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SUBJECT TITLE: Practical Research 2

LESSON TITLE: The Nature of Inquiry and Research
MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCs): Illustrate the importance of quantitative
research across fields (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2)
CONTENT/CORE CONTENT: Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields

Research is of great value to people. Through research, the quality of man’s life has improved from
conventional to modern. It has made life richer and more meaningful. Through research, people have
found ways to augment their income and alleviate poverty. The following are some of the values of
research to people.

• Research improves quality of life. Research has led man in his search for ways to improve his life.
• Research improves instruction and students’ achievements.
• Research reduces the burden of work. Modern technology gadgets, tools, appliances—are all
products of research—are available everywhere. Whether they are used at home or in the office,
these modern technologies like computer, rice cooker, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, gas
range, cellular phone, web camera, copier machine, fax machines, and many others all cut the
time a person performs his daily tasks. In short, they reduce man’s burden of work.
• Research satisfies man’s needs. In the 19th century, the needs of man were not as fully satisfied
as they are today. Man lived in conventional way of living. But due to products of research, man’s
conventional ways of living have changed to modern ways.
• Research responds to the country’s effort as economic recovery.
• Research trains graduates to respond to the socioeconomic development of the society and to
compete globally.
• Research makes the country great again. People do research to find solutions, even tentative
ones, to problems, in order to improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide a
new hypothesis, or simply to find answers to questions or solutions to problems in daily life.
• Research findings can affect people’s lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as
well as policies, among others. Quantitative research, because of its emphasis on proof, rather
than discovery, has been widely used in most disciplines.

In the natural and social sciences, quantitative research is the systematic, empirical investigation of
observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The objective of
quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses
pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it
provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of
quantitative relationships.

Most areas of study have to deal with processes that involve experimentations, tests, and research.
In these situations, quantitative measures are more or less involved. In validating results or findings,
quantitative research can be useful. Whenever there are data or numbers to be surveyed, such as the
prevailing behaviors, attitudes, patterns and trends and other quantifiable aspects, quantitative research
serves as a multi-purpose method, i.e., to test, to identify, to count, to assess, to clarify jobs, etc. Some
areas of study and the function of quantitative research in them are provided below.

Quantitative research can be used in measuring the level of
performance of students as well as the teachers. It can also be
used to assess the effectiveness of the methods used, the
different programs conducted, and the satisfaction of all
stakeholders in the educational sector including students,
faculty, parents, administrators, the community, the
government, and non-governmental organizations. Through this
research method, the interests of these groups can be advanced
or enhanced by implementing quantifiable best practices.

Quantitative research is a very valuable tool in
business when it is used intelligently. It can improve
the overall marketing strategy; help the company
make informed decisions on how to move forward
with a particular product or service; and even solicit
consumers’; opinions for productivity. This type of
research is largely utilized in product development
and to create favorable marketing campaigns. Data
that are often used in this type of research are
market size, demographics, and user-preferences.
Since health practitioners are concerned with human
life, the discharge of their duties is very critical. Thus,
healthcare procedures, routines, and other systems
must be based on the result of scientific investigation.
The statistics on the rate of recovery, the number of
patients with illnesses and sicknesses, the efficacy of
medicine and drugs, among others, when analyzed, can
become rich sources of information and a basis of good
practices in medical treatment and intervention.
Experimental research on effective medicines, vaccines
and other drugs to cure specific sickness or illness, is
conducted through quantitative research.


The noted observation for a phenomenon, the rate

of processing of certain devices, and the time
consumed for any procedure are factors to be
considered. The data collected will lead to a more
responsible and accountable operation of the
different components of technology. During
experiments on new devices, inventions, discoveries,
and innovations, the recorded data are very vital for
any test of efficiency.



Cristobal, A., & Cristobal, M. (2017). Practical research 2 for senior high school. C & E Publishing Inc.

DepEd Antipolo. (2020). Senior High School Learner’s Packet (LeaP). Ang KADLUAN: A Learning

Management System.

Ragma, F. (2016). Research 1 & 2 qualitative and quantitative research for senior high school. Mindshapers

Co., Inc.

Weiner, D. L., Balasubramaniam, V., Shah, S. I., & Javier, J. R. (2020). COVID-19 impact on research, lessons

learned from COVID-19 research, implications for pediatric research. Pediatric Research, 88(2),


Prepared by: Dazzle P. Muli, LPT

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