Effects of Online Learning To Academic Performance of Student in Social Work

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Bachelor of Science in Community Development

College of Social Work and Community Development

Western Mindanao State University
Zamboanga City

April 2021



Background of the Study 3

Statement of the Problem 4

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Delimitation 5


Related Literature 8

Related Studies 9

Theoretical Framework 11

Conceptual Framework 14

Definition of Terms 15


Research Design 16

Research Locale 16

Population and Sampling Procedure 16

Research Instrument 17

Ethical Consideration 17

Data Collection Method 17

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment 18

Bibliography 19


Letter of Request 20

Respondent’s Consent 21

Research Instrument 22

Curriculum Vitae 28


Background of the Study

The use of technology is changing the way things are done, including the work in tertiary

institutions where the teaching and learning process required a great deal of improvement. The

services provided by internet have had a major impact in the university context, in organisation

and in teaching and learning methods. The Internet has made computers across the globe


According to Emeka and Nyeche (2016) the internet today is a worldwide entity whose

nature cannot be easily or simply defined. To many, the internet is a large computer network

linking together millions of smaller computers at numerous sites in various countries belonging

to thousands of business, government, research, educational and other organisations. To the

internet users, the internet is a global community-one with a very active life. In today world, the

Internet plays a vital role in the teaching, research and learning process in academic institutions.

Thus, the advent of the Internet has heralded the emergence of a new form of knowledge

production and distribution – the soft form.

This new form of information resources have as their greatest advantage, a virtually

unlimited wealth of information resources which is widely readily available and accessible to

hundreds of millions of people simultaneously in many parts of the world (Kumar & Kaur 2006).

In addition, Amaoge and Igwebuike (2016) believe that the internet has increasingly become an

invariable asset in education in terms of learning, teaching and research.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of this study is to determine the different effects of the internet to the academic

performance of the students. More specifically, it seeks to find answers to the following


1. What are the indicators of the effect of internet on the academic performance of the students?

2. What are the factors that contributed to the effects of the internet on the academic performance

of the students?

3. What are the strategies employed by the students to the effects of the internet on their

academic performance?

Objective of the study

The objectives of this study are to determine the key factors that effect the academic

performance due to internet connection. More specifically, it seeks to find answers to the

following objectives:

1. To determine the indicators of the effect of internet on academic performance of students:

A. Poor access to attend classes.

B. Effect of weather to the internet connection.

C. Problem among Wifi connections (pldt,globe prepaid etc.)

2. To determine the factors that contributed to the effects of the internet on the academic

performance of the students.

3. To determine the strategies employed by the students to the effects of the internet on their

academic performance.

Significant of the study

This study will supply anessential information to schools, universities, scholars,

researchers, and students about the effects of internet connection to academic performance

among students of Social Work and Community Development in Western Mindanao State

University. To be exact, this will serve as a fundamental step on addressing, prioritizing, and

implementation of possible strategies based on the issue to low internet connection.

This study will be benefited by the students, teachers, government agencies, the

researchers and future researchers, non-government organizations and to the field of community

development. This will give pivotal information and enable to address and to have interventions

and strategies to resolve academic performance due to internet connection.



Scope and Delimitations

The general focus of this study is to determine the different effects, it's driving factors

and the indicators. And also the existing Students that is being experience by the College of

Social Work and Community Development of Western Mindanao State University. The study

will mainly determine and assess the different factors of the effects of internet on the academic

performance of the students. The total respondents of this study are 50 respondents from Social

Work. The researchers conducted a study by giving a set of survey questionnaire and an

interview guide in the time frame of one week from May 17-22, 2021.



This chapter presents studies and literatures reviewed by the researchers which serve as a basis of

the theoretical and conceptual framework of this study.

Related Legal Bases

Republic Act (RA) 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001,

provides the overall framework for principal empowerment by strengthening principal and leadership

goals, and local school based management within the context of transparency and local accountability.

They shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human

rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country, teach the

rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character and

personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and technological

knowledge and promote

As provided by this Act, the national development goals are as follows: To achieve and maintain

an accelerating rate of economic development and social progress. To assure the maximum participation

of all the people in the attainment and enjoyment of the benefits of such growth; and To achieve and

strengthen national unity and consciousness and preserve, develop and promote desirable cultural, moral

and spiritual values in changing world.

The State shall promote the right of every individual to relevant quality education, regardless of

sex, age, creed socio- economic status, physical and mental conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political or

other affiliation. The State shall therefore promote and maintain equality of access to education as well as

the benefits of education by all its citizens.

Related Literature

The use of the internet has a huge impact on student achievement. The internet is one result of the

sophistication and advancement of science and man-made technology. Internet stands for Interconnected

Networking which, when translated in Indonesian, means a series of connected computers within multiple


Over the years, the internet has been a very important instrument for facilitating academic

activities in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria. The information and communication technology reduction is

sweeping through the world and the gale has even caught up with developing countries like Nigeria.

(Oghenetega Ang Igere, 2014),

They conducted a research at University of Maiduguri Nigeria on Students academic performance

and internet usage. The analysis showed that most of the respondents were computer literate, since 65%

of the respondent’s carried that they are computer literate, while 29% were not, 6% of the respondents

neglected the question. (Ogedebe ,2012)

The internet is a platform where millions of people engaged in the creation and exchange of

information. Indeed, this fact affects a large and deep to academic achievement and social life. By this, a

review of the literature was carried out to explore and investigate the effect of the internet on academic


Use of the internet as academic materials

In quantitative Students has found that teachers and research scholars have been using the internet

to support their research and teaching. By the use of the internet, it's had a positive impact on their

academic performance, namely by writing research papers further help in doing better research and

provide a better learning experience. (Sampath Kumar & Manjuhant, 2013)

The more spent it the internet, the higher the student addicted to the internet. The study showed

that the time spent on the internet is becoming a measure of a academic achievement. Beside, (Sushma et

Al., 2014)

Facebook affects students learning

The use of social media technologies widely used by students can have a positive impact on

students and key factor for the students in achieving summative grade and left the course early ( Garcia

et Al., 2015)

the use of Facebook by Students adversely affecting their academic performance. These negative

effects are more to male students. This is based on the behavior of male students are more active and

spend a lot of time on Facebook make the unable to focus or their academics. (UI Haq & Chand, 2012)

Online media use gives a positive and negative on Students academic

Online media used in teaching are efforts to make improvements or to enhance the quality of

teaching and learning process. In addition, the online media has the advantage of being able to combine a

variety of different media such as text, images, animations, video and sounds.


A similar research was conducted on Internet Use by Students of the University of Dar es Salaam.

The study was to determine if students were using the Internet for academic purposes, investigate the

level of students’ access to the Internet, as well as the problems students faced in Internet use. The survey

method was used as the basic method for data collection. The study revealed that the level of students’

access to the Internet was low, and the major reason was that at the time of the study, computers with

Internet facilities were inadequate. The findings also revealed that the students who had access to the

Internet were not using it effectively. They used it mainly for communication with friends and relatives

more than for academic purposes. The cause of this was found to be lack of skills required for effective

use of the internet. (Luambano and Nawe, 2004)

A carried out a study on Assessment of Internet Awareness and Use by the Undergraduate

Students of College of Agricultural and Science Education in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture

Umudike. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The study revealed that all the respondents

are aware and use the internet. The data analysis shows the various purposes to which the undergraduate

students use the internet services. Learning Purpose has the highest percentage as 118 respondents

representing (52.7%) indicated that they use the internet mainly for learning purposes. Sending of e-mail

has response rate of (23.7%), Entertainment and recreation has (13.8%) while Charting has (9.8%)

respectively. The study also revealed the self-assessed impact of the internet on the students’ academic

performances. (43.3%) of the respondents claimed that the internet has exercised very high level of

impact on them while (29.9%) of the respondents claimed that the impact is simply high. (14.7%) of the

respondents agreed that the impact is low while (8.5%) of the respondents asserts the internet has very

low level of impact on them. It is unfortunate that (3.6%) of the respondents indicated that the internet has

no impact on them. (Amaoge and Igwebuike, 2016)

According to the latest study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project-College, 86% of

college students using the internet, compared with 59% of the overall of U.S. population. They also use

the Web and e-mail to get assignments from professors, form virtual study groups, plan term projects,

discuss their grades with their teachers, and even to see if the materials theg want at the college library are


The study of Pew Internet & American Life Project-College says 60% of college students

deliberate the internet hs improved their relationships through teachers and classmates; their 56% believe

that internet has enhanced their interaction with professors; and 46% says e-mail enables them to express

ideas to a professor that they would not have expressed in class. The internet also helps the teachers a lot.

Using the website or blog, the teacher can publish the homework or lesson on their blogs and students can

take advantage. Another study was taken placed by Pew Research Centre, Internet & American Life

Project on the American adults, learning showed 85% of them use cellphones internet, 59% use desktop

computers, 52% use of notebooks and 4% use tablet pc. They are regularly use computer and internet

heading for downloading and uploading the educational tasks and get connected with their teachers to

share ideas and information.

Dr. Aquil Haque Majumder deacribes in his research on Internet Addiction Disorder, Internet

addiction appears to be a common disorder that, share the following four components: 1) excessive use,

often associated with a loss of sense of time or a neglect of basic drives, 2) withdrawal, including feelings

of anger, tension, and/or depression when the computer is inaccessible, 3) tolerance, including the need

for better computer equipment, more software, or more hours of use, and 4) negative repercussions,

including arguments, lying, poor achievement, social isolation & fatigue.

The above mentioned pieces of evidence are highly inclined with this study because it describes

the some effects of the internet to the academic performance of the students.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework was developed by analyzing previous research internet usage and its

effects on academic performance. All of the variables was identified either of the theories, models,

and framework, and was selected as a theoretical framework as well as on Figure 1. Five articles

comprising the model, framework, and theoretical theories have been selected and used in this theoretical

framework. Researches that have theories, models and framework very clearly and fulfill the

requirements of research topic were the only choice for this research. From previous research, there are

five factors found based on the researchers’ understanding of influence of internet usage. The five factors

are as follows:

1. Facebook Usage: The study was aimed to investigate the effect of the use of Facebook by

students for their academic achievement, through personality, self-control and confidence. The

findings of this research have shown that widespread use of Facebook by a student will make

their academic achievement weak. Researchers argue that the purpose, the discovery and the

model developed by the authors are related to the current study and can be used in this study in a

different context. (Rouis, Limayem & Sangari, 2011)

2. Internet Usage: For the second factor of the influence of the internet usage, it is related to the use

of the Internet impact on academic performance. The study was identifying the effects of the

use of the internet and video games in student’s academic achievement. The results

showed that the route between IT use and academic performance is complex. A features

socio-demographic characteristic such as age, gender, race and household income

associated with both the use of IT and academic performance and affects the relationship

between IT use and academic performance (Jackson et al., 2011).

3. Online Media Usage for Education: There are two theories has been used by (Asemah,,

Okpanachi & Edegoh, 2013) which is, social information processing theory and the theory

of equations media in order to find out if social media exposure to students has an impact on

their academic performance. The social information processing theory developed by Joseph

Waither in (1992) which highlighted the information on-line. This theory suggests that the

development of online interpersonal relationships take the time to develop compared with

face-to-face relationships, but if it is developed it will be the same as face-to-face

communication. While for the second theory, namely, the theory of equations media that have

been submitted by Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass. This theory suggests that the media is

similar to real life and the electronic media in particular are given human nature. This is based on

the equation Reeves and Nass stated that we respond to the communications media as though they

alive. The study indicates that exposure to social media has an impact on students and the effect

is negative. Social networking media that are frequently used and preferred by students is

Facebook, and it gives an adverse effect on students' performance. This is because students

spend more time with social media and do not focus on their academics.

4. Online Media Usage for Non Education: There are two theories related with the online media

usage for non-education. The first theory is social learning theory and the second is cultivation

theory (Shakir Ullah et al., 2013). According to Bandura (1977) social cognitive principles

have been widely used to describe the effects of television on various social issues.

Meanwhile, a statement from DeFleur and Sandra (1989) on social learning theory is relevant

to examine the effects of communication media for information and description of social life

is a thing that often in media content.

Whilst, for cultivation theory by George Gerbner, the theory is guide to explore the

effects and consequences. Exposure to mass media such as television will create and foster a

more consistent attitude with the media embodies a version of reality with what is actual

reality. Cultivation theory asserts that the attitude of the audience is what they see on television.

Gerbner sees the world of television is not a window or reflective of the world, but the world

itself. The electronic media is as powerful agents of socialization that can educate and bring

awareness to the public and can also be a better source compared with other sources in support of

student learning (Shakir Ullah et al., 2013).

5. Student Interest in University: The assessment of the effects of using Facebook on student

achievement and thought that high levels of consumption may reduce the relevant

undergraduate student achievement, Rouis, (2012). The researcher has used the flow theory (FT)

and hedonic system for analyzing how the use of Facebook can impact on student achievement.

The results of the study showed students who have an interest in the university and also have the

multi-tasking skills may have a positive impact on their academic performance based on the

regulation of activities they do and make it as a worthwhile leisure activity. But however,

students who do not have these features tend not to have any significant effect.

Facebook Usage

Internet Usage

Online Media

Online Media
Usage for Non-

Student Interest in


Conceptual Framework


Social Work Facebook Usage Academic Performance
second yearof
Internet Usage
Mindanao State Online Media for
University education

Online Media Usage for


Student Interest in

The conceptual framework illustrates the relationships between the respondents are the Social

Work & Community Development Freshmen of Western Mindanao State University that is interrelated

with the independent variable which are the Facebook Usage, Internet Usage, Online Media for

education, Online Media Usage for Non-Education ,Student Interest in University and the dependent

variable the Academic Performance.

Definition of Terms

Internet - A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities,

consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Online Media - A media fitted in it perfectly. It quickly became an alternative to the media sources

present - television, radio and newspapers

Facebook Usage – It attract millions of users worldwide by offering highly interactive social


Internet Addiction – It is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges or

behaviours regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress.



The chapter will address the different procedures and techniques used by the researcher in data

gathering and data analysis to achieve the study objectives. This chapter consists of the following:

Research Design, Study Locale, Population and Sampling, Data Collection Procedure, Research

Instruments, Ethical Consideration, Data Analysis, and Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive – evaluative survey of mixed-method techniques and will use an

interview guide questionnaire to determine the different causes and effects of internet connection to the

academic performance of student of community development and Social Work in Western Mindanao

State University, Zamboanga City. The data were collected from the selected second year students.

Research Locale

The respondents of the study are the students from Social Work and Community Development

from Western Mindanao State University. The research focuses on determining the negative effects of

internet to the academic performance of the students. The Western Mindanao State University is located

at Normal Road Baliwasan, Zamboanga City.

Population and Sampling

There are more or less 400 BSSW students are enrolled in Department of CSWCD in Western

Mindanao State University affected by the online classes due to the Pandemic, causing the student will

only meet virtual classes, take quizzes and pass requirement all through gadgets. Collecting a Non-

Probability Sampling is being used by the researchers among the 2 nd year students of Social Work for a

randomly selected atleast 50 respondents of this study.

Research Instrument

This study is using a guide questionnaire mixed with their personal information surveys that are

limited only for 50 students of Social Work, Western Mindanao State University. The questionnaire

comprises of respondents’ profile to be followed by the set of questions that are needed for the data

collection process particularly: Part 1 is on the profile of the respondents while part 2 in on survey

indicators and most relevant effect of internet to academic performances.

Ethical Consideration

The study will ensured that compliance with the set of rules and ethical considerations including

social and environmental will be maintain in the study and the participants and will be confidentiality

remained secure. The questionnaires used required the respondent's consent form to affirm their rights and

were told of their voluntary participation and involvement in the study, and ensured that no money was

involved or charged for any participation of the respondents.

Data Collection Method

The researchers will communicate to the Dean of the College of Social Work and Community

Development of Western Mindanao State University to formally ask permission through a form of a letter

and interpersonal communication for the researchers' intention to the College to collect data intended for

the study. Along with these are documented, to bring such as the questionnaires and its consent form for

the students who will be our respondents of the ethical considerations. Through the help of our Professor

in Research, the researchers collect data from the students by formally ask permission for their

willingness of the respondents to participate in our study. Through that, the researchers can systematically

collect data from the respondents. The researchers will going to conduct the survey questionnaires for the

study through online method where we will be going to create a Google form type to do the


In the key informant interview, the researchers will also use online method. The researchers will

formulate study questions first then will prepare a short interview guide and will select the key informant

to conduct the interview.

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment

This kind of data will analyze and interpret by using the descriptive-mixed method design using a

survey and interview guide. The data will be coded, tallied, and tabulated using the following statistical

treatment: frequency and percentage were used to categorize the respondents according to their personal

background and will use the formula to determine the proportion of students who answered it. Another

technique will be use by the researchers in the study is the weighted mean in order to determine the

average responses of the students and the Like scale also will be used.


Amaoge, A. D. & Igwebuike, E. U. (2016). Assessment of Internet Awareness and Use by the

Undergraduate Students of College of Agricultural and Science Education in Michael Okpara University

of Agriculture Umudike.


Luambano, I. & Nawe, J. (2004) "Internet Use by Students of the University of Dar es Salaam

Talha, R. (2013) "Students Attitudes towards usage of Internet


Talha (2019) Research_paper_on_internet_usage



Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University
Zamboanga City

May 24, 2020

Dean, College of Social Work and Community Development
Western Mindanao State University


Greetings of love and peace!

The undersigned is the second-year Bachelor of Science in Community Development

students of the College of Social Work and Community Development, Western Mindanao State
University are currently conducting research entitled “The Effects of Internet on the Academic
Performance of the College of Social Work and Community Development of Western
Mindanao State University” as part of our requirements on CD199.1 (Research I).

In line with this, we would like to seek permission from your good office to conduct our
study in the department. Furthermore, may we know the total population of the CSWCD students
based on your current data.

Your positive response on this matter will be a great help to our research study.

Your positive response on this matter will be a great help to our research study.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,




Noted by:

Chair, Technical Research Committee


Republic of the Philippines

Western Mindanao State University
Zamboanga City

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Mariel A.

Lomongo, Nor Aliah A. Manampen and Anzela-Dan A. Mohammad. The purpose of this study
is to determine the effects of the internet to the students, its positive and negative impacts. Your
participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may withdraw at any time.

We do not anticipate that taking this survey and an interview will contain any risk or
inconvenience to you. Furthermore, your participation is strictly voluntary and you may
withdraw your participation at any time without penalty. All information collected will be used
only for our research and will be kept confidential. There will be no connection to you
specifically in the results or in the future publication of the results. Once the study is completed,
I would be happy to share the results with you if you desire.

Name of Person (please print): _________________________________________

Signature of Person: _________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
(Person signing must be 18 years of age or over)

In the meantime, if you have any questions please ask or contact:

MARIEL A. LOMONGO -- 0955-004-8747

NOR ALIAH A. MANAMPEN – 0997-846-2339
ANZELA-DAN A. MOHAMMAD – 0946-837-3966


A guided questionnaire about the effects of internet on Academic Performance among students

of Social Work in Western Mindanao State University

Dear Respondent,

We, the researcher would like to conduct a study on effects of internet on Academic

Performances among students of Social Work. We would like you to cooperate with your

response, Thank you

Directions: fill in the Blanks for personal informations.

Name(Optional): ___________________________________ Age: _______

Address: ______________________________________ Sex: _______

Use for Online Class: Mobile Data Wifi Course: ______________________

If you answer Wifi:

What wifi are you using? ___________

How many in your house using it? ____________

If your answer Mobile data:

What network are you using? _______

How much do you spent money using data for month? ________

II. Direction: Read the statement carefully and encircle the appropriate number to indicate the

level of your agreement or disagreement in the following statement given.

1- Strongly agree

2- Moderately agree

3- Neutral

4- Disagree

5- Strongly disagree

Table 1: influence of facebook between academic performances

QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5

1. I use facebook always ( if no please indicate

the hours) 1). Always 2). 9-15hrs 3.) 6-9hrs

4). 3-9hrs 5). Never

2. I use facebook during classes

3. I use messenger for updates

4. My facebook messenger is having trouble in

receiving messages

5. I have facebook groups that keeps me on busy

updating it.(Business, Womens club,

Environmental updates)

Table 2: The relationship between Internet Connection and Academic Performances

QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5

1. I unintentionally left the meeting during class

discussion because the internet is not stable.

2. I can’t focus during class because of my


3. I don’t think I can learn through online classes

because of being a slow learner.

4. My environment has low internet connection.

5. During answering Google forms, It refreshes

and you should answer again to number 1.

6. Learning through online gives has lots of

reference which is a good thing.

7. I always spend my time in online classes. 1).

Always 2). 9-15hrs 3.) 6-9hrs 4). 3-9hrs 5).


8. I always check updates on the Google

class/Microsoft Teams

9. I am always left behind to the subject because

Im busy (parenting, business)

10. I am getting lazier from the new normal form

of learning

Table 4: The relationship between Online Media Usage for Educational and academic

QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5

1. The Microsoft teams consume more data that

sometimes the causes lagging.

2. Reading in soft copies materials made me

easily distract by other social medias

3. I don’t want to open my camera during

discussion because of my face and my

background, and the brightness in my area.

4. I don’t want to open Camera because it

consumes more data.

5. I don’t want to open my camera because I am

doing something but I am listening

6. I don’t want to open my camera because I am

sleepy or watching videos.

Table 5: The Relationship between Online Media Usage for Non-Education and Academic

QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5

1. I use most of my Social Media for


2. I spend my time for entertainment. 1). Always

2). 9-15hrs 3.) 6-9hrs 4). 3-9hrs 5). Never

3. I find it related to some of my lessons in

spending my time in Non-educational media.

4. There are no related lessons or Topic to the

entertainment I am watching.

Table 6: The Relationship between Student Interest in field and Academic Performance

QUESTION 1 2 3 4 5

1. I am starting to lose my interest in my course.

2. It’s hard, but I am trying to cope up.

3. The teachers made me lose interest in his/her


4. I can’t focus during virtual classes because I

do not have a pleasant place to sit in, but I am


5. Basic needs are more important for me by

earning money, which cause delay submission

of requirements and absent during classes.

6. Procrastination became my hobby.

7. I advance finished my assignments, so that it

wont accumulate.

8. I always participate to the class 1) always 2) N/A

sometimes 3) rare 4) never


Name and Surname: Mariel D. Lomongo

Address: Purok 8-c Madre Compound, Recodo Zamboanga City
Contact No. 0955-004-8747
Email Address: lomongomariel@gmail.com

To be a professional Community Development Worker To help people in needs and address their
problems and to have an development in the community.




Bachelor of Science in Community Development

Zamboanga City

SECONDARY: Ayala National High School

Zamboanga City

PRIMARY: Ayala Central School

Zamboanga City


 Ability to use the Computer (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel ).

 I am good in playing online game
 I have a social ability interacting with the people


Name and Surname: Nor Aliah A. Manampen

Address: Brgy. Mampang, Zamboanga City
Contact No.: 0997-846-2339
Email Address: noraliahmanampen01@gmail.com

Expected Graduation: May 2023


To be skillful and well experienced Community Development Worker with dignity and
dedication to serve the community and people. Able to provide a strong work ethic and
proficiency to the community people.



Bachelor of Science in Community Development

Zamboanga City


Zamboanga City


Quirino Province


 Red Cross Youth 2018 - Past member


 Ability to use the Computer (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel ).

 Have the sense of responsibility and creativity.
 Good in time management.


Name and Surname: Anzela-Dan A. Mohammad

Address: Brgy. San Roque, Zamboanga City
Contact No.: 0946-837-3966
Email Address: zelamohammad07@gmail.com


To be a professional Community Development that brings a positive and creative way of
engagement within the community.

To help the community people to empower and develop themselves full potentials.


TERTIARY: Western Mindanao State University

Department of College of Social Work and Community Development

Bachelor of Science of Community Development, 2nd Year

SECONDARY: Senior High School Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography

S.Y Batch 2019

Preparatory Mindanao State University Tawi-Tawi College of Technology

and Oceanography

S.Y Batch 2016

PRIMARY: Mindanao State University Laboratory Elementary School

S.Y Batch 2011


 Ability to use the Computer (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel ).

 Artistry (Drawing, Crafting, Lettering, Photography)


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