural camphor and cellulose nitrate.

(A) The first plastic and
(B) Being the first plastic
(C) The first plastic
(D) It was the first plastic

10. Often the design of a scholarly investigation _____ by the question it is addressing.
(A) to affect
(B) affects
(C) affected
(D) will be affected

11. Though once quite large, _____ population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically
declined in the past forty years.
(A) it is the
(B) there is the
(C) as the
(D) the

12. Plywood was originally manufactured from logs _____ for other purposes.
(A) were not suitable
(B) that were not suitable
(C) which they were not suitable
(D) and suitable were not

13. Aerobic exercises create a _____ oxygen in the body without seriously disrupting normal body
(A) demand
(B) demanding
(C) demanding of
(D) demand for

14. A protagonist of a play is _____ in tragedy as the suffering main character.

(A) what known
(B) known as
(C) what it is known
(D) what is know

15. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material _____ its home.
(A) builds
(B) it can builds
(C) that it builds
(D) with which to build

16. The architect rural style of Mannerism used unbalanced proportions nor arbitrary arrangements of

17. The theater is perhaps the most complex of the arts, requiring a number large of people for a
play‘s performance.

18. Some comets are visibly to the unaided eye, but only for several months, when they pass closest
to the Sun.

19. Singer, comedienne, and creating of the radio character Baby Snooks, Fanny Buice had an
engaging personality that delighted audiences for nearly half a century.

20. Saccharin is about 300 times as sweeter as table sugar but has no carbohydrates and no food

21. One of the s to the survival of any animal is its ability adapts to changes in the environment.

22. The element bromine is not found in nature in the free state because of their strong tendency to
take up electrons and form compounds.

23. During dives that may reach depths of almost 5,000 feet, an elephant seal can holds its breath for
an hour or more.

24. The development of the boiler is closely related to those of the steam engine, to which it is a
necessary adjunct.

25. The Rodeo Association of America, formed in 1929, set up a system points for determining the
national rodeo champions.

26. As the late 1940‘s, Jackson Pollock‘s art has been considered the pivotal manifestation of
Abstract Expressionism, as his form of it is known.

27. Stars differ fundamental from planets in that they are self-luminous whereas planets shine by
reflected light.

28. In 1973 and 1974 Dr. Sylvia Mead was selected chief scientist and aquanaut for diving projects
involved the underwater laboratory Hydrolab.

29. An electromagnet is a device which magnetism is produced by an electric magnet.

30. Almost all human activity alters water quality somewhat, but not necessity as a result of pollution
by human materials.

31. During periods of heavy rains, a swamp can become a naturally flood controlling device if excess
runoff can be temporarily stored in its basin.

32. With the advent of power-driven machinery, home industry began toward give way to production in
mills and factories.

33. Liquefied natural gas is the most volatile chemistry explosive in common use today.

34. Historian have been able to calculate the dates of events from long ago by tracing references to
eclipses that took place at the same time.

35. In a small community, behavioral norms are more universally understood and accepted, and are
therefore more likely being homogeneous than in a large city.

36. Anthropologists face complex problems of analysis and synthesis when they go about the task of
description the culture of a group of people.

37. The guilds of the Middle Ages began as associations in merchants established for the purpose of
regulating the rules of commerce.

38. Booker T. Washington viewed as one of the ablest public speakers of his time.

39. The Alaskan wilderness is filled of wildlife, including wolves, foxes,and such waterfowl as wild

40. Historically, no artists have presented clearer or the more complete records of the development of
human culture than sculptors have.

1995 年 08 月语法题
1 According to the third law of thermodynamics, _____ possible is –273.16 degrees centigrade.
(A) that temperature is lowest
(B) the temperature is lower
(C) lowest temperature
(D) the lowest temperature.

2 After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as
Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and shorts stories.
(A) in which the influence
(B) of which influenced
(C) to have influence
(D) its influence in

3 Muskrats generally _____ close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods grow
(A) staying
(B) they are staying
(C) stay
(D) to stay there

4 Oliver Ellsworth, _____ of the United States Supreme Court, was the author of the bill that
established the federal court system.
(A) he was the third chief justice
(B) the third chief justice was
(C) who the third chief justice
(D) the third chief justice

5 _____ Colonial period the great majority of Connecticut‘s settlers came from England.
(A) Since
(B) The time
(C) During the
(D) It was

6 A politician can make a legislative proposal more _____ by giving specific examples of what its
effect will be.
(A) to understanding
(B) understandably
(C) understandable
(D) when understood

7 Playing the trumpet with dazzling originality, _____ dominated jazz for 20 years.
(A) Louis Armstrong
(B) The influence of Louis Armstrong
(C) The music of Louis Armstrong
(D) Louis Armstrong‘s talent

8 Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of
the population that _____ for each candidate.
(A) are voted
(B) voting
(C) to be voted
(D) will vote

9 _____ at a river ford on the Donner Pass route to California, the city of Reno grew as bridges and
railroad were built.

(A) Settle
(B) To settle
(C) It was settling
(D) Having been settled

10 The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants _____
heavily polluted outside air.
(A) than does
(B) more
(C) as some that are
(D) like of

11 The decimal numeral system is one of the _____ ways of expressing numbers.
(A) useful most world‘s
(B) world‘s most useful
(C) useful world‘s most
(D) most world‘s useful

12 Emily Dickinson‘s garden was a place _____ great inspiration for her poems.
(A) that she drew
(B) by drawing her
(C) from which she drew
(D) drawn from which
C 正确

13. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot, dry winds of the
Mojave Desert, _____ the circulation of air.
(A) but they also prevent
(B) also prevented by them
(C) and also to prevent
(D) and also preventing
A 正确
D 同上

14. Not only _____ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
(A) to use seismology
(B) is seismology used
(C) seismology is used
(D) using seismology
A 无主语
B 正确

15. Nebraska has floods in some years, _____.

(A) in others drought
(B) droughts are others
(C) while other droughts
(D) others in drought

16. Pop Art was a movement of the 1950‘s and 1960‘s whom imagery was based on readily
recognized American products and people.

17. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insects, much species have been imported into
the United States to combat insect pests.

18. All almost the electricity for industrial use comes from large generators driven by steam turbines.


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