1 Worksheet On Parable of The Sower

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The Parable of the Sower

Lesson aim:

This is from Luke chapter 8 verses 4-8 & 11-15.


Parable (pa-ra-bull) story comparing the Kingdom of God with everyday human events
Disciple (di-sy-pull) follower of Jesus
Allegory (al-a-gor-ree) where everything in the story stands for something in real life

Read the story and then using the pictures below recreate what Jesus tells his listeners:

This parable is an allegory because everything in the story stands for something in real life.
Sometimes the meaning needs explaining like Jesus has explained the meaning here.

Question to answer: What other interpretations of this story could there be?




Match up these things from the story with their meaning: (ruler and a pencil!)

Seeds Giving up
Birds Withering away
Sun coming out The word of God
Satan Passing the word on to others
Thorns Something going wrong
Bore fruit Someone living by the word
Seeds on good soil Money

If you wanted to be like 'good soil' when you heard the word of God, what would you have
to act like?



What should a Christian do to help stay ‘good soil’?



How does Jesus describe the coming of the kingdom of God in the parable of the seed
growing secretly?




Why do worries cause people to turn from God?



Why do followers of Jesus want to bring the Kingdom of God now?



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